Introduction by Jonas E. Alexis, VT Editor
Dr. Chuck Baldwin is an American politician and has been involved in at least 12 full-length documentary films. He was the presidential nominee of the Constitution Party for the 2008 U.S. presidential election and had previously been its nominee for U.S. vice president in 2004. He is also a pastor of Liberty Fellowship in Kalispell, Montana.
JEA: Dr. Chuck Baldwin continues to be an acquired taste, and he still has enough things to say that will either make you upset or make you think about the directions in which America is going.
Feel free to disagree and writes your reasonable comments. But Baldwin is a man of good will, and we should make every effort to associate with people like him. Baldwin is not pessimist, but he is not naïve either.
April 9, 1865
This is the date when General Robert E. Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Court House, Virginia. Regardless of where one comes down on the subject of the War Between the States, one fact is undeniable: Abraham Lincoln seriously dismantled the Jeffersonian model of federalism in America.
Ever since Lincoln’s presidency, virtually every battle that free men have fought for the principles of limited government, State sovereignty, personal liberty, etc., has stemmed directly from Lincoln’s usurpation of power and subjugation and forced union of what used to be “Free and Independent States” (the Declaration of Independence). In fact, the philosophical battles being waged today regarding every encroachment upon liberty and State autonomy by our federal government have their roots in Lincoln’s autocracy.
July 9, 1868
This is the date when the Fourteenth Amendment was ratified. This amendment codified into law what Lincoln had forced at bayonet point. Until then, people were deemed citizens of their respective states. The Constitution nowhere referred to people as “U.S. citizens.” It only recognized “the Citizens of each State.”
Notice also that citizenship was only recognized among the “several States,” not among people living in non-State territories. Until the Fourteenth Amendment, people were “Citizens of each State.” (Article. IV. Section. 2. Paragraph. 1.) The Fourteenth Amendment created a whole new class of persons: “citizens of the United States.” This false notion of “one nation” overturned the Jeffersonian principle that America was a confederated republic, a voluntary union of states.
February 3, 1913
This is the date when the Sixteenth Amendment was ratified and the personal income tax and IRS were instituted. This was a flagrant repudiation of freedom principles. What began as a temporary measure to support the War of Northern Aggression became a permanent income revenue stream for an unconstitutional–and ever-growing–central government.
April 8, 1913
This is the date when the Seventeenth Amendment was ratified. This amendment overturned the right of the State legislatures to elect their own senators and replaced it with a direct, popular vote. This was another serious blow against State sovereignty. The framers of the Constitution desired that the influence and power in Washington, D.C., be kept as close to the people and states as possible.
For example, the number of representatives in the House of Representatives was to be decided by a limited number of voters. In the original Constitution, the ratio of “people of the several States” deciding their House member could not exceed “one for every thirty thousand.” (Article. I. Section. 2. Paragraph. 3.) And when it came to the US Senate, the framers recognized the authority of each State legislature to select its own senators, thereby keeping power and influence from aggregating in Washington, D.C.
The Seventeenth Amendment seriously damaged the influence and power of the states by forcing them to elect their U.S. senators by popular vote. Senators who answered to State legislators, each answering to a limited number of voters, were much more accountable to the “citizens of the several States” than those who are elected by a large number (most states now numbering into the millions) of people. For all intents and purposes, U.S. senators are more like “mini-presidents” than representatives of sovereign states.
December 23, 1913
This is the date when the Federal Reserve Act was passed. This Act placed oversight of America’s financial matters into the hands of a cabal of private international bankers who have completely destroyed the constitutional principles of sound money and (for the most part) free enterprise. No longer would the marketplace (private consumption, thrift, growth, etc.) be the determinant of the U.S. economy–which is what freedom is all about.
But now a private, unaccountable, international banking cartel would have total power and authority to micromanage (for their own private, parochial purposes) America’s financial sector. Virtually every recession, depression, and downturn this country has ever had (including the Great Depression) was the direct result of the Fed’s manipulation of the financial markets.
1913 was not a good year for the United States or for freedom.
June 26, 1945
This is the date when the United Nations Charter was signed and America joined the push for global government. It is no accident that America has not fought a constitutionally declared war since we entered the UN–and neither have we won one.
Furthermore, it is America’s involvement in the United Nations that has spawned this pathetic push for a New World Order that George H.W. Bush, Henry Kissinger, Tony Blair, Walter Cronkite, et al., have talked so much about.
The United Nations is an anti-America institution that works aggressively and constantly against the interests and principles of the United States. But it is an institution that is ensconced in the American political infrastructure.
Like a cancer, the UN eats away at our liberties and values, and both major political parties in Washington, D.C., are equally culpable in allowing it to exert so much influence over our country.
May 14, 1948
This is the date that the Zionist State of Israel was created. Nothing has blinded America’s pastors and Christians like the advent of the modern State of Israel. And I was just as blinded as anyone about this subject for most of my life. And anyone who wants to better understand why I have taken the position on Israel that I have now should be sure to read my postscript at the end of this column.
Many–if not most–pastors and Christians believe that modern Israel is a fulfillment of Bible prophecy preceding the appearance of Christ (as I used to believe). But it is much more likely that this faux Israel is a devilish counterfeit preceding the appearance of antichrist.
Since the creation of the Zionist State of Israel in 1948, nothing has influenced and even dominated American politics, government, business (especially banking), the mainstream media, and the entertainment industry more–and all for the WORSE.
August 16, 1954
This is the date that the infamous Johnson Amendment to the 501c3 tax code was signed into law by President Dwight David Eisenhower. This review from Regent University accurately summarizes the Johnson Amendment:
“The Amendment appears to be nothing more than an attempt by a powerful senator [Lyndon Johnson, D-TX] to silence political opponents that he feared were hurting his chances for reelection. Johnson knew how to work the system and inserted his Amendment into a large tax overhaul bill. There was no referral to a committee for further study and hearings.
There was no legislative analysis of the effect of the Amendment on tax-exempt organizations. And there was certainly no attempt to understand the effect that the Amendment might have on constitutional rights, especially those of churches and other religious organizations.
The Johnson Amendment plainly targets speech because it prohibits statements that are published or distributed, yet Congress made no attempt to reconcile the Johnson Amendment with the First Amendment. There was absolutely no discussion at all of the First Amendment, and Johnson’s Amendment simply sailed through Congress as a small addition to a popular tax overhaul bill.” (Regent University Law Review, Volume 24, 2011-2012, Number 2)
Nothing has done more to gag America’s pulpits and churches like the repressive speech restrictions of the 501c3 non-profit tax status instituted under the Johnson Amendment. And nothing has done more to destroy America than these gagged and muted pulpits and churches.
June 25, 1962, and June 17, 1963
These are the dates when the U.S. Supreme Court removed prayer (’62) and Bible reading (’63) from public schools. Think of it: since the time that our forebears settled this continent, children had been free to pray and read the Scriptures in their various schools. We’re talking about a period of more than 300 years.
Of course, the State legislatures–and the vast majority (if not all) of municipal and county governmental meetings–still open their sessions in prayer, as do the U.S. House and Senate and even the U.S. Supreme Court. But this same liberty is denied the students of America’s public schools.
There is no question that America has not recovered from these two horrific Supreme Court decisions. And since the federal government expelled God from our public schools, it has been methodically expelling God from virtually all of our public life.
November 22, 1963
This is the date that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. For all intents and purposes, the American people lost control of their government with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963.
With the exception of Ronald Reagan, every President since Kennedy has been completely controlled by the establishment elite that ordered Kennedy’s murder.
A retired Air Force Brigadier General friend of mine (who, before he retired, probably flew every jet the Air Force had and who had been assigned to both the White House and Pentagon during his illustrious career) told me in no uncertain terms that he was convinced that President Kennedy was assassinated by government insiders (with the help of the mob, of course) for two reasons: 1) he intended to disband the CIA, and 2) he intended to dismantle the Federal Reserve.
