Doug Horne, “INSIDE THE ARRB” – Part III

In the previous blog Doug Horne, “INSIDE THE ARRB” – Part II, I publish an excerpt from Chapter 13 (pages 1183-1184), plus provide links to 6 PDF files that provide some essential data tables from Horne’s book, Inside the Assassination Records Review Board (2009). In this blog I am publishing excerpts from Chapters 14 “The Zapruder Film Mystery”, 15 “The Setup – Planning the Texas Trip and the Dallas Motorcade”, and 16 “Inconvenient Truths”. You can visit Doug’s blog site at–the 5 December 2009 journal entry is his Errata…

Doug Horne, “INSIDE THE ARRB” – Part II

Doug Horne has sent me some PDF files that provide some essential data tables from his book, Inside the Assassination Records Review Board (2009)–in five volumes–as well as some prose samples which summarize his overview of the JFK assassination and its cover up. For those who don’t know it, Horne served on the staff of the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) during the final three years of its four-year lifespan, from 1995 to 1998, and is the first U.S. government official involved with the medical evidence…

Doug Horne, “INSIDE THE ARRB” – Part I

Research on the authenticity of the Zapruder film has been proceeding at a rapid clip since the symposium on the film, which I organized and moderated at the Lancer Conference in 1996. It includes Noel Twyman, BLOODY TREASON (1998), ASSASSINATION SCIENCE (1998), MURDER IN DEALEY PLAZA (2000), and THE GREAT ZAPRUDER FILM HOAX (2003), all of which I edited. Since the film has been used as the backbone of the cover up from its inception–including the creation of the “blob” of brains bulging forward, the missing right-front cranial mass from…

7/7 London Attacks: Fact or Fiction? An interview with Rory Ridley-Duff

Rory Ridley-Duff was my guest on 24 December on “The Real Deal”, an internet radio program whose archives are at Muad’Dib’s 7/7 Ripple Effect caused sufficient concern in the UK about the truthfulness of the official account of the 7 July 2005 London bombings that the BBC broadcast a response (an interview with Muad’Dib is published in my blog “7/7 Ripple Effect”: Exposing the “False Flag” Attack in London). A new study prepared by Dr. Ridley-Duff offers a very detailed comparison between them. This superb analysis demonstrates, beyond reasonable…


Among the vast number of books that have been written about the death of JFK, perhaps none has been as successful at explaining why he was taken out as James Douglass, JFK AND THE UNSPEAKABLE (2008). This superb volume traces JFK’s evolution from a cold warrior to a man of peace in a gripping, effortlessly readable study of admirable scholarship. In my estimation, this is the single best volume to understand why he died and why it matters. A review of the book that has appeared in Global Research Canada…

Conspiracy Theories: A Triple-Header

The following presentations were presented at the invitation of the Portland 9/11 Truth Alliance and 9/11 Truth Seattle. My hosts, Tim Titrud and Ben Collet, were as gracious and accommodating as they could be. The presentations were well-advertised (, there were early radio and television interviews, and I had a wonderful time and throughly enjoyed my visits. The audiences were very well-informed and asked excellent questions. All in all, it was a splendid long weekend. What I am providing here may be viewed as updating and refining the positions I…

American Assassination: What happened to Sen. Paul Wellstone? Part III

The publication of American Assassination (2004) did not signal an end to research on the strange death of United States Sen. Paul Wellstone. Even though a section of the book was devoted to a discussion of the history of the development of directed energy weaponry of various kinds, critics of the theory that his plane had been taken down using a DEW to take out the computerized components of the King Air A-100, including its navigational and communications systems and disabling its loud “stall warning” alarm, where the surge of…

American Assassination: What happened to Sen. Paul Wellstone? Part II

Part II presents four reviews of AMERICAN ASSASSINATION (2004) that afford multiple perspectives regarding its significance. The first, “Abundant and Compelling Evidence”, is by David Ray Griffin, a distinguished scholar who has become the leading spokesman for the 9/11 Truth movement. The second, “No Accident”, is by Bradley E. Ayers, a former Army Captain who was assigned to the CIA to manage covert operations against Cuba from May 1963 to December 1964. The third, “Target Wellstone”, is by Russ Wellen, the editor of Freezerbox while it endured, who is now…

American Assassination: What happened to Sen. Paul Wellstone? Part I

The death of US Sen. Paul Wellstone of Minnesota on 25 October 2002, just ten days before an election that would have returned him to the Senate for a third term, made an important difference to the course of events in relation to the invasion of Iraq and the “war on terror”, which he had opposed even in spite of a threat delivered to him by then-Vice President Dick Cheney, who told him that, if he opposed the administration on Iraq, there would be “severe ramifications” for him personally and…

“Hany Farid’s Pixelated Illusions” by Copernicus

In this nice blog, “Brane Space”, a scientist with a broad background across multiple disciplines who goes by the user name “Copernicus” offers a critique of the attempt by computer scientist Hany Farid to vouch for the backyard photographs of Lee Oswald, one of which was used to convict him in the mind of the public by its publication on the cover of LIFE magazine. As Jim Marrs and I have explained in our previous blog about this matter, Farid focused on one of a multiplicity of indications of fakery.…