SPUTNIK NEWS New US President Joe Biden confirmed his promise to tackle climate change as he announced the US would be returning to the Paris Accord. Former US Army Psychological Warfare Analyst Scott Bennett explained, how Biden’s policies will affect the US economy, warning that the new administration will exaggerate the climate issues to rule the country. Sputnik: President Biden has claimed that the US “can’t wait any longer” and “desperately needs a unified national response to the climate crisis”. So how imminent is the threat? Scott Bennett: No, absolutely not,…
Tag: Sputnik News
Sputnik: ‘It Looks Like the Democrats Will Go Down Hard in 2020’ & Impeachment Won’t Save Them–Prof
SPUTNIK INTERNATIONAL OPINION While the House Democrats are proceeding with their impeachment effort the writing is already on the wall that they won’t succeed in removing Donald Trump from office, says an American scholar, predicting a landslide Trump win in 2020. On 10 December, the House Democrats announced two articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump citing alleged abuse of power and obstruction of Congress and insisting on trial and the president’s removal. Following the House move, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell dropped the hint about a “quick” trial in early January…