PENN Magazine (Reprised and Updated): How we Know we Didn’t Go to the Moon

Jim Fetzer

PENN magazine, edited by my colleague, Mike Palecek,  published this issue in 2018, which includes a stunning article by Winston Wu, “The Apollo Moon Hoax: 35 Proofs We Didn’t Go”. Winston is a brilliant guy and this article is my favorite on the subject. I recommend beginning with “Conspiracy Theory: Did we Land on the Moon?”, which advances one scientific reason after another about why we could not have gone and abundant evidence that the moon landing footage was faked. For those who may harbor lingering hopes that we really did go, this is the place to start.

Conspiracy Theory: Did we Land on the Moon (2001)


This publication coincides with “The Next Generation of Researchers”, a high-school forum with teams from different schools, debating whether we went to the moon, where I served as the evaluator of the exchange and offered a summary of the evidence that demonstrates, beyond any reasonable doubt, that we did not go to the moon, especially because it was neither physically nor technically possible, which implies that the “official narrative” cannot possibly be true:
But even though we cannot have gone to the moon, it was both physically and technically possible to fake having gone! Here a some pages from Winston’s article, which may motivate reading more by clicking on the link to PENN magazine, where this latest issue runs 97 pages, available at the push of a key and at no cost to you. This has to be the greatest bargain in the history of publishing. Enjoy!

The Moon Landing Hoax: How we Know we Didn’t Go: TAKE 2 (20 July 2019)

The Great Moon Landing Hoax with Dennis Cimino










More on the Moon Landing Hoax with Dennis Cimino


Jim Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer, is McKnight Professor Emeritus on the Duluth Campus of the University of Minnesota and founded with Mike Palecek.

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47 thoughts on “PENN Magazine (Reprised and Updated): How we Know we Didn’t Go to the Moon”

  1. And here is a great counter argument to why we DID go.

    Ignore that’s its Medium. The science and “proof” stand up I think. I’d like someone to go over each of the points and explain why they’re lies.

    I go back and forth on the moon thing personally.

    As for the earth being flat. That’s ridiculous. It’s obvious we are on a ball. I could go on about why, but flat earth is frankly so stupid it’s not worth it.

    1. DonaldD…I have NO doubts about the moon landing. No one went and they’ll never go.
      In regard to that site, if there is no moisture on the moon, how can there be impressions? Something would be needed to hold the ‘soil’ together.

      Flat earth? Prove it’s a sphere and we can go from there.

  2. 911 Truth is a gateway drug to deeper and darker deceptions. Once you cross that Rubicon, The Moon Landings become a laughable farce. Everything that goes along with it falls away including pictures of Earth and the space station. Once NASA started lying to us there was no stopping it. I had an Engineering Professor named Frank Groat who claimed to have been on the design team for Apollo’s parachute system. I’d love to travel back in time and ask Frank “so let’s say you were lucky enough to make the Moon shot the first time. Then drown the Astronauts on a risky water landing in the ocean? ” Why not just land on terra firma? The idea the ocean makes for a softer safer landing does not fly with me. Ask the guy that jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge and lived to tell about it.

  3. They knew the earth was found ( a sphere) and how big it was. Flat earth is trying to make truthers look stupid. The earth spins around the sun & the moon spins around the earth. We did not go past the radiation belt, so we did not go to the moon. Primate changes all the time, we do not have enough CO2 in the air.
    Buzz Aldrin (with the little girl asking why has noone been back to the moon I such a long time?). I the longer version says we did go to the moon (a lie). It looks like he accidentally said at first we didn’t go to the moon, but he probably only meant that we haven’t gone back for such a long time.

    1. People ought to realize that ALL the planets are now heating slightly. [I supposed that’s because of all the coal fires and cars on Mars and Venus.] There very little to nothing that humans can do to prevent the earth warming. Planets have been cooling and heating in cycles for millions of years.

