Mike Adams

(Natural News) We now have video evidence that an incoming missile initiated the explosion in Nashville. The following skyline video, embedded below, shows quite clearly an incoming missile trail immediately before the explosion.
We also now know that the location, which was blurred out by Google street maps, housed the AT&T / NSA VoIP Router Complex, which allows the NSA to spy on all phone conversations and phone texts of anyone using the AT&T network. The Intercept article, “The Wiretap Rooms,” explains the existence of “hidden NSA spy hubs” all across America.
The former owner of the building is reportedly Cerebus Capital, which is tied to Yagoobzadeh, which acquired some ownership of Dominion Voting Systems.
Various internet analysts say the blast appears to have been intended to halt a Dominion voting machines audit that was about to take place in the building as well, although that has not yet been confirmed.
No matter what the motive, you can rest assured the media will find some White conservative gun owner to blame for everything, as that’s always their propaganda narrative.
Incoming missile proves this was a military operation, launched from an aircraft
The following screen shots from the video (below) show the incoming missile trail, meaning this was a military operation, and the missile was fired from an aircraft:
And here’s about a second later as the missile trail is disappearing, from top to bottom (indicating the missile is moving from the sky to the ground):
Finally, just a moment later, the explosion takes place:
You can see the video yourself here, at least until YouTube scrubs it:
Here’s the Google street view at the address, showing the AT&T “spy hub” storefront blurred out by Google. Wonder why?
Finally, as I explain in this Situation Update, it seems the explosion may have been engineered to maximize the local EMP effect in order to take out sensitive electronics housed in the AT&T / NSA center:
The thing is these people jail you if you break the rules, but they break the rules themselves, it’s called hypocracy.
Message from Trump:
Statement from the President
Budget & Spending
Issued on: December 27, 2020
All News
As President of the United States it is my responsibility to protect the people of our country from the economic devastation and hardship that was caused by the China Virus.
I understand that many small businesses have been forced to close as a result of harsh actions by Democrat-run states. Many people are back to work, but my job is not done until everyone is back to work.
Fortunately, as a result of my work with Congress in passing the CARES Act earlier this year, we avoided another Great Depression. Under my leadership, Project Warp Speed has been a tremendous success, my Administration and I developed a vaccine many years ahead of wildest expectations, and we are distributing these vaccines, and others soon coming, to millions of people.
As President, I have told Congress that I want far less wasteful spending and more money going to the American people in the form of $2,000 checks per adult and $600 per child.
As President I am demanding many rescissions under the Impoundment Control Act of 1974. The Act provides that, “whenever the President determines that all or part of any budget authority will not be required to carry out the full objectives or scope of programs for which it is provided, or that such budget authority should be rescinded for fiscal policy or other reasons (including termination of authorized projects or activities for which budget authority has been provided), the President shall transmit to both Houses of Congress a special message” describing the amount to be reserved, the relevant accounts, the reasons for the rescission, and the economic effects of the rescission. 2 U.S.C. § 683.
I will sign the Omnibus and Covid package with a strong message that makes clear to Congress that wasteful items need to be removed. I will send back to Congress a redlined version, item by item, accompanied by the formal rescission request to Congress insisting that those funds be removed from the bill.
I am signing this bill to restore unemployment benefits, stop evictions, provide rental assistance, add money for PPP, return our airline workers back to work, add substantially more money for vaccine distribution, and much more.
On Monday the House will vote to increase payments to individuals from $600 to $2,000. Therefore, a family of four would receive $5,200. Additionally, Congress has promised that Section 230, which so unfairly benefits Big Tech at the expense of the American people, will be reviewed and either be terminated or substantially reformed.
Likewise, the House and Senate have agreed to focus strongly on the very substantial voter fraud which took place in the November 3 Presidential election.
The Senate will start the process for a vote that increases checks to $2,000, repeals Section 230, and starts an investigation into voter fraud.
Big Tech must not get protections of Section 230!
Voter Fraud must be fixed!
Much more money is coming. I will never give up my fight for the American people!
ME:…The House votes on the $2000 stimulus today. Will they pass or reject it? What will Trump’s move be IF it’s rejected? What choice does he have.
Estimate: Millions Lost Benefits as Congress Failed to Meet Trump Demand for $2,000 Stimulus Checks
By Ivan Pentchoukov
December 27, 2020 Updated: December 27, 2020
biggersmaller Print
Millions of people lost federal unemployment benefits on Saturday as Congress failed to meet President Donald Trump’s demand for $2,000 stimulus checks to be added to the pandemic relief bill passed by both chambers last week.
According to an estimate by The Century Foundation (TCF), 12 million people lost unemployment benefits when two programs funded through the initial pandemic relief measure passed by Congress expired on Dec. 26.
