Jim Fetzer
On 27 November 2018, the Minneapolis law firm, Meshbesher and Spence, Ltd., filed a suit against me on behalf of its client, Plaintiff Leonard Pozner, for defamation, and I was properly served on 29 November 2018. Under Wisconsin law, a Defendant has 45 days to submit a response, which would make it imperative that I reply by 11 January 2019, with either an ANSWER or a MOTION TO DISMISS. I filed an ANSWER rather than a MOTION TO DISMISS early on 4 January 2019 because I do not want the case to be dismissed. I want to have a formal, legal resolution.
The Complaint is narrowly drawn to focus on assertions I have made–no doubt, hundreds of times–that the death certificate that Leonard Pozner gave to Kelley Watt is a fabrication, where the Complaint cites two instances in which I made that assertion, one from Ch. 11 of the book, NOBODY DIED AT SANDY HOOK (2nd edition, 2016), which I edited, and one from “How We Know Sandy Hook Was A FEMA Drill, Nobody Died, for an Anti-Gun Agenda” (5 August 2018), published as a contribution to SANDY HOOK TRUTH: MEMORANDA FOR THE PRESIDENT (2018).
The Complaint (paraphrasing for simplicity) alleges that those assertions are false because the death certificate is not a fabrication or forgery or fake (all words I have used to describe it) and does not differ “in any material respect” from the death certificate certified by the State of Connecticut. It further alleges that my assertions were made in reckless disregard of the facts and intended to harm Plaintiff’s reputation and subject Plaintiff to public contempt, disgrace, ridicule or attack. By my ANSWER, I categorically reject and deny each and every one of these allegations.
The specifics of my response are detailed in my ANSWER (below), which is available as a public document from the Dane County Courthouse, Madison, WI. While I do believe the Plaintiff, Leonard Pozner, is in fact deserving of public contempt, disgrace, ridicule and attack, my efforts have been directed solely at determining the truth about Sandy Hook in collaboration with other students of the case independent of their consequences for affected parties. As the saying goes, “Let the chips fall where they may!” Moreover, since the Plaintiff has been actively involved in the effort to suppress research that would expose the truth about Sandy Hook, he has thereby made himself a public figure.
Condensed into a nutshell, the arguments of the parties to this dispute adopt the following stances or positions:
PLAINTIFF: Since the death certificate that Leonard Pozner gave to Kelley Watt does not differ “in any material respect” from the death certificate certified by the State of Connecticut, it must be authentic and therefore cannot be a fake, a forgery or a fabrication, as the Defendant claims; and, as a consequence, he has defamed the Plaintiff;
DEFENDANT: Since the death certificate that Leonard Pozner gave to Kelley Watt has been shown to be a fake, a forgery or a fabrication, as the Defendant claims, if the death certificate certified by the State of Connecticut does not differ “in any material respect,” the State of Connecticut has certified a fabrication, which qualifies as a crime.
Moreover, as my ANSWER explains, these documents are not the same in every material respect, where the official copy has a file number which the copy given to Kelley Watt lacks and has a state seal which the copy given to Kelley Watt also lacks. There are other differences that may be expected to emerge at trial, but over and beyond the direct proof that the copy given to Kelley Watt is a fabrication, there is a mountain of indirect proof that the copy given to Kelley Watt–and the state certified copy–cannot possibly be authentic because nobody died at Sandy Hook.
If nobody died at Sandy Hook, then any death certificate for victims of the purported shooing must be fabrications. This is not rocket science. Moreover, research conducted since the publication of NOBODY DIED AT SANDY HOOK (2nd edition, 2016), has confirmed the conjecture initially advanced by Kelley Watt that the party called “N.P.” (for “Noah Pozner”) in the Complaint is a fiction made up out of photographs of one Michael Vabner, said to be the older step-brother of Noah but one-and-the-same person shown in many photographs published by the Plaintiff himself:
My legal response to the lawsuit, of course, is presented in my ANSWER rather than in these informal remarks, which are intended to provide a summary overview of the lawsuit and why it matters. For anyone who wants to have an introduction to the evidence that establishes, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Sandy Hook was a two-day FEMA exercise involving children presented as mass murder to promote gun control as an element of the political agenda of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Eric Holder and other government officials at the time, check out this video:

No doubt, many readers may be baffled that someone who is being sued would discuss the case so openly. That is contrary to ordinary experience. But this is not an ordinary case. As I have extensively documented, the mainstream media has been conducting an exercise in disinformation to keep the truth about Sandy Hook from the public. As an illustration, read “FAKE NEWS about FALSE FLAG Lawsuit: AP Reporter caught Falsifying Story” (9 December 2018). The on-going series of staged attacks to manipulate public opinion must end. This is where I am taking my stand.
