Robert S. Griffin, Ph.D., Thoughts on Kenosha

Robert S. Griffin, Ph.D. This is being written the day after the not guilty verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse case.  I assume you know the basics of the case.  Over the past year, I paid about as much attention to the case as the average person, no more than that.  It was streaming the trial the past couple of weeks that got me thinking.   This is to share some of what has come up for me for your consideration. I was impressed with Rittenhouse on the stand and his two…

The Kyle Rittenhouse Prosecutor’s Case Comes Down to Rioting Good, Self-Defense Bad

By Eddie Scarry The bulk of Thomas Binger’s questioning of Rittenhouse on Wednesday assumed that unless a person has physically touched you, there is no reason to protect yourself with force that may prove deadly.   [Editor’s note: I liked Scarry’s theme so much that I adapted it for a Letter to the Editor of the Wisconsin State Journal, which published a piece, “Guilty or Innocent, Rittenhouse was wrong“, the title of which they have changed in the on-line version, as follows (knowing full well that this left-leaning paper was unlikely to…