What better time than Day 27 of California’s f’ing COVID-19 lock down to revisit a timeless trope. Way back in June of 2012, Mike Adams of Natural News wrote a classic post describing the five dominant personalities you’ll encounter in a world gone mad. Does it get much crazier than this?
“What the heck is going on with our world?” Adams wrote. “Why are people such lying betrayers? Why do the most evil people rise to the top. Why are homeless zombies eating human flesh?”
All are still good questions. We would add: If people are being threatened with arrest for being outside, then why are prisoners being released onto the streets?
The County of Los Angeles, for example, released 25 percent of its prison population during the last couple of weeks in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among inmates. However, there are now concerns about a potential crime wave. Gosh, yah think?
Meanwhile, a man at Los Angeles’ famed Malibu Beach was arrested last week for paddle boarding all alone about 50 yards offshore. An L.A. County Lifeguard boat, an L.A. Sheriff’s patrol boat, at least three L.A. Sheriff deputies and at two Malibu Police patrolmen were on the scene to round up this dangerous rebel. Really. Sh*t you not. Be sure to watch with sound.
Adams wrote that in answering such mad-world questions, he had assembled the five archetypes of a society in collapse.
These are the five dominant personalities he saw around us back then. I still see them around us right now — perhaps even more so.
• Zombies
• Deniers
• Schemers
• Sociopaths
• Protectors
Zombies are the brain dead masses, the TV-watching fluoride heads who believe the mainstream media and dutifully vote for the next globalist puppet president. They live their lives without consciousness or awareness, sleepwalking through day after day, job after job, drinking diet soda and eating GMO.
Most zombies are incapable of holding down paying jobs, although a few have managed to find employment at the local DMV. The lower strata of zombies tend to be unemployed and even homeless, wandering the streets and snorting “bath salts” designer drugs that make them want to snack on each other’s flesh.
When not snarling at police and barbecuing their best friends, these zombies are frequently panhandling at street intersection, holding signs that read, “Out of work. God bless” or whatever text best works to get them more money for booze and drugs. Years ago, their signs read, “Hope and Change.” Change did come, of course, but not the kind of change they had hoped for.
An ‘anti-fascist’ protestor (C) confronts a man said to be antagonizing them after multiple people were stabbed during a clash between ‘neo-Nazis’ holding a permitted rally and ‘counter-protestors’ on Sunday at the state capitol in Sacramento, Calif., June 26, 2016. PHOTO: Max Whittaker/REUTERS
The Zombie population is rapidly growing in America, thanks to the economic implosion and the continued assault on cognitive sanity via chemicals found in food, water, air and medicine. Many gun owners are locking and loading with Hornady’s “ZombieMax Ammo” in preparation for the coming Zombie apocalypse. Remember: If it’s eating the face off another person, it’s okay to shoot it.
Summary of the Zombie Archetype
Cognitive capabilities: Insane.
Moral compass: Non-existent.
Desired agenda: Self-entertainment.
Worships: Nothing.
Typical dress: Rags.
When you’re not looking, they will: Eat your face.
With slightly more cognitive capability than Zombies, Deniers are the functional but ignorant masses who live out their meaningless lives in total denial of reality. They can still manage to hold down jobs and even dress themselves, so most Deniers are middle-class working people you might find employed at the local Wal-Mart, insurance company or TSA hub. Unlike Zombies, Deniers can speak in partial sentences and order from fast food menus. (“Idiocracy” speak.)
Astonishingly, Deniers watch network news and literally believe what they are watching. To the Deniers, there are no “conspiracies.” All governments are good. Drug companies are trying to help people, not exploit them for profit. U.S. Senators are “honorable” and the War on Drugs is a huge success!
Deniers believe there is no such thing as black market organ trafficking, child sex slave trafficking in the USA, child kidnapping by CPS workers, or government-run false flag attacks on civilian populations. Deniers are completely unaware that U.S. troops literally help grow the opium crops in Afghanistan, that vaccines are laced with cancer-causing stealth viruses, or that the so-called “fluoride” dumped into the municipal water supply is actually a deadly cocktail of industrial chemicals and neurotoxic heavy metals.
