Is the Biden Administration Trying to Murder Its Opponents?

By William Sullivan

[Editor’s note: In case anyone doubts that murders are part of the plan, I have added the report of a funeral director from the UK, who explains that the alleged “Covid deaths” were of those who died from other causes and that long-term care facilities are sedating the elderly to bring about their deaths in order to add them to the count.]

Imagine a doctor standing at a patient’s bedside.  The patient is deathly ill, and will likely die without the aid of that life-support device resting by his bed.

“Thank God for these devices, and thank God we don’t have any supply issues in getting large quantities of them,” the doctor thinks to himself.  He leans over to administer the life-saving treatment but then pauses.  “Wait a minute… is this Joe Smith?  The same Joe Smith who called me a dirtbag at the country club last month and argued with me about mask mandates in our kids’ school?”

Now, the question.  If the doctor wheels the life-saving device out of the room while citing the fact that someone else might need the device in some other hospital at some unknown time in the future, would that be murder?

If the answer to that question is yes, then it is nowhere near approaching hyperbole to suggest that the Biden administration is murdering its opponents by rationing life-saving monoclonal antibody treatments and specifically withholding them from red states due to an apparent grudge.

Via Wellcome

In fact, the only problem with that assertion is that it implies that Biden is murdering only his opponents.

In Florida, for example, the state was expecting 72,000 treatments, but the Biden administration supplied only a ration of 30,950.  As Emerald Robinson of Newsmax reminded Jen Psaki, “half of the people” seeking treatment in South Florida are fully vaccinated.

That’s right.  They put their trust in the government, followed the state-approved “science,” and many undoubtedly voted for Biden.  None of that matters.  Their lives have been weighed in the balance by Biden’s death panel, and will not be saved.

“Maybe [she’s] better off not having the surgery, but taking a pain pill,” Barack Obama told a woman asking whether or not her elderly mother should receive life-sustaining treatment in 2009, back when the notion of “death panels” were still the stuff of right-wing conspiracies.  The idea being promoted by Obama, of course, was confirmation that death panels were the goal of the government’s intrusion into healthcare.  The value of the old woman’s life was weighed in Obama’s mind, and without knowing her at all, she was deemed unworthy of treatment that could be provided for others whose lives Obama believed to be more valuable.

The Biden administration has taken that cold calculation to new, wickeder heights.  Not only is the government rationing care based upon the broad assumptions of one’s human value, but in consideration to the political disposition of the state in which one lives, and in spite of the fact that there appears to be absolutely no apparent need to ration this particular care at all.

Perplexingly, the reason that Florida won’t be getting the treatments that Floridians need from the Biden administration, according to the logic provided by Jen Psaki, is that the state needs the treatments in the first place:

Monoclonal antibodies are life-saving treatments that are used after infection.  So, clearly, the way to protect people and save more lives is to get them vaccinated so that they don’t get, uh, the COVID to begin with.  But over the last month, given the rise in cases due to the delta variant, and lower number of vaccination rates in some of these states — like Florida, like Texas — just seven states are making up 70-percent of the orders.  Our supply is not unlimited, and we believe it should be equitable across states across the country.

“There’ve been no reports of a lack of supply,” Emerald Robinson responded, which is unquestionably a relevant point.  We’ve seen COVID outbreaks of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths occur in regional waves in the past.  There is ample supply for the immediate need among affected states and time to ramp up supply for potential outbreaks in the future.

But Psaki disagrees.  “I think our role,” she goes on, “as the government overseeing the entire country, is to be equitable in how we distribute [the treatments].”

In this exchange, Psaki accomplishes something spectacular, in that she both invokes the Marxist principle of equitable distribution administrated by the government and simultaneously inverts the promises of Marxism.

“From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs!”  This is the enduring slogan of Marxism, popularized by Karl Marx in 1875’s Critique of the Gotha Program.

Well, those with the ability have created an ample supply of life-saving monoclonal antibody treatments.  Floridians need the treatments while the federal government is hoarding and withholding them as obvious political punishment for noncompliance.

The inconvenient truth is that this is always the end result of Marxism.  “Equity” becomes a virtue that supplants liberty, and the government invariably abuses its power in controlling both the means of production and distribution of resources to punish its political enemies.

When Ukrainian farmers opposed Stalin’s agricultural collectivization efforts in 1928, he accused them of a bourgeois sense of nationalism for defying the ruling party.  Millions of men, women, and children were sent to collectivist farms in Siberia, and when production stalled, the promises of “to each according to his need” were certainly not afforded to them, as the Soviet government withheld life-saving food and murdered millions in the Holodomor.  Food that could have been given to the starving kulaks was instead given to workers in the cities and sold abroad to finance Stalin’s industrialization efforts (which was the “infrastructure spending” of his day).