The assassination of President Kennedy and subsequent cover-up was much more than a killing; it was a coup.
October 22, 1968
This is the date when President Lyndon Baines Johnson signed the Gun Control Act of 1968. Before this Act, the Second Amendment was alive and well in the United States. The Gun Control Act of 1968 turned a right into a privilege and forever forced the American people to bow at the altar of government when seeking to exercise their God-ordained duty of self-defense. Interestingly enough, Johnson’s Gun Control Act of 1968 borrowed heavily from Hitler’s Gun Control Act of 1938.
Our Founding Fathers could have never imagined that the American people would ever allow their right to keep and bear arms be infringed as they are today. In fact, it was the attempted confiscation of firearms cached at Concord, Massachusetts, that triggered the War of Independence on April 19, 1775. Pastor Jonas Clark and his Lexington Minutemen must be turning over in their graves at the egregiously restrictive gun control laws imposed in their beloved State of Massachusetts today.
The hundreds and hundreds of draconian gun control laws that currently plague the American people–and that have cost thousands of American lives (including the 1993 Brady Bill)–have all come about as a result of Johnson’s Gun Control Act of 1968.
January 22, 1973
This is the date when the U.S. Supreme Court issued the Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions, which, in effect, legalized abortion-on-demand and has resulted in the legal murders of nearly 60 million innocent, unborn babies. Imagine: since these two Supreme Court decisions, more innocent human beings have been killed in the United States than were killed in the holocaust of Nazi Germany or in the great purges of Stalin’s Russia or in the communist revolution of Mao’s China.
The Roe and Doe decisions expunged the Jeffersonian principle that all men are endowed by their Creator with the unalienable right to life (Declaration). These decisions opened the door to a host of big-government programs and policies that have resulted in the wanton destruction of human life both in the United States and overseas.
It has created an entire industry whose express purpose for existing is the destruction of human life. It has desensitized the conscience and soul of America. Furthermore, it has forced men of decency and good will to finance–with their tax dollars–the unconscionable act of killing unborn children.
And, once again, another Jeffersonian principle was eviscerated. He said, “To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” The Roe and Doe decisions violate this principle in the most egregious manner possible.
December 8, 1993
This is the date that President Bill Clinton signed the job-killing, manufacturing industry-gutting, anything-but-free-trade bill, The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), into law. NAFTA had been ceremonially signed by President George H.W. Bush on December 17, 1992. The U.S. House of Representatives passed it on November 17, 1993, and the U.S. Senate passed it on November 20, 1993.
According to the Economic Policy Institute, “The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was the door through which American workers were shoved into the neoliberal global labor market.
“By establishing the principle that U.S. corporations could relocate production elsewhere and sell back into the United States, NAFTA undercut the bargaining power of American workers, which had driven the expansion of the middle class since the end of World War II. The result has been 20 years of stagnant wages and the upward redistribution of income, wealth and political power.”
“Second, NAFTA strengthened the ability of U.S. employers to force workers to accept lower wages and benefits.”
“Third, the destructive effect of NAFTA on the Mexican agricultural and small business sectors dislocated several million Mexican workers and their families, and was a major cause in the dramatic increase in undocumented workers flowing into the U.S. labor market.”
“Fourth, and ultimately most important, NAFTA was the template for rules of the emerging global economy, in which the benefits would flow to capital and the costs to labor. The U.S. governing class–in alliance with the financial elites of its trading partners–applied NAFTA’s principles to the World Trade Organization, to the policies of the World Bank and IMF, and to the deal under which employers of China’s huge supply of low-wage workers were allowed access to U.S. markets in exchange for allowing American multinational corporations the right to invest there.”
September 11, 2001
This is the date that the Twin Towers in New York City and Pentagon in Washington, D.C., were attacked. It is very difficult to not notice the Orwellian reaction by the federal government in Washington, D.C., to the 9/11 attacks–whoever was responsible–including:
*The creation of the Department of Homeland Security
*The passage of the USA Patriot Act
*The passage of the Military Commissions Act
*The invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan
*The exponential escalation of the global (and endless) “war on terror”
*The rise of burgeoning Police State within the United States
But many people (including experts) are firmly convinced that the attacks on 9/11 were carried out or at least facilitated by elements within our own government. Which, if that is the case, would constitute the greatest conspiratorial hoax against the American people since Kennedy’s assassination.
October 26, 2001
This is the date when President George W. Bush signed the USA Patriot Act and the federal government’s war against individual liberty began in earnest. This is the exact same bill that Bill Clinton and Al Gore tried to push through a Republican Congress during the 1990s but were unable to do, because Republicans said the bill was “unconstitutional.”
But it was those same Republicans who passed this same bill in 2001, because it was now being proposed by a Republican administration. That’s how these pathetic politicians from both parties play this game, folks.
Most of the unconstitutional eavesdropping, snooping, wiretapping, phone-call-intercepting, email-reading, prying, financial-records-tracking, travel-watching, ad infinitum, ad nauseam by federal police agencies began with the implementation of the Patriot Act.
The Department of Homeland Security, the “war on terror,” and the usurpation of local and State power at home have all come about as an outgrowth of the Patriot Act. The Patriot Act forever shifted the focus of American law and jurisprudence away from constitutional government and individual liberty and toward a police-state mentality.
March 20, 2003
This was the date that President George W. Bush launched his moronic invasion of Iraq–a nation that had absolutely NOTHING to do with the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon on September 11, 2001. In fact, the invasion of Iraq had been planned since Bush first became President. The events of 9/11 were merely the excuse George Bush and Dick Cheney needed to launch their preconceived invasion.
The invasion of Iraq led to the destabilization of the entire Middle East, the rise of ISIS, America’s phony war on terror, and unprecedented Muslim immigration in Europe and the U.S–not to mention the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent victims.
October 17, 2006, and October 9, 2009
These are the dates when President G.W. Bush signed and President Barack Obama re-signed the Military Commissions Act. This Act is another outgrowth of the Patriot Act and has, in effect, terminated the fundamental protections of individual liberty, which are found in the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.
For all intents and purposes, the Patriot Act and Military Commissions Act (along with the indefinite detention sections of the NDAA) eviscerated the Fourth and Fifth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution and do serious injury to several others. The Military Commissions Act also expunged the constitutional right of Habeas Corpus.
March 21 and 23, 2010
These are the dates when Congress passed and President Obama signed into law the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,” the so-called “health care reform” bill–aka Obamacare. While Social Security and various Welfare programs have toyed with socialism in the United States, this bill is the largest and most expansive endorsement of socialism in American history.
By socializing the healthcare industry in America, some 18% of the U.S. economy has been socialized. The fallout and ramifications of this bill are going to be horrific. Costs of this medical monstrosity are already skyrocketing and care is already suffering. Left standing, Obamacare will destroy the finest medical system the world has ever known.
June 26, 2015
This is the date that the U.S. Supreme Court attempted to officially redefine marriage as being between same-sex couples via their hideous Obergefell v. Hodges decision. This decision forces states nationwide to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Not only is this dreadful decision an assault against State sovereignty, it is an assault against the sanctity of marriage itself.
INRE: [COVID-19 linked to ‘substantial’ drop in intelligence, new research finds…]
>>People who had been hospitalised and put on a ventilator saw the biggest deficit in the Great British Intelligence Test – equivalent to a seven-point drop in IQ.>>
As you well know Jim, the fallacy of Identifying a false cause and effect can be at work here without any bigger or more complete understanding of the facts.
Since we know no such thing as a COVID-19 virus has been isolated and we recently found out about the Graphene content we would have to be very careful with our assumptions.
Indeed, there is perhaps “something” out there besides the seasonal influenza, and not to be making a false or misleading comparison, but the facts are there has been no significant rise in over-all mortality numbers from the past 20 years here in the USA. Here’s 7 years of numbers.