Deniers like to think of themselves as “trendy” and they worship trendy pop culture figures like Steve Jobs. Deniers are driven primarily by the desire to be assimilated into the group think by speaking, behaving and even dressing exactly like everyone else around them. Their need for social acceptance outweighs their need for critical thinking. To them, individuation is horrifying.
As a result, Deniers have become surprisingly competent at burying their heads in the sand and pretending no problems exist, even while they are being soft-killed by the governments and corporations all around them. What, me worry? What global debt Ponzi scheme? What national debt? What Fukushima fallout? Look, another football game is on! Another TV show is on! My girlfriend is texting me! Who has time for reality when living in a delusional world is so entertaining and trendy?
Summary of the Denier Archetype
Cognitive capabilities: Medium-Low.
Moral compass: Malleable. Does whatever the group tells them.
Desired agenda: Get along and fit in. Be popular.
Worships: Material wealth. Fashion. Cars.
Typical dress: Business casual.
When you’re not looking, they will: Spread false gossip about you.
‘Creepy porn lawyer’ Michael Avenatti
Sociopaths are the heavy-metals-poisoned, brain-fried human monsters who rage through society, threatening others, running scams and committing fraud. They are the quacks, the hucksters, and the killers. In the medical industry, they’re the doctors who enjoy delivering electroshock therapy to children. In the dental industry, they’re the dentists who put patients under with anesthesia and then rape them in their chairs. In the natural health industry, they’re the hollow-eyed monsters selling toxic “miracle” products that poison your brain with aluminum or mercury.
Do not confuse Sociopaths with Zombies. Sociopaths are usually brilliant wordsmiths and often acquire powerful skills of social influence. Many are even able to attract a kind of cult following, which they often exploit for their own mass death agendas (Jim Jones, Charles Manson, Marshall Applewhite, etc).
Sociopaths are completely incapable of feeling remorse, compassion, guilt or shame. This allows them a surprising tactical advantage for gaining power in both the corporate and government worlds, where being a backstabbing psychopath is the fastest way to get ahead. This is why Sociopaths often rise to the top of government agencies and globalist corporations.
Here’s House Speaker and U.S. Senator Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco, Calif.) on Feb. 24 encouraging people to visit San Francisco’s China Town district. We later learned that at the time of this press event, there were two known cases of community spread of coronavirus in the South Bay Area.
Sociopaths are fantastic liars. They lie just as easily as putting on a pair of socks in the morning. They lie so well that they often fool themselves into thinking they are telling the truth. Their lies are skillfully woven around a tiny shred of proof to make them believable. Sociopaths believe that whatever they say becomes reality merely because they say it. Weak-willed people are easily fooled into thinking that sociopaths are “gurus” or prophets.
Jeffrey Epstein with Bill Clinton
Roughly 4% of the U.S. population are sociopaths. There’s even a book written about this: The Sociopath Next Door. It says:
In The Sociopath Next Door, Harvard psychologist Martha Stout reveals that a shocking 4 percent of ordinary people — one in twenty-five — has an often undetected mental disorder, the chief symptom of which is that that person possesses no conscience. He or she has no ability whatsoever to feel shame, guilt, or remorse. One in twenty-five everyday Americans, therefore, is secretly a sociopath. They could be your colleague, your neighbor, even family. And they can do literally anything at all and feel absolutely no guilt.
How do we recognize the remorseless? One of their chief characteristics is a kind of glow or charisma that makes sociopaths more charming or interesting than the other people around them. They’re more spontaneous, more intense, more complex, or even sexier than everyone else, making them tricky to identify and leaving us easily seduced. Fundamentally, sociopaths are different because they cannot love. Sociopaths learn early on to show sham emotion, but underneath they are indifferent to others’ suffering. They live to dominate and thrill to win.
Sociopaths are found everywhere. Bad cops are Sociopaths with a badge. Many regulations agencies are staffed with power-tripping Sociopaths who get off on the misuse of their power (TSA being the classic example).
