Mario Loyola, Abuse of Power Is a Dangerous Standard for Democrats to Play With

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7 thoughts on “Mario Loyola, Abuse of Power Is a Dangerous Standard for Democrats to Play With”

  1. I was doing OK with this article…especially when it concluded that impeachment is not a legal event, but a POLITICAL EVENT. Things stared to make sense. So, basically, it’s a vote of no confidence…but of course, in the case of THIS impeachment, there will just not be enough votes to pull that off.
    WHY they define impeachment in terms of high crimes and misdemeanors seems to be strictly for public consumption. In reality, if there are enough votes from all sides, they could impeach for any reason upon which the super majority agreed.
    Am I wrong?
    Regardless, the one statement from Mario Loyola that gives me some pause is:

    The elevation of abuse of power to an impeachable offense puts this and future presidents on notice that if they fail TO LIVE UP TO THE STANDARD THAT AMERICANS BROADLY EXPECT OF THEIR LEADERS they may be impeached even if they commit no crime—indeed, even if they believe they did nothing wrong.

    I do not see where We the People have a thing to do with our leaders not living up to our standards….impeachment now seems to be a purely political event that has zip to do with our wishes. I mean, when’s the last time our reps gave a damn what we wanted….?

    1. Astute observations, Will. What he is saying is that the charge of Abuse of Power is so nebulous that it opens a Pandora’s Box for future presidents–and where the appeal to “the standard that Americans broadly expect of their leaders” is subterfuge for what the majority party in the House wants the president to pursue as POLICIES. You are spot on and, as you will learn today (I have no doubt), the Founding Fathers warned against precisely such an abuse of the power to impeach. More to come today.

      1. Every single previous President could be accused of ”Abuse of Power”….especially Obama.

        The FACT of just being a President is the use of Power.

      2. The heck with executive abuse of power…..the entire damn Democratic party should be up on charges of abuse of power.
        They have done everything possible…short of assassination….to thwart all of Trump’s efforts.

      3. I have added an Editor’s note to this article:

        The impeachers must know by now that their chances of removing Trump are exactly zero, but some good may yet come out of these proceedings. The elevation of abuse of power to an impeachable offense puts this and future presidents on notice that if they fail to live up to standards that Americans broadly expect of their leaders [Editor’s note: more precisely the preferences of the party holding a majority in the House], they may be impeached even if they commit no crime—indeed, even if they believe they did nothing wrong.

      4. Thank you for that addition. It’s important for all to realize this is not an effort of We the People….it’s political theater that should have stopped when the election was over….for THE GOOD OF THIS NATION.

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