James Fetzer,
Mike Palecek, and No. 2018-CV-003122
Wrongs without Wremedies, LLC,
Comes now the defendant James Fetzer, and he answers the complaint as follows in reference to himself and his co-defendants defendants acting in concert with him, to wit:
- Assuming he is a real person, the plaintiff styling himself as Leonard Pozner has thrust himself into the forefront of public controversy, and is, therefore, a public figure. The present case is therefore governed by New York Times v. Sullivan, 376 U. S. 254 (l964), and Garrison v. Louisiana, 379 U. S. 64 (1964). In any event, the plaintiff cannot prevail against the defendant James Fetzer and/or those acting in concert with him, unless he, the said plaintiff, can prove by clear and convincing evidence that the defendant James Fetzer and/or those acting in concert with him published with willful or reckless disregard for the truth — in other words, unless the defendant Fetzer and/or the other defendants published with knowledge that the publications complained of were false or that the publications complained of were written with a high degree of certainty that they were probably false –, no actionable tort or legal wrong has been committed. The publications complained of were in any event true and, if mistaken in any respect, they were written in good faith and were and still are for good cause believed to be true. The defendant James Fetzer answers pro se in reference to himself and the other named defendants, until he and his co-defendants are able to secure adequate representation in this cause. This answer has been prepared under the guidance and with the assistance of a lawyer accepting the account of the defendant Fetzer, who has served as an officer in the Marine Corps and holds the degree of Doctor of Philosophy granted in 1970, has taught the philosophy of science in several institutions of higher learning in the United States over the course of thirty- five years, and is now Distinguished McKnight University Professor Emeritus on the Duluth Campus of the University of Minnesota. Everything complained of in this cause was prepared by the defendant Fetzer on the basis of his learning, study, experience, and conviction that everything complained of in this cause is true in fact and/or true to a high degree of rational certainty. Regarding the subject matter of the publications complained of, the defendant Fetzer pleads as follows:
- This matter arises from allegations that the plaintiff designated as Leonard Pozner is victim of defamation by the defendant James Fetzer, acting in concert with the other named defendants. The claims giving rise to the allegations of defamation in the complaint stem from an event which is said to have occurred on December 14, 2012 at Sandy Hook Elementary School in the municipality of Newtown, Fairfield County, State of Connecticut. According to the version of the facts reported by the mainstream media (including ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN) and published in The New York Times and other newspapers around the world, a psychologically distraught 20-year-old male, by the name of Adam Lanza, stole several guns from his mother before shooting her in her bed with a rifle, then drove to Sandy Hook Elementary School and entered the building by blasting a hole in the front glass window, then killed twenty first-grade children and six adults, including the principal, before taking his own life.
- The plaintiff alleges that the defendant Fetzer and those acting in concert with him did not exercise due diligence in the exercise of their journalistic responsibilities and thereby defamed the plaintiff by falsely and maliciously asserting that the plaintiff had “circulated a forgery” of a death certificate for his son, Noah Pozner (to whom he makes reference in the complaint as “N. P.”), and that the defendant Fetzer and those acting in concert with him, did so in order “to harm plaintiff’s reputation and to subject the plaintiff to public contempt, disgrace, ridicule or attack.” The complaint alleges that the “plaintiff is a private individual, and is neither a public official nor a public figure”. The plaintiff acknowledges having made efforts to debunk published falsehoods about Sandy Hook, among other things by releasing the death certificate of N.P. in order “to rebut claims that his son was not killed at Sandy Hook.” The plaintiff pleads that his “Appendix 1” is in fact a death certificate allegedly certified by the State of Connecticut, and that the copy of the said death certificate reproduced by the plaintiff does not differ from the certified original “in any material respect.”
- The plaintiff cites several references in support of his complaint, including Chapter 11 of in the first edition published in 2015, and second edition republished in 2016, on pages 177-186 of both editions of a book entitled Nobody Died at Sandy Hook, by Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., and a colleague by the name of Kelley Watt. Said Chapter 11 is identical in both editions. The defendant Fetzer stands by all evidence and commentary set forth, not only in Chapter 11, but the entire book, affirming its truth and persuasiveness of the arguments published therein.