Sociopaths almost always have a history of child abuse, and/or mutilating small animals.
Summary of the Sociopath Archetype
Cognitive capabilities: High.
Moral compass: Chaotic. Varies wildly from saintly to demonic.
Desired agenda: Mass death.
Worships: Himself.
Typical dress: “New Agey” or ragged clothing.
When you’re not looking, they will: Molest your daughter.
New York Sen. Chuck Schumer
Schemers are plotting mid-level minions (and sometimes high-level achievers) who make up the bulk of government, finance and war industries. These are the people who scam you out of your pensions, steal trillions through the criminally-run banking system, bribe their way into positions of influence and often end up running the world’s most powerful organizations right alongside Sociopaths. You’ll find them at the top of drug companies, weapons manufacturers, spy grid technology giants and of course governments.
Schemers are different from Sociopaths in that Schemers are not insane… they’re just evil. They tend to be very intelligent, very well educated (Harvard, Yale, etc.) and extremely well-connected into the corporate and government elitist circles. Their code of ethics only applies to their own family members, but anyone outside their immediate family is fair game for scams, threats and even murders. Organized mobs and Chicago-style gangs are all led by high-level Schemers.
Goldman Sachs President Gary Cohn, left, and his longtime friend and boss, CEO Lloyd Blankfein. PHOTO: Natalie Behring/ReutersToday,
Schemers run the worlds of banking and finance. Bilderbergers are Schemers. The Fed is run by Schemers. They will introduce new products that kill your babies if it earns them an extra nickel on their share price. Schemers routinely conduct insider trading scams to steal money from honest investors. Enron was run entirely by Schemers.
Schemers will exploit loopholes, flaunt the law, conspire with others and then stab them in the back after their usefulness is spent. Virtually all politicians are schemers. Eric Holder is a classic Schemer, as was Clinton. All high-level members of secret societies are schemers. The Rockefellers, Gates and the so-called “global elite” are all schemers. The world is dominated by schemers because they plan ahead, they conspire, they work in darkness, and they relentlessly seek power and control. Schemers are experts at manipulating Deniers and encouraging Sociopaths.
Summary of the Schemer Archetype
Cognitive capabilities: High.
Moral compass: Loyal to blood and family, cares nothing about everyone else.
Desired agenda: Total domination by any and all means.
Worships: Power and control, weird rituals, occult symbolism, money.
Typical dress: $2,000 business suit.
When you’re not looking, they will: Steal your pension.
Protectors are the honest citizens in society; the people who actually give a damn about others. They are the truth seekers and truth-tellers. They know the difference between wrong and right, and when they see something wrong, they actively seek to expose it.
Protectors are the modern-day info-warriors; the defenders of the village. They are the liberty movement advocates, the whistleblowers and the independent thinkers.
Protectors are also preparedness strategists. They enjoy being safe and well prepared for an unknown future. They help protect their children, their families, and sometimes their entire communities from uncertainty. They are survivors.
Protectors are long-term thinkers who want to leave behind a better world for their children. They advocate total transparency in government and fight for honest labeling of GMO foods. They’re strong advocates for true environmental protection, and they fight against criminal corporations. They demand accountability from others just as they do from themselves.
Protectors are loyal friends, capable defenders of life and property, and often surprisingly well versed in realms of spirituality, ethics and practical life skills. Many Protectors are members of churches or spiritual organizations, but they may also be journalists, self defense instructors, truck drivers or open-source technology advocates.
Beware of false Protectors who are actually Sociopaths pretending to be Protectors. Many Schemers also attempt to act like Protectors by running non-profits and foundations that are actually designed to further dominate humanity.
Only about 2% of the population are true Protectors. You can’t normally identify them until they are tested in a real crisis.
Summary of the Protector Archetype
Cognitive capabilities: Varies widely.
Moral compass: Follows the Golden Rule. Often has a religious background. Strong moral compass, strong sense of identity, purpose and self esteem.
Desired agenda: Ending suffering. Restoring liberty, justice, peace.
Worships: A universal force of good: God, karma or other spiritual force.