  4. Not too long ago, I remember Dr. Fetzer asked if anyone would mind if Bob was not allowed on this site any longer…or something similar to those words.
    I would like to now have a serious vote in that regard.

      1. That picture proves the earth is round. Just like the King of Portugal and the king&quenn of Spain knew it was round and twice as big (diameter) as what Columbus thought, ask the Indians in America where they got their name, Columbus thought he was in India. Bit of a joke, the king of Portugal gave him no money and the Spanish gave him half instead of double. People had been sailing around the world long before Columbus did it, they knew the earth was sphere and its size. The flat earth stuff is to make truthers look stupid! But that William today told Fetzer the moon did not orbit the earth and Fetzer said the guy was clever. I was taught at school, you can put the earth as the centre of the solar system but the orbits end like like spirals, it is better to do it with sun as the centre, that is why William is confused, and Fetzer deceived.

      2. I forgot to say, I did a subject at university , surveying. I remeber being told that on large projects they have to allow for th curvature of the earth, that bridge would be such a project. But don’t tell me the moon is not orbiting the earth William.

      3. The ‘feel’ of your comments is that you have already made of your mind regarding the shape of the earth; in which case, nothing I can say will make a difference. At the start of my journey, I was the same…as were most others who chose to research and not accept. Could be this is the kind of attitude that gets many of us ‘conspiracy theorists’ to go further than the masses. BUT, if you do care to take it further, there are three (out of many, many others) I would recommend, having followed flat earth now for close to 5 years.



        Nathan Oakley

      4. The earth is sphere,. Anyone who say the earth is flat is any or deceived or a shill. Are you flat earth people decived or shills?

      5. Let me say it (hopefully without typos).
        The earth is a sphere.
        Anyone who thinks the earth is flat is deceived or a SHILL.

      6. Bill from Australia..I think most here would agree I am not a shill. Is it possible myself and other LEGITIMATE flat earthers are being deceived? Yes. Afterall, at 74. I was deceived in regard to having trust and respect for the US for 55 years. So I am obviously not beyond deception. BUT, if those who believe in the earth as presented to them think they are beyond deception, they are not being honest or true to themselves without at least some degree of research and reasoning. . Were you in Australia not deceived into allowing your masters to take your weapons?
        Truth Passes Through Three Stages: First, It Is Ridiculed. Second, It Is Violently Opposed. Third, It Is Accepted As Self-Evident

      1. @will

        True I mean his statements are so ludicrous I don’t even look at them
        Therefor valueless

        Ban him
        , ignore him who cares it’s bobner .

        Man !!! Will I have much more to say on flat earth ! Im being kept pretty preoccupied with family and a few projects especially this detailed analysis of the sandy hook ct report

        There’s suffice it to say ALOT of issues with it

        Cheers everyone !

      2. Flat earth can be fascinating because the research reveals that we have accepted the very place we live without any question or inquiry. We have been indoctrinated and never knew it. And once you really examine that aspect along with the scientism involved and the rotations and speeds and distances and movements that are pure, unverifiable figures, you begin to wonder what else we have accepted.

      3. This is right up there with Fetzer’s analysis of the Noah Spider Man video.

        “If I went to the moon the first thing I would want is a full face closeup pic of myself on the moon surface. Can you imagine the historic value of that? I would put it on the wall of my den for my family to see. Who wouldn’t.
        Oh BTW….not one photo exists of any astronot’s full face closeup standing on the surface of the moon. Why? Because they were never on the moon.”

      4. @will don

        Ban bobner ???

        I like bobner , he’s my compass to know I’m on the right track. When he gets obsessed over some thing he somehow thinks is evidenceit makes me laugh honestly .

        I barely read what he says anymore to be honest .

      5. Keef…I don’t see where Bob (or Lewis, for that matter) add anything of value other than unnecessary discord to our discussions. BUT, it’s not my decision and I have made my feelings known.

