22 Jan, 2025

Dave Hodges, CALEXIT’s Plan to Use the Kigali Principles to Break Apart the United States


CALEXIT’s Plan to Use the Kigali Principles to Break Apart the United States

The United Nations Is positioning for the takeover of the United State through the use of the Kigali Principles.
In Part One of this series, I noted how the Deep State has lost control of the country and many of the federal agencies that they once controlled. After years of controlling nearly every major federal agency, each department’s Deep State operatives are in panic mode.
From discussions with two confidential and trusted sources as well as with Paul Preston, there is a clear picture that is emerging.

The Original Deep State Plan Designed to Bring About the Demise of the United States

CALEXIT, it has always been about Calexit as the primaary way to break up the United States. The Deep State cannot count on the participation of the United States military in a coup against the elected government, even if Hillary Clinton had become the Commander-In-Chief. With the candidacy of the Donald Trump picking up steam in 2016, the Deep State and the globalists forged a joint plan to takeover the United States by inciting domestic unrest and then bringing in the United Nations to take control of the country under the guise of providing humanitarian aid.
This plan was the brainchild of the globalists who were afraid of losing control of the United States because of the rising tide of populism. California was chosen as ground zero to act out the new United Nations policies called the Kigali Principles. These priniciples were negotiated with the United Nations by Samantha Powers on behalf of Obama and the Deep State.
This conspiracy consisted of the following sequential actions which were to be carried out:
  1. Create massive domestic unrest in California stemming from CALEXIT and the absolute defiance federal authority which would cause the federal government to bring in its own peacekeeping force.
  2. Import massive amounts of MS-13 and ISIS operatives to form a 5th column headquartered in California but the subsequent and planned unrest would reach across the nation. For example, Minnesota talk show host, Kathy Rubio stated on The Common Sense Show that MS-13 had a massive presence in the Twin Cities after receiving paramilitary training in El Salvador. When violence breaks out, it will begin in California, but the rest of the country will be consumed by violence, all of which is designed to result in a United Nations intervention.
  3. California, by plan, would descend into absolute violence which is why the aforementioned terrorists were brought into the country in 2014 during the so-called Central American immigration invasion. I documented the increased presence and adminttance of MS-13 into the US and this was made possible by a United Nations/DHS joint operation.
  4. Let nature take its course and then bring in the United Nations to subdue America. In Part Three, I will present the complete operational plan. ‘
There is no doubt tht some will call this crazy conspiracy nonsense. Therefore, it is necessary to bring in the undeniable documentation with regard for the United Nations to spring into action and takeover this country byusing  a 29 nation security force headed by the Communist Chinese.

Obama Gave Away the Sovereignty of the US

In May 2016, the Obama administration approved a set of principles that gave permission for UN peacekeeping troops AND POLICE to use force to “protect” citizens in armed conflicts. The Blue Helmets of the United Nations  are coming, and the American police force could now be a part of a global police force. And this police force will be brutal. The Constitution of the United States will no longer be in effect. In fact,in this scenario, we will soon discover the true purpose of the “snatch and grab” of the NDAA.
The following is a word-for-word excerpt of what the United States and other member UN nations agreed to. This is a partial document which Obama agreed to which allowed UN troops to come on to American soil and initiate “policing activities”. I have discussed this before in previous articles and people are highly skeptical. Therefore, I have decided to include excerpts of the UN’s Kigali Principles which will put UN troops on American soil in times of trouble. The interesting thing to note is tha the Trump administration does not have to approve the United Nations entering the United States. Obama has already guaranteed the UN that right and the right is irrevocable in the mind of the United Nations.
U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power told a high-level U.N. meeting Wednesday focusing on the responsibility to protect civilians that the United States was “proud” and “humbled” to join 28 other countries that have pledged to abide by the 18 pledges.
U.N. peacekeepers from these 29 countries are now required to act in cases where civilians are in danger.

