Authored by Mac Slavo via,
In the land of the fee and home of the slave, incoming Democrats have already drafted a bill that will criminalize private gun sales. As a “free” American, you will no longer be able to sell your own property without the government’s permission, unless you want to be labeled as a criminal if this bill succeeds and becomes a law.

While this won’t prevent mass shootings, as a government study conducted by anti-gun lunatics in politically elite positions already discovered, a very vast majority of gun owners regulate themselves.
Gun-hating democrats who demanded a study into the sale of guns online were smacked with a dose of reality. They wasted two years attempting to buy guns illegally on the “dark web,” and the group of Democrats failed every single time.
Senator Elizabeth Warren joined with Senator Brian Schultz, D-Hawaii, and Representative Elijah Cummings, D-Md., to commission the GAO report.
An embarrassing attempt to try to regulate guns further went horribly wrong when Democrats took it upon themselves to try to skirt the law to prove it can be done. Over the course of the two-and-a-half year investigation, agents tried to buy firearms illegally on the “Surface Web” and the “Dark Web,” generally by sharing their status as “prohibited individuals” or trying to buy across state lines. –SHTFPlan
But the GAO revealed that every single one of their [Democrats who tried to buy guns privately] 72 attempts outside of the “dark web” were “unsuccessful.”
It kind of makes one wonder where Bloomberg got his information and statistics. As if that isn’t bad enough, to humiliate those in power who think of us as less equal than them, the bulk of this rather embarrassing study is being ignored by the mainstream media.
“Private sellers on Surface Web gun forums and in classified ads were unwilling to sell a firearm to our agents that self-identified as being prohibited from possessing a firearm,” the GAO reported, noting that in their “72 attempts … 56 sellers refused to complete a transaction once we revealed that either the shipping address was across state lines or that we were prohibited by law from owning firearms.”
In the other cases, the investigators’ website was frozen or they encountered suspected scammers.

But reason and logic fail when the slaves demand protection from the master and want the other slaves as defenseless as possible because that is their default – accept their slavery and beg. Politico reports that Representative Mike Thompson ( who is not surprisingly a Democrat from California) is spearheading the current gun control push and attempting to further enslave the populace with ink on paper. Under the guise of a “universal background” legislation, such checks would criminalize private gun sales, making it illegal for a neighbor to sell a firearm to his neighbor, a friend to his lifelong friend, and even a father to his son.
According to Breitbart, under the Democrats’ plan, a background system like that in California would require a gun seller to seek government permission for any sale or transfer of a firearm. Such a system was put in place in California in the early 1990s and has failed to prevent some of our nation’s most heinous mass public attacks. Meaning this bill is not about “curbing gun violence,” it’s about controlling the tax cattle.
Nevertheless, Thompson expects to push his gun control bill within “the first 100 days” of the new Congress, Breitbart reported further. Incoming House Judiciary Committee chairman Representative Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) has already assured his colleagues that he will move the bill “very quickly” once it is introduced.
An armed citizenry has less crime and shootings than the inverse. Despite this, the Illuminati backed Democrats want nothing of that fact. We are in the midst of a total takeover, nothing but subjugation is sought by the Dems. Is it my imagination, or are most Congressional Dems blithering idiots who hate America?
I’ll just be a criminal, as I’m sure most true U.S. citizens will.