Joachim Hagopian
After Iran launched over 200 ballistic missiles against Israeli military targets on October 1st, penetrating Israel’s much touted Iron Dome as part of the tit-for-tat escalation cycle towards kinetic World War III in the Middle East, international media has focused on Israel’s anticipated retaliation response against Iran. On October 18th, Joe Biden alluded to knowing how and when Israel will carry out its arrack on Iran, including the specific targets, reportedly limited to only military targets not involving Tehran’s nuclear sites nor its gas and oil fields. Apparently, the Biden regime signed off on this plan. But the sudden breach of highly classified documents dated October 15th and 16th began appearing on the internet as early as Friday October 18th, the same day Braindead reported he knew details of the Israeli attack plan. The US Department of Defense’s National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency allegedly reveal specific IDF targets to be struck by Israel’s plan for revenge against Iran, throwing a major embarrassing kink in the US-Israel war machine wheel.
If anything, these top-secret documents made public most likely reflect major conflict between opposing factions within the US intelligence community. The guilty party responsible for leaking details of the alleged Israeli payback agenda against Tehran are in all probability strongly opposed to the continued high stakes escalation of hostilities, presenting grave danger to the entire world. Thus, the highly illegal leak is intended to perhaps thwart Israel’s next planned intervention against Iran, reportedly scheduled for launch at any time prior to the November 5th US election. Perhaps it will place on hold Israel’s direct attack on Iranian soil, until after the election little more than two weeks away.
Meanwhile, on Saturday October 19th, Oman and Russian naval ships began joint exercises hosted by Iran in the Indian Ocean dubbed “IMEX 2024.” Iran’s Press TV stated the naval drills are geared toward promoting:
Collective security in the region, expand multilateral cooperation, and display the goodwill and capabilities to safeguard peace, friendship and maritime security.
As the world appears to be freefalling inevitably toward a World War III collision of unprecedented disaster, Vladimir Putin boldly offered an escape from this doom and gloom endgame. In anticipation of this week’s annual BRICS summit scheduled in Kazan, last Friday October 18th Putin spoke to journalists from BRICS nations stating that Russia is seeking a diplomatic solution to offset the growing prospect of the regional war in the Middle East. With upwards of near 20% of all Israeli citizens originating from Russia still speaking their native tongue, historically Putin has always maintained cordial relations with Israel and its Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, at least prior to October 7th, 2023. Even the October 18th Reuters piece includes a direct quote from Putin offering his Russian Federation as potential arbiter to help negotiate a peace deal between Israel and Iran:
We are in contact with Israel and with Iran. We have quite trusting relations and we would very much like to see this seemingly endless exchange of blows stop at some point. And find ways of resolving the situation that would satisfy both sides. But the answer to this question always lies on the path of finding compromises. Is that possible in this situation? I think it is… As for Iran, we have Allied relations with it. And we have a very keen sense of what is going on in that country and in various spheres. But look, how do you comment on what is happening in Iran? These strikes by Israel, how do you comment on that? On the other hand, I want to emphasize that we are against any terrorist manifestations, including against Israel and its citizens. We must not forget that either. But nevertheless, answering the question of whether compromises are possible, it seems to me that they are possible. And if necessary, we are ready to do everything to help find those compromises in contact with both sides if our role is perceived positively. We are ready to do everything in our power to ensure that things in Gaza eventually end in peace, and that these terrible attacks on civilian targets cease. And to normalize the situation in southern Lebanon, that the mutual attacks by both sides cease and that peaceful life returns to that territory. It seems to me that no one is interested now in this conflict spiralling.
An August 7th, 2024 Asia Times article indicates Putin has been attempting to broker peace in the Middle East for months now, unlike the US that feebly mouths restraint while feeding the Israeli beast 24/7 with thousands more deadly bombs and weapons in clear support of genocide. Again, Putin is the only prudent, rational adult on the world geopolitics stage today. A quarter century ago, City of London Rothschild moneychangers groomed Putin as the next Russian leader and ever since are likely still using him as their controlled opposition. At the same time, they’ve ordered their Western lapdog vassals to always falsely vilify Putin as the next Hitler and eternal threat to the “democratic” West.