Typical dress: Varies widely.
When you’re not looking, they will: Secretly donate food to the local food bank
Hard to believe they have actually abandoned JURY TRIALS in Scotland! What are they thinking? This and more from a recent highly informative Corbett interview:
Dear Jim,
Very interesting, imaginative and humorous, but why isn’t the term classification more appropriate than archetype?
Please remember this next time you sign on to Facebook. I wouldn’t touch that place with latex gloves:
Although this was posted previously in print, in video format, read by the author, it seems to have a more dramatic impact. Maybe one has to see the authors face, his sincerity and sadness to grasp the seriousness of the words. One also must wonder if the solemnity put forth is a last ditch effort to awaken a few more souls or a true message to those in the future who may somehow simply stumble across it once the Internet is purged or even removed in totality; possibly both….
In a way, it’s a surrender to reality. It’s certainly not an excuse, but it is an apology……an apology our future will deserve.
For those that don’t know, Dr. Eric Karlstrom explains just how determined and horrible the Jewish Cabal really is…………
Due to the completely outrageous material presented here, if Eric Karlstrom were not such a sterling source, I would think this was fake news. Way beyond 1984, right here and now.
Being blocked in my area. Is anyone here experiencing the same?
Holy Smokes! Dr. Lorainne Day exposes the Jewish Agenda.
All Roads Lead to The City of London.
Raw Deal 17 April 2020
From that show:
I”In any previous epidemic in the history of the world, only the sick were quarantined, never the well….the sick are quarantined, never the well”.
…If that simple statement does not expose this insanity of this “event” and that does not sink in deeply and allow you to get it, turn in your head for a new one.
Experienced physician rips apart the CV pandemic and exposed Fauci as a fake and a fraud, who even undermined the President when he recommended a cheap and effective solution to the problem and deserves to be prosecuted and incarcerated.
Without doubt, the most powerful vid I have yet to watch. Do not miss it….still watching. THIS will open your mind!
Fauci should not only be fired, he must be indicted, convicted and imprisoned for the remainder of his worthless existence.
And here’s the damn kicker….YT Google or whomever else has actually BEEPED OUT the term 5G from that video….beyond outrageous. What the hell are they afraid of….I’ll tell you what…the damn truth that 5G is G-D DEADLY!
I am telling you right now….and I apologize for posting so many times…..this video will not stay up for long…..record it, file it…do whatever is necessary. It’s a blockbuster…PLEASE!
Fastest free YouTube downloader:
It’s a done deal………
Ralph…It’s not a done deal. It’s up to us, despite the surrender attitude I have heard and seen of late.
It’s up to We the People to turn things around. Many are surrounding capitals throughout this country.
Do what you can do. Put signs on your vehicle. Talk to your friends, neighbors and relatives. Make little slips of paper with the Fetzer blog and other links to hand out to those who will listen. Get on these blogs that have gone to the dark side (Zero Hedge for instance) and leave links to the truth. Get a Guy Fawkes mask like I have and wear it in place of those other worthless N-95’s. NO ONE can say a thing and it sends a message. Remove those damn ‘distance’ signs where you find them….just be careful and do it covertly.
Please try to find a replay of last nights Raw Deal with Dr. Lorraine Day…it was sensational. She may be too Christian for some, but her credentials and information are impeccable.
Never, ever surrender to what these creatures have in store for us….you will regret it.
Will, I like this so much I want to include it in my “Real Deal Reports” on the CV political pandemic, referring to you as “Will”. I take it that’s OK with you? If not, let me know now.
Fine by me, Dr.
As long as the money supply and the media and the US Congress are all under Jewish control, and as long as the US government is saturated with dual national Jew bureaucrats, and as long as the US public is without knowledge of the foregoing, nothing can change.
And if nothing can change, it is a done deal.
So I guess the question is how can all this power be wrested from Jewish hands in order to prevent them from systematically destroying the US.
Trump won’t vacate the Fed Charter— because he is controlled by Jews.
So where does this leave us?