- The plaintiff also cites a blog post entitled, “James Fetzer: Sandy Hook Was A FEMA Drill In Which Nobody Died, for an Anti-Gun Agenda” as edited by Robert David Steele, the same prepared for and presented to the President of the United States, which the plaintiff cites by its URL on the website of one Robert David Steele.
- The plaintiff claims to be a private citizen, and not a public figure, which is disproved by the fact that the publication of the defendant Fetzer and Kelley Watt mentioned in paragraph 4 hereof was a literary answer to the plaintiff’s published article entitled “Our Grief Denied. The Twisted Cruelty of Sandy Hook Hoaxers,” which was published as a commentary in The Hartford Courant on July 25, 2014, still available on line. By thus staking out his position in public, as he has done on several occasions, the plaintiff has established himself as a public figure.
- Likewise, the claims of the plaintiff regarding the ostensible death certificate of N. P. mentioned in paragraph 3 hereof were public argumentation which established the plaintiff as a public figure.
- The copy of the death certificate circulated by the plaintiff, the same mentioned in the last two lines of paragraph 3 hereof, is materially different from the death certificate said to be prepared by the State of Connecticut, among other things in that the copy circulated by the plaintiff has no file number, no state seal, is different in color and texture, and includes text which was plainly enough photo-shopped. The said features of the circulated copy substantiate the conclusion of the defendant Fetzer that the purported death certificate of N. P. is inauthentic and fake.
- As reported on pages 182-183 in the publication mentioned in the last two lines of paragraph 3 hereof, the type is clearly smaller in Box 3 than in the rest of the page. Moreover, a capital A in Box 12, Box 22, and Box 33 has a small flag in the pinnacle, yet the capital A in Box 12, Box 22, Box 26, Box 39, and Box 46 does not have a small flag in the pinnacle, which indicates fabrication and fakery.
- Again as reported on pages 182-183 in the publication mentioned in the last two lines of paragraph 3 hereof, the spacing between “N” and “o” in Box 1 and Box 7 are clearly different, which indicates fabrication and fakery.
- Again as reported on pages 182-183 in the publication mentioned in the last two lines of paragraph 3 hereof, the “N” in Box 1 and the “N” in Box 26, are clearly not the same, which indicates fabrication and fakery.
- Again as reported on pages 182-183 in the publication mentioned in the last two lines of paragraph 3 hereof, the spacing between “S” and “a” in Box 1 is clearly not the same as the spacing between “S” and “a” in Box 11, which indicates fabrication and fakery.
- Again as reported on pages 182-183 in the publication mentioned in the last two lines of paragraph 3 hereof, the printing of the name “Pozner” in Box 1 is clearly different from the name “Pozner” in Box 20, which indicates fabrication and fakery.
- Because of the variation in spacing and fonts in the copy of the death certificate circulated by the plaintiff and the copy said to be certified by the State of Connecticut, herein above described in paragraphs 8 through 13 hereof, if the latter is the same as the former as insisted by the plaintiff, the latter is most likely inauthentic and a fake prepared as such by the State of Connecticut, as the defendant Fetzer believes.
- Over and above the direct proofs of fabrication presented in the publication identified in paragraph 4 hereof, additional evidence is covered in “Sandy-Hook-Collected Memoranda (2018),” tiny URL: http://tinyurl.com/SH-POTUS, which provides extensive additional indirect proof of fabrication and fakery by the plaintiff and/or the State of Connecticut by demonstrating that the school had already been closed, and was not open on December 14, 2012; that there were no students in the school on the day of the alleged shooting, and that the incident was part of a two-day FEMA exercise to promote gun control in which nobody died, which implies that death certificates for any must be fabrications. Among other things, the defendant Fetzer asserts the facts in paragraphs 16 through 28 in behalf of himself and his co-defendants, much of which is reported in said Chapter 11 in the work mentioned the paragraph 4 hereof, to wit:
- An aerial photograph of the parking lot of the school at Sandy Hook on December 14, 2012, reveals that there were no blue and white signage or parking spaces for the handicapped as required for an open facility under state and federal laws and regulations implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act, and thus confirms that the school was not open on December 14, 2012.
