Julian Macfarlane, Trump and Putin: A Comparison

Julian Macfarlane

The treacherous Fake Left, organised by the CIA Democrats, gave us Trump.

Keep that in mind no matter what happens.

Trump Derangement Syndrome? There is also Putin Derangement Syndrome. We never hear about it because Putin has so few defenders in the West. But it is just as crazy.

Irrational hatred of Trump is, yes, “deranged”— since the “Left”, which is mostly center-right demi/semi/hemi/ hybrid liberals, hate him for mostly the wrong reasons—summed up in a vague notion of toxic “populism”.

Trump is indeed a “populist”. But “toxic” for other reasons.  In fact, “populism” is a meaningless epithet because all politicians, left or right, good and bad are “populists” in one way or another—all claiming to represent the “people”.

The question always is: “which people?”

Who ARE the “People”?

Trump does not represent ordinary people —the “deplorables”, those poor people who went to prison for him after the Jan 6 Capitol Election Festival in a travesty of justice orchestrated by Democrats, who had no sympathy for them since they were not their people. He did not pardon them because he cared about injustice — just to give the finger to Biden. [And fortify his MAGA support.—Ed]

The Donald represents the filthy rich – tech billionaires, Zionists, and property development tycoons. These are the real people for him. Losers don’t count.

Populism is not always — but can be—very selective and discriminatory.

But Trump is both. Obviously. And so are the Democrats. Obviously, And the United States of America as a culture. Obviously.

Who runs the asylum? They are all mad.

One Nation under God? And what God is that?

The Child is the Father of the Man?

Yet people like Trump aspire to a certain innocence. It is not their fault that millions die. As for their character – they were born that way,

Trump says of himself:

When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same. The temperament is not that different.

As I have said before, quoting Wordsworth, “the child is the father of the man”.

What you were at 6 is often indicative of what you will become, because your basic personality is established between 2 or 3 years of age and 5 or 6. That can be good or bad. Genetics, epigenetics, family relationships and environment all matter. Remember I said, childhood character is “often indicative” of adult identity— many people do change later for the better. Or get much, much worse.

Trump was a badly behaved kid. And now a badly behaved adult.

“Trump Derangement” therefore is not entirely without a basis, his demonization is deserved.

Putin’s Resilience

Putin Derangement Syndrome is different. He is demonized not because he is weak or malicious or even a threat— but because he is an exemplar for a nation that the West seeks to destroy.

The West has sought to pillory him because he has made Russia great again. But Putin is resilient and always has been. He is a survivor.

Unlike Trump, he was brought up in a working-class family.

The Putins’ apartment, which they shared with two other families, was on the top floor of a grimy, run-down five-storey building. There was no central heating — each room had a wood-fired stove — no hot water and no bathroom. The family went once a week to the public baths. In between they heated water in the shared kitchen and washed as best they could. It was primitive. But Putin would say later that he “never felt disadvantaged or miserable”. It was the way everybody lived and the grown-ups had all known much worse.
[Note: This was after all Russia—or rather, the Soviet Union—just emerging from the atrocious devastation of a gigantic and ruthless Nazi invasion that collected 27 million lives and destroyed much of the painfully built nation’s civilian and industrial infrastructure.—Ed]

Putin was a man of the People. He can share their pain.

A golden spoon up his ass

According to The Guardian, the 23-room “Gone with the Wind mansion,” as neighbors called it, where he lived for most of his childhood with his parents and four siblings, boasted a swimming pool, a cook and a chauffeur, and two Cadillac convertibles in the driveway. The cars belonged to Trump’s father, Fred Trump, who, of course, amassed a fortune in the real estate business that would enable the younger Trump to launch his own lucrative career.

Trump had three older siblings and a younger sister. His cold, authoritarian father wasn’t really around much since he was focused on building his fortune. From school age on Trump was an aggressive bully—who would beat up other kids with the help of friends. He used alliances.

His sense of entitlement was immense. He continually acted out and was manipulative, much disliked by his teachers, So much so, his father eventually sent him to a military academy, which only appeared to make things worse.

Donny as cadet.

He equates his time in the academy with military service, LOL.

From a very young age, Donald Trump was taught there were only two kinds of people in this world: winners — or “killers” — and losers.

It was a lesson imparted by his father, Fred, a stern and demanding real estate developer. Donald was determined to end up a “killer.”

He learned to manipulate the system — to win.

Putin— love and honor

Putin, by contrast, was an only child, much loved by both his parents. Since his parents both worked, the other families —which were Jewish — in their communal housing helped look after him too. He never had to compete for love or care.

