Shock Revelations: Ford’s Ex-BF Says She Had No Fear of Flying Or Living In Enclosed Spaces, Helped Friend Prep For Polygraph

Christine Blasey Ford’s ex-boyfriend shared a written declaration Tuesday stating Ford never expressed a fear of flight — even while aboard a propeller plane — had no problem living in a tiny apartment with only one door and helped her best friend prepare for a potential polygraph test, despite claiming under oath she has done no such thing. 

Ford’s ex also said she cheated on him and a year after they broke up she charged his credit card for $600 worth of merchandise.

“When confronted, Dr. Ford said she did not use the card, but later admitted to the use after I threatened to involve fraud prevention,” her ex’s letter says.

From Fox News:

In a written declaration released Tuesday and obtained by Fox News, an ex-boyfriend of Christine Blasey Ford, the California professor accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, directly contradicts her testimony under oath last week that she had never helped anyone prepare for a polygraph examination.

The former boyfriend, whose name was redacted in the declaration, also said Ford neither mentioned Kavanaugh nor mentioned she was a victim of sexual misconduct during the time they were dating from about 1992 to 1998. He said he saw Ford going to great lengths to help a woman he believed was her “life-long best friend” prepare for a potential polygraph test. He added that the woman had been interviewing for jobs with the FBI and U.S. Attorney’s office.

He further claimed that Ford never voiced any fear of flying (even while aboard a propeller plane) and seemingly had no problem living in a “very small,” 500 sq. ft. apartment with one door — apparently contradicting her claims that she could not testify promptly in D.C. because she felt uncomfortable traveling on planes, as well as her suggestion that her memories of Kavanuagh’s alleged assault prompted her to feel unsafe living in a closed space or one without a second front door.

Ford “never expressed a fear of closed quarters, tight spaces, or places with only one exit,” the former boyfriend wrote.

However, on Thursday, Ford testified, “I was hoping to avoid getting on an airplane. But I eventually was able to get up the gumption with the help of some friends and get on the plane.” She also acknowledged regularly — and, in her words, “unfortunately” — traveling on planes for work and hobbies.

And Ford explicitly told Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., on Thursday that she had a second front door installed in her home because of “anxiety, phobia and PTSD-like symptoms” that she purportedly suffered in the wake of Kavanaugh’s alleged attack at a house party in the 1980s — “more [specifically], claustrophobia, panic and that type of thing.”

[…]Under questioning from experienced sex-crimes prosecutor Rachel Mitchell last week, Ford said that she had “never” had “any discussions with anyone … on how to take a polygraph” or “given any tips or advice to anyone who was looking to take a polygraph test.” She repeatedly said the process was stressful and uncomfortable.

But in his declaration, the ex-boyfriend wrote that, “I witnessed Dr. Ford help [Monica L.] McLean prepare for a potential polygraph exam” and that Ford had “explained in detail what to expect, how polygraphs worked and helped [her] become familiar and less nervous about the exam,” using her background in psychology.

Finally, someone who actually knows her has spoken out! Her entire family has been silent!

Investigative journalist Paul Sperry reported Tuesday that renovation records undermine Ford’s story about when and why she installed a second door in her expensive Palo Alto home:

Ford testified last week that she had never revealed the details of the alleged attack until 2012, when she was in couples therapy with her husband. She said the memories percolated up as they revisited a disagreement they’d had over her insistence on installing a “second front door” when they had remodeled their Palo Alto, Calif., home.

The need to explain a decision her husband “didn’t understand,” Ford testified, pushed her to say she wanted the door to alleviate symptoms of “claustrophobia” and “panic attacks” she still suffered from an attempted rape allegedly perpetrated by Kavanaugh in high school during the early 1980s.

“Is that the reason for the second door — front door — is claustrophobia?” asked Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee. “Correct,” Ford replied.

Ford never specified when the renovation took place, leaving a possible impression that it and the therapy session happened around the same time.

But documents reveal the door was installed years before as part of an addition, and has been used by renters and even a marriage counseling business.

“The door was not an escape route but an entrance route,” said an attorney familiar with the ongoing congressional investigation. “It appears the real plan for the second front door was to rent out a separate room.”

[…]Palo Alto city records show that a building permit for an additional room and exterior door was issued to Ford and her husband on Feb. 4, 2008 — more than four years before the May 2012 therapy session where, she says, she first identified Kavanaugh as her attacker.

All the remodeling, including a new bathroom, was completed by February 2010. The only additional permits issued to Ford at her Palo Alto address are for “solar panels” on the roof, a “solar hot water system” in the garage, and an “electric vehicle charge station” for the driveway — all of which were issued after 2012.

Other documents, including health care-provider registration records, reveal that a marriage counselor listed Ford’s home address as her place of employment, ostensibly using the extra room and door for her clinical practice. That marriage therapist, Sylvia Adkins Randall, sold the home to the Fords in 2007, but continued to maintain the address for her business.

Contacted by phone, Dr. Randall expressed concern about her real estate transaction and prior relationship with Ford being reported.

“I don’t want it to be mentioned,” she said. “It’s personal.”