US Total deaths by year per CDC:
2013: 2,596,993
2014: 2,626,418
2015: 2,712,630
2016: 2,744,248
2017: 2,813,503
2018: 2,839,205
2019: 2,855,000
2020: as of 11/14 total deaths= 2,512,880
So roughly 2 and 3/4 million people die every year.
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To assign the mythical “COVID-19” to IQ drop, the “facts” just don’t support it IMO…
If we take into account the damage being done to the brain barrier/Pineal Gland with the forced use of the RT-PCR test, the movable amplification cycling rates, and of course the medical lies that have been put into the meme the past 18 months would have to consider as a possible false flag here.
So what we see I guess is “something” is possibly lowering the IQ’s in a select group of British citizens. I would offer that a “something” is also missing in the harvesting of the facts.
EJ…First, a bit of a technical hint. If when replying and you see no reply button beneath the comment, just scroll up to the first reply button found and it will wind up beneath the comment. The system sucks, but that’s the way it is.
I agree with most of what you have said. But, I have a bit of confusion regarding the “virus” never being isolated. If i remember correctly, even the CDC has admitted it’s never been isolated. But, I noticed a recent interview with Dr. David E. Martin in which he passingly mentions it was isolated. To find that particular interview with be a daunting task. Maybe someone else here heard the same thing. Personally, I don’t even believe viruses exist as described.
I also think these statements are quite telling:
“For example, previous studies in hospitalised patients with respiratory disease not only demonstrate objective and subjective cognitive deficits but suggest these remain for some at 5-year follow-up.”
Only 275 participants completed the intelligence test both before and after contracting COVID. This limits the ability to draw firm conclusions about cause and effect.
I think an important part of the study (if indeed it is legit and not propaganda) would be to know how many of these patients received the PCR test and how many times. Getting that close to the blood brain barrier cannot be a good thing. Years ago, I had a major sinus surgery to clean out scar tissue and multiple polyps (as a result, I no longer have any sense of smell). They only gave me a local for an hour and a half operation, stating it would be dangerous for me to be unconscious since they would be so close to my brain and would need to know if there was any penetration.
So, did the test cause the IQ damage? Normally, folks do not have an IQ test periodically. Who’s to say what factors through a persons life could have lowered their original IQ, eh?
>>EJ…First, a bit of a technical hint.>>
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>>I agree with most of what you have said. But, I have a bit of confusion regarding the “virus” never being isolated.>>
My research, not a daily task, has not harvested any evidence of the “virus” being isolated. Considering the overwhelming amount of resistance I would guess the dark side would flaunt that quite extensively if true.
Taking into consideration German journalist Samuel Eckert’s ONE MILLION dollar reward for proof using Koch’s postulates has not been collected, and what has been offered in microscopic photographs are Exosome Sacs, the body’s natural cellular secretions from Respiratory insult, Stress, Fear, and even electromagnetic fields (5G) and renamed CV-19, I remain in the no virus exists collumn.
Also the fact that Fauci predicted a virus outbreak during Trump’s tenure and “Covid-19” masks were on the world market in 2017 and In January, 2019, Representative Joe Courtney named a bill: Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security Bill, there does not seem to be much arguement about the false flag possibility.
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>>If i remember correctly, even the CDC has admitted it’s never been isolated.>>
“Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available…”
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>>But, I noticed a recent interview with Dr. David E. Martin in which he passingly mentions it was isolated. To find that particular interview with be a daunting task. Maybe someone else here heard the same thing. Personally, I don’t even believe viruses exist as described.>>
Dawn Lester & David Parker
What Really Makes Us Ill, Germ Theory, & The Four Factors
In 10 years of research they found no scientific studies proving contagion is provable. Yes, in a family some kids or one of the parents may get sick together, but not ALL.
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>>I think an important part of the study (if indeed it is legit and not propaganda) would be to know how many of these patients received the PCR test and how many times.>>
My point in the “something” missing comment to Jim.
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>>Getting that close to the blood brain barrier cannot be a good thing. Years ago, I had a major sinus surgery to clean out scar tissue and multiple polyps (as a result, I no longer have any sense of smell). They only gave me a local for an hour and a half operation, stating it would be dangerous for me to be unconscious since they would be so close to my brain and would need to know if there was any penetration.>>
My history of SIX wrong diagnosis/malpractice events with both the VA and civilian alopathic “doctors” has left me quite distrusting of any proceedures or medications with 15 inches of 7 point fonts on the “side effects.” :-/
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>>So, did the test cause the IQ damage? Normally, folks do not have an IQ test periodically. Who’s to say what factors through a persons life could have lowered their original IQ, eh?>>
Peter, Jim, Will 2, Toni, etc. how about just knocking it off and get back to adult behavior. Nit picking about unimportant stuff when our world is falling down around us just does NOT reflect the heart and brain power we have here. This isn’t Black Listed News or Brietbart or any of the other hangouts for arrested adolescents. We are the elders, time to exhibit it OK?
I understand that we all are under a lot of stress from the attack on humanity in progress but don’t you think we all would be better served figuring out how to stop the controllers. Arguing amongst ourselves is just what they like to see.
Just saying…
EJ..I absolutely agree. I tried to stop this from the beginning. I’m done and have been. I could have ignored this nonsense, but I have a right to defend myself. With what is going on and with a report I will post shortly, this is all so trivial that it’s sickening.
You asked, Will.
So I may as well place this here as anywhere else. This is a copy of an email i sen to three friends along with the link. Do with it what you will. I am at a loss. I found the vid on Jim’s Bitchute channel. The following is gruesome.
I’m sending this to three people, two of which are around my age and retired, while one is still in the working force. THIS is by far the most dire report I have ever heard. I have said for a very long the government no longer exists. This report (all audio…no need to watch) substantiates that claim, It’s actually much, much worse. America as we have known is over. It’s finished. It will not return. Anything you hear otherwise is bullshit. We are living in a shadow. What this means for those of us retired is unknown. Listen for as long as you can. You might become interested. Then again, you might want to put a bullet in your head. This is the reality of where we are. When you think about it, it makes sense with all that has gone on of recent and explains many things that previously made no sense. Good luck. Let me know your feelings.
And this is Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson’s site in case you missed it on the video:
>>THIS is by far the most dire report I have ever heard.>>
IMO, life “reality” is about perspective. I found the hour quite boring and just opinionated chat rather then any truly revealing “insiders” report. “Scorpio” had a few interesting points of view.
Dr. Johnson’s ego got in the way a lot for me with all his self congratulatory references to what he was doing in the past as if countless others of us have not been in the battle for decades.
IE: “I coined the word Regieme with a capital r in it.” The majority of his talk was doom and gloom and financial talk opinons…”web talk.”
Now if this was new to you or anyone else indeed there might be some pushing of boundaries a bit, but for anyone who has studied history, it is not new. It is the classic template for totalitarian take over.
I posted here a few times the link and some of the steps of the 45 step plan by the communists that was put into the congresional record 60 years ago. Also some quotes from Brzezinski’s 50 year old book on the technetronic state. They both outline quite precisly the intention of the controller’s. And as the technology increased so has the methods of subversion.
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>>I have said for a very long the government no longer exists.>>
I posted a few days ago, it NEVER has existed. We are a corporation based on the British Virginia Company created about 1604. When the war of independence was over, it changed its name to the United States of America (the one the gold braided flags represent.)
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>>America as we have known is over. It’s finished. It will not return. Anything you hear otherwise is bullshit.>>
Again, with perspective, just which “America” do you reference??
I have comfortably lived on about $1000@month for 10 years and prior to that spent almost two decades, off an on, intentionally living in my 1973 van, to self-educate and write books, music, movies, etc. I didn’t even know of the 2008 money problems what ever they were.
