Joachim Hagopian
What we are witnessing today is a relative handful of psychopathic, soulless monsters, outnumbered by more than a million to one that are misbehaving on the geopolitical world stage like the neighborhood bully not getting its usual bad behavior. So they’re going for broke to drastically escalate the stakes – premeditated murder of 7.4 billion out of us 7.9 billion people on this earth, amounting to 15 out of 16 of us living and breathing right now, targeted in their genocidal crosshairs. Since their Covid-19 fake pandemic-kill shot assault on humanity didn’t quite do the job they planned and expected, eliminating a billion or more victims in their non-vaccine holocaust just isn’t enough death and destruction for their voracious, bloodthirsty appetite. So, the black nobility bloodlines that include the British royals, the central banking Rothschild and Rockefeller dynasties are now determined to ignite a nuclear holocaust with their staged World War III showdown heating up by the day in Ukraine.
While slower kill methods of planetary ecosystem collapse, terraforming through geoengineering toxicity, deliberate collapse of food production causing mass starvation in combination with Big Pharma’s induced Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome now called VAIDS not killing us off fast enough for their liking, WWIII nuclear annihilation is merely the elite enemy’s latest potent, wag-the-dog Weapon of Mass Destruction. Because they obviously overplayed their tyrannical COVID hand, now exposed as humanity’s genocidal killers being challenged in today’s courts of law, it appears they are not about to go down without reaching their Georgia Guidestones mission quota of depopulating the earth by around 94% to reach their desired half billion slaves.
This presentation will cite ample, mounting, overwhelmingly incriminating evidence surfacing every day that irrefutably proves the elite’s Luciferian intent is to mass murder the human population. They now realize if they fail to rapidly eliminate us in one fell swoop into the multiple billions, in self-defense We the People, armed with the horrifying criminal truth, will arrest, prosecute and eliminate them from doing any further harm. In this epic war between good and evil, each side now facing off in a race against time to neutralize the other first. That’s why as threatened, desperate, deranged vipers, the planetary controllers are now resorting to unloading their unlimited WMD arsenal against us with multiple deployment of their much faster kill methods.
The first order of business is realizing that imposter-in-thief Biden and his Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin are mere puppets following orders of their puppet masters, the controlling shareholder bloodlines of BlackRock and Vanguard that own and control all the Fortune 500 corporations including the military industrial security complex, Big Pharma, Big Media and Big Tech as well as every major Western government through bribery and blackmail. Thus far, two weeks into Russia’s military cleanup campaign in Ukraine, dozens of Deep State bioweapon labs are being removed along with Ukraine’s humongous money laundering and trafficking of drugs, human organs and sexually abused children.
Ever since the US coup in 2014, the compromised and controlled Biden crime family has been heavily steeped in all of Kyiv’s organized crime operations that Russia is currently demolishing. With Putin’s expressed intention to both “demilitarize and de-Nazify” Ukraine, he has vowed to protect and secure the safety of ethnic Russians living in the eastern Donbass from Kyiv’s creeping ethnic purge. Unlike the lying whores of mainstream media claiming Russian soldiers are slaughtering civilians, at their own peril, the Russian army is also carefully avoiding and minimizing civilian deaths of Ukraine’s population, prewarning residents prior to Russian military attacks on Kyiv’s intelligence and military infrastructure. Meanwhile, the complicit Ukraine government and its fascist Neo-Nazi Azov Special Forces were caught brutally killing Ukrainian civilians in desperate false flag attempts to blame the carnage on Russia. For that matter, so has the lying Mockingbird press been caught. Case in point, a fake family of four as crisis actors and their Pulitzer prize winning fake photographer for the fake New York Times just got busted posing as fake victims blamed on the Russian army.
Despite the March 8th Israeli Haaretz headline “Putin’s Real Negotiations Will Only Be With Biden, Not Ukraine,” what does it say when the supposed leader of NATO, the United States has its feeble president and both his state and defense secretaries throughout the two-week Russian incursion refusing to even talk to Putin to possibly negotiate a viable peace plan? Over the last six months while Putin repeatedly requested US and NATO to honor their broken promised 1991 commitment to not encroach on Russia’s border and national security, their outright rejection of Putin’s more than reasonable demands met only with aggressive warmongering posturing that ultimately forced Putin’s hand. Under cabal orders, Biden and the West have clearly demonstrated a willingness to not only risk world war but by actions alone a genuine desire and demand for a US-NATO war against Russia over Ukraine. To this day, the controllers’ puppets have only shown that they’re hankering for nuclear confrontation that could lead to a life extinction event and potential end of humanity. This is how insane the elites are, smugly overconfident they’ll survive waiting out a nuclear winter that they caused in subterranean luxury.
