Sundance, President Trump and Turkish President Recep Erdogan – This Should Be Interesting…

sundance The announcement of The United States drawing down troop deployment from Northern Syria – with the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia sending in replacements to bolster the region, highlights a much larger backstory. President Obama’s February ’09 Cairo speech began a sequence of events that led to what was called the “Arab Spring“; factually an extremist uprising.  Bolstered by the resulting chaos the Muslim Brotherhood rose to power in Egypt behind Mohammed Morsi. However, a majority of the Egyptian people rejected President Morsi’s sharia governance, and asked a well respected…

Matt Purple, Washington Melts Down over Trump’s Syria Withdrawal

Matt Purple  Their obsession with Vladimir Putin misses the point and obscured the high cost of our military misadventures. He’s a wily one, that Vladimir Putin. Consider all that he’s managed to accomplish over the last 24 hours, according to the geopolitical wizards on Twitter. At Putin’s behest, President Donald Trump on Wednesday announced a withdrawal of American troops from Syria. That’s now cleared the path for Russia to exert control over Damascus, the Middle East, indeed the world itself, because Moscow has at last secured the jewel in its…