Florida Obituaries show no Parkland school shooting deaths
[Editor’s note: For the background of how they faked the Parkland shooting, check out “The Parkland Puzzle: How the Pieces fit Together”:
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Click to watch “The Parkland Puzzle: How the Pieces fit Together” |
Which, of course, explains why there are no real obituaries for Parkland shooting deaths: there weren’t any!]
From Wikipedia:
On February 14, 2018, a mass shooting occurred at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Seventeen people were killed and seventeen more were wounded, making it one of the world’s deadliest school massacres. […] Seventeen people were killed and seventeen more were wounded.
Here are the names of the 17 individuals who were killed on February 14, 2018, in Parkland Florida:
- Alyssa Alhadeff, 14
- Scott Beigel, 35
- Martin Duque, 14, posthumously honored by the U.S. Army with the ROTC Medal for Heroism.
- Nicholas Dworet, 17
- Aaron Feis, 37
- Jaime Guttenberg, 14
- Chris Hixon, 49
- Luke Hoyer, 15
- Cara Loughran, 14
- Gina Montalto, 14
- Joaquin Oliver, 17
- Alaina Petty, 14, posthumously honored by the U.S. Army with the ROTC Medal for Heroism.
- Meadow Pollack, 18
- Helena Ramsay, 17
- Alex Schachter, 14
- Carmen Schentrup, 16
- Peter Wang, 15, posthumously honored by the U.S. Army with the ROTC Medal for Heroism. On February 20, he was awarded a rare posthumous admission to the United States Military Academy.
Florida Obituaries is part of Tributes.com, which describes itself as:
Tributes.com is the online source for current local and national obituary news and a supportive community where friends and family can come together during times of loss and grieving to honor the memories of their loved ones with lasting personal tributes.
According to Florida Obituaries:
- None of the above 17 names is among those who had died in Parkland, Florida, on February 14, 2018 or in the days after.
- There was only one death in Parkland, Florida, on February 14, 2018: Alice Levenson.
- There were two deaths in Parkland, FL, between February 14 and March 7, 2018:
- John Maginnis, who died on Feb. 16.
- Norman Goldstein, who died on March 7.
Here’s a screenshot of the Florida Obituaries page, showing the date (4/3/2018) and time (8:06 AM)when I took the screenshot (click image to enlarge):
Notice the box on the webpage and in the screenshot that allows you to search for a particular name?
I did just that, and conducted a search, using the date range of “last 90 days,” for each of the 17 individuals who allegedly was shot to death on February 14, 2018, in Parkland, Florida. In each case, I got the same result:
No results were found using your search criteria, so we increased the date range to ‘2000 to present’ and removed the city.
I repeated the search for all 17 names, this time changing the date range from “last 90 days” to “Date of Death: All”. In each case, I got the same result:
No results were found using your search criteria
There is a Martin Guillermo Duque who died in Miami, Florida, but he was 76 years old and the date of death was July 30, 2013.
H/t Tony Mead
Update (April 28, 2018)
As of this afternoon, Florida Obituaries still does not show any of the 17 Parkland school shooting deaths. Below is a screenshot I just took:

Update (June 9, 2018):
I just went on Florida Obituaries‘ website. Still no obituaries for any of the 17 people who supposedly were killed at MS Douglas High School on February 14, 2018. Here’s the screenshot:

There are obituaries on other websites for the Parkland dead, as well as accounts of their funerals, thanks to research undertaken by Vivian Lee:
- Alyssa Alhadeff: Legacy.com; Miami Herald
- Scott Beigel: Legacy.com; Sun Sentinel
- Martin Duque: Legacy.com; CBS Miami
- Nicholas Dworet: Legacy.com; Miami Herald
- Aaron Feis: Legacy.com; Miami Herald
- Jaime Guttenberg: Legacy.com; Miami Herald
- Chris Hixon: Legacy.com; Miami Herald
- Luke Hoyer: Legacy.com; Miami Herald
- Cara Loughran: Legacy.com; Miami Herald
- Gina Montalto: Legacy.com; Miami Herald
- Joaquin Oliver: Legacy.com; Miami Herald
- Alaina Petty: Legacy.com; Miami Herald
- Meadow Pollack: Legacy.com; Miami Herald
- Helena Ramsay: Legacy.com; Miami Herald
- Alex Schachter: Legacy.com; Washington Post
- Carmen Schentrup: Legacy.com; Miami Herald
- Peter Wang: Legacy.com; Miami Herald
Tony Mead reminds us that anyone can create a profile on Legacy.com as Miss Crenshaw demonstrates in this video:
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Click to watch “Miss Crenshaw Searches for Parkland Obits” |
See also:
- The curious ever-changing dates of March For Our Lives permit application
- Application for ‘March For Our Lives’ permit was made months before Parkland school shooting
- Parkland students call for greater gun safety measures while in Dubai
- The curious case of Parkland school shooting student survivor Emma Gonzalez
- The curious case of Parkland school shooting hero coach Aaron Feis
- The curious case of Parkland school shooting victim Kyle Laman
- Parkland teacher: ‘Shooter was in full metal garb, helmet, face mask, bulletproof armor, shooting a rifle I’ve never seen before’
- Florida school shooting shills are out in full force
- Who is David Hogg, Florida Parkland School shooting survivor?
- The crisis actors of Florida Parkland School shooting
- Florida Valentine’s Day school shooting: anomalies and confessed shooter
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Parkland school is scheduled to be demolished next summer….erasing all evidence that NO child was actually killed at that school. Another government hoax being made invisible.
The Parkland charade continues in the news today.