Ukraine claimed that Europe’s largest nuclear power plant in Zaporizhzhia was fired upon by advancing Russian troops. However, it’s been confirmed that the Kyiv regime has been caught routinely firing on its own citizens attempting to escape Ukraine and then falsely blaming Russia. Ukrainian refugees have been murdered by Neo-Nazi Ukrainian militias despite Russia’s repeated attempts to establish safe humanitarian corridors. Moreover, incontrovertible evidence has emerged that Zelensky has used his own citizens, including the elderly and children, as human shields. For what it’s worth, the UN claims 2 million of Ukraine’s population of 44 million have already fled their homeland, making it the fastest growing refugee crisis since World War II.
Regarding the Zaporizhzhia power plant controversy, it’s highly probable that the Zelensky government possessing both the most motive and the most means to start a fire in a relative safe location far enough away from the nuclear reactors to then lie to the entire world how the vilified Russian “invaders” are trying to trigger a nuclear war. According to the UN Russian envoy Vasily Nebenzya, the Ukraine nuclear facility was secured by the Russian military back on February 28th, but Ukrainian saboteurs on March 4th allegedly ignited the fire inside a training building not even on the same grounds as the reactors that was quickly put out. This incident along with the cited others above graphically illustrate the veracity of the commonly held adage:
The first casualty of war is the truth.
As enemy of the people, time is on the elite’s side. The more care and caution Russia invest in saving civilian lives, the more false flags and false allegations the cabal can pull off, and the more Ukrainians as well as Russian soldiers will die, which plays directly into Luciferian strategy and grim outcome objective. All the Western powers at the behest of their puppet masters are ensuring that war in Ukraine expands and drags on indefinitely similar to the US Biden debacle Afghanistan. A March 6th New York Times reported:
In less than a week, the United States and NATO have pushed more than 17,000 antitank weapons, including Javelin missiles, over the borders of Poland and Romania.
Sending to Ukraine far more antitank weapons to fight against far fewer deployed Russian tanks is an insane overkill proposition to begin with. But the only passageway for all these arms shipped to Ukraine must pass through Poland and Romania that share a border with western Ukraine. But with these two antagonistic NATO member nations a longtime thorn in Russia’s side, having both installed US nuclear warhead missiles still aimed at Moscow, the Satanic cabal-controlled West using this anti-Russian puppet pair as supply lines for weapons to kill Russian troops is clearly crossing and violating Putin’s redline. Again, it’s more concrete evidence that the elite rulers are deliberately trying to instigate WWIII.
A week earlier Poland President Andrzej Duda adamantly vowed that Poland would not send its warplanes to Ukraine, yet just days later it was reversed when through US backchannels Washington encouraged, or more likely pressured Poland into sending a fleet of its Russian made MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine. The US even used bribery promising to replace the planes. As a NATO member, Poland volunteered its fleet of Russian warplanes as clear provocation that would obviously escalate a US-NATO war against Russia. With the Warsaw government proposing to deliver the warplanes free of charge to a US military base in Germany, this squirrelly intermediate step ultimately handed greenlight authority back over to the US. Even with Ukrainian pilots taking off from a NATO airbase, again the Putin redline gets crossed. So after going back and forth all week, the Biden bumblers caught-in-the-headlights in the end balked.
As of March 7th, Secretary of State Antony Blinken gave the winking nod for full speed ahead to an expanding world war. The daily convoluted flip flop display of the feeble US-NATO powers continues to wag the dog chasing tail. Ultimately on March 9th, Biden finally put the kibosh on the warplanes-to-Ukraine plan, calling it “unworkable.” Instead, the commander-in-thief is sending his crack VP Kamala Harris to Warsaw and Romania for the next three days, along with two more batteries of Patriot missiles to Ukraine with antiaircraft and antimissile capabilities. If the Harris visit to assist the two NATO nations pour Western arms into Ukraine morphs into anything like her Central American trip last year, a dramatic failure to fix the deteriorating southern border crisis, WWIII can’t be more than days away.
From the very outset, Putin proclaimed on no uncertain terms that any nation’s attempt to enforce a no-fly zone over Ukraine would be construed as a direct hostile act of war. Thus, the next US Patriot missile deployed in Ukraine that shoots down a Russian aircraft could very well launch WWIII. Meanwhile, despite deliberately inciting such grave risk to the entire world population, Ukrainian drama queen President Volodymyr Zelensky reportedly already fled to safety in nearby Poland, all along has been begging and badgering the US and NATO to commit to establishing a no-fly zone that virtually guarantees triggering the Third World War. It’s a dangerously diabolical cat and mouse game being diabolically played at humanity’s expense by the Deep State Western powers on behalf of their Luciferian masters, teetering on wiping out all life on earth. Demonic madness literally rules our planet.
