Fences with spiraling barbed wires, barricades, security checkpoints, and heavily armed guards are what you would expect in a military encampment for a war zone, not in downtown Washington D.C. But these are only some of the measures that have been put in place in preparation for President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration next week.
The heightened security in the nation’s capital is a telltale sign that authorities and officials are extremely worried that the civil unrest and violence observed on Jan. 6 may repeat next week.
Federal authorities have said they are tracking an “extensive” amount of “concerning online chatter” about potential threats to the inauguration, including armed protests, potential threats linked to the Capitol breach, and other types of potential threats.
The fortification of the city, particularly around the White House and U.S. Capitol, began over the past few days and is expected to ramp up in the lead up to Jan. 20.
Videos by reporters, workers, and residents in the area show street closures, workers putting up miles of barricades and fencing, shops and offices being boarded up, and an increased military presence. Military vehicles are seen parked on downtown streets, and armed guards are checking identification for people leaving and entering the city.
The locked-down city has been separated into Green and Red zones as part of the 2021 Presidential Inaugural Subcommittees’ transportation plan. The U.S. Secret Service has posted a list of all the street closures on its website, many of which began at 6 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 16, and are scheduled to end at 6 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 21. A number of bridges and interstate highways into Washington are also scheduled to close at 6 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 19.

As many as 25,000 National Guard members from all 50 states, three territories, and Washington will be stationed in the city next week, the U.S. Army confirmed, which is an increase of 5,000 from numbers earlier this week. The number of guardsmen sent to Washington exceeds the number of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, which has been reduced to 2,500, the Pentagon said on Friday.
National Guardsmen were given the authorization to be armed on Jan. 12 in order to support law enforcement in the Capitol and the city, according to a statement by the D.C. National Guard. The authorization came after a request by federal authorities. Troops have been on 24-hour watch in the U.S. Capitol and off-duty troops have been photographed sleeping in building hallways.
The increased number of National Guard members will be there to supplement the already ramped up forces from the FBI, U.S. Secret Service, Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Capitol Police, and D.C.’s Metropolitan Police Department.

Before resigning from office, former acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf said in a statement on Jan. 11 that he had instructed the U.S. Secret service to begin National Special Security Event operations for the inauguration from Jan. 13.
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has also increased its security measures ahead of the inauguration. TSA Administrator David Pekoske said in a statement that the agency is currently processing hundreds of names with law enforcement agencies as part of a risk assessment. The agency will also add additional layers of security at all three D.C.-area airports.
“Those security layers include more law enforcement and explosives detection canine teams, random gate screening, increased number of Federal Air Marshals on certain flights, and additional Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response (VIPR) teams to provide greater security presence at certain rail transportation hubs,” Pekoske said.

Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser and security officials have also urged Americans to stay home to watch the inauguration virtually.
“We know this is the right request for our public safety and our public health,” she said on Friday.
D.C. officials estimate the inauguration will cost roughly $45 million due to the increased security measures. So far, Congress has approved $34.9 million, Christopher Rodriguez, director of D.C.’s Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency, said in a press conference on Jan. 15.
Rodriguez said the amount was keeping in mind deficits that the District had run “because of the heightened number of first amendment demonstrations” seen throughout 2020.
In 2017, security for President Donald Trump’s inauguration cost around $27 million, according to Rodriguez—around $7 million more than the $19.995 million approved by Congress.
Civil Liberties
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky) has criticized the way the government and authorities have reacted to the events on Jan. 6, noting that civil liberties of the individual can be lost “very quickly” during times of crisis.
“You know government. They either underreact or overreact. So, I think there was too little security obviously last week, and now we’re going to become a militarized zone,” Paul said in an interview with Fox News’ “Ingraham Angle.”
“And they’re checking congressmen as they come in to see if they have a sharp pencil or a sharp pen. So, it’s gotten ridiculous. And so, we’ll see what happens, and whether it’s permanent. But most people who write about civil liberties say that in times of war, or in times of stress, or in times of crisis, you lose your civil liberties very quickly.”
He also noted that once American’s civil liberties are lost, “it’s very difficult to get them back.”

