STUNNING! WordPress Shuts Down Dr. Eowyn’s Fellowship of the Minds Blog

WordPress shuts down 

Fellowship of the Minds

August 14, 2018 by Dr. Eowyn
[Editor’s note: Among all my collaborators on Sandy Hook and other “false flag” event, Dr. Eowyn has been the most consistently productive and on-target in her blogs. Before I edited Nobody Died at Sandy Hook (2015), she had already published 80 blogs about it. I hold her in the highest esteem and share her sense of grief over this deplorable turn in the history of the United States. We are in deep, deep trouble.] 

What I had feared and expected finally happened.

Minutes ago upon waking up this morning, I discovered that WordPress has unilaterally and without warning shut down Fellowship of the Minds for alleged violations of “Terms of Service”.

WordPress suspends FOTM

I have sent a request to WordPress asking them to account for just what “Terms of Service” FOTM is found to have violated. In my request, I reminded the owner, administrators and staff of WordPress that WP’s information censorship against a conservative blog, once undertaken, can and will be used against them in the future.

The signs are now clear that the Left are silencing all conservative voices before the November mid-term elections where Democrats will steal the election with MASSIVE voter fraud.

I will explore finding another server for FOTM. In the meantime, I am using this other WordPress blog I have (but never used), as the interim Fellowship of the Minds.

Please pray for America.

Liberty in tears

In sorrow,

Dr. Eowyn

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5 thoughts on “STUNNING! WordPress Shuts Down Dr. Eowyn’s Fellowship of the Minds Blog”

  1. If the communists continue to compress the right into a smaller and smaller space, the resultant explosion will be quite detrimental to the left. They blindly walk a perilous path, and richly deserve the consequences.

  2. What about Mike Adams'new network that will go around these other SM roadblocks? It would seem to be a great time to spring a new network to allow the conservatives to still have an outlet for their articles and thoughts.

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