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This link is to an article about the tragic deaths of two beautiful sisters, ages 14 and 12 in Cleveland Heights, Cleveland, Ohio.:
“A 14-year-old Ohio girl and her younger sister were crushed to death by falling bricks as they were lying in a backyard hammock, according to reports.” The hammock was supported by a tree on one side and a brick support on the other side. This is where I grew up until I was about one year old. We all assume that unlikely events can’t happen. This is another tragic example of how dangerous it is to make such assumptions. The only events which can’t happen have exactly zero probability of happening; all others are possible. I ask Jim to post this here because he is such a great teacher and observer of events which are prohibited by laws of causality and laws of physics which most people overlook. Although Jim and I grew up at opposite ends of Pasadena, it took about 75 years to us to meet! This was another unlikely event. I have never asked him and he has never revealed how much physics he took at South Pasadena High or Princeton University but he is a better physicist than many I have known. How many professors with Ph.D. degrees do you know who would publish comments of anonymous critics? I salute Professor Jim Fetzer, Ph.D. My late Father, a mechanical engineer who graduated from the University of Minnesota in 1936, used to say, “Assumptions are very dangerous things.” Winfield J. Abbe, Ph.D., Physics
Brilliant work here and some plausible explanations behind wheeler anomaly
Different book, same answer from Amazon. Publisher removed it, not Amazon.
What sense does it make to promote blatant falsehoods that are easily refuted by effortlessly available evidence? The notice from is available here for everyone to read: I think Bob has crossed several lines here. Would anyone object if he were to be gone?
@James Fetzer , no we are all
Pretty well aware of what it is he’s trying to do .
He just spews disinfo left and right . Not to argue with us or find the truth mind you . It’s to throw doubt into an undecided thread readers mind
He doesn’t care if what he says is factual just so long as he can cast doubt into an undecided under researched mind . Which is the purpose behind the blatant fallacy’s and lies (in my opinion)
Fetzer can clear all this up with a simple screenshot, with email headers, of the email Amazon sent him.
@Jim F.
I’m on the fence about any troll. One thing is that we get to see their absurd and goofy rationale. Where they cross the line for me is when they make personal attacks on posters or their family.
Its ok with me if they post their opinions as long it stops at that.
Dr, Bob has gone past the point of ‘no return’.
He adds noithing of value to the conversation.
Don’t Feed The Trolls
The reason we respond to negative comments is the same reason a troll does what they do: ego. When someone unknown comes at us, it’s part of our human nature to defend ourselves. A part of us doesn’t want to stay silent, because we think silence means surrendering, and surrendering means losing. That’s just a bad philosophy.
After years of dealing with this kind of behavior, both in a virtual reality and in the comment sections of an article, the harsh reality is this: YOU WILL NEVER BEAT A TROLL. You will never change a troll’s mind. You may delude yourself into thinking that you proved them wrong, however, never in my years of dealing with trolls have I seen a troll lay down his or her arms and say, “You know what, you’re right. I was so wrong.”
Never, ever, never NEVER!
Amazon did not ban the book, the seller removed it. Once it’s out of stock Amazon will remove it from their site.
An Amazon rep told me this in a chat. Contact them yourself.
Post a screenshot of the email Amazon sent you.
Don’t Feed The Trolls
The reason we respond to negative comments is the same reason a troll does what they do: ego. When someone unknown comes at us, it’s part of our human nature to defend ourselves. A part of us doesn’t want to stay silent, because we think silence means surrendering, and surrendering means losing. That’s just a bad philosophy.
After years of dealing with this kind of behavior, both in a virtual reality and in the comment sections of an article, the harsh reality is this: YOU WILL NEVER BEAT A TROLL. You will never change a troll’s mind. You may delude yourself into thinking that you proved them wrong, however, never in my years of dealing with trolls have I seen a troll lay down his or her arms and say, “You know what, you’re right. I was so wrong.”
Never, ever, never!
That SH school Principal really gets around. First she lunges at a fake shooter and is killed. After she is killed she gives an interview to a local newspaper.
After that she’s injured at the fake Boston Marathon bomb thing.
I wonder when she will really be finally dead?
The Newtownbee gave a retraction and apology to the interview:
My concern is this…. is she OK or really dead?
