James Fetzer: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Why did Americans Swallow Sandy Hook, Line and Sinker?
Mr. President,
Media Matters has summarized Alex Jones’ comments about Sandy Hook, with the preface, “Over the past five-and-a-half years, Jones has repeatedly pushed conspiracy theories about the tragedy, including casting doubt about whether it even happened or claiming that the shooting was staged by nefarious groups using actors”, and offered observations such as the following (even showing him saying them):
Jones has said the shooting has “inside job written all over it,” called it “synthetic, completely fake, with actors, in my view, manufactured,” claimed “the whole thing was fake,” said it was “staged,” called it a “giant hoax,” suggested that some victims’ parents lied about seeing their dead children, and pushed other toxic conspiracy theories.
After reading the memoranda that compose this series, how could anyone doubt that Alex had it right and the mainstream media had it wrong? that the vilification of Alex has no basis in fact and appears to be a massive propaganda campaign on behalf of the Deep State? At this point in time—with massive and compelling evidence available—what remains up for debate? Nothing! As he observed, it was a hoax.
So why did Americans swallow Sandy Hook, Line and Sinker (in the memorable phrase of John Spring)? The answer appears to have at least two dimensions, including that the “official narrative” was endorsed by local, state and federal officials (who, unknown to the public, were complicit in the deceit) and highly aggressively reported by the mainstream media–without entertaining any doubts or questions about it.
When those questions and doubts began to surface from the alternative media, where, among the most conspicuous, we found Alex Jones, familiar techniques of ad hominem attacks and suppressing evidence manifested themselves, virtually from the start. When interest in Sandy Hook nonetheless persisted and a book about it was published, the Deep State called upon its covert resources to have the book banned.
So it was a double-sided attack in promoting a false narrative while suppressing those who had proof that it was untrue, leaving the public with only one side of the story, where its emotional impact had a powerful effect upon the public, where to this day there are many who are unwilling to even talk about Sandy Hook and regard anyone who raises the least doubts about it as sadistic, immoral and confused.
Some points ought to have made a powerful impact. As John Spring observes, when the FBI published its Consolidated Crime Report, CRIME in the United States 2012, its Table 8, in the column “Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter,” does not list any homicides in Newtown or even in Monroe, where some the students from Sandy Hook were allegedly using the Chalk Hill building after theirs had been closed because of asbestos and other toxic materials. Richard Plante coincidentally visited the school in 2010:
Between the massive propaganda propagated by the MSM and the suppression of its exposure by the Social Media Giants, you are in the grip of a pincer movement, which demands a devastating response lest the perps succeed in their desperate efforts to defeat your agenda to “Make America Great Again”. I believe you could immeasurably strengthen your hand politically and benefit the American people by:
- Restoring the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 and its prohibitions against the use of propaganda and disinformation within the United States;
- Revisiting the Telecommunications Act of 1996 to withdraw invulnerability from legal liability for their egregious acts of political censorship.
It has been my great honor to collaborate with Robert David Steele, initially on the 9/11 Truth series and now on this Sandy Hook Truth series. As you have so appropriately observed, the MSM has become “the enemy of the people”. You are awakening the public to the manner in which the people have been played by the media. We therefore also stand in solidarity in your heroic efforts to Make America Great Again!
Very respectfully,
James Fetzer
James Fetzer
John Spring, “Why Did America Swallow Sandy Hook, Line and Sinker?” (30 August 2018)

Jim Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer, is Distinguished McKnight Professor Emeritus on the Duluth Campus of the University of Minnesota. He co-founded moonrockbooks.com w ith Mike Palecek, when they discovered amazon.com was banning their books. He has published widely on conspiracies, including “False Flags on Five Fronts: Sandy Hook, Boston, Charlottesville, Las Vegas and JFK”, “How to Spot a ‘False Flag’: A Sampler of Representative Events”, and “The Parkland Puzzle: How the Pieces fit Together”, at 153news.net, BitChute, real.video and other secure sites.
DOC (3 Pages): Fetzer Sandy Hook America Fell For it Hook Line and Sinker
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This week I posted that SH was a psyop hoax and got voted down about 200 … to 75 up.
Most of America … about 95+% still thinks that SH was a real event.
Absolutely pathetic.
Sandy Hook was a Dandy Rook
Read the Book
Don’t be a Schnook
Attributed to The Shit House Poet 2019
“They thought that they could stop my pen, but The Shit House Poet strikes again.”
I was there. I drove by on my way to work at 9:37, I was at the light right near Dickinson Drive. The school was 1000′ away. IF there had been gunfire, I would have heard it, but instead, it was eerily quiet.
I investigated this for three years, and most of my links on my FB group “The Problem with Sandy Hook” have been censored for various policy violations, which are totally hypocritical. I went to Newtown zoning and spoke to the admin there about the multiple real estate deals to the alleged victim’s families, where $3-400K homes were sold the year or two before for amounts including $0, $1, $10, and $100. When I mentioned this to the town employee, she explained a home may have been part of an estate transfer. I asked about the various low sales amounts and she said “that is peculiar”. Anyone suggesting this was due to a new database is lying. I am a former database programmer, and this is not the way you manage default values. Also, the town employee said nothing to me about it, and she would have known.
Something stinks here, and anyone with a brain knows it.
I am assuming you live near the area of the school. Was it in fact closed as Fetzer claims?
In the 911 Octopus and September Clues video series, video experts analyze archived television footage that was broadcast live on 9/11 (The 911 Media Hoax). Their analyses and that of Ace Baker (The Science and Politics of 9/11: Notes from conference in Madison, WI, August, 2007) indicate that on the morning of 9/11, four different channels showed four different television realities. Their conclusion: Fake videos with fake planes inserted onto faked digital images of Manhattan were shown to the world on the morning of 9/11.
1) One channel showed the NBC Chopper Live images of the South Tower (WTC 2) but showed no plane striking the tower. You see an excellent view of the explosion happening in the South Tower but no plane.
2) Local New York City station WB11 showed images from a Live Stationary Camera from the same vantage point. This video image showed what looks like a chopper flying in from the right and crashing into the South Tower.
3) On CNN live feed, the reporter failed to notice as a plane moved across the screen. The on-site reporter’s microphone did not pick up an impact sound.
4) Fox News broadcast images of an amazingly “lucky” fast zoom just as “the plane” arrived. “The plane” is seen to come in from the right and crash into the South Tower. Then we see the plane’s nose come through the other side of the Tower. The announcer stated: “There it is, the plane went right through the other tower of the WTC.” (Since plane noses are made mostly of plastic and the WTC Towers were made of heavy steel and concrete, it would have been impossible for the nose to crash into the building and emerge intact on the opposite side).
(Thus, this “airplane” was not a real airplane, but rather, was a graphic image of an airplane inserted onto the screen or onto a digitally-composited image of Manhattan. Apparently, a supervisor saw the “nose out” fiasco and attempted a rapid fade to black. But this occurred 0.28 seconds later, an error within the realm of human reaction time. So the plan to simulate a plane attack actually failed. But most people did not notice this.)
5) There is a puzzling 17-second gap between the official impact time of 9:03:11 and the seismic recording of the “impact” (or more accurately, explosion) time. The delay of the live broadcast by 17 seconds is enough time to discard or retain a shot but not long enough to double-check it.
6) No actual witnesses saw Boeing jets hitting the Twin Towers.
7) The NRO (National Reconnaissance Office) and NGA (National Geo-referenced Intelligence Agency) spy satellite agencies that are most likely responsible for making these faked videos evacuated their employees from the WTC for a scheduled ‘“drill” of airplanes crashing into buildings on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001.