According to UK rag the Daily Mail on March 9th:
US officials warned that the isolated Russian despot could lash out in anger at Ukraine’s fierce resistance by using small nuclear weapons on some of its cities.
These circulated rumors from unnamed sources are most likely pure propaganda lies, perpetrated by crime cabal MSM whores attempting to prop up Ukrainians’ “heroic self-defense of their homeland” amidst the brutal aggression of one demonized “mad Russian.” Similarly, the sympathetic MSM press granted 44-year old Jewish former actor-comedian, high heeled drag queen-turned Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, literally cast on the world stage as the underdog modern-day version of the biblical David, against all odds bravely and heroically fighting against the evil Goliath, the big bad Russian bear villain Vladimir Putin.
But the real story is far more sinister and dark. Jewish Ukrainian billionaire Ihor Kolomoisky is the thuggish pro-Nazi oligarch behind the Zelensky government who hates Russia. In 2017, Jewish actor Volodymyr Zelensky auditioned for Kolomoisky to play the part of a TV show actor who decides to run for president on an anticorruption campaign and wins. Two years later with truth stranger than fiction, Kolomoisky was placed in the driver’s seat, pulling the crisis actor-president’s puppet strings. After the Obama-Victoria Nuland neocon coup in 2014, under the Joe Biden crime family culture, thugs like Kolomoisky and the Neo-Nazis quickly rose to power, making Ukraine the Deep State international organized crime capital for money laundering, child sex trafficking, organ trafficking and drug trafficking.
With the Putin de-Nazifying/demilitarizing operation, not missing a beat, opportunistically exploiting any anti-Putin internal dissent coming from a high profile Russian insider, meet Maria Baronova, managing editor of the world’s largest news network, the state-run RT [Russia Today] that along with Sputnik was inversely banned by the EU for disinformation. Much hoopla is made after Maria Baronova quit her job over the Putin “invasion,” disclosing to Fox News Digital:
I really think we’re on the brink of a nuclear war right now. I’m not exaggerating.
Without challenging Maria’s integrity, when the global population is living in daily fear of no tomorrow, planetary rulers bent on our mass murder have a good laugh as they have us right where they want us, easily controlled through their weaponized, disabling fear tactics and their nonstop 24/7 deception. CIA Director William Casey from 1981-87 once remarked:
We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.
Three-time former Ukraine Prime Minister Nicolai Azarov recently wrote on Facebook:
In less than a week, the United States and NATO have pushed more than 17,000 antitank weapons, including Javelin missiles, over the borders of Poland and Romania.
Azarov also said that that the US and Ukrainian military were set on February 25, 2022 to launch a joint operation in the Donbass region to further ethnically cleanse the Russian speaking population. By beating the Satanic cabal to the punch and averting WWIII, the fact that the former Ukrainian leader maintains that Putin is saving hundreds of thousands of lives speaks volumes.
Finally from the “for what it’s worth” file, a letter dated March 1st, 2022 allegedly written by bloodline dynasty heir Nathaniel Rothschild to the British government, is currently making the rounds, stating:
[Putin] is the most dangerous man since the defeat of Hitler, with Xi Jinping a close second… Ukraine is an essential piece that we cannot afford to lose, in the geopolitical chessboard. Russia must be excised from the international banking and economic system. We must bring Russia to its knees through any means possible, to send a strong message to Chinese and to protect our global system of norms and liberal values… In effect, our current path, of lack of military action, means that our global order is dead on its feet. I urge you to deploy more force against Russia and its proxies, step up ‘information warfare’ to correct opinion, especially online, and send weaponry to our friends in Ukraine. Without Ukraine, the global order may not survive.
If this is a true document, it certainly explains why the evil cabal is currently in panic mode, becoming more desperate and sloppier over time in the face of the falling rulers’ continual crimes against humanity, finally being exposed on a never before seen scale. Our challenge is we must never let up but come together as one unified force for good to defeat evil – and for truth and justice to reign supreme.
But if we fail to come together in solidarity as a unified force for good, standing up to the sheer wickedness of virtually every single crime cabal nation, coerced by the likes of the Rothschild ilk, and locked into world war to defeat Putin, unanimously boycotting all major Russian exports – grains, fertilizer, natural gas and oil, in effect, the bloodthirsty central banking bloodline cartel freezing the Russian economy to death, while the elites’ manufactured perfect storm converging all at once, triggers an explosive nuclear world war, colossal food and energy shortage, worldwide starvation, a thoroughly collapsing global economy, final death of the US fiat dollar, planetwide civil disorder, societal breakdown and violence growing like a cancer all over the world, combined with the unprecedented, unfolding death jab holocaust, together with the climate change hoax, geoengineered energy [cabal] directed earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, fires, draughts delivering every conceivable unnatural disaster under the dimming sun.
