Patrick J. McShay
“The most important thing here is to address the root causes of the crisis, which we have discussed many times. That is the most important thing.”
— Vladimir Putin (Russian President, Jan. 20, 2025)
The accusation on everyone’s lips in the media and among our politicians in the last two weeks, if you are opposed to this ridiculous war in Ukraine, is, “Russia started the war” or Russia invaded Ukraine.” While it is true that Russia moved troops across the border to secure the Russian-speaking regions in eastern Ukraine, the media won’t tell their viewers why Putin saw that as necessary.
The Minsk Agreement, under the US’s handpicked new president Petro Poroshenko, was a ceasefire agreement signed in 2015 after Barack Obama conspired with NATO and Israel to overthrow the duly elected President Yanukovich in a bloody coup that followed with attacks on the Russian-speaking civilian populations in the east. At this time, the Crimean authorities held a referendum of the people, who voted overwhelmingly to pledge allegiance to Russia and pull away from the new American/CIA-backed regime.
The war started when Zelensky started bombing the Russian-speaking Donbas Region shortly after Biden was elected. Biden and his advisors arrogantly and foolishly disregarded Putin’s warnings that continued bombings and attacks on the Donbas population would not be tolerated. The incompetent Biden crew was led by Victoria Nuland and Tony Blinken, whose arrogance, hubris, and ignorance of their Russian foe or just not caring, ignored every warning and threat until Russia went in.
This move was strategic and necessary to stop the slaughter in the Donbas and the increasing attacks by the Neo-Nazi Azov battalion under Zelensky’s authority and had nothing to do with Russian conquest and rolling over Ukraine and continuing across Europe. That scenario is still being pushed and was always the media spinning more falsehoods while they passed out Ukrainian flags to the brainwashed rubes.
Like Bibi Netanyahu in Israel, Zelensky has no interest in a peace deal or a ceasefire, but with Trump in office, he has no choice but to go along with Trump’s plan. He has just this week finally agreed to a 30-day ceasefire, right after he ordered drone strikes on residential areas in Moscow. Was this an attempt to sabotage the peace talks before they began?
The reason for the start of the war is important because Russia wants a comprehensive peace settlement that also addresses the root cause of the conflict. Putin has already said he is not interested in a short-term ceasefire or a freeze in the conflict; Russia wants a permanent settlement. Tough talk and threats of more sanctions won’t be enough to sway Putin, he wants a deal that will stick.
The Trump administration, based on Zelensky’s promise to negotiate a peace deal, has foolishly agreed to continue sending arms to Ukraine. If Trump wanted peace, and a ceasefire is imminent, why would he trust the globalist puppet Zelensky or his handlers not to sabotage this budding peace deal before it takes hold? It appears that Trump still foolishly believes that Russia started this conflict, and that will affect any negotiation moving forward.
Foreign Policy Expert Jeffrey Sachs explains to EU leaders why they are to blame for the Ukraine conflict here:
Despite the tough talk from the weak and feckless Starmer in the UK and Macron in France, the EU alliance is rapidly crumbling. Georgia Meloni in Italy said they would send no troops to Ukraine, and their support is tepid at best. French leader Marine Le Pen said that regardless of what Macron says, France is divided on the subject.
Hungary was never a yes on Ukraine, and while Poland’s president still backs Ukraine’s ill-fated war, several members of Poland’s parliament gathered two months before the election at a press conference to slam the visiting Tony Blinken and his push for World War 3 saying, “We don’t want the Polish people paying and dying in your wars.” These men know whose war this is!
In Romania, the leading candidate for president, Calin Georgescu, whose win in the last election was thrown out because he refused to go along with the globalists’ agenda of war and flooding the country with illegal immigrants, has just been barred from running in the upcoming election by Romania’s election bureau. Only globalist puppets are eligible.
For the record, violent crime and rape have spiked in every EU country because of the immigration mandates, and in Macron’s France rape is up 86% since 2016. None of these countries want immigration to continue, but these mandates aren’t going away until these countries are destroyed and bankrupt. Populism and nationalism are on the march, and the EU may not last.
Trump has an Irish leader at the White House today and didn’t say a word about the tens of thousands of illegals from Africa being dumped in small towns and villages all over the country. The Minister of Immigration just dumped 280 immigrants in the tiny Irish village of Dundrum, Tipperary, with a population of 200. 80% of them were military-aged males. Residents are livid but are told there is nothing they can do. This isn’t progress, this is evil! Replacement theory is real.
Our controllers’ endgame is to manage the decline and steer the Western nations into a more manageable dictatorship, which will include 24/7 surveillance, mandatory vaccines, and medical procedures. World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab memorably said, “You will have nothing and be happy.” The climate hoax, forced immigration, and unnecessary wars are being used to bankrupt nations to get them in line before they crash the economies of the Western banking Ponzi scheme.
Mandatory immigration is a globalist edict in the EU, and Joe Biden’s intentional opening of the border was no doubt planned. DOGE has found that hundreds of billions of US tax dollars were being fraudulently funneled from USAID into hundreds of NGOs to transport illegal immigrants to America and aid them once they’re here.