Like many of the fake deaths of Sandy Hook this cursed woman keeps rising from the fictional dead-land and experiencing another whack.
She even speaks words from the grave to newspaper reporters and makes TV appearances.
Donna oh Donna speak to us….are you dead or not?
This is the problem with the whole “retraction theory “
Not to mention the “masked man “ thing ahhh
Just another ridiculous anomaly with this whole thing
I’m telling you guys I really really wonder if the whole point was to make it soooo bad everybody saw through it .
Wait a few years . Than have the attack on free speech .
Seems crystal clear to me . Have it literally be so obviously fake than snap pull the rug run the lawsuit stories so people think
A) I better not question things or I’ll get sued
B) oh man ! That seemed so fake ! With parents during I guess it was real
Than following suit “well “ pulled off hoaxes and events . Something like jfk .
Aren’t even really questioned .
^just speculation not saying it’s fact . Well besides how horrendously obviously fake this event was
The problem is that these hoaxes are done by ordinary stupid people.
If they were done by Hollywood production pros it would make it more difficult to unravel it……and cost many millions. The SH thing would have been several hundred millions of dollars. Plus, it would have been a real operating school.
I thought it was done by the Government? They have access to more resources than Hollywood does.
@ don
Your right man there’s bound to be mistakes the way it’s compartmentalized
The resources become a lot more finite .
You really can’t have to many people actually “in on it” the more people that actually are party . The more loose ends .
Between the parties in he know and the unwitting assistance there’s going to be mistakes .
But take the aldenburg wheeler thing .
His behavior from that video . Was like a big red “hey look at me “
Maybe that was the point . Make people think it was wheeler . So everyone draws that conclusion . Than be like “no it’s this FBI agent “ so the whole thing must be real !
Hoping nobody will think “ok but why was his uniform unmarked and why was he clearly acting suspicious “
As if he wanted to be noticed and thought of as the actor wheeler .
Dig what I’m
Saying . Maybe a mixture of both real mistakes and planned mistakes
Kind of like a back up. Prove this one thesis wrong so opppp whole thing was real I guess .
^again speculation
Keefer@…..Aldenberg has a long downward directed nose. Wheeler has a short upturned nose.
They are very different looking. I believe the swat-man was Wheeler.
Explain the ears of the sniper?
Oh no doubt it’s wheeler . More I’m saying it’s arbitrary weather it’s wheeler or not his behavior is ridiculous.
So much so it seemingly screams for attention.
Seems purposeful. Also it is FEMA and wheelers a b list actor. So maybe it was an accident
Don’t Feed The Trolls
The reason we respond to negative comments is the same reason a troll does what they do: ego. When someone unknown comes at us, it’s part of our human nature to defend ourselves. A part of us doesn’t want to stay silent, because we think silence means surrendering, and surrendering means losing. That’s just a bad philosophy.
After years of dealing with this kind of behavior, both in a virtual reality and in the comment sections of an article, the harsh reality is this: YOU WILL NEVER BEAT A TROLL. You will never change a troll’s mind. You may delude yourself into thinking that you proved them wrong, however, never in my years of dealing with trolls have I seen a troll lay down his or her arms and say, “You know what, you’re right. I was so wrong.”
Never, never happen
When you see a photo of ”Adam”, you’re actually seeing a photo of Ryan. There never was a so-called brother named Adam.
So, what’s so interesting through all these ff’s is that they create all these fictional beings and then kill them off…no harm, no foul…nothing illegal…especially with the repeal of the Smithj-Mundt Act….Let’s all sing praise to their gay enabler and lesser Gawd, BHO for that!
We live in an asylum and it’s time for the inmates to take over from the ‘staff’.
Correct Will…..when I realize there’s one fake person in the scenario, I instantly know that the whole event is a fraud.
Sandy Hook is littered with many fake people. Its a three ring circus of hoaxing. Clowns gone wild.
Fetzer says this guy is Adam
This is Ryan Lanza being very carefully taken into police custody on event day. He was not charged and later quietly released.
Wikipedia and Google continue the lie that Ryan had a brother named Adam. This nonsense fits into their pattern that all of the fake hoax shootings were real events.
YouTube continues to delete any videos that claim Sandy Hook was a hoax. My FaceBook account was deleted after HONR complained about my account writings and graphics 50+ times in one week.