The crime cabal’s willful Luciferian creation of such heinously dire, cataclysmic life conditions on a battered, bruised and abused earth and its inhabitants is intended to prime the eugenically downsized half billion surviving desperate stragglers to welcome with open arms their “saviors” – the Henry Kissingers and Klaus Schwabs of the world, along with their demonic “Great Reset.” Schwab’s World Economic Forum pigs at the trough – his Neo-Nazi band of puppet schooled alumni happily owning everything, while digitally ID’d, socially credit scored, microchipped, most surveilled and tyrannically AI controlled robotic slaves in human history are tragically destined to suffer the worst Satanically driven hell on earth. This endgame prison planet has been systematically plotted and schemed by the same identified Luciferian controlling usual suspects for over a century.
This is the nightmarish fate that awaits humanity, unless the awakened masses arise to embrace life over death, committed to righteously fighting the bloodline criminals, finally held to account for their murderous sins against humanity throughout the ages. Then and only then will the truth set all of us ascending souls free.
Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate, former Army officer and author of “Don’t Let the Bastards Getcha Down,” exposing a faulty US military leadership system based on ticket punching up the seniority ladder, invariably weeding out the best and brightest, leaving mediocrity and order followers rising to the top as politician-bureaucrat generals designated to lose every modern US war by elite design. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In Los Angeles he found himself battling the largest county child protective services in the nation within America’s thoroughly broken and corrupt child welfare system.
The experience in both the military and child welfare system prepared him well as a researcher and independent journalist, exposing the evils of Big Pharma and how the Rockefeller controlled medical and psychiatric system inflict more harm than good, case in point the current diabolical pandemic hoax and genocide. As an independent journalist for over 8 years, Joachim has written hundreds of articles for many news sites, particularly Global Research, and currently As a published author of a 5-book volume series entitled Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State, Joachim’s books and chapters are Amazon bestsellers in child advocacy and human rights categories. His A-Z sourcebook series fully documents and exposes the global pedophilia scourge and remains available for free at the late Robert David Steele’s website To compensate Google recently deplatforming Joachim’s empireexposed blogsite after 7 years, attempting to silence another cancel culture victim, Joachim responded by becoming a weekly Revolution Radio host on a show called “Cabal Empire Exposed,” heard every Friday morning at 7AM EST.
Another interesting post and poll from Stone:
If Putin is cooperating with the timing of his little war (sure seems like it) this poll is why. I am wondering though – he might have had intelligence that Billy was going to release the next plague “that will get attention” from a lab in Ukraine and he may have taken action because of that. Who knows. Not saying that would be “politics”.
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Jim Stone’s take on the missiles that hit Iraq…..even one of the most peaceful nations on earth can be pushed too far: (and if this hit a Mossad op, I say good shot)
Go to the site for a video of the strike.
It is now confirmed Iran did the attacks from Iranian soil. There are videos posted by Iranians that show them going out, 12 total. All of them hit where aimed, and the targets were annihilated.
Iran is not taking credit for this but I think it is pretty obvious when two days ago the Mossad took out two Iranian officers in Syria. The Pentagon and Israel are claiming no damage and no fatalities but we know both are unabashed liars.
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Will Two (et al): There is no Reply button to your comments on the definition of a ‘natural born citizen’. This subject is too important to be left hanging like this. My contribution:
There is no definition in the U.S. Constitution for a nbc because the FF all knew what the term meant – and if they didn’t, all they would need to have done is turn to their elder and esteemed mentor, B. Franklin, himself a delegate to those proceedings, and he could have told them, for having in his possession three copies of the definitive tome of the day on such nation-building matters, E. de Vattel’s ‘The Law of Nations’ (actually, one copy of which he had donated to the library of the Continental Congress, for their edification on such matters). Quote, from Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212 (look it up): A ‘natural born ‘citizen is a person “born in the country, of parents who are citizens” thereof. And that eligibility requirement for the office of the president, and later as constitutionally amended as well for the office of the VP (logically, since that person might ascend to the higher office), STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary.