“The Kigali Principles are designed to make sure that civilians are not abandoned by the international community again,” she said, recalling how U.N. peacekeepers left Rwanda before the 1994 genocide and Srebrenica before the 1995 massacre.
The Future of Civilian Protection in Peace Operations
Endorsing and Implementing the Kigali Principles
May 11th 2016, UNHQ NY
Protection of Civilians (PoC) in armed conflict is at the core of the work of the UN. It is a key
responsibility for members of the international community. Since the genocides in Rwanda and
Srebrenica, the United Nations has taken steps to ensure that peacekeeping is made more effective.
Still, challenges in a range of conflict situations remain enormous. Peacekeepers are increasingly
called upon to uphold the international community’s responsibility to protect civilians from mass
atrocities. The tremendous suffering by civilians in armed conflict can be seen on a daily basis on your
newsfeed; it is reflected in the morbid statistics of civilian deaths in conflict situations around the
In his latest report on the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict issued in June 2015, the SecretaryGeneral
draws the attention of the Security Council to the deliberate targeting and indiscriminate
attacks on civilians that have become a recurrent feature in many conflicts, resulting in increased
levels of civilian casualties, displacement, and human suffering. The report highlights the challenges
faced by humanitarian organizations to meet basic needs, including access restrictions and direct
attacks against humanitarian personnel, supplies and facilities. The Secretary-General noted that
prevailing disrespect for international humanitarian law by some States and non-State armed groups,
and pervasive impunity for violations, have become “one of the most critical challenges for the
protection of civilians.”
In an unprecedented joint appeal on 31 October 2015, the Secretary-General and the President of the
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) condemned the growing lack of respect for
international humanitarian law and the decline in protection of civilians in many conflicts. Together the
Secretary-General and ICRC President urged States to make every effort, individually and collectively,
to achieve political solutions to conflicts, exert their influence to ensure compliance with international
humanitarian law, hold perpetrators of violations accountable, grant unhindered access to and protect
humanitarian and medical personnel and facilities, and respond to the needs of internally-displaced
persons and refugees.
On May 28-29, 2015, Rwanda organized a High-level International Conference on the Protection of
Civilians in Kigali in the run-up to the Leaders’ Summit on UN Peacekeeping. During that conference,
Rwanda presented the Kigali Principles on PoC. A year later several countries have endorsed the
principles. More are to follow. The Kigali Principles set out critical benchmarks for Member States to
guide collective efforts in improving the capacity of peace operations to protect civilians. This event
welcomes those that are ready to join the signatories of the Kigali Principles to do so in a public
The High-level Independent Panel on Peace Operations (HIPPO) report launched in June 2015 also
contains valuable recommendations to the UN and its Member States regarding PoC. A closer look at
how these recommendations are being implemented is timely. This event will address the state of play
of the main recommendations and the Secretary-General’s reaction to it.
There is also a need to pay special attention to the negative impact of misconduct by peacekeepers.
The Report of an Independent Review of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by International Peacekeeping
Forces in the Central African Republic of December 17th 2015 illustrates the vulnerability of the actions
by a few individuals that have a huge negative impact on the reliability of UN peacekeepers as a whole
and additionally inflicts a huge reputational damage to the UN. The UN Security Council has taken
steps to prevent and combat sexual exploitation and abuse by UN peacekeepers by adopting
resolution 2272 on 11 March 2016.
The High-Level Event of the UNGA on “The strengthening of the UN in international peace and
security” forms the context in which this event takes place. High level participation from Member
States, the UN as well as relevant think tanks and NGO’s will ensure an event that will take the
commitment to PoC one step further towards implementation. On the basis of questions from the
moderator, panelists will make practical recommendations to Troop Contributing Countries (TPP), the
UN and other actors on the protection of civilians in armed conflict.
Objectives/desired outcomes
 More UN Member States join the current signatories of the Kigali Principles in endorsing these
 The interactive discussion is an opportunity for Troop and Police Contributing Countries
(TCC/PCCs) and other Member States to reflect on the Kigali Principles and consider how their
implementation can best contribute to future efforts to uphold civilian protection mandates. It
is also an opportunity to better understand the current and emerging challenges TCC/PCCs
face with regard to protecting civilians. Member States are encouraged to base their
interventions on the following questions relating to civilian protection and linked to the spirit of
the Kigali Principles:
o The decision to ‘open the gates’ to civilians fleeing violence in South Sudan saved
thousands of lives. However, UNMISS faces considerable challenges and pressures in
providing ongoing security to civilians still taking refuge inside the POC sites. What can be
done to provide security in POC sites and address internal and external security issues?
o Sometimes peacekeepers have decided not to intervene to protect civilians who are under
attack just outside their bases or they have retreated from areas rather than confronting
approaching armed groups. This can be caused by a lack of clarity regarding the rules of
engagement. How can TCC/PCCs achieve better clarity on the use of force to protect
civilians (e.g. through better guidance or training)?
o How can the UN strengthen its monitoring and evaluations of troops and police in the
field and prevent such protective failures?
o While civilians still bear the brunt of armed conflict there has been an alarming increase
in deliberate attacks against peacekeepers. What can be done to enhance safety and
security for uniformed personnel?
o Following the pledges made at the September Peacekeeping Summit, what resource and
capabilities gaps still exist specifically as it relates to protection of civilians? How
successful has phased mandating been in narrowing the gap between expectations and
Using the Kigali Principles as a foundation, concrete recommendations will be drafted on how Member
States and the UN can improve their roles in protecting civilians….
The Kigali Principles were rehearsed, in part, during Jade Helm 16 (ie UWEX 16). One may wish to use the search engine on The Common Sense Show in order to discover how the Obama administration practiced military manuevers against “rogue and former US military personnel who were operating in a guerrilla war status”.  Foreign troops were used in conjuction with the simultaneously release of the Kigali Principles.
The following was Obama’s parting gift to President elect Donald Trump.
From the United States Institute of Peace:
“Implementing the ‘Kigali Principles‘ for Peacekeeping. … While they are framed around the protection of civilians, the responsible implementation of the Principles would address much broader challenges that undermine the effectiveness of peacekeeping operations conducted in volatile situations.
December 14, 2016
This was the complete giveaway of American sovereignty by former President Obama and Secretary of State, John Kerry.