      6. Keef is next….but ultimately, I imagine it’s Fetzer’s decision….so…
        Who else posts here on a regular basis? We lost Toni….and Dachsie comes here every now and then…

    1. Also at the 15:16 mark we see the LEM flying over the surface of the moon. As a model builder I can tell you that’s a model of the LEM. [LEM…Lunar excursion module.] After building hundreds of models, I can tell a model from the real thing.

      1. This longer version reinforces the fact that he never landed on the moon.

        The short version does not have all of the extraneous details.

        But the short version is the nail-in-coffin that they have lied to the world for 50 years and that he never landed on the moon…..nor has any other human being.

      2. The longer version of Buzz’s interview changes nothing. It adds some interesting details but he still confirms that he never set foot on the moon.

      3. ”Because we didn’t go there. That’s the way it happened. And if it didn’t happen it’s nice to know why it didn’t happen so in the future if we want to keep doing something we need to know why something stopped in the past if we want to keep it going.” Buzz’s answer is right there.

        Yes, they flew around the moon and did a low practice run but NEVER landed…..then or any other time.

      4. So they flew around the moon but didn’t land on it? That’s make less sense than the whole thing being a hoax. They spend the money to go up there and not land. I guess you base that on Armstrong not taking a photo with his helmet off……on the moon… space.

      5. The little girls question was “why has nobody been to the moon in such a long time?”

        Aldrin’s answer

        “That’s not an 8-year-old’s question. That’s my question. I want to know. But I think I know. Because we didn’t go there. That’s the way it happened. And if it didn’t happen it’s nice to know why it didn’t happen so in the future if we want to keep doing something we need to know why something stopped in the past if we want to keep it going.”

        Buzz is wondering why we didn’t go back too. “if we want to keep doing something we need to know why something stopped in the past.” The something that stopped was going to the moon.

      6. You are right about that Bob the little girl thing was deceptive, maybe some type of psychop. I was tricked. There was short version by the same guy that had the high temperatures melting metal in outer space, until I read in the comments high temperature only means fast molecules (kinetic enery) needs more molecules to provide enough energy to melt things like metal.
        But they did not go to the moon.
        I did a job for a guy whose mate worked for ABC(Australian government disinfo agency), he said that there was going to be a moon landing, and it was going to be FAKE.
        Ther is a saying:
        You can fool some of the people, all of the time.
        You can fool all of the people, some of the time.
        But you can’t fool all of the people, all off the time!

    2. @ don

      You have to laugh a bit .

      Someone can literally say “we didn’t go there “
      Or “ I hope this doesn’t come crashing on the people of newtown” and “thats why we have unmarked vans to fool you people”

      And STILL believe the screen . It’s kind of astounding . So blatant . So obvious , we “destroyed the technology “………..

      Man it’s a shame . I used to have a stargate to Jupiter . I burned it up though cause “why would keep that thing around “

      I really do think the astronauts weren’t happy about the whole ordeal you can tell. Neil try’s to let us know as well “ truths protective layers”

      Even buzz saying “we were just passengers”

      If you get a chance you should check out Micheal Hanekes works . He’s an Austrian film maker and I swear his whole art is to show us the deceptive and manipulative nature of media .

      Caché and funny games are incredible examples of this .

      1. keef:
        the USA is Hoax Central.

        One huge problem is that you cannot have moon dust inside the LEM. NASA works 24/7 to try figure out how that problem can be solved. When I see the astronots go inside the LEM with dusty spacesuits, I laugh.

  5. Flat Earthers like Will keep asking for photos of Earth from space. When they’re shown any, they immediately say they’re fake. Yet they still keep asking for photos from space, even though they will never accept that one is real.

  6. If I went to the moon the first thing I would want is a full face closeup pic of myself on the moon surface. Can you imagine the historic value of that? I would put it on the wall of my den for my family to see. Who wouldn’t.
    Oh BTW….not one photo exists of any astronot’s full face closeup standing on the surface of the moon. Why? Because they were never on the moon.

    Just imagine if we had a photo of Columbus coming ashore 12 October 1492 at an island in the Bahamas.

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