Genealogy, official records and for my money, even DNA can no longer be trusted as any kind of source. Video and voice can now be manipulated. What’s left upon which researchers can depend.?…….little if nothing. Trolls and dis-info agents are rampant.
The idea that we are all turned into a fiction with our capitalized name the day we are born is a hint at our plight.
Where do we turn for any verification?
What’s left other than our own common sense and intuition…..and even that is being bred out of our younger generation through ‘schools’, games and inane movies.
It’s a mess.
There is nowhere to turn to. Since the entire system is in on the hoaxing….the good citizen is in a trap of huge proportions.
This ugly fact makes the USA a non-functioning failed state much like any totalitarian country. Its a type of h-ll on earth.
This site has members of that hideous reality constantly trolling with imbecilic comments.
Oddly reminds me of this bill o Riley bahahah
Keef…It should. It’s a common approach they use to gain the sympathy of readers or listeners. I call it the “I’m over the edge outraged and so should you be” technique or feigned indignation method. You’ll see it quite a bit on blogs etc.. Normally, as soon as I hear or see it, I just stop reading or click off.
James, why did you not approve my previous comment? Why are you censoring me? I just wanted to point out what an obvious hoax this article is. Of course Amazon didn’t remove your books. Why would they? Anything that makes them money is good with them. It’s clear that this is a FALSE FLAG and that you either reported the books yourself or you voluntarily removed them. The goal of this is obviously to drum up business since, let’s be real, 2 reviews in 30 days is pretty sad. Follow the money; this one has FRAUD written all over it. Nice try, James!
Here is another asinine remark from another obvious troll. As I observed about “Bob”, what is the point of making false claims that are effortlessly refuted? Anyone can read the email from banning our books at It’s pathetic that such crass souls abound here.
Post a screenshot of the email Amazon sent you, including the email headers.
Two separate Amazon reps were asked about two different books that you say were banned. Both reps said the seller/publisher were the one that removed the books.
Ever see this photo before? Its Robbie Parker being briefed by government agent moments before he smiled and met the Press.
This same agent had been seen watching other SH witnesses being interviewed by the Press.
Here he is seen laughing with other SH participants.
Nice find,.
How do you know it’s a government agent?
Here he is keeping a close eye on another SH witness.
Not the same guy, different hats
BTW, that photo is also supposedly showing a woman wearing a FEMA badge, even though it looks like a normal office name tage people wear.
Don….I wore a hat once. Nobody knew it was me…not even my mother. Amazing how that works.
This ”hat” man was all over the SH event. I have many photos of him. He wore different hats and caps in every picture. He was always lurking near one of the witnesses , watching and listening to what they were saying.
That briefing picture I posted was taken at the Fire Station through a window, moments before fraud Robbie appeared before the Press Cameras. First he was laughing and then he tried to look serious.
Different hats…same guy…no doubt.
Once again, our resident gnat is exposed.
Prove they are Government agents and you got something, otherwise you’re stuck where Fetzer was in court.
Prove this guy is not a government agent.
The guy on the right is Robert Garrett, Jill Cottle Garrett’s husband. Parker’s brother in law. I have no idea who the man on the left is and neither do you.
Years ago I was wearing a military uniform with hat….I walked right up to my mom and she also didn’t recognize me. She later said, “I thought you just some guy in a uniform.”
Don…that’s the strangest thing. When my folks came to my ‘graduation’ from USMC boot in Parris Island…they also walked right by me….I guess 20 extra pounds and no hair threw them for a loop. Just about the same time the Dr. was commanding his DI’s…but he was on the West Coast….Pendleton, I guess.
Man the propaganda experts need to start giving the people a little more credit
Just tried reading this shill Murray website , it’s littered with ad hominem and sub standard shallow answers.
For example . The creators identity is hidden . Supposedly this is to protect from a law suit from sandy hook families …. hmmm zero logic in that if you are defending the official account a supposed family wouldn’t sue you .
How unintelligible do they think people are ?
Just a joke like carver saying “ we have unmarked vans to fool you people”
“I hope this doesn’t come crashing down on there heads “
Read Fetzer’s book chapter by chapter, after each chapter read Crisisactorsguild’s article on the chapter. You’ll see how many errors and misleading info is in the book.
What the heck !