Florida is not experiencing anything close to the scale of suffering in the Holodomor, thank God.  And the unvaccinated are not yet having treatments withheld due to their vaccination status.  But it’s hard to imagine how this might be much different if they were.  Right now, if you are a vaccinated Floridian who is in a hospital, there is a chance that the Biden administration has decided to withhold life-saving treatment from you as punishment for your neighbors’ refusal to abide by his command to be vaccinated.

This is also a feature of Marxism — collective, rather than individual, political punishment by the State for noncompliance.

For the Biden administration, there is a dark political victory being sought, which will come at the cost of all these Floridians’ lives.

Killing Floridians by denying them readily available life-saving treatments will cause death tolls to rise in Florida, in spite of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths having been on the wane for weeks.  Nothing has vexed the super-smart scientists who were wrong about nearly everything when it came to COVID mitigation as much as Florida has (except, perhaps, Sweden, which they ignore).  New Jersey, for example, did everything the government-approved “science” said to do, and it has a per capita death rate that is roughly 30-percent higher than Florida, which did everything the state-approved science said not to do while, incidentally, having the second-oldest population in the country.

Florida is a far-too-visible testament to the fallibility of the federal government’s “experts,” and they haven’t suffered enough for refusing to “follow the science.”  And for that, the Biden administration has decided that more Floridians must die.  We shouldn’t delude ourselves by believing that there’s anything nobler than that behind all of this.

“There’ve been no reports of a lack of supply,” Emerald Robinson responded, which is unquestionably a relevant point.  We’ve seen COVID outbreaks of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths occur in regional waves in the past.  There is ample supply for the immediate need among affected states and time to ramp up supply for potential outbreaks in the future.

But Psaki disagrees.  “I think our role,” she goes on, “as the government overseeing the entire country, is to be equitable in how we distribute [the treatments].”

In this exchange, Psaki accomplishes something spectacular, in that she both invokes the Marxist principle of equitable distribution administrated by the government and simultaneously inverts the promises of Marxism.

“From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs!”  This is the enduring slogan of Marxism, popularized by Karl Marx in 1875’s Critique of the Gotha Program.

Well, those with the ability have created an ample supply of life-saving monoclonal antibody treatments.  Floridians need the treatments while the federal government is hoarding and withholding them as obvious political punishment for noncompliance.

The inconvenient truth is that this is always the end result of Marxism.  “Equity” becomes a virtue that supplants liberty, and the government invariably abuses its power in controlling both the means of production and distribution of resources to punish its political enemies.

When Ukrainian farmers opposed Stalin’s agricultural collectivization efforts in 1928, he accused them of a bourgeois sense of nationalism for defying the ruling party.  Millions of men, women, and children were sent to collectivist farms in Siberia, and when production stalled, the promises of “to each according to his need” were certainly not afforded to them, as the Soviet government withheld life-saving food and murdered millions in the Holodomor.  Food that could have been given to the starving kulaks was instead given to workers in the cities and sold abroad to finance Stalin’s industrialization efforts (which was the “infrastructure spending” of his day).

Florida is not experiencing anything close to the scale of suffering in the Holodomor, thank God.  And the unvaccinated are not yet having treatments withheld due to their vaccination status.  But it’s hard to imagine how this might be much different if they were.  Right now, if you are a vaccinated Floridian who is in a hospital, there is a chance that the Biden administration has decided to withhold life-saving treatment from you as punishment for your neighbors’ refusal to abide by his command to be vaccinated.

This is also a feature of Marxism — collective, rather than individual, political punishment by the State for noncompliance.

For the Biden administration, there is a dark political victory being sought, which will come at the cost of all these Floridians’ lives.

Killing Floridians by denying them readily available life-saving treatments will cause death tolls to rise in Florida, in spite of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths having been on the wane for weeks.  Nothing has vexed the super-smart scientists who were wrong about nearly everything when it came to COVID mitigation as much as Florida has (except, perhaps, Sweden, which they ignore).  New Jersey, for example, did everything the government-approved “science” said to do, and it has a per capita death rate that is roughly 30-percent higher than Florida, which did everything the state-approved science said not to do while, incidentally, having the second-oldest population in the country.

Florida is a far-too-visible testament to the fallibility of the federal government’s “experts,” and they haven’t suffered enough for refusing to “follow the science.”  And for that, the Biden administration has decided that more Floridians must die.  We shouldn’t delude ourselves by believing that there’s anything nobler than that behind all of this.

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26 thoughts on “Is the Biden Administration Trying to Murder Its Opponents?”

  1. More proof that California is beyond help. How is this anywhere near possible in the “Land of the Free”?

    Gavin Newsom just signed a law that will allow children to get sex changes and abortions on their parents’ health insurance without their parents knowing.

  2. Fulford tells us what’s happening in Australia and who’s behind it (the CCP, of course).
    (a grain of salt as always)

    Fulford fairly consistently speaks of this society or these white hats coming to the rescue, but without evidence.