The whole POINT of the exercise being to make sure that the occupant of that office – who would as well, then, become the Commander in Chief of the nation’s military forces (a specific consideration of theirs that the historical record supports) – had NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES. Had SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the U.S. And in support of that notion – as if presciently, given the human tendency to try to be equivocal about matters – it turns out that A. Hamilton, as a delegate himself to those proceedings, made a proposal there that the president need only be, quote, “born a Citizen” – and his proposal was SPECIFICALLY TURNED DOWN, in favor of the more stringent category of citizen, i.e., of a ‘natural born’ citizen. Thus, there are more than two categories of citizen; thus the notion that are only natural born or naturalized citizens is in error. And as for the Naturalization Act of 1790, it was SPECIFICALLY revoked in the Naturalization Act of 1795, because of its erroneous statement on this issue; with no less authorities than ‘the Father of the Constitution,’ J. Madison – then acting as a representative to the new nation’s Congress – and G. Washington as President signing off on that revocation. And as a supporter of this take on the matter there was also J. Jay, then a statesman (and one of the authors of the Federalist Papers) and subsequently the first Chief Justice of the new U.S. Supreme Court, not so incidentally, who urged G..W. in a letter to him as Chair of those Proceedings to make sure that the president/CinC could only a nbc under that definition. Yes, precedents have been made along the line. But precedents can be faulty; and, they can be reversed. In any event: the historical record itself is clear on this subject. Which leads to the conclusions that: Ted Cruz is not eligible to be president (or VP) of the U.S. BHO was not eligible for the office (and thus, his whole period of time in the office needs to be stricken from the record, as though it never happened; for he was never there legally). And K Harris is not eligible for the office that she currently holds. But then, the whole Biden Administration is a fraudulent one, from the overthrow of this country that took place via the stolen Nov. 2020 elections. Which unfortunately had its precedents in the fraudulent activity that has been allowed to develop in this country over the years, and which led ineluctably and unhappily to the current illegal status of Resident Biden & Co.
A huge, huge mess. But it needs to be cleaned up. Now. Or this nation will die by suicide.
It’ll never happen. As I told Don, I am done with it. But I appreciate your input.. I have no idea why all this started. I showed a video in which Cruz supported the truckers. I supported him doing that. I never said anything about his possibility of becoming president. Don ran with it because it seems he detests Cruz. Good. That is his right. I have no interest in taking this any further. The world is falling apart and this particular subject is on the bottom of my list.
Stan…I should also add, when there is no reply button, scroll up to the first reply button you find and use that; otherwise, your comment may be missed.
Will Two (et al): There is no Reply button to your comments on the definition of a ‘natural born citizen’. This subject is too important to be left hanging like this. My contribution:
There is no definition in the U.S. Constitution for a nbc because the FF all knew what the term meant – and if they didn’t, all they would need to have done is turn to their elder and esteemed mentor, B. Franklin, himself a delegate to those proceedings, and he could have told them, for having in his possession three copies of the definitive tome of the day on such nation-building matters, E. de Vattel’s ‘The Law of Nations’ (actually, one copy of which he had donated to the library of the Continental Congress, for their edification on such matters). Quote, from Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212 (look it up): A ‘natural born ‘citizen is a person “born in the country, of parents who are citizens” thereof. And that eligibility requirement for the office of the president, and later as constitutionally amended as well for the office of the VP (logically, since that person might ascend to the higher office), STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary.
The whole POINT of the exercise being to make sure that the occupant of that office – who would as well, then, become the Commander in Chief of the nation’s military forces (a specific consideration of theirs that the historical record supports) – had NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES. Had SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the U.S. And in support of that notion – as if presciently, given the human tendency to try to be equivocal about matters – it turns out that A. Hamilton, as a delegate himself to those proceedings, made a proposal there that the president need only be, quote, “born a Citizen” – and his proposal was SPECIFICALLY TURNED DOWN, in favor of the more stringent category of citizen, i.e., of a ‘natural born’ citizen. Thus, there are more than two categories of citizen; thus the notion that are only natural born or naturalized citizens is in error. And as for the Naturalization Act of 1790, it was SPECIFICALLY revoked in the Naturalization Act of 1795, because of its erroneous statement on this issue; with no less authorities than ‘the Father of the Constitution,’ J. Madison – then acting as a representative to the new nation’s Congress – and G. Washington as President signing off on that revocation. And as a supporter of this take on the matter there was also J. Jay, then a statesman (and one of the authors of the Federalist Papers) and subsequently the first Chief Justice of the new U.S. Supreme Court, not so incidentally, who urged G..W. in a letter to him as Chair of those Proceedings to make sure that the president/CinC could only a nbc under that definition. Yes, precedents have been made along the line. But precedents can be faulty; and, they can be reversed. In any event: the historical record itself is clear on this subject. Which leads to the conclusions that: Ted Cruz is not eligible to be president (or VP) of the U.S. BHO was not eligible for the office (and thus, his whole period of time in the office needs to be stricken from the record, as though it never happened; for he was never there legally). And K Harris is not eligible for the office that she currently holds. But then, the whole Biden Administration is a fraudulent one, from the overthrow of this country that took place via the stolen Nov.. 2020 elections. Which unfortunately had its precedents in the fraudulent activity that has been allowed to develop in this country over the years, and which led ineluctably and unhappily to the current illegal status of Resident Biden & Co.
A huge, huge mess. But it needs to be cleaned up. Now. Or this nation will die by suicide.