As the onerous creators of both false human history and even falser Western news media, the central banksters have nefariously monopolized their divide and rule control stranglehold over the geopolitical chessboard stage. Bent on exploding the Khazarian-masonic mafia Zionism vs. Islam Armageddon endgame plotted centuries ago, at this late hour this upcoming West versus East military showdown appears irreversible, despite 99% of both the global population and vast nation majority wanting peace to prevail. This fact proves a handful of nonhuman psychopaths on earth control the fate of both humanity and our world.
A telling, somewhat parallel barometer is the fact that only the US, UK, the EU, Canada, Australia and Japan classify Hamas Resistance a terrorist organization. Thus, a huge majority of nations across our planet clearly do not share this highly reinforced notion that Hamas is a terrorist entity, especially after a year of Israel’s terrorist genocide in Gaza. In fact, actual history proves that all Hamas members grew up as open air prison slaves, beaten down and raped by their racist oppressors viewing them as “animals.” Israel’s systematic apartheid racist inhumane treatment toward Palestinians from their point of view as well as objective others see Hamas more now as freedom fighters courageously opposing Israel’s criminal occupation and ethnic extermination campaign against them and their ancient homeland.
Then, on top of this inverted reality, it’s the Palestinians that are the true Semites, while 95% of Israeli citizens are genetically Ashkenazim non-Hebrews, holding zero birth-right claim to any part of the Middle East, much less engaging in ethnic purging to systematically steal the ancient homeland belonging to Semitic Arabs. Israel was founded on lies, Talmudic supremacism and hatred toward the goyim population. Hence, the entire War on Terror was a Jewish Greater Israel Project fabrication, pitting Christians versus the Muslims as yet more divide and rule control. The racist, highly false notion that these Khazarian Jews are “God’s chosen people” is pure blasphemous deception that defies their true ethnic original lineage as a semi-nomadic Turkic-Mongol practicing tribalism.
The Kingdom of Khazar land mass during the first millennium spread from modern day Kazakhstan to Ukraine. Exposed as Babylonian magic deity worshippers of occultic blood sacrifice, notorious for practicing identity theft murder of merchants along the Silk Road trade route during the eighth century AD, Khazar King Bulan was given the ultimatum by his federation neighbors, the Christian Rus and Islamic Persia, forced to choose among one of the Abrahamic religions. So, for his people, Bulan chose crypto-Judaism. Then, by the second millennium, Khazar Kingdom was conquered and dissolved, and Khazarians were forced to migrate westward to Eastern and Central Europe where they re-emerged as Ashkenazim. Their self-entitled supremacy as the “chosen people” permeates the Jewish culture and worldview as Talmudic racism towards all non-Jews. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion exposes their playbook to subversive power. Even to this day, Israel is busily attacking ancient Christian communities in northern Lebanon, far from Hezbollah.
In fact, it is the Khazarian mafia Zionist founders of Israel that are engaged in full-scale cultural and electronic brainwashing, conveniently masquerading as the Marxist public education system promoting nonbinary genderism, child reproductive mutilation and Sodom and Gomorrah Wokism, enforced by treasonous Western globalist governance, DEI, Big Pharma and today’s anti-Hippocratic healthcare industry. All of this demonic ruin through expanding war, kill shot holocaust, and collapsing economy is being presently orchestrated to deliberately destroy Western civilization, and its chief perpetrating proponents are rulers of the Jewish terrorist rogue states of America, Israel, the UK and European Union. These genocidal killers are using Palestinians as their beta test. But make no mistake, they will be and already are coming after all of us who dare to know right from wrong and oppose their demonic agenda. These same bloodline dynasties have been committing unthinkable crimes with total impunity, with today’s Gaza purge now expanding to the West Bank and Lebanon as human history’s most visible, in-our-face genocide, rendering with absolute clarity who the true terrorists are.