Randall is a licensed therapist who specializes in treating “disturbing memories from the past.” She supports Ford and described her allegation against Kavanaugh as “credible.”

Since the second front door was installed, moreover, students from local colleges have lived in the additional room with the private door. In fact, under congressional questioning Thursday, Ford testified she has “hosted” various other residents there, including “Google interns.”

The attorney said the tenants call into question Ford’s claims about why she installed the additional exterior door in her home.

“Renters and a business operating out of Dr. Ford’s home would explain the added door,” he said. “Clearly, there were business purposes [for it], not just ones related to her anxieties.”

Also casting doubt on Ford’s story is the fact she installed no such escape door at a second home, which property records show she and her husband own in Santa Cruz, Calif., less than five blocks from the beach.

Trump was absolutely right to mock Ford’s ridiculous testimony on Tuesday and all the evidence bears this out.

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5 thoughts on “Shock Revelations: Ford’s Ex-BF Says She Had No Fear of Flying Or Living In Enclosed Spaces, Helped Friend Prep For Polygraph”

  1. Hi Jim-
    I’m not sure if you are even reading comments, but in case you are, I just wanted to pass along some interesting info.

    Not sure if you heard these internet rumors, but I’ve been hearing chatter about how the recent FBI investigation was actually into Dems/DiFI and their smear campaign to destroy Kavanaugh. I really didn’t think too much of this idea, I think I heard of it from Dave at x22 report (I think you did an audio with him once). He seems to think it was a set up against the Dems to expose what they did to Kavanaugh. Anyway, I really didn’t think much of the idea until I saw this interesting video of Diane Feinstein after reading the FBI report.

    Bill Mitchell ✔ @mitchellvii WOW – This is Feinstein just after she read the new Kavanaugh report. Something went very, very wrong…… : The_Donald

    I found this comment at the reddit site: “Did anyone already mention that in the full video (where DiFi speaks before Schumer)- she states she didn’t have a chance to read the whole report. She mentions having to be somewhere. It’s very odd and very telling that she wants us to know this! The most important investigation (according to them last week) and she’s too busy to read it all. She’s mortified that her role in sabatoging the judiciary process in such an evil and corrupt way is noted in this report. Her staffers must have convinced her prior to this that all is good. She’s processing in this video clip that nothing is good!”
    And here are some comments from the conservative treehouse:
    phoenixRising says: Her name is in there? Will she be resigning soon?
    anbeav says: She realizes they have been defeated and her paymasters (China and Soros) are not going to take it well!
    Confirm Kavanaugh Now! says: ChiFi is stunned, choked up, about to cry. The report recommends ChiFi resigns? Maybe indicts her? ChiFi may go cardiac arresst any moment now.
    sunnydaze says: That’s an incredible vid. at that link. She looks terrified, then begins tearing up.
    Seb Dadin (@Awan_Scandal) says: It exposes the whole charade by Democrat operatives and democrats in the Senate. Same with Coons from Delaware (like Monica McLean) who looked like a beaten dog.
    ladypenquin says: If that’s after she read the report, I’d venture to say – she’s in trouble. It could be the FBI unraveled the entire conspiracy to manufacture false evidence in order to take out Kavanugh. She was teary-eyed and if this was just tough politics, I don’t think she be tearful, she’d just be lock-jawed.
    amanda4321 says: Oh, WOW!!, Thanks for posting that. That was actually kind of fascinating–what was that look about?? I’m sure I’m wrong, but to me it kind of looked like someone who had been shamed or humiliated (but I don’t think she’s really capable of feeling those emotions)
    WSB says: Wow, that video is really something. Was there evidence of her office leaking Dr. Fraud’s letter?

    • TatonkaWoman says: Quite the transformation from the defiant, agressive, powerful, demanding Dem we saw on the committee and threateningly pinning a female Senator against the wall. The change is a delight to see.

  2. Paul Sperry
    ‏ @paulsperry_

    BREAKING: Senate Judiciary investigators have learned during interviews with Blasey’s [pronounced BLAH-z] former classmates at Holton-Arms School, as well as some of their mothers, that her nickname in high school was “BLOW-z”
    8:17 PM – 3 Oct 2018

    DC McAllister
    ‏Verified account @McAllisterDen
    3h3 hours ago

    Let’s state this as simply as possible: Christie Blow-z Ford is NOT a sexual assault victim who was assaulted by the Honorable Judge Brett Kavanaugh. She is a political hack who deserves the blowback she’s getting. #ConfirmBrettKavanaughNow
    234 replies 651 retweets 1,837 likes

  3. Ryan Saavedra Verified account @RealSaavedra

    Retweeted Sebastian Gorka DrG

    A source I spoke with last night said regarding Christine Blasey Ford’s voice during testimony: “It drove me absolutely nuts, that’s not the way she talks. It’s been years since I’ve seen her so maybe her voice changed, but that is definitely not the way I remember her talking.”

    Ryan Saavedra

    ?? added,
    Sebastian Gorka DrG
    Verified account @SebGorka
    264 replies 1,751 retweets 3,936 likes

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