“The ‘magic bullet’ theory and a coup d’etat in America” By Jerry Mazza

The ‘magic bullet’ theory and a coup d’etat in AmericaJerry Mazza / 8 March 2010 Whether you know it or not, the “magic bullet” theory is the critical keystone of the US Government’s claim that a “lone gunman,” Lee Harvey Oswald, assassinated President John F. Kennedy. This theory has been conclusively proven false as of November, 2009, with the publication of Reasoning about Assassinations, by Dr. James Fetzer, based upon research by a team of experts. Fetzer explains why the “magic bullet” theory, the foundation for THE WARREN REPORT (1964),…

14 Reasons to Believe in Judyth Vary Baker

Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile, Part 2 Interview with Dean Hartwell, DEAD MEN TALKING, about the death of JFK and the relationship between Lee Oswald and Judyth Baker. REASON #1. Documents and researchers prove Baker and Oswald worked together for months at Wm. B. Reily Co., a coffee company in New Orleans, and that these jobs were pre-arranged cover jobs: a) The A-1 employment agency shows records for both Oswald and Baker. Reily Coffee Company interviewed both Baker and Oswald on the same day (May 9, 1963). The Reily…

YouTube Harassment as Cyberwarfare

As I reported in yesterday’s blog “Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile“, I received an email stating I was going to die last night–you can see two graphics of the email plus the likely suspect, a FBI informant! It was my webmaster’s opinion that my support for Judyth had something to do with it and Judyth seems to agree. This is an email I received from her: Death threats are part of the campaign. If you are dealing with anything to do with me, sorry to say, this happens. Today…

Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile

Judyth and a friend Judyth Vary Baker, with whom I and others within the JFK community are in contact, has sent Google an email about the outrageous actions to which she has been subjected. A rather substantial number of references to her have been disappearing from the Internet since the History Channel broadcast a documentary, “The Love Affair”, about her relationship with Lee Harvey Oswald. Originally shown in 2003, it would be banned along with two other segments, “The Smoking Guns” and “The Guilty Men”. My webmaster, Lola Heavey, like…

The Growing Influence of the 9/11 Truth Movement: The Media’s Response

Kevin Barrett is back to my YouTube channel JamesFetzerNews to talk about his trip to the first-floor rotunda of the state capitol on Friday, where degreed architect and AE911truth board member Tom Spellman read the AE911truth prepared statement citing overwhelming evidence that the three WTC skyscrapers were demolished with explosives and demanding an investigation of these events as well as a grand jury investigation of the National Institute of Standards and Technology cover-up. No “professional” media showed up, even though two separate press releases had been sent to all local…

Farid’s photo is a real fake. And so is he. By Jerry Mazza

Farid’s photo is a real fake. And so is he.Jerry Mazza / 21 February 2010 Recently, Dartmouth Professor Hany Farid claimed in the Huffington Post that the famous (or infamous) backyard photo of Lee Harvey Oswald—the photo in which he holds a Communist newspaper in one hand and a rifle in the other—is not a fake. This implies that the photo was not patched together to set up Oswald as the Commie patsy and lone Kennedy gunman by the FBI, the same FBI which finances Farid’s laboratory and research. Smell…

Stephen Lendman on Haiti, disaster capitalism, and other atrocities

Stephen Lendman, research associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization, and an intellectual humanitarian, discusses the disaster in Haiti, which he, like many others, suspects may have been engineered using high-tech weapons, such as HAARP, a classified facility in Alaska with the capacity to direct concentrated forms of energy and bounce them off the ionosphere to impact targets on Earth. The presence of American military forces positioned to move into the country at a moment’s notice is not the only disturbing aspect of this situation. Haiti, like Iraq and…

About Joe Stack and “False Flag” Operations . . .

A firefighter walks inside the damaged IRS building in Austin, Texas into which Joseph Stack flew his small plane. Photograph: Tony Gutierrez/AP As a long-time student of “false flag” attacks, including the death of JFK, the events of 9/11, the London bombings on 7/7, and others I have discussed on my blog at jamesfetzer.blogspot.com, I have read Joe Stack’s note and considered the action he took. This does not have the features essential to a bona-fide “false flag” attack, which include using violence or threats of violence to instill fear…

Robert Naiman on Justice and US Foreign Policy

Today I had the pleasure of interviewing Robert Naiman for my YouTube channel, JamesFetzerNews. He was also my guest yesterday on “The Real Deal”, an internet radio program whose archives are at radiofetzer.blogspot.com. Robert is the National Coordinator and the Policy Director of Just Foreign Policy, a membership organization devoted to reforming U.S. foreign policy to reflect the values and serve the interests of the majority of Americans. Robert edits the Just Foreign Policy daily news summary and writes on U.S. foreign policy at the Huffington Post. He has worked…

“The U.S. is out of control” – an interview with Sherwood Ross

Sherwood Ross was my guest on 3 February on “The Real Deal”, an internet radio program whose archives are at radiofetzer.blogspot.com. Sherwood has worked as a publicist for Chicago, as a reporter for the Chicago Daily News and workplace columnist for Reuters. He has also been a media consultant to colleges, law schools, labor unions, and to the editors of more than 100 national magazines. A civil rights activist, he was News Director for the National Urban League, a talk show host at WOL Radio, Washington, D.C., and holds an…