Carrying a $700 SMART phone, riding in a 3 year old $50,000 SUV, living way beyond one’s means is another “America” now isn’t it?
Since we have never been a “Democracy” and our elections have been fixed for most of our nation’s existance, and the non-Federal Reserve (with no reserves) that issues fiat currency since 1913 with some Zionist or another running it is what people think of as cash, well, that’s another “America” now isn’t it?
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Not being disrespectfull here Will, just pragmatic from a life time counter culture life style and activism. More “dire” then that broadcast is the reality of The P.A.T.R.I.O.T Act now isn’t it?
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>>What this means for those of us retired is unknown.>>
Possibly being SOL if the SS cow runs dry for sure.
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>>Listen for as long as you can. You might become interested. Then again, you might want to put a bullet in your head.>>
Bit on edge there Will hey?? 🙂 Naw, the day the hob nailed boots hit my drive way with a death van for being a vaccine resistor will prolly be the toughest time for sure.
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>>This is the reality of where we are.>>
Just “A” reality, and not very well done in my humble opinion, no solutions or hope.
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>>Let me know your feelings.>>
I’ve tried to share my thoughts but not my feelings as best I can.
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Some observations:
They talked about “proper vocabulary” yet used terms like “Koshur agenda” “Satanic rule, santanists, and demonic.”
Koshur is an unfair demeaning of some folks chosen religion and a true acivist would not say that but rather the “Sabatian Frankist/Zionist agenda” that is more truthfull. It is always about walking one’s talk IMO.
Also, the controller’s rape of tribal culture’s soveriegn spiritual practice forcing the off planet “God” heaven/hell nonsense on humanity is to clear thinking activists, silly “sh*t” to say. It can be used if one qualifies it with “fools who hide behind unprovable “Satanic” belief” perhaps.
Good ideas: to not participate and regional farms and staying away from alopathic medicine for sure.
Again, higher consciousness activists don’t blame people for being sheep without any acknowledgement of the decades, centuries perhaps of psychological control/damage. It is like slamming someone who is low IQ.
“Scorpio” had a nice point about the purpose of the military is to kill the enemy. It is not a social justice organization.
COVID-19 linked to ‘substantial’ drop in intelligence, new research finds
People who had been hospitalised and put on a ventilator saw the biggest deficit in the Great British Intelligence Test – equivalent to a seven-point drop in IQ.
Megan Baynes
News reporter @megbaynes
Monday 26 July 2021 11:00, UK
13,000 participants had contracted coronavirus
People who have recovered from COVID-19 are more likely to score lower on intelligence tests, new research has found.
Scientists tested 81,337 people between January and December last year as part of the Great British Intelligence Test, including almost 13,000 who had been infected with the virus.
Those who had been on ventilators saw the biggest deficit – equivalent to a seven-point drop.
Scientists writing the report urged caution when interpreting the results.
After controlling for factors including age, sex, first language and education level, researchers found those who had contracted COVID saw the greatest underperformance on tasks requiring reasoning, planning and problem-solving compared to those who had not had the virus.
The study said: “These results accord with reports of long-COVID, where ‘brain fog’, trouble concentrating and difficulty finding the correct words are common.”
The observed deficit in performance was “not insubstantial”, with the drop seen in people placed on a ventilator larger than in those who had previously suffered a stroke.
((>>THIS is by far the most dire report I have ever heard.>>
IMO, life “reality” is about perspective. I found the hour quite boring and just opinionated chat rather then any truly revealing “insiders” report. “Scorpio” had a few interesting points of view.))
Not much I can say re this particular statement. Is not our entire take on life about perspective. And that perspective can change hourly depending upon information received and ones state of consciousness at the time. After fending off several attacks yesterday, I felt particularly vulnerable. That report hit me like a sock of rocks.
((Dr. Johnson’s ego got in the way a lot for me with all his self congratulatory references to what he was doing in the past as if countless others of us have not been in the battle for decades.))
He was a bit self congratulatory. Maybe we all need that at times. But the content remain, regardless.
((IE: “I coined the word Regieme with a capital r in it.” The majority of his talk was doom and gloom and financial talk opinons…”web talk.”))
Little doubt about that…hence my bullet scenario. AND, financial talk opinions are a dime a dozen. Most times, they are wrong.
((I have comfortably lived on about $1000@month for 10 years and prior to that spent almost two decades, off an on, intentionally living in my 1973 van, to self-educate and write books, music, movies, etc. I didn’t even know of the 2008 money problems what ever they were.))
I can absolutely relate to that. When I retired 2007, I started out on 600/month, but was caring for my mother, so had two retirements coming in. My mother passed at 96 in 2014 and since then, I have lived like a king on about 800/month. As you, I live simply. I have no mortgage, no cell and if my utility bill goes over 50/month, I know why. I have no AC at home and no AC in the car and I am not uncomfortable whatsoever in north Florida. Humans adapt. I use a wood stove in the winter fueled by an endless supply of dead fall off a mere 5 acres of woods. I too lived in an RV for three years with no electric, no water and no sewerage at the foot of the Blue Ridge.
((>>Listen for as long as you can. You might become interested. Then again, you might want to put a bullet in your head.>>
Bit on edge there Will hey?? 🙂 Naw, the day the hob nailed boots hit my drive way with a death van for being a vaccine resistor will prolly be the toughest time for sure))
Not for me, maybe the end, but not the toughest because under no circumstance will they stick me while I am alive.
((Good ideas: to not participate and regional farms and staying away from alopathic medicine for sure.))
Have not seen a doc since they took my gall bladder in 2008. When I go to the Er for stitches or whatever, I REALLY get some strange looks when i tell them I take no ‘scripts’. Seems like they really don’t like to hear that.
I may get my eyes tested soon IF I can find a pl;ace that does not require masks.
It’s too early…that’s the best I can do for now.
So, now that my attitude is a bit more positive than yesterday, I’ll listen to that video again. Maybe I’ll see it from a better perspective.I should mention I appreciate your feedback.It’s always fun to dance with you.
Would you admit Dr. Johnson has some pretty impressive credentials?
If you still think the FBI is a legitimate law enforcement agency, think hard again!!
Please take the time to watch this Tucker interview.
NEW Revelations About the FBI’s Involvement in the January 6 Riots
And please watch this entire video, but especially at 20 minutes. This is tyranny. Plain and simple.
Giuseppe will appreciate this. A chiropractor arrested and incarcerated for no reason whatsoever. His wife is a practitioner of oriental medicine.
Anti-Zionist – at my previous visit I checked two of your “sources” and both were fake. When I have more time, I’ll check the third. How old are you?
Peter…Do not waste my time. YOU are a fake. Get lost.
Will, I’ve know Peter for some time and he’s a serious guy. So please engage with him. He is not a fake.
No thanks, Jim. I have given him a preponderance of evidence to support an original post that was not even mine. His recent comment does not even give any specifics as to what resource he speaks of. The topic (I believe it’s about what Truman said of his decision to start the CIA). I will not engage him any longer. Maybe whomever made the original comment cares to. I do not and will not. Actually, I am sorry I got involved.
Ask William Berg to continue, since he made the original post.
OK. I get it. I had not followed this and did not know the score. Only that Peter O’Connor is a serious guy.
Three more sources for YOUR perusal:
And from Wiki…Obviously, not a source I have much faith in, but here’s the statement:
Critique of the CIA
In late 1963, when Lyndon B. Johnson had just become president, Truman wrote an Op-ed in the Washington Post calling for the responsibilities of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to be scaled back significantly: “I never had any thought when I set up the CIA that it would be injected into peacetime cloak and dagger operations.”[290] “For some time I have been disturbed by the way the CIA has been diverted from its original assignment. It has become an operational and at times a policy-making arm of the government. This has led to trouble and may have compounded our difficulties in several explosive areas.”[291] He called for scrapping paramilitary actions, such as the Bay of Pigs Invasion, and interventions into the internal politics of other countries. The CIA had shifted from defending freedom to destroying it, Truman suggested.[290]
And for the links:
No doubt, I should have reviewed the issue under debate. If it was whether HST regretted forming the CIA, the answer is (emphatically), “YES!”