Beta-Testing the Kigali Principles

I apologize for the cumbersome nature of this revelation. However, past reaction has dictated that nothing be left to chance when demonstrating the intent of the United Nations with regard to entering the United States with deadly force. The Kigali Principles have already been established as a precedent by the Cook County Commissioners in Illinois as they participated in a Beta test of UN authority to act under the conditions set forth in this agreement.
On December 14, 2017, The Chicago Tribune reported the following:
President Donald Trump’s implicit threat to put the National Guard on the streets of Chicago to tackle the city’s violence problem attracted widespread ridicule earlier this year.
But if the soldiers were instead wearing the sky blue helmets of United Nations peacekeepers there might not be such a problem, according to Cook County Commissioner Richard Boykin, who flew to New York on Thursday to discuss what he described as a “quiet genocide” in Chicago’s black community with the U.N.’s assistant secretary-general for peacebuilding support, Oscar Fernandez-Taranco.
“The United Nations has a track record of protecting minority populations,” Boykin told Inc. before his meeting. “There was tribal warfare between the Tutsis and the Hutus in Africa, and they deployed peacekeeping troops there to help save those populations and reduce the bloodshed. We have to do something — black people in Chicago make up 30 percent of the population but 80 percent of those who are killed by gun violence.”
Asked how that might differ from sending in the National Guard, Boykin said, “The difference is, I’m not so sure that the National Guard is so used to peacekeeping and a peacekeeping role: The U.N. is trained in this.”
Newswire quoted The Common Sense Show reaction to this development:
Newsire quoted The Common Sense Showwhen they quoted myself on this matter as they stateed  Hodges wrote about this just yesterday, in fact, saying:
For years, The Common Sense Show has been diligent in exposing the existence of UN troops on US soil who are simply waiting for a pretext to emerge and enforce martial law as the opening salvo for the takeover of America… The Common Sense Show has learned from a previously utilized and high ranking and well–placed source, that occupation troops of the United Nations, stationed in Chicago plan to use the extreme tenets for the NDAA to indefinitely detain, without due process that they arbitrarily deem to be a potential problem. The list of detainees WILL NOT be confined to armed gangsters who are creating mayhem and murder in Chicago. The list of permanent detainees may include members of the Deep State opposition.
O December 19, 2017, Newswire properly gave credit to myself and Steve Quayle for noting the presence of UN troops on US soil just waiting for the right moment to act.
For the record, independent media journalists Dave Hodges and Steve Quayle have been warning about UN troops being unleashed on U.S. soil for many years. And for doing so, they have been derided as conspiracy theorists and lunatics…. Yet here we have an open admission by a Chicago Democrat that this is precisely the plan. It’s no longer just a theory. It’s an admission of the plan.
It should be noted that Steve Quayle along with myself have taken tremendous criticism for our unwavering position that there were UN troops on US soil just waiting for the right opportunity to act. Well, they now have the right situation. Remember, CALEXIT in its final phase was to revert to being a protectorate of the United Nations.


The Cook County event was the Beta-test for the implementation of the Kigali Principles. This event was met with strong opposition. However, and no matter how unpopular the Kigali roll-out may have been  in Chicago, the CALEXIT forces, dominated by the Deep State, have no choice but to implement them because if they are not successful in breaking apart the United States, these Deep State operatives are all headed to prison.
In Part Three, the operational plan for CALEXIT and the breakup of the United States will be exposed.
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