Does anyone recall the photos of the mystery white pickup truck leaving the scene of the so-called shooting with 3 or 4 men carrying what looked like rifle cases? Isn’t Hogg’s father the inventor of the bang bang guns that make a lot of noise but fire no bullets? Also, there are no photos of dead bodies being removed from the school building.
Remember Coach Feis….fake death? File: here he is attending his own funeral.
‘Coward Of Broward’ Arrested: Former Sheriff’s Deputy Who Ran From Mass Shooting Faces 11 Counts.
I’m really confused on Parkland. If this was staged why is Scott Peterson being charged?
Surely Peterson is not going to allow himself to be sacrificed for a ‘false flag’. He must know the real story.
What’s going on?
I can only guess it’s part of the play.
I’d love to hear Jim Fetzer’s take on Peterson. 11 charges seems pretty serious. I think Peterson’s life is pretty much trash now. We all thought Peterson stayed away because he knew it was a hoax and resigned to immunize himself from further scrutiny covering up the hoax. But now 11 charges???
Let’s imagine for a moment this is real….the way those ‘authorities’ have to play it out. Do you not think there would be a clamor from those connected to this ….friends, relatives…whomever….who would demand some form of justice?
Therefore, that part of it must be allowed to play out IF this is to be taken as a REAL event. If it is not, it’s just more grist for the mill of a false flag.
So, they play it out….the deputy, of course, is found not guilty (since apparently, SCOTUS has previously ruled any LEO is not responsible for the protection anyone’s life). Case dismissed. OR, he’s found guilty, placed in prison and never heard from again.
Either way, everyone is happy and the idea of a ff is buried deeper.
At this moment, that article has close to 700 comments.
And it’s running about 95-98% the event was real. This is the result of the MSM propagating lies and deception. This is what we are up against.
David Hogg is making an appearance in my town on Sunday, January 20, 2019 from 12-2 PM:
(the listing for this event will no longer show on this link after 1/20/19)
I am on the job at that time on Sundays and cannot attend his appearance. But if I could, and there is a Q & A, I would ask him the (undoubtedly embarrassing) question about the permitting process for the March for Our Lives, and the DC police officer who admitted that the permits for the event were filed six months in advance of the March because it is required by law. (The Parkland incident occurred less than six WEEKS before the March of Our Lives.) I would also “complement” him for his extraordinary knowledge of how the world works for someone who was (allegedly) only 18 at the time and express curiosity about the kind of outside support he must have received to make his effort so successful so quickly. My stance would be that of someone who is supportive, but at the same time, scratching my head over some dots I can’t connect. (After all, I would not want to be escorted out of the Inn by a Shirley police officer. That would serve no beneficial purpose whatsoever.)
Fortunately, Jim Fetzer’s “The Raw Deal” radio program airs on my tiny micro-station, Liberty & Justice 1640 AM, Tuesdays-Fridays from 9-10 PM and Sundays from 7-9 PM. The Bull Run Restaurant is within range of the station’s small Part 15 signal.
Have you seen the photos of David Hogg and the supposed Adam Lanza?https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DzgMkSDX0AAF8JE.png
I am thankful for your reporting, but I believe it falls short of journalistic standards. Why not contact the school and ask why any of the obituaries may be missing? Your finding is important, but not enough to lift the question of the Parkland deaths out of the category of speculation. I understand that the resources of a blogger may be limited, so this is not intended to be any criticism.
Hitler used young people to advance his gun control agenda. False flags stir people's emotions and they start arguing for Tyranny. Sad!
Jim check out the batman movie the dark night rises they mention sandyhook I never new that didn't no if you did thanks for your great work
Hey Jim, he's asking about Parkland……
"Cat" Has Long Been Out "Bag" For Sandy Hoax–Like JFK, Soon Enough 9/11 Too
YEs, and above by Fetzer is in addition to "sloppy sniper," Dave Wheeler, caught dead on vid playing his second role in the farce, not to mention the photos of un-damaged classroom windows on morn of the hoax. And how is it Reuben Vabner is allowed to keep on taking down articles and BlogSpot posts which expose him for gross MOSSAD fraud he evidently is?
Get a clue fm the overwhelming and continuing, increasing toll of inductive evidence: Sandy hoax was elaborate, heavily staged, heavily funded psy-ops against the people–WHICH FAILED–proverbial "cat" is out of the "bag," suckers–too many people now know–like JFK, RFK, and MLK assassinations. Next shoe to drop will be something like Israel did 9/11–by Chris Bollyn at Bollyn.com.
It's fake, phony "left" (Bilderberg) vs. fake, phony "right" (Israel, "neo-cons," Trump), which is the big "good-cop vs. bad-cop" hoax next to crumbling, exposing "deep-state" (central-banking, legalized counterfeiting) behind them all, by themselves at very top of satanic pyramid.
"Deep state" now needs a big war to getting rid of I-net–why they're preparing another "chem-attack" hoax in Syria, demolishing muzzy cemetery next to Al-Aqsa Mosque on Temp. Mount in Jerusalem. "Deep state" is scared things are getting away fm them, as G. Soros laments, "everything has gone wrong."
Have you been living in a cave? Not only have we proven that "Noah Pozner" was made up out of photos of his purported older step-brother, Michael Vabner, but Wolfgang has produced photos of 8 of the Sandy Hook girls looking very cute and perky and another of 4 of the Sandy Hook boys, including "Noah Pozner". Watch "Sandy Hook Update: Tracy loses, Wolfgang wins. The Deep State Strikes Back!" https://www.bitchute.com/video/PTxwN3xeSMCn/
If no one was killed, they are still alive somewhere unless they died subsequently to the alleged shooting. Where are they? Were their identities changed? Has anyone observed them still alive somewhere?