I’ll tell you one thing for damn sure….that will be the last time I defend someones comment. Lesson learned.
>>Peter…Do not waste my time. YOU are a fake. Get lost.>>
>>Will, I’ve know Peter for some time and he’s a serious guy. So please engage with him. He is not a fake.>>
No, I’m Spartacus :-))
I’m Spartacus! .-))
Dear Jim,
Please note which of your posters begin making personal attacks when they are asked to present sources. They tricked you into speaking up for me. They don’t like being asked to provide proof and get nasty because they tick differently.
The person who asserted here Truman said his worst decision was founding CIA just does not want to admit that is something else then Truman expressing regret he founded CIA.
Peter, you are being too literalistic. Truman clearly regretted founding the CIA. They are right on the facts and you are wrong. But I do not like personal attacks and you should not be targeted. I ask everyone to show mutual respect.
Give it up, Peter. My ex-friend Will-AntiZionist-WillTwo is the only one who gets defended here, no matter how little respect he shows anyone, in particular Fetzer.
I am at a bit of a loss. Peter is strong on syntax and semantics, but weak on pragmatics. When Truman observed “It was his worst mistake!”, he was conceding he had made a mistake, which he regretted.
For AJ Doyle:
@Will Two
My original reply to this never showed up.
>>Hey, EJ…I was being “nice” and replying because no one else would and now you attack me.>>
Don’t need anyone to be nice, just authentic civility is all that is needed.
>>Can you blame others after being called “swine”?>>
Guess I could have chosen a better metaphor but it just came so easy as IMO it represents my take on things here. Could have been pearls before monkeys, children, or something :-))
>>I should have severed relationships with you when you called me “bi-polar” in that email.>>
That was your choice wasn’t it?
>>Where’s your psychiatric license?>>
*Majored in psychology and sociology at San Jose.
*Three years as an Army psychiatric social work specialist. (4th Armor div, Germany; 5th General Hospital, Stuttgart, Germany; 101st at Fort Campbell; 82nd at Fort Bragg. Did intake interviews, marital counseling; prisoner counseling; child guidance; recruit counseling; etc.
*Two years at the Countra Costa County hospital in the ER and Psychiatric ward.
*A few years with a Mexican Curendera in San Diego.
*Studied with Native American and Peruvian Shaman and medicine men and women.
*Conducted drum ceremony and life counseling for hundreds over the years.
I had a 127 IQ in High School 60+ years ago and feel the odds are I have gained, not lost any of it.
Just like I knew you were a Gemini from my intuition, remember 🙂
>>How many times have you complained about not getting enough attention?>>
Wasn’t seeking “attention” but rather hopeful for some interesting idea/thought exchange.
Most every group has a “bad boy or girl” that others can use to bolster their camaraderie and position in the group. Like support the Jews at Black Listed News and you get the wrath of dozens. Same with sharing some truth not liked about Trump at The Donald, etc. Not sure of what it was/is here with a lack of real honesty but true hostility prevalent.
>>Thanks, EJ…I guess no good deed goes unpunished, eh? . …From just another swine. Good-bye….and good luck.>>
Your choice for victim clothes my friend. No attempt at “punishment” was tried.
I still wish you the best as I said in my other article comment to you. And yes, good bye is appropriate. I am sliding off the digital dance to work on my music, about 20 new songs to finish when my rotor cuff heals. Plus as the cold weather sets in IMO there will be a big uptick in vaxx deaths from the build up of the clotting and I will be needed locally with real people rather then digital folks.
Toni…Please show me one time I disrespected Dr. Fetzer. Disagreement is not dis-respect. I have always had the greatest respect for Jim and the courage he displays.
If you have a personal issue with me, just get my email from Fetz and do it there. Let’s not air our dirty laundry on this blog.
If I have disrespected Jim, I am sure HE will let me know.
Yes, Jim, thank you.
Yes, Will, I’ve heard your lip-service to Fetzer, yet your behavior doesn’t match. For example, you came in as an alternate persona and challenged Jim AGAIN to accept your puerile flat earth theory. He’s said many times he doesn’t want this to be a forum for that. You thought you could bring it up, yet again, as a ‘newcomer’ and sulked, “I guess I was mistaken in assuming this was a blog opened to ALL topics.”
You told me that Jim asked you to contribute to one of his books but he doesn’t even know you. How does that respect him?
I think this is all pertinent to a forum about truthtelling. You like to maintain a position here and reflect in that glory. In truth, I think you have little character.
I refuse to respond to these issues. IF Dr. Fetzer has a problem, he’s welcome to interject. And that goes for anyone else. YOU have issues with ME. There is no place for that on this blog.
I don’t know quite how we got to this point. Peter’s mistake was because he did not appreciate that HTS’s remark WAS an expression of regret, even though LITERALLY it did not express regret: He was clearly in a state of remorse over having created the CIA. Will may have other issues. As Toni correctly states, I do not want to debate Flat Earth here. Based upon my familiarity with the history of science, including of physics and astronomy, a flat Earth is not even physically possible because the gravitational attraction of every object with mass upon every other object with mass dictates a round Earth rather than a flat one. I want to let that one go. I would like this forum to return to normalcy. PLEASE.
Here’s the article re that $20,000 garbage can in San Fran….
A quick example of Dem corruption in San-Fran-Homeless-Frisco…Unless this piece of crap is gold-plated, it sure as hell is not worth $20K
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Dear Jim,
Please read above William de Berg’s own words: “Truman later claimed it [founding CIA] was HIS WORST DECISION AS PRESIDENT”
[my capitalization]. I asked for his source.
William de Berg is too indifferent to bring to your attention that those other posters are mobbing me. Seems to me I remember the one or other name as somebody who attacked me personally several years ago here on your blog in similar adolescent manner.
Most here may disagree with Max Igan’s take on the Christchurch event, but he presents an inspiring message in this video. One may believe in Jesus, Tartaria, the bible or not. BUT, I think many, if not most will agree we create our own reality. If we live in fear (as when we allow an injection to invade our bodies), that is the world we get….one of fear and doubt. We were not created to live that way.
Enjoyed your sliding into the metaphysical world W2.
One of the biggest things I miss going off the grid is good discussions with “family.” Part of my article I am working on is about how the controllers over the centruies took away the soveriegn exploration of life to be replaced with the structured, fear based nonsense of organized religion, governments, barbed wire, etc.
Long before the Greeks and others created their myths and assumptions tribal elders were the hard drives of reality knowledge, sharing the insights of the ancients. Of course this was only since the Younger Dryas ice age about 12,000 years ago.
With skeletal evidence of sentient life forms dating back hundreds of millions of years, our recent past is but blink of the eye in comparison. Not only who built the pyramids but how about Gobekli Tepi, etc.
IMO, it is one thing to be humble about this most presious gift of breathing, thinking, laughing, loving, etc., but another to assign demons and punishment and nonsensical angels and lost post mortality valhallas, etc. to lack of adherence to some made up “holy” books of tales of murder, slavery, punishment, and more for not “obeying the lord.”
I mean you create the universe and all things in it. Then you take the time to punish the water bags on the planet for not adoring you?? 🙂
Indeed, the creation of one’s reality is a key philosophical truth for it leads to acceptance, responsibility of good and bad, yin and yang as one’s chosen path, not victimhood. But the clever, brilliant, psycopathic controllers have moved humanity much like herding cattle into pens of stultifiying conformaty. The current liberal embracing of victimhood is no accident.
