22 Feb, 2025

Rockefeller Plan to Use Bioweapons to Impose Martial Law One Quarantine at a Time

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9 thoughts on “Rockefeller Plan to Use Bioweapons to Impose Martial Law One Quarantine at a Time”

  1. This may be an off the wall question, but I think it should be asked…..How possible is it the virus was created or at least let loose with economic chaos as a result to make sure Trump was blamed with the possibility of the election being canceled or postponed?…after all, nothing else worked to get rid of him.
    Please do not tell me the Dems would not go that far……….they have already demonstrated they will.

  2. Certainly sounds like those haughty Rockefeller shmucks. The spectrum of theories on the Beer Virus (ha-ha) is so varied in origin, severity and lethality… it makes your head spin trying to suss it. The Health Ranger’s take on it sounds legit. I wonder if Budweiser had anything to do with the Corona name choice? People are ready for end of the world scenarios including the war of the Preppers verses the craven masses, martial law imposition, forced vaccinations. Then there’s a huge swath that thinks it’s an overblown hoax and/or a beta test of our reactions and over-reactions to it.

    Could it be the plan B to destroy Trump’s sure re-election? The Dim-O-craps have become a radical lunatic fringe that is so foreign to average Joe Six-Packs that it seems designed to drive the most moderate among us into the arms of the Re-Bloodlicans. Murdering newborn babies and calling it post birth abortion, praising Fidel Castro, Green New Deal lunacy. The Dims have become cringe worthy just imagining them in full power again.

    I think VA. House (R) Nick Freitas’s has an accurate way to describe the Dims… if you don’t agree with them, you are racist, xenophobia-phobic, homo-phobic and probably have thrown a puppy or two under a speeding bus.

  3. Not sure from where this report came, but it’s good to see that voice from the future made a few mistakes.
    If you’re a John Wick fan as myself, you might think the ‘high table” is in Rome, Italy, but it could well be that’s a subterfuge for the real location somewhere in London…….then again, maybe the Vatican is running it all…..
    One thing for darn sure is the Vatican likely has the greatest cache of gold….
    Does the Queen answer to the Pope or the Pope to the Queen?
    I would bet on the former.

      1. Thanks for the link. Carroll Quigley the Anglo American Experience provides details on this fake empire we live in.

    1. Speaking of …Most Americans, 99+%, still believe that 20 kids were killed at Sandy Hook school in 2012.
      This week I read and saw at least three news reports that talked about the “mass shooting” at Sandy Hook.
      Its the same every week…..over and over.

      Nothing will change until the authorities change. My one small voice will change nothing.


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