When someone’s daughter is supposedly blown to bits and within hours there giving a news conference on gun control . While laughing and joking about reading off cards
Here’s your sign as blue collar comedian would
Anyone remember the fake parents almost strangle holding the daughter so she won’t talk ?
One of the fake SH families all lined up to be interviewed by CNN. Lots of giggles and laughs
Yes, keefer….the SH event was a time for a lot of laughing and joking. 26 ”dead” people was very funny to most of the participants…..especially Robbie Parker.
That is Parker’s brother in law, husband of his wife’s sister.
This is Parker embracing his supposed brother in law….different photo. **Post 6:17 Jul 3 is a lie.**
Post 11:26 Jul 2 is Parker being briefed by a probable government agent. Can anyone prove otherwise?
That photo is Parker hugging his father, not brother in law. Guy on the right in your photo looks like the same guy in my photo. Doesn’t look like your “agent.”
Robert Garrett’s Instagram:
Another good almost 3 hour documentary about all the inconsistencies and errors and redacting amongst the case
44 pages of documents related to Sandy Hook moving to Chalk Hill in Dec 2012
Also really good documentary about
Wolfgang Halbig
I called him he’s an awesome bulldog
Absolutely…I have also spoken with him and from what I can tell, he will never stop!
He’s awesome man ! What a risk and all the crud he’s went through .
Nearly losing his family , getting threatened by police , foia hearings . Being backstabbed by Jones
Whoot . What a perfectly qualified person to seek out the truth as well !
One can tell by speaking with him, he’s in the same category as the Dr….he’ll never stop….
BUT, they should both watch their backs. These bastardz play for keeps.
At 2:57 the 911 operator .
I’m getting a call this is fake ?
Jen I need you to hang up that phone !
Bahahahah yah hang it up your ruining our event
This straigh weak ad hominem from bill o Reilly against Fetzer
Bill was always an a-hole……and a major media puppet until they had no more use for him.
AND, the truth is that NOW, O’Reilly would be laughed off TV.
Dude I know I can’t believ how obviously shill Riley is in this interview
The Hannity and Colmes one as well where Fetzer caught them off guard is awesome also .
Part of me wonders if a double plus to this event was to bait Fetzer and try and take him out !
I know that’s a stretch but he was causing a lot of issues in regards to 911 .
No proof of that at all either . Kind of like the phony sloppy sniper walking around or Robbie Parker “oh I just read from the cards laugh laugh “ . It seems so bad that it’s wanted to be noticed yah know ?
O’ Reilly was as low as they go (except possibly for Maddow)…he should have been thrown off long before he was…..
I did not catch the Hannity and Colmes…where is that?
Never mind…found it.
And now I remember why I refuse to watch that f’ing box.
Watching those vids, I came across Jessie Ventura. I would almost swear that if he was to run in 2020, he would get my vote…This is at the question and answer part…worth watching….at bit earlier he speaks of why he decided to run for governor…
O’Reilly paid women $32 million dollars to settle their sexual harassment suits against him. He’s a total sleazebag.
Don’t Feed The Trolls
The reason we respond to negative comments is the same reason a troll does what they do: ego. When someone unknown comes at us, it’s part of our human nature to defend ourselves. A part of us doesn’t want to stay silent, because we think silence means surrendering, and surrendering means losing. That’s just a bad philosophy.
After years of dealing with this kind of behavior, both in a virtual reality and in the comment sections of an article, the harsh reality is this: YOU WILL NEVER BEAT A TROLL. You will never change a troll’s mind. You may delude yourself into thinking that you proved them wrong, however, never in my years of dealing with trolls have I seen a troll lay down his or her arms and say, “You know what, you’re right. I was so wrong.”
How sad Vabner has to take down tens of thousands of sites to try and control the narrative . (The perps of this event are terrified how many people are awake to this fraud )
Regarding your link to Fetzer interview
It’s incredible. Being low tech as I am, my question would be how could he do this…would he not need some kind of authority or access to things the average person does not have?
I have actually yet to hear that question asked, much less answered.
More evidence toward the oddities around supposed Lanza
The most widely disseminated picture of Lanza NEVER looked real.
Most will come away from that video fairly sure Adam did not exist.
So, he could not possibly have killed his mother.
Truly it’s nuts will !
