John Coleman, 4 Billion “Useless Eaters” to be Culled by 2050 (Published 1993)

John Coleman (Published in 1993) [Editor’s note: Originally republished here on 27 July 2021. Perhaps it will receive the attention it deserves now that the global genocidal agenda of the New World Order is well on its way.]  “At least 4 billion “useless eaters” shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases and starvation. Energy, food and water shall be kept at subsistence levels for the non-elite, starting with the White populations of Western Europe and North America and then…

Joachim Hagopian, War Against Humanity Reaching the Boiling Point of No Return

Joachim Hagopian The Georgia Guidestones are destroyed, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is forced to resign, the longest serving Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is allegedly assassinated, the head of OPEC suddenly dies at 63 with no explanation, angry mobs stormed the Columbo capital forcing the resignation of Sri Lanka’s second president in less than two months, and a quarter of Canada’s internet goes down for 19 hours. Every single one of these staggering world events all fatedly co-occurring within a 24-36 hour stretch from Thursday to Friday last week, can’t all be by pure coincidence. Noteworthy also – all these decisive…

Stephen Fishman, How Long Do the Vaccinated Have to Live? How Long Do the Vaccinated Have to Live? By Steven Fishman I deferred this question to a friend of mine, Dr. Mylo Canderian, Ph.D. [born Milos Iskanderianos, Corfu, Greece, 1938], who developed the patent for Graphene Oxide for use as a Hematological Bioweapon in 2015. In full transparency, Dr. Canderian is what I would call a “Genocidal Globalist,” who follows Precept Ten of the Georgia Guidestones, which is very seldom discussed, stating “Be not a Cancer upon the Earth; Leave Room for Nature.” Dr. Canderian is a Medical Contributor…