Putin’ parents

But he was small for his age and a target for bullying — the reverse of the Donald.

He could get into a fight with anyone … He had no fear. It never occurred to him that the other boy was stronger and might beat him up …

The lack of fear is noteworthy, as is the willingness to challenge aggression. Putin had a sense of honor. He would not back down. And you can see that today, too.

There are two kinds of fear in children. One is created by physical threat and pain. The other is generalized and emotional —occasionally stemming from abuse – more often from issues in a family constellation, when they a child must compete for love from one or both parents, leading to repressed anger and reactive or proactive aggression.

This fear can produce chronic behavioral symptoms as a result of altered neurochemical response in the brain, mediated by genetic factors .

Trump’s insularity

Such children can become bullies—they seek dominance, forming alliances with others.

The behavior is exacerbated by threat. And conscience is diminished.

Nowadays, most people think of Queens as a multicultural, cosmopolitan hub. But the Queens that I grew up in—the Queens that shaped Donald J. Trump—was far from a tolerant melting pot. During the 1960s and 1970s, Queens was a borough defined by tribalism, racial segregation, and simmering resentments. And it is precisely these feelings that Donald Trump has channeled throughout his presidential campaign. He conjures up a vision of a country that’s out of control, in the process of succumbing to inner-city crime, violence, and danger.

To many people on both sides of the aisle, Trump’s rhetoric sounds not just offensive but oddly retro—Archie Bunker mouthing off in his wing chair. (What “inner cities” is he referring to, exactly?)

Trump grew up in an island of wealth and influence on the edge of a threatening sea of have-nots —the “mean streets” that Putin had to survive. There, the Donald’s privilege could not protect him—nor did he have the courage to fight alone.

He still lives on an island of wealth. He always has his allies, formerly attack dogs like Bolton and Haley who turned and bit him. Now, his allies are better behaved – so far. How long before they, too, turn on him [is anyone guess!]

He is still aggressively reactive and proactive, seeking to coerce and extort and throw others off balance– which is what “the art of the deal” is — manipulation—neither honest nor honorable.

His community —his “people” are still the rich and powerful and he still looks down on weakness seeing it as something to exploit, and fears what he does not understand. His nativism is a projection of emotional insularity as is his grandiosity.

Power, power, power

His world is a hierarchy of power. If you also have power, you can be an ally, If you are not an ally, you are an enemy. “With me — or against me”. If you have no power, you have no value except as a servant or a slave. Otherwise, you are superfluous or a kind of social detritus.

Zionists have power – they are friends. Palestinians have no power. They are therefore superfluous. Hence, Gaza is to be the New American Riviera. A few Palestinians can remain — as servants. The rest can flee — or die.

So Trump is all about aggrandizement. Maybe he thinks someone will love him for that.

MAGA? It is not about making America great – it is about making that kid, number 4 out of 5 great. Not that he ever was.

Putin’s Idealism

Putin by contrast is all about service. He wants to make a difference.

Books and programmes about espionage like The Shield and the Sword took hold of my imagination,” he explained later. “What amazed me most of all was how one man’s effort could achieve what whole armies could not. One spy could decide the fate of thousands of people

He joined the KGB because it fit his goals and his character—and most important of all, is imagination and ideals:

His character fitted the kind of work the KGB did. He liked to stay in the background and observe others rather than to be the centre of attention himself. He was disciplined and pragmatic.

Putin and his mother.

Most people say he is rather shy.

Doesn’t sound like Trump. Who seeks attention.

But Putin is a populist also. His “people” are all the peoples of Russia. And those people recognize that and love him.

You don’t need to study psychology to understand people like Trump or Putin. Just look . Think and feel.

“I see therefore I think therefore I am”

This article written under the supervision of Chappy

This article is partly based on research on Putin for my special article — still underway.

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By Julian Macfarlane · Launched 3 years ago •  Confused by the media? Look here

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3 thoughts on “Julian Macfarlane, Trump and Putin: A Comparison”

  1. This article paints, to say the least, an inaccurate portrait of both Trump and Putin. Trump is certainly not a villain and Putin is not a saint. I say this based on the fact that Trump has a wonderful family around him, with very loyal and decent children, and has never been convicted or even prosecuted for anything until the recent “lawfare” farces; whereas, Putin (based on a lot of books and other readings of him) has had to perform some messy things in his KGB career and even as president of Russia Despite their different areas of expertise–Trump in business, Putin in government–they are both strong, skilled leaders who are also devoted nationalists–defending their people’s interests against the globalists and other forces. They have punctured the aura of globalism, which is past its heyday for having never produced the economic nor societal benefits to the average person it promised.

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