Trump’s EPA Director Lee Zeldin has so far found tens of billions of dollars are going to NGOs for the Green scam and found that many of these companies are new businesses. Failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacy Abrams represents a new venture that had just $100 in the Bank and received $2 billion.
Democrat activist attorney and Trump hater Norm Eisen’s new venture, “States United Democracy Center,” received $17 million. No one is sure what they do. Zeldin said they are investigating these and other cases. I want to see some Democrat perp walks.
Americans have seen their share of unnecessary wars, and Ukraine has cost taxpayers plenty. In just three years, we have spent more on Ukraine than we’ve spent on every other country on the planet. The $350 billion now ranks number one among the most foreign aid we have given a country with Israel number two at $265 billion, but let’s not kid ourselves, we’ve spent trillions of dollars and thousands of lives on unnecessary wars for Israel and no one was saving your democracy!
The Ukraine war was easily avoidable, they wanted it. Israel could have avoided the October 6 attack and had prior knowledge, but allowed it to happen. What you won’t hear in the American media is that the Gaza slaughter isn’t popular at all among residents of Israel. A recent poll at KAN News in Israel showed that only 9% of respondents supported resuming this war even if it meant leaving the remaining hostages behind.
Israeli media has also confirmed after numerous interviews with IDF personnel that “The Hanibal Directive” was in effect and hundreds of Israelis were killed from fire from Israeli attack helicopters, tanks, and small arms fire. The IDF was ordered to bomb Israeli homes and even Israeli military bases after being overrun on October 6. See here:
An IDF sniper recently interviewed by an Israeli journalist confessed that he stopped counting his kills in Gaza when he reached 200. He said other snipers had more and said he knows one who boasted he stopped counting his kills at 400. Asked if he shot children, he said yes. Israeli snipers are ordered to shoot children, something the US media keeps from the American people. See this:
Barely in office 3 weeks Trump let his feelings about the Gaza slaughter be known, bringing the scourge of Gaza, Bibi Netanyahu to the White House with red carpet treatment to announce he wanted to move the Palestinians out and turn the Gaza Strip into a resort, ala the Riviera of the Middle East, “Trump Gaza”. He posted a video on his Truth Social account that is truly bizarre, tasteless, and truly despicable.
The video features Bibi and Trump floating in a pool with fruity drinks and Elon Musk in shades. Must see here:
This disgusting video brings to mind the term “Ugly American” and best describes how our president is perceived in every country that isn’t watching filtered news that portrays the Israelis as brave or heroic figures. The World is turning on Israel!
The Israelis were taking prisoners in Gaza who had nothing to do with Hamas. They imprisoned children despite human rights laws, and released prisoners said they were viciously tortured and beaten, urinated on, and buried alive, and some were beaten to death.
Dr Hussam Abu Safiya was the Director of Kamal Adwan Hospital. He was arrested at gunpoint when Israeli soldiers stormed his hospital and took him prisoner. Dr. Safiya’s attorney confirmed that he had been brutally beaten and tortured. After his arrest, he spent 14 days in solitary confinement and was interrogated for days at a time, 8 to 10 hours per session. He was held for 70 days in deplorable conditions. See this:
A recent Gallup Poll in the US showed that just 45% of respondents support Israel. That is 5% less than last year, evidence that fewer people are watching the liars on the mainstream media. Good luck turning that around! When the first group of Israeli hostages were released, they told the media that they had been treated very well and fed well. The most recent hostages released said they were treated and fed poorly. What changed? Trump has mentioned that poor treatment several times recently to justify the treatment of the Palestinians, and sounds as brainwashed as the rest of Fox News’ viewers.
A Ukraine peace deal will take a nuclear threat off the table temporarily, but look for false flags and other surprises from the angry globalists whose New World Order is on life support. Will Bibi’s bloodlust and his 25-year-old plan to bomb Iran finally get a president to give him the green light? I think he’s found his Huckleberry in Trump.
Patrick J. McShay is a writer, researcher, and political analyst whose articles have appeared on over 200 news sites worldwide. Mr. McShay is a retired mortgage broker and uncredentialed historian specializing in real history and uncomfortable truths. He has appeared on the Power Of Prophecy Podcast with Jerry Barrett, the Chuck Baldwin Show, the Jeff Rense Show, the Raw Deal with Jim Fetzer, TNT Radio with Joe Olson, and the SGT Report. His articles have been translated into over a dozen languages, including French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Polish, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Dutch.
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See Pat’s latest article:
The COVID-19 Vaccine is an Israeli Mossad Created Bioweapon to Genocide the World’s Population
Recent Articles By Patrick J. McShay
*Zionist Deception and a Geopolitical Powderkeg in Gaza
*Satan Laughing Spreads His Wings
*Deep State Pedophiles, Political Traitors, and Their Communist Agenda
*9/11: The Official Narrative Is Dying
*America’s Descent Into Israel’s Moral Abyss
*Syrian War Lies And The Greater Israel Project