I also wonder how Vabner has these endless pockets and resources
And that’s a solid point how does he have the straight right to take down a website ?????
And govern what can and cannot be said ????
Tabloids post straight fake things all day long . Can I go just shit down one of their websites ??? Heck no !
Definitely he’s hooked into something else
More fakery
The video says it, the HQ is in Middlesex, not Fairfield. The stats are crimes reported by the county, not the number of crimes in the county. The state cops handled the investigation, so the 27 murder number comes from them.
Email and ask them.
You read exactly like a scumbag troll from r/conspiracy. Funny thing, I wrote that ctnibrs email address, and attached is their response, and it makes clear that even if an agency such as the CTSP took over the investigation of an ‘incident’, that while they would be doing the reporting and not the local agency, they would still be reporting the incident WHERE it happened, not where their headquarters is. What use would a bunch of CT crime data be if all of it was said to be occurring at 1111 Country Club Rd, Middletown, CT 06457? CTNIBRS made clear in their response it would have no value. There is a phrase in the data world, “Garbage in, garbage out.”
“For law enforcement purposes, how useful would such data be if the crime wasn’t reported in the location it occurred on both the CT annual crime report and then the FBI UCR program?” And CTNIBRS response, “Not useful. Does not happen.”
Now will you scumbag liars STOP telling people how useless junk crime data can be created.
BTW, in Fetzer’s Reddit AMA a couple of years ago, he said the 2007 Virginia Tech mass shooting was real. In the 2007 FBI report, it lists 0 murders in Blacksburg. Funny Fetzer never thought that was odd.
That’s because most people still believe the VA shooting was real. I did for a long time until I started looking into it more closely. The 2007 Crime Report shows zero murders in Blacksburg, the VSP simply didn’t try to get cute with their crime report. They marked it the appropriate zero, and didn’t bother to make any footnotes.
Great interview with Jim last night.
Tweedlee dee Bob tells us he knows the difference between the Sandy Hook event and children’s fictional fairy stories. Come on, what’s the difference?
I think we need PhD Jim Fetzer to tell us why child born in 2006 can’t watch a movie made in 2002. Maybe PhD Jim Fetzer could invent a way for people to watch movies years after they were in theaters, he’d make more than enough to cover the lawsuit.
Fetzer did an interview about the case:
In the interview he makes the claim that a photo of Noah’s gravestone was Photoshop. OK, they went to the trouble of faking all over Noah’s records, faking his death certificate, faking a funeral. A firemen supposedly told someone that the coffins for the funerals were all filled with rocks. But they have to Photoshop the photo of the gravestone?
A grave can be found, people can see if the stone is there or not. So why fake the photo of the stone when they could just make a real one and place it at the grave?
I’m posting this video of the Natural Living Man because it demonstrates what can happen when a MAN stands up for his rights. In a way, it’s funny…but for a bit, he got away with it and the judge ‘abandoned the court”. Things got nasty for him later, but he stood for his rights and prevailed. This is not to say I in any way recommend this for the good Dr.. It’s just worth watching IF you have never seen Ernie before: (just listen for a few minutes and watch the judge walk out.
@ will
That videos awesome !
How funny the comments underneath , ah we have a long way to go but we’re on our way brother .
That being said is 153 news not working for you either ?
When that judge walked out, my heart sang….but they did get him on some technicality at a later appearance. One word that puts you “on the sea” and you are done.
Chapter 8, Exhibit 24:
“This photo taken early on the morning of 14 December 2012 shows the school door open but no window blown out to gain access.”
This is the photo from the book:
Small, blurry photo purposely used so no detail can be seen. this is the original version:
Broken glass on the ground and you can see the hole in the window. And the book still says the photo was taken in the morning, which we know is not true. The could have been edited for the 2nd edition, but was not.
Compare the windows of Classroom 10 BEFORE and AFTER the event. They are clearly intact in the photo with the CSI vehicle present, where crime scene tape is up before the crime has been committed. Bob is a total fake, shoveling loads of manure over and over again. Check out the photo: it leaves no doubt:
That’s from the same photo you used in your book, a Meehan parking lot photo from the report. The arrows are pointing at spots on the window where we see bullet holes in later photos. You can see holes in both spots.
