Joachim Hagopian
Everything that represents unfolding news developments in today’s world are preplanned and staged. Virtually nothing happens organically and spontaneously anymore on the current geopolitics stage. It’s all plotted and staged theater. Friday’s big show on full global display at the White House in front of international press featured Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky in a heated debate with his hosts President Donald Trump and Vice President JD Vance. In a flash this Oval Office spectacle conveniently snatched all world attention away from the big story of the week, Trump and his Attorney General Pam Bondi’s fiasco not releasing pedophile Jeffrey Epstein files. We’ve seen this rerun many times before. It’s called wag-the-dog misdirection, suddenly taking all the heat off of Trump for failing to expose his former buddy Epstein’s client list, because it’s been deemed too incriminating for Zionist Israel, the nation that through bribery and blackmail owns and controls both the US president and US Congress for decades.
Trump’s longtime spouted, still unfulfilled campaign promises to release the JFK assassination records, 9/11 documentation and all the Epstein blackmailed VIP pedos is not about to happen because Israel is behind all three of these epic heinous crimes against America, just like the attack on the USS Liberty. If these records do get released to the public, they will clearly point the finger of guilt at a thoroughly exposed Israel as America’s real terrorist enemy, recently outed by former career intel operative Steve Pieczenik. The Jewish State is and never was our closest ally at all, unlike Congress, Trump, Bondi and his Synagogue of Satan regime always claim.
If Israel-City of London’s pedo crime network blackmailing virtually all our politicians finally come out, the genocidal Jewish State and all its entrenched Israel-First loyal traitors atop America’s government will all be criminally naked and exposed as the latest episode of the “Emperor’s New Clothes.” The entire world will then finally, convincingly realize that Israel and its accomplice USA, Inc., are and have been our two biggest global terrorist state pariahs on earth. The psychopathic controllers can’t run the liability of public exposure because it would end their protective impunity status and enforce criminal accountability. The murderous Khazarian mafia powerbrokers would then be brought to justice after treacherously running our world into the ground for centuries.
For the last two and a half centuries, the Rothschild [et al] City of London moneychangers hiding behind their Illuminati death cult have been creating every major global conflict, backing both sides in every war they orchestrate, and been forever profiting from their usury debt-based neo-feudal enslavement matrix now ready to move in for the kill as their final endgame solution – technocratic one world government tyranny.
Seeing this bigger power play picture explains all that presents itself as today’s current event news. Nonstop staged sleight-of-hand melodrama cast off as the next breaking news story is nothing more than grand stage theater, starring veteran showmen actors Trump in his usual masonic hand gesture and angry, defiant, arms-crossed Zelensky, sparring off before the world, Trump flanked by his supporting cast member VP Vance surrounded by side props media. Trump and Zelensky have literally been actors-career showmen-front men puppets for the same Jewish oligarch puppet masters for years now.
To arrive at today’s late stage, let’s dissect this still unfolding drama. Zelensky’s Friday visit to the White House was ostensibly to seal the deal to sign on the dotted line, selling Ukraine’s so-called mineral deposit payback in exchange for America’s $300 billion US taxpaid investment as the Biden regime’s “whatever it takes” war support for Europe’s most corrupt government Kiev. Yet Ukraine’s claim that it possesses a vast wealth of precious minerals to sell to Trump has now been debunked. What’s left of the Ukraine rump does not hold the mineral wealth after all. Harald Elsner of the Federal Institute for Earth Sciences and Natural Resources told the German newspaper Der Spiegel:
There are no commodities in Ukraine that Trump could simply buy. The deal is unlikely to concern specific items in quantities that may be of interest to the US.
Pravda further quoting Spiegel stated:
The expert [Elsner] also stressed that even in the western part of Ukraine, which was less affected by the fighting, there are no necessary production facilities to maintain production at the proper level. In addition, most of the rare earth metals and minerals are located in the territory of Donbass, controlled by the Russian army.
