Uvalde Families to Sue Gun Manufacturer, Gun Store as Part of Massive $27 Billion Lawsuit

Adam Salazar Lawsuit will also list Uvalde city and county police, the Texas Rangers, the Texas Department of Public Safety and the US Border Patrol as defendants. [Editor’s note: Brian Davidson, P.I., with whom I authored the LAW ENFORCEMENT FALSE FLAG / STAGED EVENT CHECKLIST (which you can download here), discuss the Uvalde “school shooting” event, which appears to be modeled after Sandy Hook: Brian Davidson, P.I., and I discuss the Uvalde “school shooting” (1 July 2022) Instead of shooting his mother, he shoots is grandmother, and instead of shooting…

VT Editors, Fetzer and the Zio-Juggernaut from Sandy Hook

By VT Editors VT: Our good friend Jim Fetzer has been sewn up in court for years now over his book on Sandy Hook.  For anyone but Fetzer, errors, real or imagined, in his book are certainly “absent malice,” a typical affirmative defense in defamation cases like this. What our own investigation showed, an extensive investigation, is that those who staged Sandy Hook, and we don’t know if the kids were real or not…in fact nothing about Sandy Hook can be said at all with any degree of certainty…fed the…

Defending the 1st and 2nd Amendments

Jim Fetzer My Petition for Review by the Wisconsin Supreme Court has been denied without a word of explanation. Here’s a short version of what happened, which is about as outrageous as it gets. Yet the highest WI court has passed on it, unwilling to clean up the mess of the Circuit and Appellate Courts in the state: Under these circumstances, I have no alternative but to proceed to the United States Supreme Court in the hope that, by some minor miracle, it will actually carry out its responsibilities under…

The 65 Shows: jimtheconspiracyguy.com (24 May-15 Nov 2020)

Jim Fetzer From 24 May to 15 November 2020, I did a show called “Jim The Conspiracy Guy” on Sunday evenings, where I usually did interviews on Tuesdays and Thursdays. When my original sponsor found they were not drawing a large audience and departed for points south, I continued the show as long as I could afford it at $100 per month. Here is the result. If any of the links don’t play, let me know. I hope you find something of interest. I enjoyed doing them. Watch These Shows…

The ‘Defund the Police’ Movement Has a Broader Agenda and Its Not to Stop the Killing of Black People

BY MASOOMA HAQ AND JAN JEKIELEK [Editor’s note: Further proof that Brandon Tatum’s “got it right” comes from crime statistics based on race, where this is a typical example from 2013: While those devious bastards behind his movement may want to federalize the police, the riots, looting and arson that has come in its wake has convinced every observant American that they cannot count on local police for assistance when they need it and have to be capable of defending themselves, which is why as an unintended consequence it has all but…

Jack Mullen, HR127 Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act – Is an ACT OF TREASON

Jack Mullen Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. – Article 3 of the Constitution of the United States of America. Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any…

Dr. Eowyn, Virginia massive gun-rights rally: 22k attendants included Blacks and LGBTs

Dr. Eowyn Since last November 6’s election that gave control of Virginia’s entire state government to Democrats, led by pro-abort Gov. Ralph Northam (D), Democrats have been on a tear to impose gun control. See: Elections have consequences: ‘Blue’ Virginia goes whole hog for gun control ‘Blue’ Virginia State Senate bill to confiscate ‘assault firearms’ ‘Blue’ Virginia senate bill to ban firearm and martial arts instruction In response is a massive backlash by Virginia gun owners, who have formed Second Amendment sanctuaries and militias against the anticipate gun grab. As of  January 14, 2020, 130 counties…

Chuck Baldwin, Lexington And Concord Redux In Virginia

Chuck Baldwin [Editor’s note: While this was published four days before the peaceful protest in Richmond, VA, on 20 January 2020, it seems to me to capture exactly what was at stake and why it matters.] Lexington And Concord Redux In Virginia Published: Thursday, January 16, 2020 Download free computerized mp3 audio file of this column Tragically, most Americans do not have any idea what it was that actually triggered America’s War for Independence. The primary reason was not “taxation without representation,” or taxes of any kind, for that matter.…

OPERATION ELIMINATE 2A MOVEMENT: A Special Report on the Deep State-controlled Virginia Gun Rally

State of the Nation   OPERATION ELIMINATE 2A MOVEMENT What: False Flag Operation(s) at Virginia Gun Rally When: January 20, 2020 Where: Richmond, Virginia Who: Deep State + Virginia State Government + FBI’s COINTELPRO + C.I.A. + Mainstream Media How: Gladio-style Mass Shooting and/or Bombing and/or Riots Triggered by Agents Provocateurs and/or Vandalism Perpetrated by Fake Patriots and/or Shocking Crime Sprees by Crisis Actors While All of These Are Dramatized and Truth is Covered Up by the MSM Why: To Gut the Second Amendment in Virginia, followed by the Entire Nation State of the…

Jack Mullen, West Virginia Asserts Its Statehood: Virginia is Divided Again

Jack Mullen With a match one has no need of a lever; one does not lift up the world, one burns it.  –                                                                                                      —The Fire in the Minds of Men In the State of Virginia we can find the essence…