Wow, thanks for the kick start on that stuff :-))
As usual I close with a song offering. I little soft picking and singing…
Man, I loved that song. reminded me of some of a younger Dylan before he sold out.
it IS up to us…no one else. Forget about Hopalong Cassidy on that white horse, a mighty hi-ho-silver and that bird…no a plane…no, it’s superman…or Neo….they ain’t a comin’.
As a bit of an aside, I was involved in the Pentecostal movement back in the 70’s. Did the whole bit…spoke in tongues….preached in NYC around Central Park South and attended the Assembly of God church on E. 62nd Street. It had me for a while and then I recognized the hypocrisy underneath it all. But I would not have missed the experience for the world.
Just another story.
I have never understood a “god” that needed adoration and worship. Why? He/she is omnipotent. What would any of that mean to someone or something who was everything? And why would I worship a “god’ that has allowed immeasurable suffering?
But, I do believe in a creator of some sort. All this from nothing leaves me cold and wondering (wandering).
And so it goes.
Will Two:
From my experience, God [Universal Father] offers free will to all mortal beings. Therefore suffering and good happens. We mortals have to learn to know the difference and act accordingly.
Don, That’s a good comment that I have heard many times. BUT, much suffering and situations are not a result of human will….weather, volcanoes, all natural disasters, How is that justified?
Will Two:
You sure got me with your remark. I just don’t know what to do about those darn volcanoes, etc.
I guess God made a mistake making a planet with rain and deadly storms.
Maybe He can make a perfect planet with no rain and earthquakes.
Also, I failed to mention that babies can be born dead for all kinds of reasons. God should not allow that.
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Don, do not get me wrong. I am not against the existence of a creator. I am against organized religion and “God” as it has been fed to us all our lives through various writings.
I do not misunderstand you at all. I know you believe in a Creator but the one we have now evidently allows all kinds of suffering. He even allows people to die and suffer in Volcanoes and the dreaded floods.
Should we get rid of that naughty God and get a nice God who will not permit suffering?
I do what works best for me. I advise anyone to do the same.
Anti-Zionist, I asked the person who claimed Truman judged his CIA founding his WORST DECISION AS PRESIDENT for his source. How old are you?
This is the 2nd time you have asked my age. How does that figure into anything?
I’m 76. Satisfied?
>>Man, I loved that song. reminded me of some of a younger Dylan before he sold out.>>
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>>it IS up to us…no one else. Forget about Hopalong Cassidy on that white horse, a mighty hi-ho-silver and that bird…no a plane…no, it’s superman…or Neo….they ain’t a comin’.>>
You are correct Grasshopper 🙂
– – – – – – – – – – – – – –
>>As a bit of an aside, I was involved in the Pentecostal movement back in the 70’s. Did the whole bit…spoke in tongues….preached in NYC around Central Park South and attended the Assembly of God church on E. 62nd Street. It had me for a while and then I recognized the hypocrisy underneath it all. But I would not have missed the experience for the world.>>
Part of your journey to get you where you are now. Never had that sort experience but I was very curious about things so I checked out a lot of paths.
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>>Just another story.>>
– – – – – – – – – – – – – –
>>I have never understood a “god” that needed adoration and worship. Why? He/she is omnipotent. What would any of that mean to someone or something who was everything? And why would I worship a “god’ that has allowed immeasurable suffering?>>
Indeed, why???
>>But, I do believe in a creator of some sort. All this from nothing leaves me cold and wondering (wandering).>>
God: A fiction created to fight or rationalize the inevitability of death. In my observation, non materialistic cultures have a deeper metaphysical or spiritual, not religous understanding about life that allows death to be part of a continuing process, not an end.
My perspective is I really don’t care where things came or come from, I just dig the experience every day. I’ve always been one of those folks who take time to stop and watch cloud formations or the trippy things insects do, or watch how a cut on my body heals, etc. The good side of using teacher plants (Mescaline, Cannibus, Hashish, Peyote, etc.) with a positive intention when I was young. 🙂
>>And so it goes.>>
My first book I ever read was called “Earth Abides” title from Ecclesiastes “Men come and go but Earth abides.”
Great comment.
I’ve had some life changing experiences through various substances…some natural and some man-made. The one that turned out NOT to be an ally (Castaneda reference) was morning glory seeds….always had a bad experience.
The Dems continue to prove they have lost any semblance of sanity, fairness and legitimacy:
…attempting to pass a bill that has yet to be written.
The Patriot Act got passed without being read.
Are the fences still up around the Capitol? Military still there? Have we not slipped into the Facist State we all feared?
Any cyber guys out there who wish to make 5 million bucks by proving Lindell wrong….here’s your chance:
Am I the only one who sees this fake as hell launch and return as a giant ” right in our faces” circumcision?
Bezos has been launching this rocket [unmanned] for over ten years. I guess he finally felt it was safe enough for a human to ride it up to many miles high so they could float around in the cabin for a few minutes.
The so-called NASA Vomit Comet plane has been doing the basic same thing for over 50 years.
It was just a stunt these super rich men are doing for yuks. I’m not impressed.
This may seem far-fetched, Don, but I saw this as a circumcision of a once erect penis. Sound insane, eh? The “rocket” takes off as the erection, the head comes off and the “rocket” returns, depleted and out of fuel. The small hats are laughing at us for accepting this BS. And the narrators speak of the first manned space flight telling you right in your face that what happened in 1969 was a fantasy.
Elon Musk has been given “permission” to put 20K, 5G beaming satellites in low altitude orbit (he wants 40K) and to put ONE MILLION terrestrial antennas in America to interact with the satellites.
5G doesn’t “cause” the mythical “Covid-19,” it’s a factor in lowering one’s health level. Excitation of molecules at 60gHz and above causes disruption in the O2 molecule, lessening absorption rate in hemoglobin (Red blood cells).
Similar to climbing Everest without an oxygen supply, creates a vulnerability to those with respiratory challenges to begin with…COPD, Age, etc.
So who gave this guy the “permisson?” It all fits in to the controller’s agenda of a highly reduced population living 24/7 under track, trace, and data basing with 5G SMART tech in stack and pack urban centers. No personal vehicles, no access to the country side with most living on a government dole.
AZ…Yeah, Truman’s Hiroshima and Nagasaki event was not so cool though :-/
“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something.
They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”
— Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom 1913
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“If the people only understood the rank injustice of our Money and Banking system, there would be a revolution before morning.” – Andrew Jackson
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“The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes.”
– Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, 1952
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“When we got into office, the thing that surprised me most was to find that things were just as bad as we’d been saying they were.” – John F. Kennedy
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“There is an evil which ought to be guarded against in the indefinite accumulation of property from the capacity of holding it in perpetuity by…corporations. The power of all corporations ought to be limited in this respect. The growing wealth acquired by them never fails to be a source of abuses.”
– James Madison
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The late John Trudell, co-founder of AIM, from a documentary of mine, nails it in 1 1/2 mins:
In truth, EJD, I only posted the Truman info in response to Peter (an obvious disruptor). I have no use for any politician. Not one.
Dear Jim and Friends of Liberty:
The two interviews/discussions I watched over the last week I urge you all to watch if you have not done so already… were The German Lawyer leading the class action suing Earth’s legions of Kung Flu Fascists and his interview of the patent underwriter and Clif High interviewed by Greg Hunter.
Clif High is the inventor of the web bot and a field called predictive linguistics. It’s really fascinating work. His program scours the WEB for what he calls emotional content and other data. He posted a video on October 19th before the 2016 election. He talked about things like the view counts of original uploads from both campaigns on youtube. Trump was getting 10 to 1 views over Killery. Clif also talked about the complete lack of emotional enthusiasm for Killery and Trump was decimating her in this category. Clif predicted a landslide for Trump from his data and that Killery would disappear on election night and it happened for real. That was mind boggling getting that from predictive linguistics. Clif said that Trump won by light years in popular vote as well and the massive Killery fraud barely edged her over Trump in the popular vote. It’s exactly what I said happened without any fancy data.
