The Deepwater Horizon disaster is not just an industrial accident – it is a violent wound inflicted on the Earth itself. In this special report from the Gulf coast, a leading author and activist shows how it lays bare the hubris at the heart of capitalism. Naomi KleinThe Guardian19 June 2010 ‘Obama cannot order pelicans not to die (no matter whose ass he kicks). And no amount of money – not BP’s $20bn, not $100bn – can replace a culture that’s lost its roots.’ Photograph: Lee Celano/Reuters Everyone gathered for…
Jerry Mazza on the Afghanistan “Miracle” Coincidence
JamesFetzerNews — 19 June 2010 — Jerry Mazza, an independent journalist from New York, has observed that The New York Times is reporting a “new discovery” of precious metals in Afghanistan at the very time of a contentious vote in the Senate over $33 billion more in spending on the war. In this piece, he explains how the US was negotiating with the Taliban for permission to run a pipeline through the northern part of the nation and advised the Taliban, which refused, that if they allowed the pipeline to…
The Afghanistan coincidence
Jerry MazzaInfowars.comJune 16, 2010 A bleak Ghazni Province seems to offer little, but a Pentagon study says it may have among the world’s largest deposits of lithium Is it really a coincidence that as the Congress debates another $33 billion war supplemental bill for 2010 and Democrats ask us to oppose it, the New York Times breaks a story that the U.S. Identifies Vast Riches of Minerals in Afghanistan. Yes the Times opening reads, “The United States has discovered nearly $1 trillion in untapped mineral deposits in Afghanistan, far beyond…
JFK and RFK: The Plots that Killed Them, The Patsies that Didn’t
James FetzerVoltairenet13 June 2010 Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated 42 years ago in the midst of his campaign for the U.S. presidency. Largely overshadowed by the death of his brother, President John F. Kennedy, the official account of RFK’s tragic end, allegedly shot down by a lone gunman, like his brother, has received vastly less attention. In both instances, we are looking at staged events that fit into a recurrent pattern in U.S. and world history where innocent individuals (or “patsies”) are baited and framed for cover-up purposes. Professor James…
Memorial Day and the Freedom flotilla massacre
An independent journalist who resides in New York, Jerry Mazza has been incensed by the arrogance of the Israeli assault on the humanitarian flotilla bringing food, clothing, medical supplies and construction materials to the besieged people of Gaza. Israel conducted a midnight raid on unarmed civilians aboard a ship that was flying the Turkish flag, which is an act of piracy or of war under international maritime law. The Israelis insist that they were acting in “self-defense” when they shot and killed ten civilians and wounded scores of others. Israel…
Why did Israel attack civilians in the Mediterranean?
The barbarous attack on a “Freedom Flotilla” by heavily-armed commandos marks a new low in the disregard of international standards of law and morality by the rogue State of Israel. Vessels flying Greek and Turkish flags were boarded in internationl waters nearly 70 miles off the coast, which qualifies as “an act of war” under international law. Apologists for Israel are making the case that the Israeli commandos were acting peaceably, but Turkish television has reported that they came aboard the ships with a list of those targeted for assassination.…
Cyber Warfare over a 9/11 Symposium?
March 31, 2003: A hooded Iraqi prisoner of war comforts his four-year-old son at a US-run centre for POWs near An Najaf, Iraq. Unbelievable as it may seem, a series of emails about a public event scheduled for Wednesday, 14 July 2010–including two over this past weekend–have not reached their destinations. The explanation appears to be that the authorities, especially in the UK, do not want an event devoted to debunking the so-called “war on terror” to occur. The symposium, an evening event featuring the founder of Scholars for 9/11…
Top Construction Firm: WTC Destroyed By Controlled Demolition
Paul Joseph WatsonPrison May 2010 Respected Middle East expert and former BBC presenter Alan Hart has broken his silence on 9/11, by revealing that the world’s most prominent civil engineering company told him directly that the collapse of the twin towers was a controlled demolition. Speaking on the Kevin Barrett show yesterday, Hart said he thought the 9/11 attack probably started as a Muslim operation headed up by Osama Bin Laden but that the plot was subsequently hijacked and carried out by Mossad agents in collusion with elements of…
“Dr. Cass Sunstein wants to turn off your light!” by Jerry Mazza
As Jerry Mazza explains, America appears to be entering a new “Dark Age” of thought suppression, if Barack Obama’s new “Information Czar”, Cass Sunstein, has his way. According to Sunstein, the people do not have the right to believe in “conspiracy theories”, such as that JFK was taken out by multiple gunmen, that 9/11 was not perpetrated by 19 Islamic fundamentalists under the control of a guy in a cave off in Afghanistan, or that industrial pollution is contributing to global warming. How he could possibly know what is true…
The Real Reasons Nation States Institute “False-Flag” Attacks and the Context of Principles by which they Occur
By Preston James*/ May 19, 2010 Throughout history the existence and reasons for the use of “false-flag” attacks have been understood only by insiders within the highest levels of government, the military and intel. Recently, after the 9/11 attacks the Internet (World Wide Web, WWW) has allowed citizen researchers to connect the dots and dig out and share information which previously would never have been so easily discovered and so widely available. “False-flag” attacks provide a justification for a country’s leaders to use their military or special forces to attack,…