Seems to me the best outcome possible is a complete system failure (which we seem to be headed to) after which the US Government could not operate, and therefore dismantling of the empire could occur. This way, people might have a chance to start over in smaller geographic regions and get free of Jewish control.
So a huge crippling depression and breakdown is something to look forward to!
Donald Trump puts himself at the heart of the ‘lockdown rebellion’ tweeting ‘LIBERATE’ Michigan, Virginia and Minnesota in broadside at Democratic governors day after saying they ‘call the shots’
President Trump made himself the star of the ‘lockdown rebellion’ on Friday by tweeting ‘LIBERATE Minnesota’ and then adding Michigan and Virginia to the list of states that should be freed.
The tweets came one day after the president’s coronavirus taskforce rolled out guidelines that would give governors broad power to decide when states’ economies would open back up amid the coronavirus pandemic.
But governors, including Michigan’s Gretchen Whitmer, have attracted protests from constituents complaining that the stay at home orders to prevent the spread of the deadly virus have trampled on their liberty.
President Trump did an about-face on Friday and started tweeting that states should be ‘liberated’ from the stay at home orders put in place by governors to keep people from spreading the coronavirus
President Trump did an about-face on Friday and started tweeting that states should be ‘liberated’ from the stay at home orders put in place by governors to keep people from spreading the coronavirus
The president began by tweeting ‘LIBERATE MINNESOTA!’ as protesters gathered at the home of the Democratic governor Friday morning
The president began by tweeting ‘LIBERATE MINNESOTA!’ as protesters gathered at the home of the Democratic governor Friday morning
Then the president said that Michigan and Virginia, two more states under Democratic control, should also be liberated, adding in Virginia that the 2nd Amendment needed to be ‘saved’
Then the president said that Michigan and Virginia, two more states under Democratic control, should also be liberated, adding in Virginia that the 2nd Amendment needed to be ‘saved’
Backlash protests against lockdown orders have been staged all over the country. In Michigan on Wednesday, protesters came out to the state capitol as part of ‘Operation Gridlock’
Backlash protests against lockdown orders have been staged all over the country. In Michigan on Wednesday, protesters came out to the state capitol as part of ‘Operation Gridlock’
Protesters in Michigan on Wednesday brandished weapons and held up Trump/Pence flags and signs demanding an end to the lockdown
Protesters in Michigan on Wednesday brandished weapons and held up Trump/Pence flags and signs demanding an end to the lockdown
Michiganders who protested against Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer were pro-Trump in nature including one that called her a ‘Nazi woman’
Michiganders who protested against Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer were pro-Trump in nature including one that called her a ‘Nazi woman’
All three states that Trump singled out have Democratic governors – and are potentially swing states in the 2020 election.
On Wednesday, thousands of protesters showed up to Michigan’s state capitol in their vehicles to demonstrate against Whitmer’s order – the strictest in the nation.
Whitmer has banned residents from visiting their neighbors and has told large retailers to close off sections dedicated to home improvement goods.
The protest – called ‘Operation Gridlock – was devised by the Michigan Conservative Coalition and the Michigan Freedom Fund, which is linked to the family of Trump’s Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.
It featured some of the elements of a Trump campaign rally including ‘lock her up’ chants and large Trump 2020 flags. Some protesters also brought Confederate flags, despite Michigan being part of the Union during the Civil War.
‘We are all on the same team when it comes to defeating COVID-19. Right now the governor is focused on saving lives and protecting Michigan families,’ a spokesperson for Whitmer said, responding to the president’s tweet.
‘As the governor has said, we’re not going to reopen Michigan’s economy via tweet,’ the spokesperson added.
I would rather resist with the means I mentioned among many other methods than sit and wait for a collapse and a depression. THAT is not something anyone wants.
We have ideas and we have numbers. Yes, they have the media….but day by day, citizens are catching on to the manipulation and lies. Do whatever you can in any little way…it all counts.
This is not a time for passivity.