    …..while Max Igan has some examples of the unbelievable police (more likely mercenaries) brutality going on there….

    How humans can treat other humans this way is far beyond my comprehension.

    1. Please watch that entire Igan video. He goes into an offer made by RT to The funeral director Looney which reeks of money and has little to do with any concern over the future of humanity.
      Toward the end, Igan shows instances around the world in which the people stood up against the tyranny with some very interesting tactics that in time may be useful for us in these United States. He also agrees with my assessment that those cops in Australia are likely foreign troops who have no regard for their fellow Aussies.

  3. I have Kung Flu topic fatigue. Let’s cliff note it. Everyone that was foolish enough to get death injected has done so. A huge swath of them aren’t getting the booster. There should be a mass die off already. I know of four people from my sphere of contacts that croaked not long after the jab. We should be hearing of shitloads more than we are according to the doom and gloom squad. I was afraid of another economic suicide pact in Colorado, but it’s not looking that way. I just returned after almost three months in the Black Hills. The ski company has dropped their mask requirement in the lift lines, a major turning point. Because everyone has had it with the Ski Co’s Karen Army telling people to cover the nose after skiing a couple miles. The Vail Resorts Monster of the ski business will not go along with another shutdown is my feeling. And the average business won’t go along either. To me that’s a major turning point in the arc of Kung Flu Insanity. And as Clif High says, the major temporal marker of 50,000 college football fans chanting “Fuck… Joe Bi–Den” “Fuck… Joe Bi–Den” “Fuck… Joe Bi–Den” is a another huge turning point. They are starting to think of this…You don’t know what you got till it’s gone, please bring back the Donald because we had no clue how bad Sleepy Creepy and Cameltoe Cackler would be until we saw them in action.

    1. It will come to an end, Dave. Even the unarmed Aussies are not taking any more. In the unlikely scenario it does not and gets worse here in the US, we MUST be prepared for a physical war. There will be little choice unless most want to be slaves, manipulated through whatever the F they have put in those who took the jab OR, DEAD!

      1. So the following insanity is what we are up against. Anyone who thinks this can be solved by being nice, going through legal channels or any means other than mass revolt and yes, shedding blood when necessary….well, you are living a dream. When they persist in stopping health care for our children, the point of no effing return has been reached. The time has come (as they are now doing in Australia) to fight for our inherent rights and OUR LIVES.

    2. Hey Dave, I’ve just returned from Bainbridge Georgia getting some work done on my truck. And I’ve always love this part of the country for it beautiful rolling hills and farmlands. And I happens to strike up a convo with a local fella who is retired law enforcement and he said that he knows of three fellow officers who just retired early because of the scamdemic policy that their local police station are trying to put in place. Keep in mind this is rural Georgia. No big city crime problems but these men have had enough.
      It’s growing and Americans of all walks of life have had enough of the fuckery.
      Me on the other hand ,I’m not tired yet because I have two little humans and a wife to fight for.
      My 84 year old Mum is probably pass by the end of the year due to Parkinson’s disease but she has never wore a mask or social distance and has seen all her grand and great grandchildren during all of last year.
      She will go out with her middle finger to the globalist and their reset.

    1. No apologies needed Will. We have have to fight in our own way and I have no qualm about using deadly force against my fellow Americans. As my late SAS retired uncle Graham use to say. Keep calm ,use gun control evade fire and pray.

      1. As far as I am concerned, this is all in the name of self defense and the future of humanity. Anyone not willing to fight for that deserves what they get. But we should get to the root…..and that’s the nefarious and beyond evil Rothschilds.

  4. I clicked Sweden. I liked Sweden’s attitude when I watched the Cato Institute video at the start of this farce. Seems they came out better than the others. The pschological damge by the lockdown is reason enough to not lockdow. I think they never had the right to lock us up.

  5. The governemnt wants my taxes so they can lock me up and try and force me to take injections I don’t trust. Never has it been that taxes are to pay for my own demise.

  6. Biden and the Dems are obviously writing off FL and TX and probably GA and AZ as well. But they know they can still cheat and win with MI, PA, and WI.

      1. Zbigniew Brzezinski
        Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era (written 50 years ago)

        “We have a large public that is very ignorant about public affairs and very susceptible to simplistic slogans by candidates who appear out of nowhere, have no track record, but mouth appealing slogans”

    1. And yet, many suits have been won against the government in this regard. And who, but the American taxpayer foots that bill. Kinda weird, is it not? A corpseoration makes a defective product that maims or kills an American. The American sues the government and if the case is won, get awarded with it’s own money. Ya gotta love it. All hail the lobbyists.

  7. I’ve observed several deaths in my immediate family. In the final days and weeks of a sick person’s life there are many alternatives one can take. There are often several choices the caregiver can choose or ignore. The caregiver can decide
    how long the patient lives. I’ve had to make those kinds of decisions. Its very stressful.

    If the decision is political its even more malicious.

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