Continuing with my comment of 6:48 PM last night. I want to be as honest as I can with my evaluation of Trump. I was against his Golan Heights policy. I was against his making Jerusalem the capitol. He did not start any wars. That’s a big one. His energy policies leave the Brandon admin in the dust. He had Afghanistan under control. Biden wrecked the withdrawal. He exposed the fake media. He had Soleimani assassinated. That’s another big one. He did not enact the insurrection act which I believe he could have done. Above ALL, he has and still does support the jab. How in the name of Gawd do we excuse that judgment that is totally not based on FACTS?? He was likely, short of JFK, the most popular president in my lifetime, yet they say he lost the election. We know that was a lie and what happened was a soft coup. All this said, his stand on Ukraine leaves me cold. In the following interview and others, he has said Putin would never have invaded Ukraine. Why? What does he know about Putin that Brandon or the rest of us do not?
Can anyone here tell me he does not realize Ukraine is now a Zionist puppet state. How is that possible? Is it because he supports Zionism? This interview is amazing. PLEASE listen and let me know how you feel and what I am getting wrong.
I think it’s for the optics, WT. As long as the NWO-WEF crowd have control of the MSM, the public at large will see the images of the war that the MSM want them to see, which of corse will be horrendous – and often with crisis actors, and misplaced assertions of sources of military activity. We are up against some very evil people, who think nothing of lying, cheating, faking things for the dumb cattle to take in and react to, because to them ‘there is no right nor wrong but thinking makes it so’. What is right is whatever advances your agenda and what is wrong is whatever impedes it. Everything is relative; there are no absolutes. It’s all purely Luciferian, to the end of Power Over Others (or POO for short). They fake things like they did at Sandy Hook and at the Boston Marathon Bombing ‘event,’ and other ‘happenings’. Check the alt media for the true take on such images, before taking them in as gospel. If Russia has bombed some civilian sites, they need to be taken to task for it. But because of the sinister nature of the people that we are up against, we need to very wary of such images. DJT can’t afford, at this time, to look indifferent to suffering in Ukraine. Let’s see how this plays out. I think a great spin operation is taking place, and the Good Guys are still in charge. We’ll see.
…Stan….and do I assume his promotion of Warp Speed and the maiming and death of who knows how many, including children, is also for the optics? When do the optics stop and the compassion for human life begin? Is this not similar to Albright’s “we think the price was worth it” when asked about the 500,000 Iragi children slaughtered?
WT: A tough call, I agree. There is the pov that if he hadn’t come up with a ‘vaccine’ (read, as it turned out: genetic modifier) for this covid-19 ‘thing’ (read, more accurately:: GOF bioweapon), the NWO-WEF crowd would have maintained the country/world under lockdown for years – destroying the economy and thus setting up the NWO crowd’s Great Reset – until a vax was come up with, because The Public believe in vaccines, and the power of the largely-monopolized MSM would have made the situation stick. I don’t entirely buy that argument, because I think that the fact that there are alternative treatments for the cv ‘thing’ (and DJT even made reference to one of them, in the HCQ cocktail; and himself took another, the Regeneron monoclonal antibody treatment, and so could have made a big case for them) could have broken through the Big Pharma/NWO smokescreen sooner or later. (And about the IVM cocktail. And simple immune-system enhancers like vit. D3, quercetin, zinc, vit. C, etc.etc.etc.) So I take your point, that something about this whole thing doesn’t smell right. And I, too, am outraged by it all. But the bottom line: DJT (who technically is still the properly invested President of the U.S.; more to come on that score) is the best that We the People have got, at this point, to turn this whole ship around. And sometimes, half a loaf is better than none.
Now, if I were in charge,……………
No problem, Roger Stone and the GQ persona will save us: (can anyone here really imagine Trump taking the position of Speaker? )
….and all this depends upon victory in 2022…..and as much as I see a plethora of hype, I also see nothing substantial changing the way we vote. Until that happens (just like until those responsible for the ‘vid hoax see justice), the STEAL WILL CONTINUE….in spite of how most Americans vote. The coup and the ‘vid will continue until justice and law prevails.
Trump, once again exposing himself: (if we don’t know by now that Trump is part of the problem and not the solution, we never will)
Michelle Obama is not a cross dressing tranny. She’s a female with extra DNA. This abnormal condition allows for her large male type body. It also makes her infertilely a reality. She cannot have children, therefore is the reason for using her Dr. to supply the two daughters [who look like the bio mother and father]..
People who supposedly see a junk bulge under her clothing have let their imagination run wild. I’ve seen all those photos and I see no gentiles concealed inside her clothing but people have fun joking about it.