Of the total, 7.3 million lost benefits from the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program, which provided taxpayer-funded unemployment checks to gig workers and others not eligible for regular benefits, the foundation estimated.
An additional 4.6 million lost benefits upon the termination of the Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) program, which funded the benefits of people on long-term unemployment with federal taxpayer dollars, according to the estimate.
Of the estimated 4.6 million who lost PEUC benefits, 2.9 million can still apply for Extended Benefits (EB), a federal program authorized in 1970 that provides between six and 20 weeks of benefits. The benefits vary depending on individual states’ unemployment rates and laws.
By the end of the year, a total of 16 million people will have lost benefits due to the standoff over the relief package to address the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) virus pandemic, commonly knows as the novel coronavirus, according to the TCF.
Workers who lose their jobs are initially eligible for state unemployment benefits for up to 26 weeks, depending on the state. Once state benefits are exhausted, the beneficiaries can apply for and receive PEUC benefits for 13 weeks and EB benefits for 13 to 20 weeks. In some states with short durations of benefits, like Florida, those who exhaust EB benefits can receive unemployment checks through PUA for 39 to 46 weeks.
Gig workers and others ineligible for traditional unemployment can only receive PUA benefits and cannot apply for other programs once the benefits are exhausted.
The president surprised Congress on Dec. 22 with a video announcement deriding the $2.3 trillion omnibus spending bill for its “wasteful” provisions for foreign governments and demanded more money for American taxpayers.
Trump didn’t use the word “veto,” but all but implied he would block the bill unless Congress removed billions in spending allocated to foreign nations and domestic institutions. He called for $2,000 payments for individual taxpayers, up from the $600 approved in the bill passed by the House and the Senate.
Top Democrats backed Trump’s demand for $2,000 checks but ignored his demands to cast other spending items from the bill, such as $10 million for gender programs in Pakistan. The bill failed to pass with unanimous consent after lawmakers on both sides of the aisle voiced grievances.
Trump could outright veto the bill or let it expire due to Congress since Congress has to adjourn on Jan. 3, which would result in what is called a pocket veto. He could also ultimately sign the bill despite his criticism of it or approve a revised version of the bill if Congress approves one.
In addition to the CCP virus relief, the omnibus spending bill would fund the government through September next year. The deadline to extend the funding is on Tuesday, Dec. 29.
Sorry to say, I see no good news this Monday morning:
What if they don’t vote today…
Congress has 45 days to respond – if no legislation on his proposed cuts, then there is no change to the bill.
“Enhancing the President’s authority to rescind funds by requiring the Congress to vote on his proposed rescissions. Currently, the Congress can ignore the President’s request, which allows the funds to be spent.” (last listed “bullet”)
The bill already carried a large veto-proof majority by those in the House and Senate who loaded it up with special interest spending. It will likely not be changed. A veto-proof bill will not be modified by Congress.
In other words, folks will get $600 not $2000 because they will override Trump’s veto.
My guess is that the $2000 will be rejected out of spite for DJT. We’ll see what happens. There’s a lot of hate for Trump in the House. Sad.
Quite an interesting Tweet and maybe some really good news:
At the start of the video, you can see a refection of a blast in the lower left. Before the “missile” is supposed to have hit.
I really cannot see that…….can you be more specific or point out the exact time it happens.
Right as the video starts. You can see a a bright flash reflecting in the bottom lower left
So, the USA, supposedly the freest country on earth cannot stop the censorship of big tech. POLAND can….now isn’t that precious?
Poland just stopped big tech censorship in its tracks! Why can’t we?
While conservative voices in the U.S. continue to point to censorship and suppression of their social media posts, the conservative government of Poland has issued a new law to hold the companies accountable.
Big Tech companies may face an eye-popping $2.2 million fine if they violate the new ruling and censor any lawful free speech online, according to PolandIN.com. Polish Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro is apparently taking the issue of censorship and freedom of speech quite seriously in the nation in central Europe.
The new legal measure announced last week, established a special court for freedom of speech and allows internet users to file complaints against the companies if they feel their posts have been arbitrarily removed from the platforms, as many conservatives in the U.S. have alleged.
If there is no violation of Polish law, the social media companies cannot remove content or block accounts, according to the draft of the “Act for the Freedom to Express One’s Views and Obtain and Disseminate Information on the Internet.”
“In Germany, the Minister of Justice may arbitrarily decide what content needs to be eliminated from the Internet. This is the introduction of censorship. We want to balance the freedom of public debate,” Ziobro explained.
Sebastian Kaleta, secretary of state in the Ministry of Justice, noted that it is “supposed to protect against excessive interference of the moderators of this content.”