Clif’s latest data on the Biden administration and the Kung Flu death injections: Biden’s admin will be in full collapse by mid to late September. Inflation will finally kill their ability to buy anything or even meet their payroll. That just the price of gas going up 40% this year alone has already caused problems just buying fuel for vehicles. Clif also states that the vaccinations weren’t vaccinations at all. They were designed to kill off a huge swath of the population. And that the official death toll thus far is more than ten times the reported official number and that over 100,000 people have already been killed.
What else really boggles the mind about Clif’s info… he coined a term called “vaxxidents” from blood clots at the capillary level in the brain. That vaxxidents of all kinds will decimate this country from people having mental lapses while operating heavy machinery, trucks, cars, ships you name it. I left Colorado for 12 days and 40 more people died in car accidents while I was gone. Granted during the 4th of july they usually go up. But it was so noticeable because there is an electronic sign near where I live that updates it by the minute. The incidents of mental meltdowns especially from women will skyrocket.
Clif on the door to door Biden campaign to get more people death injected: This might be the final nail in Creepy Joe’s coffin. Clif predicts a gargantuan backlash coming from this PR disaster. That the people they will select to do this will have no clue what peril is about to befall them. I can tell you what’s coming their way by my own experience as a naive 18 year old conducting the 1980 Census because I was so desperate for a job. Back then there was a short form and a long form for every 12th household or something like that. I was sent out to extract this deeper level of intrusion from the reluctant. My first assignment was my last when a neighbor 5 doors down let me have it with both barrels. This lady excoriated me for daring to come to her door. I left shell shocked and immediately quit the job. Blow are the links to the two most important interviews from this week
Clif with Greg Hunter..
Predictions of any sort trouble me. They keep us from acting. The Q psyop is a recent example.
Come on AZ, remember, the pain is coming, trust the plan, the white hats are in charge now, :-))
From my perspective on the merry go round of life we may be going up and down but it is always in the same circle. The use of the psychological insights (weapons) of human behavior by Bernays, his uncle Freud, Skinner, Pavlov and others have been used on us for far too long now.
Think about the past 20 years and all the distractions from having a “normal” life that have been thrown at us. As soon as we “recover” from one, up comes another thing to deal with. Just like the Trump administration couldn’t catch their breath, the same for the citizens of the world.
Next thing one knows is they are collecting SS and yet another generation bites the dust :-/
EJD…I got their plan and their white hats right here (as I point to my crotch).
Agree with all you have said.
Off topic but cool…just went over 1000 views at my BitChute channel this month and 5000 total.
Everyone can’t do everything, but everyone CAN do SOMETHING :-))
Sept. 11, 2001
That was the day that the USA was flushed down the toilet. NO planes were involved that nuclear attack on NYC, the the missile attack on the Pentagon and the Shanksville fraud. Millions of people like to believe that planes crashed into the Twin Towers but nothing is further from the truth.
We live in a world so bereft of truth that ”Alice in Wonderland” almost stands as a non-fiction book.
Statues of American heroes are demolished and replaced by bronze statues of criminals such as George Floyd.
File: Larger than life bronze statue of George Floyd.
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Where are the planes and people on them?
Why doesn’t Don answer my question about where the passenger and the people on them went?
Research shows that none of those planes even took off that morning. The so-called air telephone calls came from a plane parked inside a hangar.
Hello Peter, are you new to this blog? I don’t recall any past activity. Rather than demanding answers, maybe you could help us with some new content that will reveal falsehoods, hoaxes and frauds.
If you actuallly did some research into Dr. Fetzer and others work you would know that they were still in the plane registery years later.
There’s a few dates and things done I was unaware of. So well done. But I knew all the rest. I was watching Mark Dice’s latest Venice Boardwalk interviews with millennials. If you have never seen them, they are comical. He asks softball history and current events questions and it is shocking how uninformed these folks are. He found numerous people that voted for Biden that could not say what job Creepy Sleepy Joe held before he became President. Mind blowing.
IMO, the success of the intentional dumbing down of society with celeb worship, over consumption of material goods, no more independent leaders of the arts, music, screenwriters, etc., just more sheep bleating the same nonsense.
Less comical and more frightening are the so-called “alt” news sites. Take you pick, Brietbart, Black Listed News, Gateway Pundit, and a new comer with the .win stuff like The Donald. Group think and slogan chanting at its worst with far too much bull sh*t and limited critical thinking. I sing about it like this…
Although I have limited historical acumen, I cannot come up with any dates of equal or greater impact that served as accretive examples of this republic other than war and exploitation.
How about 1933 when private gold was confiscated, 1948 when the CIA was founded (Truman later claimed it was his worst decision as president), 1986 when the vaccine court that gave total immunity to vaccine manufacturers was formed, 2001 when we invaded Afghanistan (as disastrous as the Iraqi invasion), 2013 when the NDAA that allowed propaganda to be used against the American people was enacted, 2021 when the largest peaceful political protest in American history was infiltrated by saboteurs under the guidance of the FBI … etc.
William, you see those as examples of growth? No from my perspective.
“Not” from my perspective.
Allow me to re-state what I said to make it a bit clearer. I just find it rather remarkable in this land of the free and home of the brave that there seem to be no dates of comparable importance that served as a benefit and as a positive growth aspect of those very freedoms we so cherish. Everything has diminished the peoples rights and hastened the rights of the state.
Please present date and place of this fashionable assertion about Truman’s alleged judgment of his own decision to create CIA.
Peter “Please present date and place of this fashionable assertion about Truman’s alleged judgment of his own decision to create CIA.”
Dear “Anti-Zionist”,
I asked for date and place i.e. source of alleged Truman quote, but you sent me a link to Roman Catholic McGovern’s long-winded article. Where is Truman’s quote?
By the way, it is also alleged Truman was 33° Mason.
Dear “Anti-Zionist”,
Your second link is an excerpt of a film showing Truman saying he made two mistakes. WHERE does Truman say founding CIA was his “worst decision as President” ?
It’s ironic you take the trouble to quote my question which everybody can read in the previous frame, and then refer to two links loaded with information but not answering my simple question where and when Truman said what is asserted here without source.
Dear “Anti-Zionist”
I asked for source of statement
“my worst decision as President” attributed to Truman. Your third link is to Tucker Carlson: Truman regretted founding CIA. Must I view Tucker, too, or another wild goosr chase?
How’s this Peter?
Allow me to copy and paste the entire article in case following that link is too complicated.
Even President Truman Regretted Forming The CIA
CIA’s Creator Came to Regret It … Said the CIA Was a “Government All Its Own” Which Was Destroying Democracy
by George Washington
President Truman created the CIA.
He explained that it was solely an attempt to consolidate intelligence from many different intelligence agencies (page 285):
I needed … the President needed at that time a central organization that would bring all the various intelligence reports we were getting in those days, and there must have been a dozen of them, maybe more, bring them all into one organization so that the President would get one report on what was going on in various parts of the world. Now that made sense, and that’s why I went ahead and set up what they called the Central Intelligence Agency.
But in the 1970s, he told his biographer, Merle Miller (page 285):
I think [creation of the CIA] was a mistake. And if I’d know what was going to happen, I never would have done it.
Why, they’ve got an organization over there in Virginia now that is practically the equal of the Pentagon in many ways. And I think I’ve told you, one Pentagon is one too many.
Now, as nearly as I can make out, those fellows in the CIA don’t just report on wars and the like, they go out and make their own, and there’s nobody to keep track of what they’re up to. They spend billions of dollars on stirring up trouble so they’ll have something to report on. They’ve become … it’s become a government all of its own and all secret. They don’t have to account to anybody.
That’s a very dangerous thing in a democratic society, and it’s got to be put a stop to. The people have got a right to know what those birds are up to. And if I was back in the White House, people would know. You see, the way a free government works, there’s got to be a housecleaning every now and again, and I don’t care what branch of the government is involved. Somebody has to keep an eye on things.
