State of the Nation, An Open Letter to the American Electorate

State of the Nation

Dear American Voter,

Who in the USA is not brutally aware of how consequential the 2020 POTUS election is?

Surely, the outcome of this election will determine the fate of the American people as it will the future of the Republic.

We are a group of U.S. citizens. We come from every voting demographic—the right, the left, the center and the unaffiliated. Stated another way, some of us are liberals, some are conservatives, others are independents and still others are completely apolitical.

However, we all share one thing: As residents of the 50 states, we are deeply concerned about the longevity and health of our constitutional republic. The Founding Fathers of this great nation established these United States of America as a constitutional republic whose leaders would be chosen in a fair democratic electoral process.



November 3rd of 2020 is the culmination of that process whereby We the People choose our government. As always, there are really only two choices.

Donald J. Trump vs. Joseph R. Biden, Jr.

Although it ought to be self-evident, one of those choices guarantees a future marked by the total loss of national sovereignty and territorial integrity. It also means a direly collapsed economy and degenerate civil society. Moreover, that choice will translate to more riots, looting, arson, violence and terrorism, as well as widespread crime, anarchy, corruption, lawlessness and racial tension. That choice is clearly Joe Biden and Kamal Harris.

Look it: President Trump said it truthfully when he made the extremely serious and accurate observation: “Joe Biden doesn’t even know he’s alive.” See this VIDEO.

That means that a vote for Joe Biden is really a vote for Kamala Harris. Most folks on the Left have resoundingly rejected Harris and yet here she is poised to be the President of the United States when Joe Biden is removed for so many legitimate reasons it’s tough to keep track of them all. For example, according to the US CODE, Joe Biden is permanently disqualified from holding any public office in the U.S. Federal Government.



Then why is he even there?! How is a senile, dementia-afflicted, verbally incapacitated, 77-year-old corrupt politico even on the ballot?!?! See: ELDER ABUSE! Is Joe Biden being profoundly victimized by his Democrat handlers?

You may have guessed it: Biden was chosen for reasons that would horrify the average Democrat, liberal, progressive or lefty.

In reality, Joe Biden was selected by the DNC so that a stone-cold Manchurian Candidate — Kamala Harris — could be stealthily installed into the Oval Office. That possibility alone ought to send shivers up the spine of every American alive; and you know those who have passed on are turning in their graves at the prospect.

But how did we get to this exceedingly precarious state of affairs?

That the soon-to-be torchbearer for the Democrat Party and potential occupant of the White House is a full-time flamethrower. We’re talking about a career political criminal who literally breathes fire of death and destruction every time she opens her mouth.

Just take a close look at the firebreathing Kamala Harris in this scary interview conducted by a mainstream media communist collaborator.

Kamala Harris Exposes Herself as a HUGE Player in the Current
Communist Plot of Rioting-Looting-Arson-Violence-Terrorism
Destroying American Cities (Video)

It should be abundantly clear that Senator Harris’ main mission is to pick up where Obama left off. Whereas Obama set the stage for a nationwide race war, Harris’ primary mission is to plunge the country into biggest race war in history. In fact, her entire story revolves around this well concealed agenda as seen in this incriminating exposé: OPERATION CRAFTY BEAVERDeep State attempts to start a race war before stealing the 2020 POTUS election.

All of this discussion about an obvious Deep State conspiracy to shoehorn such a dangerous arsonist into the POTUS position ought to give those on the Left reason to pause and take a step back…particularly before casting your vote. After all, it’s your cities that Harris and her fellow Democrats are burning down. Just look at what they’re doing to the Charcoal State of California! See: OPERATION TORCH CALIFORNIA: Hard Evidence Proving Wildfires Started by Arsonists (Videos)

Let’s be real… and we’re especially talking to our fellow citizens on the Left: Kamala Harris and Joe Biden don’t work for the American people, they work for their hidden masters in the New World Order globalist cabal. Yes, they may answer to their American Deep State handlers on a day-to-day basis, but they act on direct orders issued by foreign entities whose only goal is to destroy the American Republic—FOREVER!

Now the good folks on the LeftRight and Center know why this open letter was posted as an exceedingly urgent SOS.

Truly, the American ship of state is heading toward a cataclysmic iceberg event should the Biden-Harris ticket prevail on Election Day.

May the American electorate see the unvarnished truth and respond accordingly. All future generations will be profoundly affected by the outcome of this monumental election.

Lastly, even if Biden-Harris are decisively defeated, the Union will still face the greatest challenges of the millennium. Those formidable obstacles, and there are many, must be confronted with as many righteous souls as possible; otherwise, there will be no peace or prosperity for anyone in the USA.

Therefore, we strongly encourage everyone to vote for what is best for the American people and not according to a party line vote.  It was John Adams who quite presciently uttered the following wise words about America’s two-party system.


Your Fellow Concerned Americans

SOTN Exclusive
September 13, 2020

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3 thoughts on “State of the Nation, An Open Letter to the American Electorate”

  1. So, BLM GETS A PASS as Trump declares ANTIFA and the KKK (duh!) a terrorist organization:

    My favorite comment from that article:

    What is privilege???

    1) Privilege is wearing $200 sneakers when you’ve never had a job.

    2) Privilege is wearing $300 Beats headphones while living on public assistance.

    3) Privilege is having a Smartphone with a Data plan, which you receive no bill for.

    4) Privilege is living in public subsidized housing where you don’t have a utility or phone bill and where rising property taxes, rents and energy costs have absolutely no effect on the amount of food you can put on your table, which is largely covered by Government Food Stamps.

    5) Privilege is having free health insurance for you and your family that’s paid for by working taxpayers who often can’t afford proper health coverage for their own families.

    6) Privilege is having multiple national organizations promoting and protecting just your race alone — that are subsidized by federal tax dollars.

    7) Privilege is having access to a national college fund that supports only one race.

    8) Privilege is having a television network that supports only one race.

    9) Privilege is having most of the media news networks refuse to cover incidents wherein one race (one-eighth of the population) commits 50% of the crimes.

    10) Privilege is the ability to go march against, and protest against anything that triggers you, without worrying about calling off from work and the consequences that accompany such.

    11) Privilege is having as many children as you want, regardless of your employment status, and be able to send them off to daycare or pre-school you don’t pay for.

    12) Privilege is being able to vote in many states without showing a driver’s license, voter ID card or other credentials — just because your race claims they should be exempt from such requirements.

    13) Privilege is being able to riot, loot, commit arson and tear down historic monuments without consequences — just because you don’t like folks such as Columbus, U. S. Grant or even Lincoln.

    14) Privilege is being able to get into almost any college of your choosing based on your race, not your grades or merit.

    15) Privilege is having most of your life paid for by the working men and women who DO HAVE TO DEAL WITH RISING TAXES AND COSTS! you know, those you now call “PRIVILEGED.”

    Meanwhile (copyright Dr. Fetzer)….

    The person who said politics is a strange bedfellow had it right.

    Look, I am not a prejudice person whatsoever…but enough is enough.

    As BLM through violence destruction and death gets a half trillion dollar bribe, what kind of message does this give to our progeny…that violence pays? Seemingly so.

    Sorry Trump…in my opinion this is a bad move….good for you politically, but bad for this society.

  2. Great stuff !!

    2 typos FYI:

    That possibility alone ought to *sent* shivers up the spine of every American alive;
    (should be send rather than sent)

    in this scary interview conducted by *an* mainstream media communist
    (a is less awkward than an)


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