Joachim Hagopian, Arrest of Telegram Founder Is Latest Episode of Globalists’ Tyrannical War Against Truth

Joachim Hagopian . Two weeks ago, I was prompted to write “Censorship on Steroids: Truth Teller Alert,” in response to unprecedented internet censorship, co-timed with increasing persecution of highly visible truth tellers. Nearly a decade ago, I wrote a Global Research article entitled “A History of America’s War on Whistleblowers and Journalists Since 9/11.” The list of dead American whistleblowers and journalists is long – Shireen Abu Akleh in 2022, Michael Collins Piper in 2015, Serena Shim in 2014, Mike Ruppert in 2014, Michael Hastings in 2013, Jack Wheeler in 2010, Roland Carnaby in 2008, Gary Webb in 2004, John O’Neill on 9/11, Danny Casolaro in 1991, all likely targeted extrajudicial political assassinations. These bold truth tellers…

Joachim Hagopian, The Not So Brief History of City of London’s Western Agenda: Provoking Apocalyptic WWIII Fear, Madness and Terror

Joachim Hagopian Ever since the collapse of the Soviet Empire in 1991 marking the end of the Cold War, the United States and NATO have demonstrated a fixed pattern fomenting conflict opposing their “axis-of-evil” enemy Russia, China, Iran and North Korea. The year prior on February 9th, 1990, US Secretary of State James Baker under President George H.W. Bush delivered the reneged promise to the last Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO would not move “one inch eastward.” But since that fateful historical deception, the NATO alliance has busily doubled…

Joachim Hagopian, Censorship on Steroids: Truthteller Alert

Joachim Hagopian In the history books we learned about Nazis infamously burning books to censor truth in the past. In today’s computer age, the internet has served a similar function as the modern-day Gutenberg press that centuries ago began producing written language books as a milestone to early human achievement and scholarship. After all, knowledge is power and with today’s war against the truth, elites are dumbing us down to keep us both ignorant and powerless. To a large degree, current censorship is manifesting as what’s called shadowbanning, defined as…

Joachim Hagopian, UK Riots Are Another Globalist Psyops Waging War Against Humanity

Joachim Hagopian The rightwing riots being acted out across the United Kingdom have continued for more than a week now, ever since the July 29th deadly stabbings in northwest England that killed three young girls and injured another 10. We are told that the 17-year old murderer of Rwandan descent is a British born citizen from Cardiff, Wales, but alleged misinformation spreading like wildfire turned him into an illegal alien and Islamic foreign invader, and that lie led to the violent rightwing thuggery. If you believe the legacy media outlets, those vicious false lies spread on…

Joachim Hagopian, Zionists Fighting to Control a World Turning Against Them

Joachim Hagopian Just as NATO can’t exist without an invented Russian bogeyman as enemy, the Anti-Defamation League and Israel itself also cannot exist without antisemitism, or anti-Jewish bogeymen as their enemy. Think about all the critics in the West who so zealously demonize Putin/Russia for everything bad on earth to blame. Why is Israel always given a free pass while Russia/China/Iran are always up to no good. Might it be the globalist controlled fascist US government is in bed with the mainstream media and social media giants to censor, prohibit…

Joachim Hagopian, New Antisemitism Law Turns Critics against Israeli Genocide into Criminals

Joachim Hagopian   On Wednesday May 1st, the House overwhelmingly passed the Antisemitism Awareness Act by a 320-91 vote, with only 21 Republicans joined by 70 Democrats against it. Expanding the scope of what is legally considered antisemitism, this is another bipartisan uniparty trap to ensnare the thousands of protesters exercising their free speech against the apartheid Israel’s extermination of Palestinians, in effect criminalizing those that are critical of the genocide. This is piece of legislation is a betrayal of our First Amendment rights and a betrayal of the American people, and a…


By Joachim Hagopian The intense public debate over free speech within the context of the Israel-Hamas war raging in Gaza is, like seemingly everything else unfolding these days, more divide and rule polarization into divided enemy camps. On the campuses of the nation’s most elite Ivy League schools, there are those condemning Israel’s genocide against Palestinians versus those defending Israel and its right to defend itself. I maintain that the movement to shutter public debate and kill free speech in America and world is by nefarious globalist design. Those who seek…

Joachim Hagopian, Israel Assault on Free Speech

Joachim Hagopian 14,532 Palestinians have died in Gaza since the Hamas attack in Israel on October 7th. In less than 50 days more people are being killed at a faster clip in Gaza than any other war this century. The November 25th New York Times headline – “Gaza Civilians, Under Israeli Barrage, Are Being Killed at Historic Pace,” follows with the opening sentence: In less than two months, more than twice as many women and children have been reported killed in Gaza than in Ukraine after two years of war.  The NYT article goes on…

Joachim Hagopian, Are Courts Overturning Biden Regime Violating 1st, 2nd and Potential 14th Amendments?

Joachim Hagopian A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.                                                                                                                          …

Stephen Francis, Analyzing Why Yandex Doesn’t Censor Populist Content

Stephen Francis It is well known that Google, Bing, and most other U.S.-based mainstream search engines are not only heavily censored but a large portion of that censorship ultimately focuses on suppressing what is considered ‘anti-Semitic’ content. The Left’s conflation of ‘anti-Semitism and Racism is a highly related and disingenuous undercurrent in this discussion but is only examined as an adjunct to the main premise of this article. It’s mostly concerned with comparing Google and Russia’s Yandex in relation to the censorship of political (Populist/Alternative) content in the context of finding a…