After last week’s parade of Europe’s Rothschild puppets, France’s Emmanuel Macron and UK’s Keith Starmer to the White House begging Trump to reconsider moving ahead to make peace with Putin, it was Zelensky’s turn last Friday. All of this was again theater. All three Euro idiots knew Trump well enough to realize Trump’s immovable resolve to exercise deal-making diplomacy for a change with Putin would not be altered. The signing of the mineral deal bringing the Kiev beggar to DC was simply a staged ruse to predicate the angry showdown at the OK Oval Office Corral. And of course, right on staged cue, as soon as Zelensky was kicked out of the White House, the outrage publicly expressed by leaders in Ukraine, Europe and the US leftist Democrats in full collusion chorus were unfurled with the usual Mainstream Media whores. On that same Friday February 28th, former Obama National Security Advisor-UN Ambassador Susan Rice immediately told MSNBC:
Obviously it is a very sad day and an embarrassment for the United States on the world stage. But let’s step back and analyze what’s happened here I think there’s no question that this was a setup. You heard Donald Trump say at the end of that clip you played, ‘this is great television.’ This was a setup. I mean, excuse me, Vladimir Zelensky was compelled to agree to a horrible deal that would have set Ukraine’s minerals to the United States without any concrete security guarantees. And yet, because he was trying to improve a relationship with Donald Trump, he came to Washington, he came to the Oval Office and sat down for a meeting hat in hand. Soon after he got there the Vice President of the United States lit into him and started a confrontation.
Rice rushes to the aid of the poor little picked on Jew from “big Israel” as Zelensky once called Ukraine. Sedition by definition is the crime of creating a revolt, disturbance or violence against lawful civil authority with intent to cause its overthrow or destruction. Thus, when a private party individual like Susan Rice not acting on official behalf of the US government attempts to collude with foreign leaders (i.e., Ukraine, European Union, European nations) with intent to incite and instigate disturbance and revolt undermining the current US government’s authority, then Rice is guilty of committing a treasonous act of sedition. Clearly this big Euro-Dem-Kiev-MSM circle jerk rallying in synch to demonize Trump and Vance for ganging up on Zelensky to call him out on his rude, disrespectful behavior smacks of Rice’s pre-arranged collusion timed immediately following the Oval Office “setup.”
Again, it appears to all be diversionary misdirection theater to abruptly steal the thunder away from major MAGA outrage and pushback over Israel blackmailed Trump/Bondi’s inept Epstein nothingburger,on Friday instantly forgotten as “yesterday’s news,” replaced totally by the sensationalized Oval Office “flareup.”
Meanwhile, the Southern District of New York (SDNY) lead prosecutor’s office led by former FBI Director James Comey’s daughter Maureen seemingly in collusion with the New York FBI office are reported to be criminally destroying and withholding the Epstein evidence from ever seeing the light of day. Meanwhile, angry Bondi and FBI Director Kash Patel are threatening to prosecute the Deep State criminals destroying evidence. But after all the Epstein release hype, it’s apt to be used as the plausible excuse to protect Israel and Trump and his Israel-First regime as convenient reason for explaining the still unreleased missing Epstein files protecting the VIP pedophiles.
At the Oval Office fiasco on Friday, Zelensky went on the offense, blaming both the Obama and Trump administrations for not helping Ukraine prepare for the “unprovoked Russian invasion,” claiming in 2019 that Putin backed out of the Minsk Agreements while Trump was president. However, Zelensky’s version of events is pure fiction. It’s what set Trump and Vance off on their tag team tirade accusing Zelensky of disrespect.
A brief history looking back at this US-Ukraine conflict against Russia is very much relevant to set the record straight. Prior to the February 2014 US coup, Ukraine included the Black Sea’s Crimea and the four other annexed Russian oblasts, all comprised virtually entirely of ethnic Russians. But ever since that Obama/Nuland’s $5 billion USAID February 2014 illegal coup, the Donbass region was being ethnically purged by Kiev’s US backed neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, killing 14,000 ethnic Russians between February 2014 and February 2022’s Russian incursion. The subsequent annexed Russian regions exercising their right to self-determination elected to once again rejoin their motherland that they belonged to for centuries prior to Ukrainian Soviet Premier Khrushchev in the 1950s giving them away to his Ukraine. The fact that the US supported Kiev methodically purging the ethnic Russian population in Donbass while outlawing their spoken Russian language right up to the February 2022 Russian Special Military Operation, is never admitted by either Washington or Kiev. Plus, the US government under both Obama and Trump, was busy covertly financing, training and arming the neo-Nazi Maidan regime in what amounted to Europe’s best equipped military force.
