Mona Alexis Pressley
Conspiracy Realist
[Editor’s note: The man who calls himself “Lenny Pozner” is suing me for having defamed him by describing the death certificate he gave to Kelley Watt (below left) a “fabrication”, insisting that the death certificate (below right) certified by Connecticut does not differ “in any material respect” and, because it is state certified, it must be authentic. How many indications can you find that this argument is fatally flawed? And if Lenny is willing to fabricate a US passport for “Noah Samuel Pozner”, as Mona demonstrates here, how much easier a CT death certificate?]
The US is quickly losing everything it stood for. The finishing touches of the NWO are being aggressively brought in, and still not a peep from most Americans. It makes one ask the question, do Americans even care about freedom anymore?, They are so wrapped up in their own little world nothing else seems to matter to them. Their egos are so big they would not dare look like a conspiracy theorist to friends and family so they keep their mouth shut. Because of this Zombie behavior a number of American friendships have been lost, family feuds started, and no tolerance for freedom of speech or difference of opinion. If we do not begin to try to get our country back from the infiltrators in D.C. by approximately this time next year this country will no longer exist and 80% of Americans will be dead.
The people who survive will be used as slaves to work while AI replaces their jobs as well. It is not like the American people weren’t warned. A great many researchers have been doing what they can to wake people up. So, Americans decided subconsciously to ignore the message and stay in denial and the results ending in genocide. It became apparent this entire decade that no one was going to wake up even with overwhelming evidence these shootings were drills or staged. The evidence was not few and far between, either. There is overwhelming evidence but Americans do not have the attention span of gnats. The participants in these productions are handsomely paid for their roles and had no problem selling out the nation and everyone with it. Can anything be stopped at this point? God only knows the answer.
Leonard Pozner (aka Ruebin Vabner) put together pictures of his son Michael Vabner and pretended they were “Noah: so the American people would be fooled one more time before the hammer falls. Most Americans have fallen for it hook line, and sinker. We have been so poisoned, brainwashed, dumbed down and all of our wealth and hard work stolen right from under us and to this day most Americans still do not have a clue how bad the situation is. Now Pozner and company forged a death certificate which was pieced together from other death certificates. Just for saying this last sentence, Pozner has sued people. (See, for example, “The Sandy Hook ‘Pozner v. Fetzer’ Lawsuit for Dummies”.) The man is wealthy and made plenty in donations but now he is going after conspiracy realists to send an anti first amendment to anyone thinking twice to questions shootings, government, or anything that will expose their vicious attack on the US people. The State of Connecticut also appears to be involved in this fraud–or at least the registrar’s office. Our windows of opportunity to do something about this huge crime are fading or possibly already gone.
Below are passports of Noah and another individuals passport found on-line as an example to compare with. If anyone of you have had a passport you probably remember how picky they were in regard to the passport picture. It needs to be the perfect size up to the inch. The following are among the criteria for passport photos from a government website:
As can be seen in this example taken from the government website there is a list of criteria explaining how the photo should look like in regard to size, lighting, glasses, quality, pose and expression, attire, background, and rules for children under one. As one can see it is a clear picture with no shadows, the person is looking directly into the camera with no glasses, hats, or anything covering the head. The picture is centered and the head is almost centered in the middle of the frame. Here is an example of a passport to compare with that of Noah Pozner:
There are several things wrong with Noah Pozner’s passport. First is the image size. Noah’s head is too close to the camera and anyone that has taken passport photos know how exact the passport officials expect it to be with NO exceptions. This is just the beginning. Noah’s eyes are not looking directly at the camera. The rules are the same for a child over 1 year old as an adult so his eyes should be looking at the camera. The font and spacing on the rest of the passport is completely different which suggests this may be a fake document. The passport itself is blurry and not as clear as the example of the other passport used. Noah Pozner’s passport is blurry and darker which is also an indicator that this was fabricated. No doubt!