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Where did you come up with this, Don? Michelle was born “Michael Lavon Robinson” and played football for Oregon State before she transferred to Princeton and adopted a female personal as “Michelle Robinson”. She is a man with breast implants and a huge shaving bill. Check out my “Fake News: Issues of Identity”. I have documented this in spaded.
Don…Did you get this under the incorrect comment? I was typing about Trump.
Well Jim, you guys have fun and yuks with this but I stand by my assertions about Michelle as I have written.
Personally I can’t stand her, she’s disbarred due to her stealing and misuse of client’s funds. Her husband is also disbarred because of his lying on his bar application. Both are liars and thieves.
Did you look at the evidence I present in “Fake News: Issues of Identity”? and, if you did, to what do you take exception? I have expended considerable research on this and have more proof. So what exactly do I have wrong and how do you know? Be very specific.
Don, I would be careful about getting reliable information from FaceCrap……(if indeed that is where you came up with their being disbarred)
Jim, I have read and seen all of your research about Michelle being a ”man”. None of it is even slightly convincing.
To me, she is obviously a female but a very large one due to her having extra DNA which gives her that large-tall muscular size. Jim, all of your hoax and fraud research is excellent but your take on this one is embarrassing. So be it.
BTW, all previous Internet articles on Michelle’s medical DNA problems have mysteriously disappeared.
Will2….if you read your reference article, you would know WHY both Obamas are disbarred. BTW thanks for the link. Read the Attorney Pam Cataldi comment of 2012.
Don, word usage and language is more important than one realizes. The misuse and abuse of words and language is one of the reasons this world suffers now. As far as I can tell, they both SURRENDERED their license to practice law. They were not disbarred. I am not arguing they still have their right to practice. My dispute is with the word “disbarred”. IF they had not surrendered their license, they would have been disbarred for various reasons. It’s a ploy used frequently to avoid that embarrassment. I am not taking this further, since at this point, who really cares, eh?
Jim Stone is correct this time. The UN members are not allowing Russia to present any evidence of bio labs in Ukraine. It’s disgusting and I feel the same…just cannot watch it.
March 11 updates
They are keeping the presentation of evidence of biolabs by Russia at the U.N. secret and are not televising it
I expected it to be televised. Russia has all the evidence of the biolabs and they were going to present it to the UN today at 10 AM EST. This got pushed back to 11 am EST and when it finally happened, IF it happened at all, the meeting is closed. WHY? THIS SHOULD BE TELEVISED. They are instead televising some crap about super mundane politics and funding. It is ridiculous. If the U.S. just got busted formulating race specific bioweapons they planned to launch via birds and insects, and they had a good enough case to present to the UN THAT should be front page news, RIGHT???
Apparently not. Because the U.N. is, as we have always known, just a useless mouthpiece for the globalists that is not very effective at getting anything that is actually beneficial done. If it is to support corruption and depopulation then the UN can be pretty gung ho.
And by the way, the myth about these labs being left over from the old soviet union is a BIG FAT LIE. I have the contracting documents for these labs – for their initial construction and furnishing and they all date between 2012 and 2014. It is not soviet era crap!!!
Live feed:
Joachim…That is a wonderful article. All we have to do is follow the truckers lead and from that conversation they had with Cruz and Jordan yesterday, they ain’t a quittin’. WE are awakening The next step is to round up these monsters and make a public spectacle of their execution. THAT will stop any future attempts. Anything less is a band aid. And the devil does not give one shit about band aids. I doubt it gives damn about anything other than destroying any chance of peace on this plane.
Btw, that third paragraph from the end (but if we fail…..)… it a sentence? Yes, I know, my “pendantacy” is showing. Blame my mother(RIP). Of course, it has nothing on James Joyce’s 4391 word effort which I have not read in ages. But I did just read that even that sentence has been surpassed by some Polish writer with 40,000 words which I will likely never read. In either case, I cannot verify those were actual sentences. But I am fairly sure yours is not. But that’s OK by me…..I am in high favor of poetic license. If I was not, I would never type another word.
I would still like to know how you pronounce your forename.
Many years ago Ted Cruz entered the US from Canada on a Tourist Visa. In 2014 he made a big show of revealing his Papers for cancelling his Canadian citizenship.
BUT he has never revealed any documents that he is a US citizen. As far as researchers and myself know, he is not a US citizen. Basically Ted is an illegal alien.
Attachment
His biological mother was born in Delaware. I am pretty sure that makes him a citizen in spite of where he was born.
and this……
Citizenship Through U.S. Parents
There are two general ways to obtain citizenship through U.S. citizen parents: at birth, and after birth but before the age of 18. Congress has enacted laws that determine how citizenship is conveyed by a U.S. citizen parent (or parents) to children born outside of the United States.