“The draft law that we have prepared meets various disturbing signals, and on the other hand, guarantees the possibility of expressing your opinions, as long as they do not violate the law. A balance must be found between the exercise of freedom and the abuse thereof. Today in Europe, censorship solutions are sought rather than to protect freedom of speech,” he added.
If users feel their posts were unfairly or unlawfully removed or blocked, they have to send a formal complaint to the companies which will have 24 hours to review and respond.
“Within 48 hours of the decision, the user will be able to file a petition to the court for the return of access,” PolandIn explained. “The court will consider complaints within seven days of receipt and the entire process is to be electronic.”
In the U.S., as the November elections drew dear, Facebook, Twitter and other companies began to implement more controls over content on the social media platforms, limiting, flagging and sometimes locking out users from their own accounts.
Conservative pundit and best-selling author Candace Owens announced just after Election Day that she would be filing a lawsuit against Facebook and fact-checkers for censoring her posts and content.
In Poland, Ziobro called out the censorship that is often aimed at those who have different ideological viewpoints.
“Often, the victims of tendencies for ideological censorship are also representatives of various groups operating in Poland, whose content is removed or blocked, just because they express views and refer to values that are unacceptable from the point of view of communities… with an ever-stronger influence on the functioning of social media,” Ziobro said.
“We realize that it is not an easy topic, we realize that on the internet there should also be a sphere of guarantees for everybody who feels slandered, a sphere of limitation of various content which may carry with it a negative impact on the sphere of other people’s freedom,” the justice minister added.
“But we would like to propose such tools that will enable both one side and the other to call for the decision of a body that will be able to adjudicate whether content appearing on such and such a social media account really violates personal rights, whether it can be eliminated, or whether there is censorship,” he said.
If the special court finds that the social media company has been in violation of the ruling, the Office of Electronic Communications can subject the internet service to a fine of up to €1.8 million euros, the equivalent $2.2 million U.S. dollars.
“The Left tries to define any fundamental criticism of its views or ideology as ‘hate speech’, and then expects such content to be censored or even punished… the left is trying to consistently implement its anti-democratic aspirations,” Kaleta said in a recent interview.
“This law is a response to what they are trying to impose on us as legal norms,” he added, “that is, forcing us to censor with political correctness and refrain from expressing one’s opinion
Great article, Will. Thx for posting this. Would be a shame if the U.S. had to go through what Poland has had to go through, to be able to come out to the same outcome – and especially when the U.S. is supposed to be the world’s leader in such matters. Time to take our position, and founding values, seriously.
A few examples of Trump’s twitter being censored and his yt channel. This is outrageous and disgusting beyond imagination. And graham wants to wait until 2023 to repeal 230….give me a break. This crap has to stop.
YouTub censoring POTUS…..does it get anymore disgusting?????
This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s Community Guidelines.
The following clip is from Network….1974…..46 damn years ago and it’s still going on. it’s way, way past time to do something. I’M A HUMAN BEING …MY LIFE HAS VALUE!!!
Trump is confident that he and America will win. His latest quotes today that Twitter is censoring… so you don’t know them…
….Courts are bad, the FBI and “Justice” didn’t do their job, and the United States Election System looks like that of a third world country. Freedom of the press has been gone for a long time, it is Fake News, and now we have Big Tech (with Section 230) to deal with….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 26, 2020
Time for Republican Senators to step up and fight for the Presidency, like the Democrats would do if they had actually won. The proof is irrefutable! Massive late night mail-in ballot drops in swing states, stuffing the ballot boxes (on video), double voters, dead voters,
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 26, 2020
The lockdowns in Democrat run states are absolutely ruining the lives of so many people – Far more than the damage that would be caused by the China Virus. Cases in California have risen despite the lockdown, yet Florida & others are open & doing well. Common sense please!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 26, 2020
The U.S. Supreme Court has been totally incompetent and weak on the massive Election Fraud that took place in the 2020 Presidential Election. We have absolute PROOF, but they don’t want to see it – No “standing”, they say. If we have corrupt elections, we have no country!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 26, 2020
Dictatorship China style is here, now. Look what Youtube just did to Trump… If he doesn’t act soon, America is doomed for REVOLUTION.
It will not end as the Leftists hope.
Submitted by Capitalist American… 12/26.2020
I have screenshot proof as well of notifications from Youtube of what Trump’s channel posted and now the videos are gone Here are the removed video URL’s…
This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s Community Guidelines.
I hope all my fellow commenters and patriots have three month worth of food,water and ammo. And they are prepare to fight for their lives and that of their family. I’ll pray for you all and God bless.
This brings to the forefront that we all need an alternate mens of communication. If the WEB goes down (can almost guarantee it will when they get close to the final take-down)….
Without that, we are totally screwed before we even get a start.