“Because government, once it grows large, never wants to give up on this. But yes, we have to resist this. And we have to have security, obviously. But I think living in a wartime state with … we have troops in the Capitol, they’re staying in the Capitol. They’re platooning and camping in the Capitol. So I understand that last week, we weren’t prepared and that was a real problem, and I regret everything that happened last week with that, but going forward, this week, I think we—there’s a danger of overreacting,” he added.
Others are worried that the D.C. lockdown could hurt businesses that are already struggling due to CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic lockdowns.
Vice President Mike Pence during a security briefing on Thursday said the Trump administration is committed to ensuring a safe transition of power to Biden.
“We all lived through that day—January 6. And as the president made clear yesterday, we are committed to an orderly transition and to a safe inauguration. The American people deserve nothing less,” Pence said.
The U.S. Capitol Police on Saturday announced that it had arrested a man at an inaugural security checkpoint on Friday, who had presented a non-government issued credential. The man, Wesley Allen Beeler, 31, of Virginia, was carrying a handgun in plain sight in his vehicle, and a search of his car revealed numerous rounds of ammunition, authorities said.
He has been charged with Carrying a Pistol without a License; Possession of Unregistered Firearm, and Possession of Unregistered Ammunition.
Beeler told media following his release on Saturday that he was working as hired security in downtown Washington, according to The Washington Post. He said he had forgotten that his firearm was in his truck when he left home in Virginia, where he has a license to carry.
“I pulled up to a checkpoint after getting lost in D.C. because I’m a country boy,” he told the newspaper. “I showed them the inauguration badge that was given to me.”
Mike Adams breaks down the illusion:
Come Wednesday evening, there’s gonna be lots of folks with crow feathers sticking out the corners of their mouths. In all fairness, the absolutely staggering level of corruption in this country cannot be easily quantified.Trump is one of THEM, for chrissakes. If you read the many articles in Veterans Today on a rather periodic basis, you’d realize that Trump would sell his grandmother for a buck twenty nine and it wouldn’t bother him one iota. We’re on our last legs hoping we’re wrong about Trump, do you really think people are tragically misjudging Trump? Jim, waddya say?
VT has gone completely off the rails. I was once a journalist there and know the shop. Duff has lost his way.
Exactly Dr. Fetzer.
Q was right…according to AJ……..??
If pigs could fly Will. And the day of reckoning is here. God has a plan my friend.
I never trusted Makow:
Simon Parkes 19th January update:
Excellent. Here’s a link to the witness about Hillary’s plan to murder judges so she could appoint her own:
The US may be one of the last bastions of freedom, but we also seem to be the harbinger of some of the most corrupt individuals to ever walk the face of this earth…….Gates, Fauci, Hillary, Biden, Obama, the Bush’s et al.
Is the US headed here:
After the coup in the United States, the communists in Canada got BRAZEN. In Ontario, starting at 12:01 AM on the 21’st of January, no one will be allowed out of their houses or driving in the street without explicit written permission. If anyone is seen anywhere it will be a $750,000 fine. In other words, comply or EVERYTHING will be totally lost. That’s worse than anything I have ever heard of and clear proof the communists have taken Canada. If you are going to bug out in Canada, PACK YOUR BAGS AND LEAVE NOW. The Yukon sounds good, deep into ATV territory.
Aren’t we all waiting for another Simon Parkes post so that we know what’s going to happen? Without a Simon video its like being lost in the woods. Please Simon…where are you?
Simon has made some fantastical comments, albeit in a very convincing way. I have been very skeptical, but he did correctly predict the 2nd Inauguration rehearsal on Monday would be cancelled, He stated that Biden would receive the oath of office in a special room with Roberts administering it and then that he would be arrested trying to reach the White House. We will see.
One thing that is strange is how many troops are in DC–more than ever since the Civil War. And, thousands have become deputized as marshals of the Federal government? Hmmm ….
William, could have something to do with Trump’s EO today, which I posted earlier and seems to have been lost in the shuffle. Maybe someone can explain it, because I don’t get it:
I wouldn’t make too much of the EO, Will. All it seems to be saying is the Federal prosecutors and judges are given authority to carry guns. It’s probably just crossing a few things off the list before leaving office. None of Trump’s EO has staying power once Biden takes over. Unfortunately, the big stuff such as the Durham Report never saw the light of day. Trump must have been sabotaged at the highest levels.