But that is not the biggest problem with this document. Look at the left bottom side of the passport at Noah’s shirt bleeding into the passport outside of the frame of the passport picture. How can this happen? The answer is it cannot happen because it is a picture with a frame. The frame of the person is always inside the picture frame. Furthermore, there are shadows in Noah’s pictures that are not allowed. One last issue are the USA letter’s directly above their heads are positioned differently when comparing them to each other. The t-shirt leaking into the rest of the passport is the smoking gun, “case closed” picture demonstrating forgery/fraud. Officials would have never approved this passport picture; it would have never been attached to a bona fide, authentic passport.
One last thing that is worthwhile mentioning are the passport numbers. The NWO elites have been known to be satanic worshippers and it is a huge coincidence that the number 666 is in his passport. What are the odds? The passport was taken from the same website where Noah Pozner’s death certificate was listed at by Lenny Pozner. Now Pozner states he has tried to set the record straight to quiet the “conspiracy theorists”–but this is simply subterfuge. Pozner writes what he wants on his blogs with no censorship such as the kind to which the rest of us are regularly subjected. All he does in his blogs is play the victim card by lying consistently to his followers. They and the sleeping majority, alas, never double-check his information.

If they did they could see through the lies and perhaps recognize that issues he claims have been debunked have not been–because there was never any evidence to the contrary. It is maddening that the American people continue to be fooled and will not lift a finger to find out what is the truth. Will we be killed or will we get our heads out of the sand and protect what is rightfully ours? Make no mistake every single politician has sold America out including Dictator Trump. He has the Republican people fooled by his divisive tactics still to this day. Americans how much evidence do you need? Did “Lenny Pozner” fabricate the passport for “Noah”? The answer appears to be (resoundingly), “Yes!”
Can millions and millions of people be deluded? You bet they can.
wjabbe March 22, 2019 at 3:17 am
Even the NY Post has jumped on the dual reality speculation of this article here:
Yet they refuse to publish one word of the well documented Sandy Hook School Shooting Hoax December 14, 2012 in Connecticut which has been making good easy money for the fake parents from GoFundMe. The silence of the media on this con is disgraceful.
Pozner or Vabner or whatever this menace to the republic calls himself, faked the death certificate and now beyond any doubt the passport too. If you open up the sample passport and the “Noah” passport in another tab and enlarge them to roughly the same scale, you will notice going back and forth between the two that they are nowhere near alike. I am sure that all passports are exactly the same so as not to create problems at border crossings worldwide (They would have a U.S. passport sample to cross-examine, I am sure) The font, the spacing and as Mona points out…the picture itself.
Back when I followed the Sandy Hook hoax until the wee hours, I found out Pozner has several homes. One in Newtown, a fancy apartment in Brooklyn, another low-rent multiplex property (I vaguely recall being in Connecticut) that he rents out to low income occupants (He’s a slumlord) and at least one other in Tampa, Florida.
Add the multiple addresses Veronique his estranged wife and children dwell in Washington state in and voila…you destroy Pozner’s ridiculous claim he and his family have had to move because of harassment from conspiracy theorists. He will likely try to submit copies of property deeds in court as proof of his plight.
Pozner also ran an unsuccessful teen pornography website, so his image as a family man can go out right the window. Proof of this was revealed when he forgot to hide his whois information from GoDaddy. A YouTube video documenting this was flagged by Pozner’s HONR network. I still have it on a hard drive along with dozens of other videos too revealing for the YouTube “community standards” censors to handle. I also have dozens of rudely photoshopped pictures of the “Pozners” and “Lenny” himself dressed in full Talmudic regalia complete with Tefillin box on his head among other rare gems. These Jews consider themselves the only real humans on earth, which helps answer how they are capable of pulling off massive frauds like Sandy Hook.
The only reason I can fathom he is pursuing these lawsuits is to garner further sympathy and keep the Newtown story in the headlines, which brings in more donations from the dumbed-down goyim who bought this entire “tragedy” hook, line and sinker. That’s it. He dropped the Halbig suit when he knew he had to show his face and answer to a judge. If it weren’t for patriots like Dr. Fetzer and Mona Alexis, Americans would likely be disarmed by now.
Pozner or Vabner or whatever this manage to the republic calls himself, faked the death certificate and now beyond any doubt the passport too. If you open up the sample passport and the “Noah” passport in another tab and enlarge them to roughly the same scale, you will notice going back and forth between the two that they are nowhere near alike. I am sure that all passports are exactly the same so as not to create problems at border crossings worldwide (They would have a U.S. passport sample to cross-examine, I am sure) The font, the spacing and as Mona points out…the picture itself.
Back when I followed the Sandy Hook hoax until the wee hours, I found out Pozner has several homes. One in Newtown, a fancy apartment in Brooklyn, another low-rent multiplex property (I vaguely recall being in Connecticut) that he rents out to low income occupants (He’s a slumlord) and at least one other in Tampa, Florida.
Add the multiple addresses Veronique his estranged wife and children dwell in Washington state in and voila…you destroy Pozner’s ridiculous claim he and his family have had to move because of harassment from conspiracy theorists. He will likely try to submit copies of property deeds in court as proof of his plight.
Pozner also ran an unsuccessful teen pornography website, so his image as a family man can go out right the window. Proof of this was revealed when he forgot to hide his whois information from GoDaddy. A YouTube video documenting this was flagged by Pozner’s HONR network. I still have it on a hard drive along with dozens of other videos too revealing for the YouTube “community standards” censors to handle. I also have dozens of rudely photoshopped pictures of the “Pozners” and “Lenny” himself dressed in full Talmudic regalia complete with Tefillin box on his head among other rare gems. These Jews consider themselves the only real humans on earth, which helps answer how they are capable of pulling off massive frauds like Sandy Hook.
The only reason I can fathom he is pursuing these lawsuits is to garner further sympathy and keep the Newtown story in the headlines, which brings in more donations from the dumbed-down goyim who bought this entire “tragedy” hook, line and sinker. That’s it. He dropped the Halbig suit when he knew he had to show his face and answer to a judge. If it weren’t for patriots like Dr. Fetzer and Mona Alexis, Americans would likely be disarmed by now.
Dr Fetzer,
It’s obvious the NZ shooting was blatantly fake…now what? Why would the (((deep state))) release an obvious fake? Repercussions against the white nationalist movement? Make them look like a bunch of violent psychopaths? Alienate them further from the normies to prevent the movement from growing? To enact laws to confiscate semi-auto weapons?
Fact is none of these knee-jerk assumptions are correct. To understand what is actually going on here you have to stand back and look at the big picture, and then connect the dots to every move the (((deep state))) is making. First off, the 2 quadrillion dollar (debt built) derivatives market is a ponzi scam, and is actually an act of war. When it collapses, and it was built to collapse, 1929’s great depression will be tame in comparison. We will see a total collapse of our economy, banks, and distribution of all resources (food, medicine, electricity, water, etc). Because the food trucks will stop rolling, and the banks will fail, everything, including police and military will disintegrate (nobody can be paid). Once this happens you have 82% of the US population that lives in urban areas, riot. Mob mobs and death squads will form all over the US as starving people flee cities in search of food. It will be a Hobbsian war of all against all. While all this is going on, you’ll have the jews secretly flee to safe zones in Canada, New Zealand, and elsewhere to escape the carnage. Because all of this has been planned, our nuclear arsenal will be moved off-shore in advance, to prevent nukes from falling into the hands of street gangs, domestic terrorist groups and so on. They’ll leave behind the conventional weapons to facilitate Americans slaughtering each other (just like they did in Iraq). Simple fact is that these false flags are designed to increase gun sales, proliferating more guns into civilian hands, to facilitate internal genocide. The various racial, religious and class groups have never been more polarized, and this is as intended. We are looking at a systemic collapse of the US, engineered after WWII, and quickly coming to fruition. It is the collapse and dissolution of SPQR all over again.
Passport is a fake and you’ve done a great analysis. Leonard Pozner told Wolfgang Halbig he is “untouchable.” Sandy Hook is clearly an illusion.
Jo…I had not heard that previously….did Halbig pass that on?