Dear Friends of Fetzer
I urge you all to watch another video from 2014, the journ-o is begging us to watch out for the scam-demic because of Lock-Step Pandemic Simulation from 2010 . Rockefeller Foundation. A virus that is Real and Deadly or a totally fabricated simulation, it almost does not matter with what they are doing
dK…It WILL NOT get to that point in the US… bad as it may seem…NEVER—- NEVER—– NEVER….!!
Do not be discouraged .
Hey Will, did you watch the video? Imagine having the balls to call it ‘lockstep’. This was 2014 and the Reporter said calling it Lock-Step, just like what 99% of Americans did in 2001 after 911. How many people joined the military just to take revenge? Isn’t that what Pat Tillman did?
Americans… please locate your spines and throw off the self installed shackles! DEMAND AN END TO THE SHUTDOWN ! This has zero to do with protecting us from disease and everything to do with taking away freedom!
Yes…and I like Vox….he has the kind of anger we all need…Seems that was just a practice run.
I hope you listened to the Raw Deal last night…..superb program….if not, maybe it will be on soon….or Bitchute.
Hope Vox is still around and they did not get to him.
This also indicates that all presidents have been in on this madness….so if anyone here still thinks this is a part of Trump’s plan, think again….as Carlin said, they don’t give a damn about you…
The solution is up to us….and it cannot be fulfilled from our keyboards….we need to get organized and hit the damn streets. …or at least refuse the lockdown and wear a Guy Fawkes mask to fulfill that mandate that is coming to YOUR state.
As much as i liked Dr. Lorraine Day on the Raw Deal last night, her idea of sitting back and waiting for them to take us to FEMA camps does not fly with me. I will not get on my knees, turn my other cheek and succumb to their tyranny. F ’em and the communists they road in with.
I hear your call to resistance. There have been demonstrations in Southern California, like the one yesterday in Huntington Beach. Here’s the interesting thing: there is no notification online of upcoming protests. The usual protest organizations, including Occupy, are organizing nothing! One is having a ‘tweet fest’ instead! This is a good sign because it confirms how infiltrated they all are.
The problem is how does one organize with no online presence? How do I find the protests going on today? They only make the news after they are over.
In the “old days”….showing my age, am i?…..we used to use things called ‘phone trees’….but today, so few have land lines….
Smoke signals? Elk horns? Shouting? CB radios? Tom toms!
Pony express!…plenty of horses around my area!
Chain letters…now thgere’s an idea!
You’re funny.
There used to be email lists compiled and passed around by regular folks but I think they all dissolved when people got their social media apps. They didn’t know they were installing social media CONTROL apps.
I do a lot more driving now that the traffic has been cleared by the lockdown, but this city is just too big to drive around and hope to happen upon a protest. I’ll have to think about it more.
It could be that Huntington Beach will be the locus here. Go HB!
Toni…..I just posted this on ZH….have no idea what I am doing, but it’s just a place to start.
We need to organize and plan. Here’s a start.
Reply and say what city and state you are from. We have to start somewhere.
Since I do not do social media, I am at an “extinct” disadvantage.
PS…have you heard Dylan’s new release?
Well, that was an underwhelming response…!
This is the mask I’ll be wearing when and IF it’s mandated in north Florida….(it has already been mandated in south Florida!)
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That’s hilarious, Will. Love this idea. So subversive. Who doesn’t recall the directives that outlawed this mask at protests?
It’s a done deal here. Masks are now required to be improvised by anyone out in public, even masks that were once illegal. Wish I had a Guy Fawkes mask. I wear a blue bandanna à la the Crips. Sagging and blue-ragging, that’s me. Flashin’ ironic gang sign.
Or, it could be that I’m a bad guy waiting to rob the 3:10 out of Yuma.
I haven’t worn one of these since I was a child playing cowboys.
I got mine from Ebay…2 for 6.99…in three days. I do think the price just went up to one for 7.99…not sure…Just don’t order the one from China, eh?
Thanks for that info. “Just don’t order the one from China, eh?” lol
As the copyright holder, I guess Time Warner is the major beneficiary of the Guy Fawkes mask: “…it is by far the company’s best-selling facial costume.”
If this takes off as a lockdown protest, watch ‘facial costume’ work it’s way into the government directive.
