In this nice blog, “Brane Space”, a scientist with a broad background across multiple disciplines who goes by the user name “Copernicus” offers a critique of the attempt by computer scientist Hany Farid to vouch for the backyard photographs of Lee Oswald, one of which was used to convict him in the mind of the public by its publication on the cover of LIFE magazine. As Jim Marrs and I have explained in our previous blog about this matter, Farid focused on one of a multiplicity of indications of fakery.…
Category: Hany Farid
How “Patsies” are Framed–The Case of Lee Harvey Oswald
This is the kind of research that has fallen to private investigators who have assumed the responsibility of pursuing the truth in cases where the official investigations cover it up. Similar techniques of fabricating evidence and framing the innocent were employed in the Lockerbie bombing, Buenos Aires in 1992 and 1994, the 9/11, Madrid, and 7/7 “terrorist attacks”. If we don’t understand how and why these things are done, we are consigning ourselves to their repetition by powerful forces that act in their own self- interest. JFK was the epitome…