Ray DiLorenzo, We Voted for This?

Ray DiLorenzo The globalists have been working on this for many years. These ‘alternatives’ will destroy our Republic, capitalism, our sovereignty, our freedom, our entire way of life “We have the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in American political history.” Joe Biden, 10/24/2020 Yes, Biden said the above quote in October, 2020.  People with dementia are often like children.  They say exactly what is on their mind, albeit inappropriate…‘from the mouths of babes’.  It’s a scary thought to think what Biden has expressed to other world leaders. When I…

Biden Uses Climate Change to Distract Public From Probes, Vote Fraud Claims, Ex-US Army Analyst Says

SPUTNIK NEWS New US President Joe Biden confirmed his promise to tackle climate change as he announced the US would be returning to the Paris Accord. Former US Army Psychological Warfare Analyst Scott Bennett explained, how Biden’s policies will affect the US economy, warning that the new administration will exaggerate the climate issues to rule the country. Sputnik: President Biden has claimed that the US “can’t wait any longer” and “desperately needs a unified national response to the climate crisis”. So how imminent is the threat? Scott Bennett: No, absolutely not,…

The Medicated Majority – Democratic leadership now constitutes a cabal of senior citizens suffering from Alzheimer’s and severely damaged IQs from Big Pharma drugs

S.D. Wells (Natural News) Just listen to Nancy Pelosi talk and she sounds like a drunk about to fall off her bar stool at 1:30 a.m., just before the bars all close. She slurs her words as they all seem to run together, and she gets simple facts all jumbled up, losing her train of thought frequently, and simply “blanking out” for periods of time while in the public eye. This is the leading Democratic Congress person, mind-you. There’s also the riot-inciting Maxine Waters, and when she speaks sounds like some angry, violent…