Kevin Barrett attacks Jim Fetzer on VT over “Dying CIA Agent Confession”

“Dying CIA agent confesses to demolition of WTC-7” FAKE NEWS By Kevin Barrett on July 14, 2017 Watch this week’s False Flag Weekly News above, and click HERE for links to the stories we covered, and HERE to support FFWN. By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Today’s False Flag Weekly News did NOT cover the “bombshell” story of the supposed WTC-7 demolition confession by a dying CIA agent. Why not? Because it’s OBVIOUS BULLSHIT. If you can’t tell that this is a made-up story from the way it’s written, you need to take your BS detector in for a tune-up. That’s…

Patrick J. McShay: Operation Gladio and The False Flag Muslim Terror Hoax

by Patrick J McShay — Operation Disclosure  Boston blasts. Click to enlarge * “Most terrorists are false flag terrorists, or are created by our security services.” Robert Steele – Former CIA Clandestine Services Officer * “It is from us that the all engulfing terror proceeds” – Protocols of Zion, 9-4 * “You had to attack civilians, the innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple: To force the public to turn to the state for greater security”. Gladio Operative Vincenzo Vinciguerra 2001 In…

State-Sponsored Terrorism: An International Phenomenon

Jim Fetzer Nicholas Kollerstrom Nicholas Kollerstrom may be the man I most admire on the face of Planet Earth. He has displayed cast-iron integrity in his scholarly research, where he has tackled some of the most controversial issues of our time, including the Holocaust and the 7/7 London bombings. His discovery that Zyklon B was used by the Germans in World War II (in copious quantities) for delousing inmates to contain the spread of typhus and dysentery meant that it was used to maintain the health of inmates, not to…

Alex Scott: The Times Square Crash – Just Another Broadway Show

The Times Square Crash – Just Another Broadway Show By Alex Scott Once again we have been exposed to another staged event in which a crazed individual is accused of driving over pedestrians on a busy street. This time the event occurred in Times Square. Just before noon on Thursday, May 18, 2017 Richard Rojas, 26, drove his 2009 Honda Accord down a busy Times Square street at a high rate of speed before crashing at the intersection of 45th and Broadway. According to eye witness reports Rojas’ vehicle “plowed” through…

Paul Craig Roberts: The Boston Bombing after Four Years

Paul Craig Roberts Today, April 15, 2017, is the fourth anniversary of the Boston Marathon Bombing, a hoax event performed by crisis actors and tell-tale bright red Hollywood blood. Sheila Casey has done a good job of exposing the hoax just by using the time line and photos of the event.  A number of agencies run training programs in which amputees working as crisis actors have a prosthesis afixed to resemble a bone as a remaining piece of a leg or arm. Casey examines the Boston event by timeline. First…

Truth be Told Oscar Special: Is Hollywood promoting propaganda?

Jim Fetzer Through an examination of three films, “Newtown” (2016), “Patriots Day” (2016), and “Zero Dark Thirty” (2012), proof is presented that Hollywood has been promoting propaganda, in the first case, about Sandy Hook; in the second, about the Boston bombing; and in the third, about the raid on the compound in Pakistan during which Osama bin Laden died for the second time. Because the evidence visual, the best presentations are through their visual presentation. Here’s the proof about all three: More on Sandy Hook: (A) The Real Deal must…

Wayne Madsen goes off the rails over Orlando, Jack Ruby and the moon landing hoax

  Jim Fetzer Imagine my surprise to open my email and find this message from Dr. Eowyn, who maintains the Fellowship of the Minds blog and whom I regard as the leading expert on the incident at the Pulse Club in Orlando, known as “the Orlando massacre”. Not only have I edited a book about it with fifteen (15) contributors (some of whom were writing about the Dallas “false flag” and others about Hillary’s use of body doubles), but Dr. Eowyn’s research on this subject has been so exceptional that I…

From Orlando to Dallas and Beyond: Living in a False Reality where even Hillary is Played by Doubles

FROM ORLANDO TO DALLAS AND BEYOND “Do Americans live in a false reality created by orchestrated events?”                                                                      —Paul Craig Roberts Our nation’s leading public intellectual was thereby responding to our work on Sandy Hook and the Boston bombing, but the extent and depth of deception by the American government with regard to the American people has…

Academic Freedom Conference II: Are there limits to inquiry?

Jim Fetzer and Stephen Francis are very pleased to present: Academic Freedom Conference (Taped Saturday, 27-28 August 2016) ACADEMIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE II:Are there Limits to Inquiry? Should faculty be restrained from or even punished for investigatingcomplex and controversial events of enormous political significance? ACADEMIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE II:  Are there limits to inquiry? AFC II: Introduction: James H. Fetzer To view the introduction to the conference, click here.               WHY DOES IT MATTER? AFC II: Session 1: Francis A. Boyle, Ph.D., noted Professor of International…

Virtual Academic Freedom Conference (Saturday, 27 August 2016)

TO VIEW THE LIVE STREAM, click on here.Jim Fetzer and Stephen Francis are very pleased to announce: ACADEMIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE II: Are there Limits to Inquiry?  Should faculty be restrained from or even punished for investigating  complex and controversial events of enormous political significance? Each speaker should have 45-50 minutes to present, leaving 10-15  more for Q&A after each session, with general discussion at the end.           ACADEMIC FREEDOM II: Are there limits to inquiry? 9:00 AM-10:AM/CT: Stephen Francis proposed the first Academic  Freedom Conference on 26 April 2014, held on the campus of the  University of Illinois-UC, where he earned a…