More irony from The Mask!
Hey, put a regular mask over or under it. What could the objection be then…TOO CREATIVE…..??
THIS is a sign of a society not only in collapse, it’s a sign of a society gone completely stark raving insane. What possible good can hundreds of these signs do in an area as rural as mine.I live twelve miles from any sign of population. NO GOOD WHATSOEVER is the correct answer….unless it’s to show us THEY are in control. In any case, it’s an interesting souvenir.
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I live in an Armenian neighborhood, across from a park adorned with these kinds of signs. It’s heartening to see a lot of people here ignoring the government directives. Especially over Easter, which lasts a couple days after Sunday for Armenian Christians, I saw a lot of family gatherings with little kids and parents and grandparents celebrating, with no masks or social distancing. It’s weird because on Nextdoor some of the most vociferous behavior monitors are Armenian moms. But I didn’t see any snitch-alerted cops coming around, so that’s good news.
There is a new development in the Nanny State enveloping Colorado and I’m sure the rest of United States of Tyrannical power grabbing Governorships. Our Governor, Jared Polis is trying to compete with New York and California for the first Hunger Games for Adults battleground. Governor Polis is employing cellphone tracking data to see how well the Slaves are complying with un-constitutional stay at home orders. Please read about this very troubling Orwellian wrinkle in The Denver Post story:
I am quite interested to see how much deviance their will be at the End the Shutdown Protest this Sunday in Denver at the State Capitol. I am always leery of protests with all the dirty tricks played with agent provocateurs sent to stir up conflict and make a scene. Who knows what will happen. The last End the Fed protest I went to was attended by 12 people. I am sure there will be some significant size crowd this time.
This short 8 min. video by a Dr. reveals that he received a 7 page letter from the CDC instructing him how to pad and ”fake” Death Certificates to show covid as the death. This is the first item that I’ve seen that reveals the covid hoax and fraud. There may be others that I am not aware of but this video is horrific in its deal.
This Dr. is also a MN State Senator. File: Dr. Scott Jensen
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Small correction. The Dr/Senator received a 7 page email from ”The Health Department” [unnamed] concerning unusual Death Cert. reporting procedures.
I would like to see that 7 page email.
Evidently hospitals are using Death Cert. to gin up the numbers of Covid 19 deaths. Most all people with end stage cancer and other diseases have breathing problems when they die. [both my father and brother did.] Hospitals and doctors are given permission to list these deaths as Covid 19 deaths….totally unethical. Yes, this pandemic IS a scamdemic.
We are being lied to.
Water fluoridation was mentioned in this article. I post this great article below by the late professor H.L. McKinney to show readers the efforts against water fluoridation by two of the greatest biochemists of the 20th century, the late John Yiamouyiannis, Ph.D. and the late Dean Burk, Ph.D. These two scientific giants did everything in their power to stop fluoridation of the public water supplies against formidable opponents. They were victorious one country. This is a most enlightening and inspiring article showing what real scientists do to reach truth against powerful liars. Burk, a colleague and student of Otto Warburg was also considered one of the greatest biochemists of the 20th century on a par with Warburg himself. When I first read this article I read it for the cancer work but was rewarded to discover his great efforts in fluoridation as well IN MEMORIAM — DEAN BURK (1904-1988), FLUORIDE, 22:3, 1989 July
by H.L. McKinney, University of Kansas; Lawrence, Kansas Quote:
“Both science and the humanities have lost a major intellect with the recent death of Dean Burk, October 6, 1988, at the age of 84, Burk was born March 21, 1904, in Oakland, California, the son of Frederic Burk, who was President of what is now San Francisco State University. He entered the University of California Farm School at Davis at the age of 15 and studied agriculture. A year later, he transferred to the University of California at Berkeley, where he received his B.S. in Entomology in 1923. Four years later at the age of 23, he earned a Ph.D., in Plant Nutrition and Chemistry (1).