I have asked you before, do you have a clear, up-close, unedited photo of the undamaged room 10 window? The photo you used in the upper left is a crop of the Meehan photo.
Don’t Feed The Trolls
The reason we respond to negative comments is the same reason a troll does what they do: ego. When someone unknown comes at us, it’s part of our human nature to defend ourselves. A part of us doesn’t want to stay silent, because we think silence means surrendering, and surrendering means losing. That’s just a bad philosophy.
After years of dealing with this kind of behavior, both in a virtual reality and in the comment sections of an article, the harsh reality is this: YOU WILL NEVER BEAT A TROLL. You will never change a troll’s mind. You may delude yourself into thinking that you proved them wrong, however, never in my years of dealing with trolls have I seen a troll lay down his or her arms and say, “You know what, you’re right. I was so wrong.”
I have never seen a troll lay down his or her arms and say, “You know what, you’re right. I was so wrong.”
@ will
Wise words man wise indeed , I only ever respond for the bystander who reads and never comments
My hope is they will research themselves hence the continuous posting of links.
Still your right on the end . Like Matt says it’s just trap level two
Matt is closer to what is happening than anyone I have read. No one even approaches his explanations. I disagree only in one area and even that split may be dissolving……the Mandela effect. The man is brilliant and can talk an endless streak without a breath (much liker Fetzer).
Following up on the above, we all see this world through our own kaleidoscope.We all; see sunrises and sunsets from our own perspective. I have a friend in Charlottesville who is as genuinely a joyous person as I have ever known. AND, she was right there when that nonsense happened ….even went to the funeral for Heather. I rarely talk to her of things we speak of here. They are just not part of her life.
Dr. Fetzer believes in freedom of speech…..almost no compromise. Although I am sure that if our resident troll was posting obscenities (the likes of which one might find on Zero Hedge), it would not be tolerated. I respectfully disagree with the Dr.; although IF he was banned, it’s likely he would find another way in. THAT is why he’s best not fed. He won’t go away, but he can be treated like a gnat on the screen…an annoyance, but nothing over which to be concerned.
Still, I beg for an edit function.
Another article on the endless anomalies and errors with this case
That article confirmed the distance the life star choppers were from the school. The person who wrote that wasn’t there, so she has no idea what was going on in the school. If one of the first responders comes forward and tells a different story than the official one, OK, but not someone who wasn’t here.
Wolfgang should read that, then he could stop telling the lie that now EMT’s were allowed in.
Another gem from the book in chapter 10, about the FBI crime report. The book says;
“The Connecticut State Police are an organization, not a community or a jurisdiction.”
OK, but doesn’t that also make the Newtown police an organization, not a community or jurisdiction?
“Go to “Crime in Connecticut COMPLETE for 2012″ and on page 26, you
will find the data that I am publishing here. At the intersection of “Murder”
with “<10” (below 10 years of age) for 2012, you will find the number “0″!
But that does not quite settle the matter, because the number “27″ appears
under the heading, “State Police Misc.” buried on page 415:"
With the photo of the CT state report:
The header of the chart should be obvious what those stats are about. "Arrest statistics for year 2012". It means no one under 10 was arrested for murder, not no one under 10 was murdered. Eowyn and Fetzer supposedly have PhD's but they can't figure that out.
This is page 415:
The book does not mention the footnote next to the 27. "Includes 27 victims of mass shootings". It's under the state totals because the state cops had jurisdiction of the crime and did the investigation.
bla bla bla….it matters not …..the whole Sandy Hook thing is a hoax about gun control.
It does matter, the book gets things wrong every chapter, yet that is what Fetzer keeps referring to as his proof. Two PhD’s can’t figure out a chart about arrest statistics?
Any errors in Dr. Fetzer books are irrelevant to the overall facts. Trolls snipe at trivial items…so what.
The fakers deliberately concealed and obfuscated their actions on event day….all authorities have lied, which makes any history of that day open to constant revision. The events of the Civil War are still under revision.
As I say, its beer and skittles to see trolls squirm as they sink in the quicksand of reality.
“Any errors in Dr. Fetzer books are irrelevant to the overall facts.”
The book is supposed to be evidence that Sandy Hook was a hoax. If there are errors in the book, then there are errors in Fetzer’s evidence. Especially if there are errors in every chapter, which there are.
Please stop feeding the troll….