Throw in the United States’ repeated pattern of betrayal toward Russia, including its 1991 promise to the last Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO will not move “one inch eastward” as the lie of the ages. And then there is the post 2014-coup Minsk Agreements when the US conspired with Germany’s Angela Merkel to deceitfully broker a peace deal with Putin only to bide time to continue financing, arming and training Europe’s largest army while continuing to kill ethnic Russians led directly to Donbass leaders’ urgent S-O-S request for Putin’s February 2022 intervention. In early March 2022, former Ukraine Prime Minister Mykola Azarov even went on record admitting that Kiev and US/NATO were ready to launch a joint invasion into the Donbass when Putin made his decisive move.
Then there’s that initialed peace treaty in Turkey a mere month into the Russian operation in late March/early April, when City of London/US sent lapdog Boris Johnson to Kiev to sabotage what would have spared over a million Ukrainian lives and allowed Ukraine to retain more of its territory. All along the US has cold-bloodedly misused Ukraine as mere cannon fodder in its obsession to destabilize Russia and overthrow Putin. Thus, it’s always been the US as the war instigator and aggressor, willing to completely destroy Ukraine in its failed criminal effort to remove Putin. Zelensky has only been the corrupt opportunist pawn doing US/NATO bidding.
So, the US/NATO/EU longtime lie claiming that Russia launched “an unprovoked invasion” has no merit. The constant false claim that Western liars always cite in order to justify continual war and aggression against “demonized” Russia is based on the falsehood that Putin will not stop his westward advance beyond the Ukraine border into Europe to resurrect the Soviet Empire. For far too many decades that lie has been egregiously used to provoke and wage more war.
Right now, the EU is throwing a tizzy fit tantrum, upset and wining over US-Russian rapprochement toward peace because the City of London demands its EU Western puppets fight WWIII against the Cold War enemy Eastern bloc led by Russia. The EU/NATO are in current meltdown at the prospect of peace because NATO would no longer have reason to even exist and the Europe without US support can no longer pursue West’s forever failed regime change policy against Russia. Thus, we’re seeing a major positive shift on the geopolitics chessboard in Europe. The US under Trump is looking for a way out of NATO and a weak Europe seeks US security ties just as much as Ukraine does. Thus, this is the actual historical backdrop to today’s situation. Trump normalizing relations with Putin is a win-win for entire Europe and world. The only losers are Brussels’ globalist NATO and EU, seemingly City of London sock puppets.
Returning to the present-day theater, by engaging in the drama with Zelensky, Trump avoids his own pedophilic past with Epstein coming up and once again shields his master Israel/City of London avoiding its central role in the worldwide sexual blackmail pedophilia network operations. Will the presidents, prime ministers, princes and superstar child rapists ever be indicted, prosecuted and imprisoned for their crimes? History says no because Israel and its City of London founders say no. Yet another sleight-of-hand crisis will ensure the Epstein perps story remains buried so that the Zionist Greater Israel Project reigns supreme.
- 2014 Ukraine coup, Barack Obama, Boris Johnson, child sex trafficking, City of London, Der Spiegel, Donald Trump, Donbass, Emmanuel Macron, Europe, European Union (EU), FBI, Harald Elsner, Israel, JD Vance, Jeffrey Epstein, Joachim Hagopian, Kash Patel, Keith Starmer, Khazarian Mafia, Maureen Comey, Mykola Azarov, NATO, nothingburger, Oval Office, Pam Bondi, Pedophilia, Rothschilds, Russia, sedition, sexual blackmail, Southern Disdrict of New York (SDNY), Steve Pieczenik, Susan Rice, Synagogue of Satan, Ukraine, Vladimir Putin, Volodymyr Zelensky, Zionism