Targeted Assassinations: Challenging US Policy

Stephen Lendman6 August 2010 The WikiLeaks “Afghan War Diaries” provided documented evidence of America’s out-of-control lawlessness, including Special Forces death squads (Task Force 373) extrajudicially murdering or capturing suspected Taliban and Al-Qaeda figures, many hundreds or perhaps thousands on a so-called Jpel (joint prioritized effects) list, also willfully killing civilian men, women and children, the London Times Kabul-based Jerome Starkey reporting earlier on these crimes, suppressed in US media accounts, presenting an embedded view of the war, omitting the targeting of Americans until then Director of National Intelligence Dennis C.…

After the JFK Assassination–a True Coup d’état: Is the Current US Government Legitimate?

Dr. J. P. Hubert, MD FACSmoralphilosophyofcurrentevents.blogspot.com3 August 2010 It is now beyond reasonable doubt (BRD) that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by his own National Security State in what was a violent coup d’état that is, an overthrowing of the legitimate elected government of the United States by force through the use of the clandestine black-ops services of the CIA, elements of the Secret Service, the US military, the FBI and organized crime.[1] Probability and Statistics: Various scientific calculations have been done which indicate that there is less than…

Israel Cannot Handle Its Past

Gilad Atzmon 31 July 2010 Israel cannot handle its past. Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu decided this week to extend from 50 to 70 years the time state archives remain classified. Israel realizes that it has too much to hide. Haaretz reported this week (in its Hebrew edition only), that the first documents will be released to the public only in 2018 (1948+70). Many of the documents that are stored in the archive are relevant to the history of the first 20 years of the Jewish state: the mass expulsion of…

Experts: Health Hazards in Gulf Warrant Evacuations

Truthout22 July 2010 George Barisich has been a fisherman in New Orleans for over 40 years. Some experts are concerned that toxic chemicals being used to help clean up the oil spill in the Gulf are seriously endangering the health of those living near the water. When Louisiana residents ask marine toxicologist and community activist Riki Ott what she would do if she lived in the Gulf with children, she tells them she would leave immediately. “It’s that bad. We need to start talking about who’s going to pay for…

Shahzad’s charade continues

Jerry MazzaOnline Journal Associate Editor21 Jul 2010 About 8 a.m. a week ago, I’m watching NY1 TV and here comes a video segment on Faisal Shahzad, post full-confession, showing him in previous days with reputed Taliban members. He’s in native dress, a Kalashnikov on his hip, back to camera, as they climb a rocky slope in Pakistan, or was it a back lot at Paramount? Anything’s possible. Then there is this video in an AP piece on, showing him reading verses from the Koran, and telling us how he…

Gilad Atzmon: Give History a Chance!

Here is Gilad Atzmon’s talk from the “Debunking the ‘War on Terror’” conference with Ken O’Keefe, James H. Fetzer, and Kevin Barrett. AN INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM DEBUNKING THE “WAR ON TERROR”: THREE PERSPECTIVES The “war on terror” has been justified by 9/11, by religious and moral arguments, and by political persuasion. These speakers will address the crucial arguments for war: Have we been told the truth about 9/11? Do religion and morality support these wars? Does an analysis of the political language employed to justify them reveal a hidden agenda? They…

Wikipedia as a 9/11 disinformation op

Jim FetzerOnline Journal Contributing Writer6 July 2010 MADISON, Wisconsin — When I founded Scholars for 9/11 Truth, a loose affiliation of experts and scholars with diverse backgrounds, including faculty in the humanities, the natural sciences, the social sciences, engineers, pilots, and citizens concerned to learn the truth about 9/11 in December 2005, I invited Steve Jones, a professor of physics at BYU, to be my co-chair. The society took off like a rocket and soon had more than 300 members divided in four categories, full members, associate members, student…

Do you feel independent on Independence Day?

Jerry MazzaOnline Journal4 July 2010 July 3: Fireworks explode over Butte, Mont., as part of the city’s Fourth of July celebration. Before “Old Glory” gets raised, the burgers and dogs go on the grill; before the potato salad and coleslaw and other goodies get heaped on your plate, let me lay this pickle next to them . . . First, do you feel independent if you’re one of the 10 to 20 percent of America’s unemployed facing your benefits being cut? Do you feel independent if your voices expressed in…

Ken O’Keefe Joins London Symposium

The honor of announcing that Ken O’Keefe will be joining our London symposium gives me a great sense of pride. For those who do not know, Ken stood tall during the Israeli commando raid on the Freedom Flotilla bringing aid to the prisoners of Gaza, the largest concentration camp in the world. Ken, who is a Marine veteran, captured two Israelis suspected of the murder of Turkish photojournalist during the battle on the Mavi Marmara. As the article we are featuring here explains, he was taken to Israel and beaten,…

Conspiracies and conspiracism

Jim FetzerOnline Journal28 June 2010 MADISON, Wisc. — A new study from Political Research Associates entitled Toxic To Democracy: Conspiracy Theories, Demonization, & Scapegoating, by Chip Berlet now proclaims that conspiracy theories are “toxic to democracy” because they share some portion of moral responsibility for irresponsible acts, such as the shooting of the abortion provider, Dr. George Tiller, which some have associated with Rush Limbaugh and other pro-life zealots. By adopting a sweeping stance that does not discriminate between different cases on the basis of logic and evidence, Berlet discredits…