It’s degrading.
An old Cherokee chief was teaching his grandson about life…
“A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy.
“It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.
“One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, self-doubt, and ego.
“The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity,TRUTH, compassion, and faith.
“This same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.”
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather,
“Which wolf will win?”
The old chief simply replied,
“The one you feed.”
This theory is almost two years old. This was posted Aug 2017, with a now deleted YouTube video
It’s like the Paul Preston interview from the book, named source tells me something. No one to verify anything. Bring the fireman forward is the only way to verify anything the guy in the video is saying.
@will digging Matt brother
Quantum of consciousness bob is an npc running a script Bahahahah
Also security system what security system ? Why would you install a security system in a closed school ?
And you would clean algae and mold with a power washer, without any record of doing it baha Bahahaha baha
It’s so ridiculous
Watch the foia hearing ! This show is laughable keeps me cracking up I tell yah
Why did private researchers discover that several of the residents near the SH-School said that CT State police came to their door and told them to ” Keep their mouths shut about Sandy Hook School.”
FL police visited Mr. Halbig and told him to “…shut up about Sandy Hook or else…..”
What private researchers? Any direct testimony from the residents?
They were told to keep their mouths SHUT. Didn’t you read my comment?
Convenient for you. What private researchers and links to where this was reported?
It was on YouTube…..currently account has been deleted…………..surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was on YouTube…..currently account has been deleted…………..surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You said researchers, what about the other accounts?
RESEARCHERS accounts were deleted by YouTube.
If they were smart, they should still have their original videos and upload them to Bitchute or 153News.
Halbig already did
Again siting the same video with regards
Nobody even contacted the helicopter to go to sandy hook
No record of it
The LifeStar choppers were 30 miles away in Hartford. If they were there you’ have the same problem with medics already there. No medics are going in the school until cops said it’s safe. Halbig knows that, even though every interview he has done he keeps says EMT’s weren’t allowed in. He knows that is a lie. Cops go first, make sure it’s safe, then medics are brought in. So even if choppers were flown in, those medics would have had to wait too.
According to one of the kids….cops opened one of the school room doors and said….”Is he in here?” Hilarious and evidence of fraud.
@ will
Can you listen to the most recent Real deal on that revolution studio A ?
Does it have to be live ?
Just to post this ridiculous foia hearing again so flipping ridiculous
The Raw Deal is Studio A…I have only seen the Real Deal on (?) If you subscribe on Rev. Radio, I think that opens up the archives for the Raw Deal…5.95/mo.
I watched that whole FOIA hearing with Halbig live…it was a bad joke. They stalled him any way they could.
@ don
Bob doesn’t argue with you for you or cause he cares about the truth .
He does it to throw doubt in the mind of other thread readers.
That’s why he’ll throw a picture and say “this is from august 10” this picture is later they added
With zero evidence of when and where those pictures came from , why he just so happens to have him
He’ll throw weak ad hominem attacks and always try to have the last word
He will cherry pick arguments that can’t be substantial made and try to come up with less than satisfactory conclusions
He will offer up ridiculous answers to serious questions like
“Why’s isn’t there a single picture of over 400 people evacuating “
With some cheesy thing like “helicopters weren’t there on time “
Not accounting for the two photos where people are posing for a photograph chilling with hands in there pockets drinking water “at the sight of a supposed massacre “ yah right
And all the time stamps on vital dash cams are removed or the cam itself during the vital time redacted
But he will assert some wild claim that lacks any substance while simultaneously if you make an assertion it’s gotta be
Precisely files dates times video evidence
Ignoring the multitude of links we’ve all posted
Bob is doing this to sway the opinion of the reader
He knows generally the person browsing through this most likely won’t dig as much as we have and won’t without some heavy evidence .
There’s no reason to reply to bob .
He isn’t arguing for us and anyone with a brain cell and five minutes wouldn’t fall into the weak arguments and cruddy explaining he tries to perpetuate
Also why I keep posting this
So anyone randomly looking at the thread will watch with their own eyes and decide for themselves
The photo from August 2010 came from Google Earth, should be obvious by the photo.
You can go to and buy satellite photos of the school.
You call it cheesy, but it’s true the news choppers were there after the kids were evacuated. The dash cam videos with the children have been redacted. Try a FOIA request to get the unredacted.