Those troops aren’t there for Joe’s inauguration. The Trumpster had 4 years to plan for this. Think about that. He knew this was coming and endless hours were spent planning the response. Our 85 million friends that likely legit voted for him, know that Congress is hopelessly compromised. The idea that Shumer, Pelosi and their evil brethren get legit elected over and over again is balderdash. Without the cheating, these soul-less beings would be defeated easily.
Our tribe wants the Military to raid all the TV news Channels plus Tweeter Jack, and Suck-a-Bugger and Beer-Goggles anti-search engine room. Shut all the fuckers down for a week. The tribunals should be broadcast live and so should the executions for treason. Do I live in a fantasy world? perhaps. I wonder how many of the freedom tribe are wishing for the same thing?
Spot on, Dave! Spot on.
Ditto to that for damn sure!!
I don’t know if this was posted previously, but here it is NOW…..I DO NOT LIKE THE SOUND OF THIS AT ALL!! Mike Adams: (must listen)
Do not miss the comments on this video.
What I find difficult to accept is Adams idea that Chinese troops are actually ready to invade DC. Where are they hiding? Am I the only one that finds that a bit difficult to swallow.
He did mention there are many thousands Chinese troops in Canada and Mexico. I find it more than difficult to believe Canada and Mexico would move against the US.
Toward the end, he says he would rather live under a Biden presidency than endure a long black-out. Not I.
AND, according to this article, there are no Chinese troops in Canada:
I said “What about that poor woman who got lost and shot dead.”
I mean the woman the other year . She was lost driving around in a car, and they shot her.
Compared to the guy in this article without a permit for a gun in that zone.
Maybe this one, but I thought it was more recent
“hurtling down some of the capital’s most famous streets, police cruisers in pursuit.
Dramatic video taken minutes later near the U.S. Capitol showed the vehicle backing into a police vehicle before the chase resumed. Gunshots rang through the traffic circle. The motorist was shot by police just a few blocks away”
BillAu…I see, so you were speaking of another woman who was killed…now Iunderstand. It would be a lot easier to reply if you placed your reply underneath the comment. Thanks.
I got up early today, Sunday, and turned on my computer. Mike Adams was talking about an invasion by the Chicoms……..I was stunned. Is this a legitimate possibility or just another of the millions of lies and distortions put forth by our “security agencies” or traitors, take your pick. Of course, Trump is being blamed for just about everything.
After reading this article, I have no doubt that at this moment, we exist within a banana republic..barbed wire…troops locked and loaded… fear, almost panic….with the elitist deep state hanging on by their fingernails. No one I know or have read absolutely understands how this will proceed. I DO know that what we see now and have seen in the past few months cannot continue. When and IF this all goes full speed ahead and we find ourselves under a communist regime, there will be NO F’ING CHOICE but to arm ourselves and descend on DC. They will have left us with no alternative. It will have been a full out coup!! At that point, Trump’s presidency will be moot and the Republic’s survival of prime importance. What else can we do?? Populate the FEMA camps? NO WAY!
You are uncovering the hidden history of the (once great) United States, which is PROFOUNDLY DISTURBING.
Very interesting video with Steele and Fulford. I don’t agree with it all, but well worth listening to the conversation.
This is an interesting, concise and informative article in regard to the US, INC. vs the true Republic….there have been rumors Trump has restored the Republic and voided the corporation. I have no proof of that (although, I consider it an absolute necessity to go forward with any integrity). BUT, to anyone who has questions in regard to the question of sovereignty et al, it’s well worth this fact infused read.
This is propaganda. Nothing happened last week. The guards let the people in. The rioters were left wingers pretending to be right wingers.
Trump ca;;ed them there then told them to go away. Trump set the situation up, it seems.
BillAu…two minutes ago you said what about the woman who died…now you are stating nothing happened. Which is it?
What about that poor woman who got lost and shot dead.
Rand Paul and Ron Paul seem almost truthers, but always seem a bit too much like the government.
Rand Paul sucks up to Israel.
Ron Paul never came out and said 911 was an inside job, he said things like we some karma back for invading the middle east, he never said it was Israel USA etc doing a false flag.
I would almost guarantee that woman is still alive. Have you watched all the videos carefully?
Try this one: