A Response to Kevin Ryan (from a Mexican surfing MadMan)

A Response to Kevin Ryan (from a Mexican surfing MadMan) Allan Weisbecker Jim, Your recent bloggo-sphere conflict with Kevin Ryan did not surprise me – I’ve had my own problematical interaction with Doctor Ryan (coincidentally, with Bob Parry as well); somehow I feel qualified to comment here. As you likely know, Doctor Ryan has been doing investigative work regarding how the explosives came to be placed in the WTC towers (plus Building 7), i.e., in-depth histories of the security companies and personnel involved, and so forth. As you also know,…

7/7 Inquest: Was someone afraid to reveal the causes of deaths?

7/7 Inquest: Was someone afraid to reveal the causes of deaths?26 February 2011http://terroronthetube.co.uk Nicholas Kollerstrom It is quite startling to realise that a special room had been set up to receive the dead of the 7 July 2005 bombings in a temporary morgue built on army land, the contract for which (see Note [1] below) arrived on the contractor’s desk on 6 July 2005, the day before the massacres. All the bodies of the dead were taken and placed in cold-storage there. Not until the Inquest, five years later, did…

An Open Response to an “Open Letter” from Eric Larsen

An Open Response to an “Open Letter” from Eric Larsen Jim Fetzer Eric Larsen widely disseminated a letter enthusiastically endorsingJudy Wood’s book, which mistakenly conveyed to me the impression thathe, the editor and publisher of The Oliver Arts and Open Press, hadpublished WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO? (2010) by Judy Wood, Ph.D. The book is actually self-published and not from Larsen’s company. In his zest to attack anyone who has been critical of Judy, he published an “OPEN LETTER TO PATRIOTSQUESTION911”, a marvelous web site featuring photos, biosketches, and statements…

Big Government Secrets Aren’t Really Secret

Big Government Secrets Aren’t Really Secret By Preston James* The BIG GOVERNMENT SECRETS (BGS) aren’t really secret at all unless you are a witness or attempt to be a whistle blower but then “national security” must be invoked to silence you. Typically a direct or veiled threat is delivered to you first or you find yourself served with a National Security Letter or in extreme cases, a National Security Signed Finding. (More about that one at the end of this article.) As Professor Marshall McLuhan once stated, most BGS are…

On the Ethical Conduct of Warfare: Predator Drones

ON THE ETHICAL CONDUCT OF WARFARE: PREDATOR DRONES* Jim Fetzer “A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm” — Isaac Asimov’s “First Law of Robotics” Among the most intriguing questions that modern technology poses is the extent to which inanimate machines might be capable of replacing human beings in combat and warfare. The very idea of armies of robots has a certain appeal, even though “The Terminator” and “I, Robot”, have raised challenging questions related to the capacity for…

LIFE ON THE RUN: On Judyth Vary Baker and the Death of Martha Rose Crow

LIFE ON THE RUN: On Judyth Vary Baker and the Death of Martha Rose Crow by Judyth Vary Baker and (the late) Martha Rose Crow (with Dr. James Fetzer) Abstract. Marctha Rose Crow, a social activist and contributor to OpEdNews, was the closest friend of Judyth Vary Baker, the author of ME & LEE, which documents her relationship with Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans during several months prior to the assassination of JFK. Judyth has had to live her life on the run because of harassment and death threats…

The Misadventures of Kevin Ryan

The Misadventures of Kevin Ryan Jim Fetzer In what has to be one of the more bizarre twists of fate in relation to the 9/11 truth movement, Kevin Ryan, whom I have admired in the past, has attacked me for criticizing an article by Robert Parry in “9/11 Truth is No ‘Parlor Game’.”  Ryan had already expressed his displeasure that I had responded to Parry’s trivialization of the truth movement in a thread on the bloggerbrigade and was apparently taken aback when some of those on the thread responded negatively…

9/11 Truth is No “Parlor Game”

9/11 Truth Is No “Parlor Game” Jim Fetzer A disturbing article on ConsortiumNews.com, “The 9/11 Truth Parlor Game” (15 January, updated 16 January 2011), by Robert Parry, advances the indefensible theory that the shooting of Representative Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) was affected by the shooter’s interest in 9/11 truth.  While there are good reasons to suspect that the political climate nurtured by the right wing may have influenced him (by targeting a series of representatives using the cross-hairs of a telescopic site, for example), there is no reason to believe than…

Who’s telling the truth: Clint Hill or the Zapruder film?

Who’s telling the truth: Clint Hill or the Zapruder film? Agent’s reports contradict JFK film, autopsy X-rays and other crucial photographs Jim Fetzer “In the midst of the mayhem the agents were calm, but ready to react in a millisecond if anything got out of hand.” —Jerry Blaine, THE KENNEDY DETAIL According to Jerry Blaine, the author of THE KENNEDY DETAIL (2010), his purpose in writing this book was “to set history straight, to leave a book for [his] grandchildren that they could read and know the truth beyond any measure…

The Huffington Hoax: Conspiracy Theorist Finds Himself Persona non Grata

The Huffington Hoax December 31st, 2010   By Bob Fox Like many liberals/progressives in this country, I was very happy when The Huffington Post was launched on the web in 2005. The left needed a voice on the internet and Huffpo provided it. Being a writer, I also engaged in posting my opinions on many articles at Huffpo over the years as the site became a force on the internet. But then I started to see some troubling practices at Huffpo. For one, out of every five posts I would submit,…