Patrick J. McShay: Media Disinformation, Government Propaganda, and The Lie of A Free Press in America

“Thousand points of light, what the hell was that?  what did that mean? I know one thing, make America great again we understand. Putting America first we understand. A thousand points of light? I never quite got that one, what the hell was that?  has anyone figured that one out?”                                        –President Trump addressing an adoring crowd in Montana  “It’s important that the American people realize who Barack Obama really is. He is a sleeper cell whose intent is the deliberate destruction of America’s culture, economy, and national defense. When President Obama speaks he speaking not as an American, but as a radical, Communist Muslim.”                                        –Mike…

Robert David Steele: Memorandum for the President: 9/11, Domestic False Flag Operations and Your Legacy

2018/07/04 Memorandum for the President: 9/11, Domestic False Flag Operations, and Your Legacy Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Peace Intelligence 9/11 — The Man Behind the Curtain? 4 July 2018 9/11, Domestic False Flag Operations, and Your Legacy The public needs to understand the truth about 9/11 and all of the follow-on domestic false flag operations organized by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as part of the larger police state / anti-gun agenda. The National Rifle Association (NRA), one of your strongest allies from the early days of your campaign, should be…

Memorandum for the President: Three Proofs we have Not been told the Truth about 9/11

Memorandum for the President: Three Proofs we have Not been told the Truth about 9/11 Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., Founder, Scholars for 9/11 Truth The Impossible Entry The footage of the South Tower hit exemplifies several anomalies, including a Boeing 767 flying at an impossible speed, an impossible entry into the building (in violation of Newton’s laws), and even passing through its own length into the building in the same number of frames it passes through its own length in air—which is impossible, unless this 500,000 ton, steel and concrete building…

PENN Magazine (July 2018): Man of the Year: The Big Wolfgang Halbig

​”Were you paying attention to The Dude’s story?” “I was bowling.” July Issue Penn Magazine Wolfgang Tracy Lebowski & Fetzer Investigate Sandy Hook Also available here in flip-page format We WalkWith Giants … WOLFGANG HALBIG​ ​JAMES TRACY ​JIM FETZER JEFFREY LEBOWSKI Halbig, Tracy, Fetzer(and nineteen others) deserve something, the Medal of Freedom, but that means nothing, the Nobel Peace Price(it’s got Obama Germs on it) … somethingdifferent, better … money? No.How about … THANK YOU. … It’s not just our opinion, man, it’s the honest-to-god-truth: Halbig et al. are right,…

Iran already exonerated of role in 9/11 attacks, Docs display Israel’s complicity

HEADLINES FNA– A prominent Iranian political activist dismissed the Southern District Court of New York’s ruling ordering Iran to pay more than $6 billion of reparation for the 2001 terrorist attacks, stressing Israel’s role in killing nearly 3,000 Americans at the time. The Southern District Court’s ruling “found the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, and The Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran” liable for the deaths of more than 1,000 people as a result of the September 11 attacks. Judge George B Daniels of…

Robert David Steele: Grand Theft, Mass Murder and Legalized Lies – Clapper Book Review as Epitaph

BY ROBERT DAVID STEELE James R. Clapper, Facts and Fears: Hard Truths from a Life in Intelligence (Viking, 2018), 432 pages, $17.99, ISBN-13: 978-0525558644. There was a time when I thought James Clapper was one of the top five flag officers among the sixty-five or so that I had worked with over 40 years. I’ve known Clapper since 1994 and it is with distress that I conclude his judgment was diminished in 2007 when he became the first professional Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence (USDI),[1] following Stephen Cambone, a political appointee himself with…

New York Times exemplifies “Post-Truth Era” by Declaring War on Sandy Hook Truth

Jim Fetzer [Editor’s note: This blog was deleted–no doubt, in my opinion, by the man who calls himself “Lenny Pozner”–for calling The Times to account for the absurdity of its fake news coverage. I will republish it as often as necessary to cope with the Deep State.] In the latest absurdity publish by The New York Times, which pretends to be “our nation’s newspaper of record” but which has a record of publishing false accounts of every major “false flag” carried out by local, state and federal authorities–most recently, about Charlottesville, where The…

Philip Giraldi: Israel owns US foreign policy

President Trump’s “emotional” decision to denounce the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action involving Iran, based on known falsehoods fed to him by Bibi Netanyahu, is not making America great again in the Middle East. Who is really making the decisions on U.S. foreign policy? By Philip Giraldi There should be no remaining doubt over whether Israel and its Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu working through their billionaire proxies in the U.S. own President Donald Trump. Last Tuesday’s [May 8, 2018] presidential full-bore denunciation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) that…

Dr. Eowyn: Esquire magazine: We really do want to take your guns

Dr. Eowyn [Editor’s note: Here’s a guy, David Holmes, the Editor-at-Large of Esquire Magazine, who very smart but does not appear to be aware that these school shootings are being staged to promote the DNC political agenda. He has no idea Sandy Hook, Las Vegas and Parkland, for example, were orchestrated events. I am going to reach out to him and let him know that, his advocacy is fine if its based on true beliefs, but his instead appear to be based on false.]The Deep State’s relentless false-flag mass shootings…

Sundance: Mueller Probe might Not Survive Much Longer

UPDATED: Mueller Probe Might Not Survive Much Longer – Intelligence Connections Highlight Sketchy Origin to Special Counsel…   sundance I have a sneaking suspicion the Machiavellian connections between the U.S. intelligence apparatus and multiple foreign agents/actors, including the work of Stefan Halper in the 2016 presidential election, are only a few days from fully surfacing.  There could be enough sunlight on U.K/U.S. political and intelligence officers to launch multiple investigations. There was always something suspicious about Senate Intelligence Committee Vice-Chair Diane Feinstein abdicating her Gang-of-Eight position to Senator Mark Warner immediately after…