And when you can’t do any housecleaning because everything that goes on is a damn secret, why, then we’re on our way to something the Founding Fathers didn’t have in mind. Secrecy and a free, democratic government don’t mix. And if what happened at the Bay of Pigs doesn’t prove that, I don’t know what does. You have got to keep an eye on the military at all times, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s the birds in the Pentagon or the birds in the CIA.
Similarly, President Kennedy said he wanted “to splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds”. But he was assassinated a month later.
Hat tip to Jeff Deist.
A few more details.
03/08/2017Jeff Deist
Say what you will about President Harry Truman, but at least he didn’t leave the White House a suspiciously rich man. He also actually went home, to Independence Missouri, and moved into a modest house he didn’t own. It was the same house belonging to his wife’s family where he had lived with Bess (and his mother-in-law!) decades earlier.
Flat broke, and unwilling to accept corporate board positions or commercial endorsements, Truman sought a much-needed loan from a local Missouri bank. For several years his sole income was a $113 monthly Army pension, and only the sale of a parcel of land he inherited with his siblings prevented him from nearly “being on relief,” as Truman allegedly stated. In the 1950s, perhaps almost entirely to alleviate Truman’s embarrassing financial situation, Congress authorized a $25,000 yearly pension for ex-presidents Truman and the much-wealthier Herbert Hoover.
Contrast this with the luxe post-presidential life of the Reagans in Bel Air, or the still-unfolding saga of the Obama’s jet-setting life between Kalorama, Palm Springs, and Oahu!
But even if Truman’s homespun honesty and common man persona sometime wore thin, he deserves enormous credit for the startling admission that he regretted creating the CIA. Speaking to a biographer in the 1960s, less than 20 years after signing the National Security Act of 1947, Truman expressed a sense of foreboding about what the agency had become, and would become:
Merle Miller: Mr. President, I know that you were responsible as President for setting up the CIA. How do you feel about it now?
Truman: I think it was a mistake. And if I’d know what was going to happen, I never would have done it.
This is decidedly not the kind of thing ex-presidents usually say. We won’t expect George W. Bush to announce his regrets over invading Iraq anytime soon. But Truman’s instincts were right, even if he couldn’t have imagined what the CIA and the entire Deep State nexus would become. In Truman’s era, spying and subterfuge were physical endeavors, involving skilled agents and analog technology. Today the covert arts don’t require James Bond, but instead a trained technician who can pull information from a server farm.
The digital revolution gives modern intelligence agencies vastly more power than they had during the Cold War spy days: they simply access existing metadata, from whatever source, rather than collect it in real time. And intelligence gathering is not just a supplementary form of warfare waged against hostile foreign governments, but also a domestic political tool that allows Deep State actors to strike at civilian and political targets. As Mr. Trump has discovered, the “strike” can consist of a coordinated media attacks, leaks from trusted officials, and even bizarre triangulations aimed at pinning his election on Vladimir Putin.
One justification Truman provides for his action is the old bureaucratic unicorn known as “consolidation,” which is often promised by politicians but never delivered. When then-congressman Ron Paul and his staff furiously argued against the creation of the Department of Homeland Security in 2002, GOP congressional leaders assured us that an entirely new department would actually consolidate several different agencies and functions. “It will save money!”, they told us, to bring all of these disparate federal employees under one efficient umbrella. Fast forward to 2017, and DHS is just another failed department with a thousand-page, $42 billion annual budget.
But Truman apparently bought into the consolidation argument:
Truman: the President needed at that time a central organization that would bring all the various intelligence reports we were getting in those days, and there must have been a dozen of them, maybe more, bring them all into one organization so that the President would get one report on what was going on in various parts of the world. Now that made sense, and that’s why I went ahead and set up what they called the Central Intelligence Agency.
Unfortunately it was only in hindsight that Truman came to see the “Iron Law of Oligarchy” at work, which posits that all organizations– particularly government bureaucracies– eventually fall under the control of an elite few. That elite, he came to understand, did not include the president or his cabinet:
Truman: But it got out of hand. The fella … the one that was in the White House after me never paid any attention to it, and it got out of hand. Why, they’ve got an organization over there in Virginia now that is practically the equal of the Pentagon in many ways. And I think I’ve told you, one Pentagon is one too many.
Now, as nearly as I can make out, those fellows in the CIA don’t just report on wars and the like, they go out and make their own, and there’s nobody to keep track of what they’re up to. They spend billions of dollars on stirring up trouble so they’ll have something to report on. They’ve become … it’s become a government all of its own and all secret. They don’t have to account to anybody.
That’s a very dangerous thing in a democratic society, and it’s got to be put a stop to. The people have got a right to know what those birds are up to. And if I was back in the White House, people would know. You see, the way a free government works, there’s got to be a housecleaning every now and again, and I don’t care what branch of the government is involved. Somebody has to keep an eye on things.
And when you can’t do any housecleaning because everything that goes on is a damn secret, why, then we’re on our way to something the Founding Fathers didn’t have in mind. Secrecy and a free, democratic government don’t mix. And if what happened at the Bay of Pigs doesn’t prove that, I don’t know what does. You have got to keep an eye on the military at all times, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s the birds in the Pentagon or the birds in the CIA.
This is a remarkable statement by Truman, even if delivered during a relatively unguarded moment with a trusted biographer. It shows a humility and willingness to admit grave error that is lacking in public life today. It also stands on its own as a inadvertent libertarian argument against state power itself.
Did Truman stand by his statements about the CIA? Yes and no. Speaking to Esquire in 1971, he continued to praise the agency as a needed consolidation:
When I took over the Presidency he received information from just about everywhere, from the Secretary of State and the State Department, the Treasury Department, the Department of Agriculture. Just everybody. And sometimes they didn’t agree as to what was happening in various parts of the world. So I got couple of admirals together, and they formed the Central Intelligence Agency for the benefit and convenience of the President of the United States . . . So instead of the President having to look through a bunch of papers two feet high, the information was coordinated so that the President could arrive at the facts. It’s still going, and it’s going very well.
Hypocritical backpedaling on Truman’s part? Perhaps. But his biographer Merle Miller calls the Esquire quote “pretty faint praise,” and more importantly Truman never ordered the removal of his brief chapter on the CIA from the Plain Speaking biography. His mea culpa still stands, in print. So while he could not have fully imagined what the CIA would become, he knew in his gut he had made a terrible mistake– a mistake we are only beginning to understand today thanks to WikiLeaks.
Jeff Deist is president of the Mises Institute. He previously worked as a longtime advisor and chief of staff to Congressman Ron Paul. Contact: email; twitter.
That’s because of your education and professional training. Prof. Fetzer is trained in philosophy, Mr Alexis in math,
that Montana theologian overlooks legal history in regard to the status of corporations and persons, which shows how powerful corporations are.
I think we are most influenced and affected by the events that took place within our own lifetime. You can see from Shakespeare’s plays that political corruption has been going on for a very long time. What is disheartening is the fact that even when the well documented truth comes out, the sinister forces of the Deep State still manages to maintain the orignal myths in the minds of the public at large. It is amazing to me the most obviously unelected person in US history is claiming that those who question the validity of his pretendency are somehow tied to the civil war and confederacy.
What do YOU mean by “Deep State”?
I see GRB has not yet answered my question what he means by “Deep State”. Exopolitics just sent out an email announcement of a contactee a French woman who offers her exopolitical meaning of Deep State on Jupiter. Reminds me of an Anglist who let two You Tube celebrities praise him as having coined the phrase Deep State until I pointed out to the one celebrity the expression was used long in Europe before the Anglist published his book. The other celebrity who ignored my inquiry why he claimed the Anglist coined Deep State has since changed his name from Dark Journalist a new name.