Keefer:………The Trolls are constantly grasping at straws. Its fun to watch them squirm in the quicksand.
A lot of cars in the parking lot for a closed school
This one is from Aug 2010, they installed a basketball court and a field between this photo and the other one.
The Dr. is on NOW…6-8PM Eastern
I see the resident hobgoblin is really busy today with mooncalf answers….dippydoodle as always.
The many problems with the book start with chapter 1. In the prologue Fetzer has a photo of the full parking lot but in Chapter one Tracy writes:
” Dressed in black, Lanza proceeds completely unnoticed through an oddly vacant parking lot with a military style rifle and shoots his way through double glass doors and a brand new yet apparently poorly engineered security system.”
Oddly vacant? It was full of cars. Did he mean no people in the lot? Why would there be, school had already started.
The ridiculous story about the school’s ”new” security system is a stupid joke. The ”new” system did not include a CCTV. What school security system does not include cameras?
The security system was surveillance only. Was “oddly vacant” a joke too? The book says the cars were moved there for staging. If the cars were there for staging or because the school was in use, it would not have been vacant like Tracy says.
How do you have “surveillance” without cameras?
The cars in the lot were traced to a police impound lot in another city. The video of this has been deleted from YouTube.
2006 article about the security system at Newtown schools
Still does not explain why Tracy said the lot was oddly vacant
The budget report for the system:
I guess they forgot to add cameras.
There was NO security video of the fake attack. Gee wiz, can we all say that it NEVER happened?
There was a recent shooting in Dallas and there is a photo of the shooter. Not surprisingly some think it’s still a hoax despite there being a photo.
Photo or no photo, video or no video, people will still say it was a hoax.
Some people still believe in The Easter Bunny, Santa Claus and The Three Bears.
Does that make them real?
Not really the same thing though.
Sorry, I forgot the Tooth Fairy.
People still believe there were deaths at that Sandy Hook School. One of the prop kids said that it sounded like people were in the hallway with pots and pans….banging them together.
One interviewed kid said on video that he was told it was “a drill”.
I wonder if that video has since been scrubbed from YouTube?
Even the Governor of CT says that he has no recollection of having a Press Conference at Sandy Hook school. He probably also believes in the Tooth Fairy.
One of the 911 hijacker’s Passport was found on the sidewalk. Really??? Link>>>>>
@ don
There’s been somewhere around 160 mass shootings since Obama became president.
Ohh man and every relative of a victim is on the news the next day saying the only answer is to take guns from law obiding citizens , if only we disarmed families protecting there homes .
Bahahahah so fake and nobodies falling for it
Foia hearing we learn all about the supposed security system
Being a CIA product, I’d expect that Amazon could break laws readily and still get away with all of them. Likewise, FaceBook was produced from stolen patents owned by LeaderTechnologies and these patents were “handled” by such angelic figures as Larry Summers, Jacob Greenberg aka Mark Zuckerberg, and James Chandler III, law professor at Harvard. I believe Amazon has similar origins as Facebook, Bezos is another plant managed by rather dark figures in the deep state. How many Americans know that these megalith corporations are essentially CIA creatures utilizing stolen patents? Would it matter if people knew where this bigger than life Mark Zuckerberg came from and that he was essentially thrown out of Harvard for poor grades? Over the years since various laws were enacted, the US government has stolen upwards of 50,000 patents worldwide.
Bahmi, you are correct. FaceBook, YouTube, Google, CNN, etc., are all under the CIA umbrella. The CIA Operation Mockingbird was said to be defunct. NO… it only got much bigger and more black money funded.
When google was promoting Hillary, her photo was one EVERY google 2nd page. Google ANY topic, scroll down and alas…there was her photo. This is one way that the google algorithms operate. Google can totally saturate the online view with anything they want. Its called the ”new propaganda”.
That Amazon email said…”your book contains content that is in violation of our content policies.”
One has to wonder exactly what that means. Is it every word or just certain sentences? It all sounds very vague and that Amazon can and will ban anything they don’t like.
Amazon is a business that operates in inter-state commerce and therefore comes under the statues of the Bill of Rights….which includes the First Amendment, which is freedom of speech.
Interstate commerce is regulated by the federal government as authorized under Article I of the U.S. Constitution.