- Although the ground temperature was 28 degrees Fahrenheit, no heat or steam was rising from the roof of the school building on December 14, 2012, probably because the boilers in the heating system were dysfunctional from lack of use since the year 2008.
- In the center two rows in the parking lot, all parked vehicles faced the building itself, in violation of driving instructions visible from the road itself.
- A credible witness contacted the United States Department of Education, and was told that on December 14, 2012, there had been a drill, that no children had died, and that the drill had been conducted to promote gun control.
- Gathered in published works, certain photographs show the furnishing of an empty house said to have been the residence of Adam Lanza mentioned in paragraph 2 hereof, and a second series of photographs of refurbishing the school to serve as the stage, including one of a SWAT vehicle present before the claimed shooting incident that day. That the photograph was taken prior to the event is discernible, because a series of four windows in Classroom #10, which were conspicuously shot up after the incident, are still clearly intact.
- Certain citizen journalists have found the FEMA manual for a two-day Mass Casualty Drill Involving Children at Sandy Hook, under the auspices of the United States Department of Homeland Security, the same expected to begin in the morning of December 13, 2012, and ending around midnight on December 13, 2012, then to be evaluated the next day. The said manual was published by the defendant Fetzer, among other places in an appendix in both versions of the book referenced in paragraph 4 hereof.
- Images broadcast from the scene of the alleged shooting on December 12, 2012, confirm that the incident was a FEMA exercise, including a sign which read, “Everyone must check in,” portable toilets, pizza and bottled water nearby to feed participants, and persons with name tags on lanyards.
- There was no surge of EMTs into the building, no string of ambulances to fetch injured or dead persons, as would have occurred if the shooting incident had occurred as the plaintiff claims.
- During his press conference on December 14, 2012, Wayne Carver, M. D., Medical Examiner for the State of Connecticut, stated that parents would not be allowed to see the bodies of their deceased children, which was a violation of applicable medical protocols.
- The final report on Sandy Hook by the Danbury state’s attorney in and for the State of Connecticut offers no proof that anyone died at Sandy Hook and does not establish a causal nexus that ties the alleged shooter, Adam Lanza mentioned in paragraph 2 hereof, to the weapons he supposedly used or to the victims he is said to have killed.
- Recent research published as a video entitled “Sandy Hook Update: Tracy loses, Wolfgang wins. The Deep State Strikes Back,” and other videos reveal that casualties on December 14, 2012, were fictions who existed only in the form of photographs, — among other things, that Noah Pozner was a fictitious person created out of photographs of a person who has been represented as his older step brother Michael Vabner.
- A photograph showing what appears to be a policewoman herding a string of children to safety, published around the world, was preceded by a second photograph, taken by the same photographer, and showing many parents present, casually looking on, as the policewoman in charge rearranges the kids, replacing a little girl in a pink sweater at the head of the line with a taller boy with a dark sweater and blue jeans to get a better shot, — a photograph to which the plaintiff refers as “lounging at the massacre.” This photograph is journalistic theatre, because there would have been no time to call parents to Sandy Hook Elementary School, had the incident here in question been a genuine emergency.
- Just as “Noah Pozner” appears to be a fiction, the plaintiff, styling himself “Leonard Pozner” appears to be a fiction as well, inasmuch as searches of national databases for persons by the name have been unsuccessful. Other research and investigation by the defendant Fetzer and a colleague suggests that the plaintiff is the father of Michael Vabner, and that his real name is “Reuben Vabner,” as the defendant Fetzer believes to be the case.
- This suit has been brought for the illicit purpose of intimidation to prevent public knowledge of the truth concerning the events at Sandy Hook, and not for genuine legal relief for actionable harm done, and is therefore an actionable abuse of process. The defendant Fetzer reserves for himself and his co-defendants the options to counterclaim for abuse of process and/or to seek relief under Section 802.05 and/or under Section 895.044 of Wisconsin Statutes.
WHEREFORE, the defendant Fetzer demands that the plaintiff take nothing, that the complaint be dismissed, and that he be granted such further protection and remedy as may be necessary and proper, and allowed by law. He prays as well for like protection of his co- defendants, as is indispensable to protection of himself.
Jim Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer, is McKnight Professor Emeritus on the Duluth Campus of the University of Minnesota and co-founder with Mike Palecek of moonrockbooks.com. Should anyone be disposed to support the legal efforts involved here, they are welcome to visit the site, to which a donate button has recently been added.