Who May Qualify for Acquisition of Citizenship
The law in effect at the time of birth determines whether someone born outside the United States to a U.S. citizen parent (or parents) is a U.S. citizen at birth. In general, these laws require that at least one parent was a U.S. citizen, and the U.S. citizen parent had lived in the United States for a period of time.
In addition, children born abroad may become U.S. citizens after birth. For information and eligibility requirements for specific time periods, see the USCIS Policy Manual, Volume 12, Part H, Children of U.S. Citizens.
A child born abroad to a U.S. citizen parent or parents may acquire U.S. citizenship at birth if certain requirements are met. A Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA, or Form FS-240) is a document that certifies a child acquired U.S. citizenship at birth. Cruz has never shown any US State Department documents that Naturalize him as a US Citizen or ever said he has such Documents. As far as I know he has never met these State Dept. requirements.
Don, it’s true the definition of a natural born citizen is not in the Constitution and is under debate constantly. All I can do is present this:…( remember it was proved pretty much beyond doubt {NOT per the media that is obviously controlled by the deep state} that Obama was not born in the US. SO, as far as I am concerned, the subject is moot. The precedent has been set. It’s also been proved beyond any doubt that we had a transgender (or at least Michelle as a cross-dresser and Obama as a bathhouse/gay man) couple in the WH for 8 years.)
The only definition of “natural born” in US history would include Ted Cruz
Because there’s never been a court case to explicitly test the question of who counts as a natural-born citizen for the purpose of presidential eligibility, the question is by definition “unsettled.” It hasn’t been resolved yet. And court opinions that have mentioned the term in passing while ruling on other questions have come to very different opinions about what it means.
But it’s a stretch to say, as Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe did earlier this week, that the scholarship on the question is “completely unsettled.” That implies that scholars are totally split on the issue, which isn’t exactly the case.
The majority of constitutional law scholars who’ve written about the meaning of “natural-born citizen” have agreed that if a court were to rule on the question, it ought to rule that someone born outside the US but eligible for citizenship through parents counts as “natural born.”
One of the key arguments in favor of this point is that while there is no longer any law defining “natural born,” there used to be one — way back in 1790. The Naturalization Act of 1790 explicitly said that “the children of citizens of the United States, that may be born beyond sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural-born citizens.”
That term disappeared from immigration law after 1795. While there’s at least one scholar who argues that this was intentional, because Congress didn’t want that definition to persist, there’s no evidence for that. And since Congress didn’t come up with an alternate definition, that remains, to this day, the only definition of “natural born” we have.
This isn’t a smoking gun. Scholars have looked at English precedents, US judicial decisions, bills, and congressional debates to figure out what the meaning of “natural born” is supposed to be and how (if at all) it’s changed over time. But while some scholars have maintained that the evidence supports a narrow meaning of “natural born” — one that wouldn’t include Ted Cruz — more of them agree that the evidence supports a broader one.
And this: (which I see as more definitive)
Article II, section 1 of the Constitution provides:
No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States. (emphasis added)
Ted Cruz was born in Canada. His mother was a U.S. citizen. His father, a Cuban, was not. Under U.S. law, the fact that Cruz was born to a U.S. citizen mother makes him a citizen from birth. In other words, he is a “natural born citizen” (as opposed to a naturalized citizen) and is constitutionally eligible.
This is not a particularly controversial interpretation of Article II, section 1. Here is an excerpt from a recent article by Neal Katyal and Paul Clement, “On the Meaning of ‘Natural Born Citizen,’ “ in the Harvard Law Review Forum:
All the sources routinely used to interpret the Constitution confirm that the phrase “natural born Citizen” has a specific meaning: namely, someone who was a U.S. citizen at birth with no need to go through a naturalization proceeding at some later time. And Congress has made equally clear from the time of the framing of the Constitution to the current day that, subject to certain residency requirements on the parents, someone born to a U.S. citizen parent generally becomes a U.S. citizen without regard to whether the birth takes place in Canada, the Canal Zone, or the continental United States.
While some constitutional issues are truly difficult, with framing-era sources either nonexistent or contradictory, here, the relevant materials clearly indicate that a “natural born Citizen” means a citizen from birth with no need to go through naturalization proceedings. . . .
Let me know what you think.
A Ted Cruz or any other Canada born person cannot waltz into a US State DMV to obtain a Driver’s Lic., flash a Canadian BC and ”say” they are a natural born US citizen without US State Dept Docs to affirm this.
As far as I know, lazy loud mouth Cruz has never done this.
RULES for Dri. Lic. in TX DMV
5. Provide proof of U.S. citizenship or residency.
Don, do you think he needs a drivers license to be the president?
Let’s not take this any further…getting kinda silly, eh?
I would LOVE to get Jim’s or anyone s reaction to this story.
How the Biden Administration Is Funding the Effort To Delegitimize Israel