He continued his advanced studies as a fellow, National Research Council/International Education Board (1927-1929), successively at University College, University of London (with A.V. Hill, a Nobel laureate), the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Biology in Berlin, and Harvard University. In Germany he had investigated nitrogen fixation with Otto Meyerhof and also befriended Otto Warburg, both Nobel Prize winners, and their students.
He maintained a forty-year friendship with Warburg, “my greatest mentor,” and perhaps the world’s greatest biochemist, who worked with him in Bethesda, Maryland, on photosynthesis in 1949. From 1950 up until 1969, the year before Warburg’s death, Burk spent most summers in Berlin and translated many of Warburg’s “most important contributions on cancer and photosynthesis….” (2). In 1953, he became a Foreign Member of Warburg’s Institute…”
“In January 1975, shortly after retiring from the NCI, Burk spoke to the National Health Federation about Laetrile. At that time he first met John Yiamouyiannis, a Ph.D. in biochemistry who had joined the NHF as Science Director and who was a formidable combatant in the fight against fluoridation. Burk couldn’t understand why Yiamouyiannis was “first wasting his time: pursuing such a dead-end subject (18).” Click the link above to read the entire article.
Well they have tried for years to take children out of home and into schools, and unless they start breaking in and taking people (like threatened in Europe, with respect???). Now the children are home and bonding with their family instead.
I read or heard that Stalin worked out the police only want to be paid and don’t care for the moral issues in involved in doing their jobs, so they were very good for enforcing unjust laws.
Robert David Steele has great ideas and sounds very optimistic in his most recent video. I wish I could share that positive vibe but I cannot. Too many zombies believe that the best way to save themselves is joining an economic suicide pact. The dealiest virus of all is a permanant state of paranoia. The zone is so flooded with pandemic propaganda, it’s hard to scream above the howling din of white noise from the networks.
The Recycling Collection Man was recently leaving alcoholics anonamous brochures in emptied recycling bins. That gives you a snapshot of what is happening during the shutdown. Nothing but time on your hands and no new content on Netflix. Maybe we should catch up on reruns of the Simpsons to see what kind of horror the Monty Burns-es of the World have in store for us next. Did you see the episode of Burns blocking out the sun? That’s another Bill Gates funded project called silver lining.
The evil billionaire pulling strings from a fortified lair and reeking havoc upon Earth has had the lampooned so well with the Austin Powers series, no one thinks it can happen for real. That’s part of why no one seems too concerned with Bill Gates’ and his nefarious activites. I watched him on the BBC yesterday lying to the World there have been no pandemic simulations. I found another one today from 2010 at the Rockefeller Foundation. How many times did they telegraph the plan for 2020 ? The 2010 was called Lock Step. My God that simulation is even closer to what is happening than Event 201. Here is Steele’s latest Utopian dream for re-opening America:
Sociopaths 4%? I think that its far higher than that, maybe 20%.
I had two brothers who were sociopaths. They thought nothing of stealing from me. One stole my best books and tape recorder and would give them to friends. The other [with an accomplice] robbed my house of all of my jewelry, hidden cash and then called our mother and threatened her with a gun. I called the police to no avail.
They’re both deceased.
I love Mike Adams the Health Ranger. I wonder now if he wishes he never left Ecuador and came back here. Good thing I got my stimulus yesterday. How long before inflation goes nuclear? I better spend it now, I suppose. Who can say for tomorrow’s buying power. I wonder if there’s any ammo left within 50 miles of here? Now everything makes sense, right? TV shows like the Purge, movies like the Hunger Games, Presidential Candidates unable to fire a single neuron. Gyms closing but liquor stores burning up their register keys, Libraries closed but legal weed is flying off the shelf. I have been trying to decide should I buy a new gun or a new guitar? I would think a new guitar purchase would make me more optimistic, a new gun — not so much.
What’s happening at your state legislature while everyone is in a Pandemic trance? Here in Colorado they are trying to pass a law requiring your guns are locked up or trigger locked… you know to protect us. If you hear glass breaking at 3 am, it’s no trouble to spend precious seconds unlocking your trigger. Law enforcement can always be called and if they aren’t too busy arresting people for surfing, they can be by in 30 or 40 minutes. Are you good till them?