Though masterful guilt-tripping Jews have long deceitfully weaponized labelling and criminalizing critics of apartheid Israel and its abhorrent crimes as anti-Semites, this worn-out tactic is no longer working today. Impunity through bribery and blackmail permits members of this Zionist Khazarian mafia so subversively entrenched in top echelons of power because they monopolize and control the US, UK and EU governments, the global media, the central banking cabal, higher education, Big Tech, Big Pharma and the global military industrial complex. These are their privately controlled domains that render them unreachably above the law as humanity’s true terrorist enemy. History shows that this is a far more accurate conclusion based on historical fact than their invented self-serving lies. It’s the not-so-hidden hand of Synagogue of Satan moneychangers handing down their scripted false history narratives while today’s mainstream corporate whores willfully distort and falsify the truth to cover up their godless sins that they’ve been propagating throughout the ages.
But because these same Khazarian bloodline controllers realize that their crimes against children and humanity are now being exposed daily like never before, a mobilized angry populace is growing worldwide, armed with this dark, ugly, disgustingly twisted truth that can no longer be kept hidden or brushed aside, regardless of their censorship on steroids. Humanity awakened and empowered by this exposed filth and evil is finally starting to rise up in collective revolt, determined to seek justice once and for all, fully committed to defeating these genocidal perpetrators attempting to now rapidly kill off the human race. These antihuman Luciferians that are humanity’s common enemy are determined more than ever to expedite replacing our species and carbon-based planet to AI robotic cyborgs in a terraformed, microchipped, silicon-based world.
As a result, the Luciferian death cult is frantically accelerating their depopulation agenda, ever cognizant that time is running out, though on the flip side, if We the People do not fight back now, time is also running out on preservation of our human race as well. Human forces for good are in a life and death struggle and race against time, just as our parasitic killers are also racing against time. But ultimately our one Creator will never allow fallen angel Satan to destroy humanity and win this epic “good vs. evil” war of the ages. That said, it remains the responsibility of us empowered humans as humble stewards to fight our evil enemy on God’s behalf to preserve the sanctity of all life that includes both our species as well as all other species on our sacred planet.
Right in stride with the above article pinpointing the actual terrorists being the Israelis, to prove the point an alleged drone aimed at striking Benjamin Netanyahu’s home is confirmed through satellite imagery and radar to have been launched by IDF soldiers in the invasion force occupying southern Lebanon. All the facts prove that Israel has both the most motive and most means to benefit by this kind of typical sleazy false flag. After Israel has concentrated on assassinating the top leadership in both Hamas and Hezbollah, the Jewish deceivers paint the picture that Hezbollah would most apt to seek revenge by taking out Israel’s top leader, so let’s automatically blame the Islamic terrorist bad guys again, just as the media conditions and brainwashes. And lo and behold, as soon as this story broke, not only was Hezbollah blamed but also Iran, providing the flimsy excuse to then go after Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, as if Israel arranging the helicopter accident taking out Iran’s president and foreign minister in April this year wasn’t enough.
This false flag drone on Netanyahu’s private residence is the deceitful excuse Israel is using to now launch unprecedented overnight airstrikes hitting Lebanon’s banks, airports and shipping ports, claiming it is attacking its enemy Hezbollah’s economic base. It appears that Netanyahu after meeting again with his IDF commanders on Sunday October 20th that he may go full bore with his original intended plan. The Hal Turner website that has intel access is reporting that Bibi the Butcher’s gone ballistically mad, electing to launch a “Decapitation Strike” on Iran, likely attempting to take out Iranian government officials as well as both oil fields and Iran’s nuclear sites. If Israel follows through on these threats, Iran will be forced to defend itself in all-out war. WWIII looms ever larger at any moment.
