This book was BANNED by Amazon. The editor, a distinguished professor (PhD) and former Marine Corps officer, has engaged a number of citizens whose intelligence and integrity is beyond challenge.
As President Donald Trump reflects on whether to take the Zionists and Deep State down in his speech on 11 September 2018, using 9/11 Truth (and ideally also Sandy Hook and other domestic false flag truths) to protect the 2nd Amendment and destroy the fake news mainstream media and the Zionist-controlled social media known as #GoogleGestapo, we will continue to build on the series of memoranda to the President, and will deliver a second volume on false flag truth to the White House on or about 5 September 2018.
Table of Contents and Related Links Below the Fold
Mike Palecek / Some Conspiracy Theories are True ix
Contributors xlv
Jim Fetzer / Thinking about Sandy Hook: Reality or Illusion? 1
Part I: Early indications something was wrong
1. James F. Tracy / Medical Examiner: More questions than answers 19
2. Dr. Eowyn / Six Signs Sandy Hook Elementary School was Closed 29
3. Jim Fetzer / Wolfgang Halbig Goes for the Jugular in his FOIA Hearing 39
4. Jim Fetzer & Dennis Cimino / Shannon Hicks denies staging her “iconic” photograph 47
Part II: How we know Sandy Hook was an illusion
5. Vivian Lee / Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax 57
6. Jim Fetzer / Even Obama officials confirmed that it was a drill 101
7. Allan William Powell (with Kelley Watt) / Fixing a Prop: Furnishing the
Lanza Home 117
8. Allan William Powell / Setting the Stage: Refurbishing the School 139
Part III: Further Proof Nobody died at Sandy Hook
9. Dr. Eowyn / No one died at Sandy Hook: The Social Security Death Index 161
10. Dr. Eowyn & Jim Fetzer / Sandy Hook: CT crime data confirms FBI Report 169
11. Jim Fetzer & Kelley Watt / Are Sandy Hook skeptics delusional with “twisted minds”? 177
12. Sterling Harwood / Every Grain of Sandy Hook: Snopes.com & plausible
deniability 187
Dennis Cimino / The Nexus of Tyranny: Tucson, Aurora and Sandy Hook
Nick Kollerstrom / Sandy Hook: Analogies with the 7/7 London Bombings
Appendix A: The FEMA Manual for the Sandy Hook Drill 219
Appendix B: Nick Kollerstrom / The 20 Children and their Homes 239
Appendix C: James F. Tracy / Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline 245
Appendix D: Crime Prevention Research Center: Comparing Murder and
Homicide Rates before and after Gun Bans 355
Index 361
Phi Beta Iota: President Donald Trump has made it clear that he understands that there is a Deep State and that it uses false flag events and fake news to manipulate the public. Less clear is whether he understands — we believe he does — the malevolent nature of the Zionist parasite and the sharp distinction between Zionism as an evil anti-American subversive force, and Judaism, a religion most of whose followers are now contemplating the need to boycott Israel until its Zionist apartheid government can be abolished. Our educational non-profit endeavors to inform the public in favor of creating a prosperous world at peace. 9/11 Truth, and the truth about the domestic false flag operations now carried out with impunity by an element of the U.S. Government funded by taxpayers (FEMA) is out starting point toward positive change Of, By, and For We the People.
See Especially:
See Also:
I am not quite sure how pinging works. But what Dr. Eowyn is addressing is my criticism of Trump (1) for taking out Soleimani (which was a war crime under the UN Charter); (2) for imposing sanctions as collective punishment upon Iran (which violated the Fourth Geneva Convention); and (3) for redefining “anti-Semitism” to embrace criticism of the government of Israel (which is a blatant violation of the First Amendment), where Bibi has even bragged about destroying our Constitutional right to freedom of speech.
Darn, Dr……those pings kept bugging me because, as you, I have no idea what to do with them…
Does anyone here know how they work?
I’m listening to you on RBN with Steve and everytime I try and down load the .pdf, it says “failed – forbidden.” I’ve signed up and signed in, but that hasn’t changed that I can’t down load Nobody Died At Sandy Hook .pdf
Try jim@moonrockbooks.com
Or try this:
InfoWars founder Alex Jones accused of destroying evidence relating to Sandy Hook defamation lawsuits against him
I have noticed that those who promote "Nobody died at Sandy Hook" disparage the collection of evidence and the conclusion from that evidence that the WTC was turned into dust in mid air by a type of directed energy weapon. Their agenda is quite clear.