Dr. Eowyn: Danbury Hospital sent message about Sandy Hook 48 min. before police received first 911 call

Dr. Eowyn Shannon Hicks’ other photo of the fake evacuation According to the Newtown police’s timeline of the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School (SHES) on the morning of December 14, 2012 in Newtown, Connecticut: 9:35:39 – First 911 call to Newtown Police Department is received. 9:36:06 – Newtown Police Department dispatcher broadcasts that there is a shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. 9:37:38 – Connecticut State Police are dispatched to Sandy Hook Elementary School for active shooter. 9:38:50 – Connecticut State Police are informed that Sandy Hook Elementary School is…

A “False Flag” for Valentine’s Day: Suppressing “False Flags on Five Fronts”

Jim Fetzer It was bad enough when the purported Douglas High School shooter showed up wearing a MAGA hat to create a cartoon simple enough for most American’s to “get it”: This is what Trump means by “Making America Great Again”! But State of the Nation (14 February 2018) has done the nation a valuable service by exposing the most ludicrous elements of another in a seemingly endless series of fabricated shootings, this time, like Sandy Hook, at another school, only not a CT elementary but a FL high school,…

Patrick McShay: Immigration Agenda, New World Order Tyranny

Patrick McShay​ “While immigration in small numbers may be sensible for specific reasons, bringing countless third- world people to the US with no strategic plan or goal proves foolish and dangerous. Sufficient reasons exist for first world nations to enforce their immigration laws to protect jobs and citizens“. – Frosty Wooldridge, Author “The United Nations has one mission above all others – To break down the borders of independent nations and mix cultures all over the planet, in order to bring all of humanity under a New World Order. A…

Nobody Died At Sandy Hook: Event was Just a FEMA Drill, Shanley Civil Lawsuit Says

By David Deschesne Fort Fairfield Journal, January 3, 2015 Mainstream Media Being Sued for Fomenting Terrorism Amongst the U.S. Citizenry [Editor’s note: The Fort Fairfield Journal appears to have been the only newspaper in the country to publish serious reports about Sandy Hook. This blog is dedicated to its honor and the memory of Will Shanley, whom I admired beyond words.] NEW LONDON, Conn.—Civil lawsuits totaling over a trillion dollars have been filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut against several mainstream news corporations regarding their…

For Christmas: Why We Need MORE Conspiracy Theorists!

  Jim Fetzer       No public relations effort in the 20th century has rivaled that of the CIA attacking critics of The Warren Report (1964) as “conspiracy theorists” in a memorandum of April 1967, implying that, unless those speaking out knew everything there was to know about what happened to JFK, they should not be taken seriously, which is, of course, completely absurd. The early critics of the government’s “official account” of the assassination, such as Mark Lane, Jim Garrison and David Lifton, among others, were observing that the narrative…

Pete Santilli: Maverick Media Gorilla Truth-Seeker or FBI Informant and Agent Provocateur?

Jim Fetzer             Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.                                                                                                           —Anonymous On Tuesday, 28 November 2017, I was featured on “The Pete Santilli Show” for the second time. The first had been perhaps the most bizarre interview I have ever endured, where Pete repeatedly asked me the same few questions over and over again, no matter how often I had answered them. It would turn out that Pete had Judy Wood, Ph.D., on Skype, where she was telling him what to ask me–and…

Mona Alexis Pressley: Las Vegas Shooting: Was it Real or a Government Drill?

Mona Alexis Pressley Conspiracy Realist At the end of reading this article and reading the links and videos attached, it should be easy to decide for yourself if the Las Vegas shooting was for real or if it was a Government drill. There have been many false flags since 9/11 including 9/11, Sandy Hook, Aurora movie theatre shooting, Boston Bombing, Orlando nightclub shooting, and now the Las Vegas shooting.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1RxzF1bRIo  The PSYOP that has been perpetrated on the public these last few years is if anyone questions the official narrative…

Dr. Eowyn: New study finds aluminum in vaccines triggers autism, especially in boys

[Editor’s note:  A new TV series, “The Good Doctor”, which will almost certainly turn out to be covertly sponsored by Big Pharma, appears to be designed to make autism appear to be a gift or special benefit: Perhaps they hope to evade lawsuits for the vaccines that cause autism through the use of propaganda, which Hollywood and television are invariably willing to provide, as in the case of the Boston bombing.] Dr. Eowyn  Despite the MSM and the medical establishment’s demonization of vaccine skeptics (see “Baylor U. professor & M.D.…

The Tribe Behind All The Censorship Has Exposed Itself Like Never Before

by Patrick J McShay “You’ve got to be taught to be afraid, of people whose eyes are oddly made and people whose skin is a different shade, you’ve got to be carefully taught. You’ve got to be taught before it’s too late before you’re six or seven or eight, To hate all the people your relatives hate, you’ve got to be carefully taught.”— Rodgers and Hammerstein “Pick the target (Trump). Freeze it. Personalize it. Polarize it. Cut the support network, and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after the people and any…

Henry Makow: Who’s Afraid of James Wesley Howell?

Henry Makow Everyone apparently. The CIA. The MSM. Alex Jones. Jeff Rense. David Icke. False flag expert Kevin Barrett, G. Edward Griffin, Gordon Duff.  American Free Press. The ACLU. Every criminal lawyer in LA. None will reach out to Howell or champion his cause.    A year ago today, June 12, 2016, Howell, 21, was arrested in Santa Monica CA with a small arsenal of weapons and bombs. A leaked story emerged that he was a CIA-sponsored “terrorist” assigned to attack the gay pride parade. (This was the same day as the Orlando nightclub attack.) He…