This same false flag script was used on October 7th, 2023 when Israel’s inside job blaming Hamas provided the treacherously evil excuse to eliminate Palestinians from their ancient homeland for the Greater Israel Project. Israel also masterminded the inside job on 9/11 so US would fight and by design lose a few more wars for the Greater Israel Project. The same evil tactics of deception are endlessly used because the Satanists are that smugly confident, that they will never be held to account for their unthinkable sins. But they are wrong as they will all gets theirs in the end, and with God’s mercy, it’ll be sooner than later.
Because the order-following US and Israeli rogue state governments answer to their Satanic City of London masters, they are the lowlife enemy of not just Islamic Resistance fighters but entire humanity, and use deception at every turn to prey upon others’ ignorance, fear and lack of access to accurate information.
This is the M.O. of how these pathological maggots operate from their identity theft days of getting Silk Road merchants drunk, then murdering them and claiming all their assets in the 7th and 8th centuries till now. Always by deception they have a millennia-long history of fenagling and conniving to opportunistically seize the upper hand for self-gain profit at the expense of unsuspecting others as their targeted victims. And just as they worshipped Satanic Babylonian deities millennia ago, to this day they still practice their tribalistic Darkside occult ways.
Time has not changed either their character nor their evil behavior as they remain totally devoid of both heart and soul. Their descendants today are still of that psychopathic, cannibalistic Draco reptillian vampiric blood doing the bidding of their master Satan. And this latest news flash reflects that Israel will resort to any length of deception to justify igniting the wider regional war directly against Iran, knowing that vassal America will back up their genocidal Satanic ways right to the end. And that’s what both karmically and consequentially is coming for Israel and the United States as their so-called leaders consistently in this modern age have lined up on the wrong side of history with Satan. Sadly, many of their citizens will be sacrificed in the process, having to pay dearly for the sins of their traitorous leaders ruled by Satan and his bloodline minions.
Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate, former Army officer and author of “Don’t Let the Bastards Getcha Down” exposing a faulty US military leadership system based on ticket punching up the seniority ladder, invariably weeding out the best and brightest, leaving mediocrity and order followers rising to the top as politician-bureaucrat generals designated to lose every modern US war by elite design. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In Los Angeles he found himself battling the largest county child protective services in the nation within America’s thoroughly broken and corrupt child welfare system.
The experience in both the military and child welfare system prepared him well as a researcher and independent journalist, exposing the evils of Big Pharma and how the Rockefeller controlled medical and psychiatric system inflict more harm than good, case in point, the pandemic hoax and kill shot genocide. As an independent journalist for the last decade, Joachim has written hundreds of articles for many news sites, including Global Research, and currently https//, and As a published author of a 5-book volume series entitled Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State, Joachim’s books and chapters are Amazon bestsellers in child advocacy and human rights categories. His A-Z sourcebook series fully document and expose the global pedophilia scourge and remain available free at s/. Joachim also hosts the weekly Revolution Radio broadcast “Cabal Empire Exposed” on Friday morning at 7AM EST (ID: revradio, password: rocks!)
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Yet another interesting image from Benjamin Fulford’s site:
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What needs to be made very clear though is that these people are not Jewish. Most Jews grew up never even knowing the Talmud existed. Now, thanks to the internet, they do. What Jews are still only now just figuring out though, is they have been Babylonian slaves for millennia. If you read the real Babylonian history, for example, you will find that circumcision was ritual castration used to identify slave races. The ritually castrated real Jews -who follow the Golden Rule of doing unto others as you would have others do unto you- were used as a Trojan horse to infiltrate societies. Once the helpful Jews ingratiated themselves, then the Babylonians would slowly take over society by taking over their elites. Over the millennia this has led to an immune reaction by the infiltrated societies. That is why the Babylonians have been booted out over a hundred times from various societies over the years. Because of their Babylonian enslavement, the Jews also repeatedly faced collective punishment. As a result, a sort of Stockholm Syndrome emerged over the years where they clung to their enslavers for protection.
Many Christian groups have been infiltrated in a similar manner. That is why you see Christian Zionists supporting genocide in Gaza.
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