Nancy / Adam Lanza’s Lego and the Bill Clinton & Joe Biden Federal Assault Weapons Ban.
See also :
Nancy Lanza’s Lego / Nintendo email : Nintendo 64 US release and the 2nd Amendment.
Nancy Lanza emails : Adam Lanza’s Lego and Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf.
Nancy Lanza UK soccer players email : Holocaust narrative : Anne Frank
Nancy Lanza’s Lego / Nintendo email and Jewish terrorist Irgun / Lehi founder Yaakov Eliav.
Nancy Lanza’s Lego / Nintendo email and World Jewish Congress – WJC President, Edgar Bronfman Sr.
Adam Lanza and the 2nd Amendment
Sandy Hook death certificates and Bill & Hillary Clinton
Bill Clinton’s Federal Assault Weapons Ban and Sandy Hook.
Noah Pozner & Obama’s VP, Joe Biden
Sandy Hook funerals and Barack Obama’s VP, Joe Biden
The analyses of these narratives shows in abundance that the scripts are constructed using key dates associated with the alleged narrative events.
See also :
These events & dates include :
• birth & death dates
• company incorporation dates
• entity creation / formation dates
• political event dates
• website domain creation dates
• etc
Federal Assault Weapons Ban
The Federal Assault Weapons Ban (AWB), officially the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act, was a subsection of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, a United States federal law, which included a prohibition on the manufacture for civilian use of certain semi-automatic firearms that were defined as assault weapons as well as certain ammunition magazines that were defined as “large capacity”.
The 10-year ban was passed by the US Congress on September 13, 1994, following a close 52–48 vote in the US Senate, and was signed into law by US President Bill Clinton on the same day. The ban applied only to weapons manufactured after the date of the ban’s enactment. It expired on September 13, 2004, in accordance with its sunset provision.
Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act
Legislative history
Introduced in the House as H.R. 3355 by Jack Brooks (D-TX) on October 26, 1993
PBS FRONTLINE > Social Issues > Raising Adam Lanza
February 19, 2013, 9:35 pm ET
Nancy Lanza: In Her Own Words
Email : Jul 22 – “Greetings”
From: Nancy Lanza
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 16:33:26, -0500
To: Marvin LaFontaine
Subject: Greetings
“The soccer pros left on Sunday…They played with the kids…enjoyed the Nintendo 64 and constructed Lego sets to amuse Adam.”
The Lego website domain : lego.com
WHOIS for domain lego.com
Domain: lego.com
Registered On: 1995-08-22
From US Gun Control : Bil;l Clinton’s and Joe Biden’s Federal Assault Weapons Ban : HR3355 Jack Brooks Introduced on Ocotber 26, 1993 to
The Nancy / Adam Lanza narrative : Lego domain lego.com created on August 22, 1995 is :
INClusive =
666 days
Nancy / Adam Lanza’s Lego and the Bill Clinton & Joe Biden Federal Assault Weapons Ban.
See also :
Nancy Lanza’s Lego / Nintendo email : Nintendo 64 US release and the 2nd Amendment.
Nancy Lanza emails : Adam Lanza’s Lego and Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf.
Nancy Lanza UK soccer players email : Holocaust narrative : Anne Frank
Nancy Lanza’s Lego / Nintendo email and Jewish terrorist Irgun / Lehi founder Yaakov Eliav.
Nancy Lanza’s Lego / Nintendo email and World Jewish Congress – WJC President, Edgar Bronfman Sr.
Adam Lanza and the 2nd Amendment
Sandy Hook death certificates and Bill & Hillary Clinton
Bill Clinton’s Federal Assault Weapons Ban and Sandy Hook.
Noah Pozner & Obama’s VP, Joe Biden
Sandy Hook funerals and Barack Obama’s VP, Joe Biden
The analyses of these narratives shows in abundance that the scripts are constructed using key dates associated with the alleged narrative events.
See also :
These events & dates include :
• birth & death dates
• company incorporation dates
• entity creation / formation dates
• political event dates
• website domain creation dates
• etc
Federal Assault Weapons Ban
The Federal Assault Weapons Ban (AWB), officially the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act, was a subsection of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, a United States federal law, which included a prohibition on the manufacture for civilian use of certain semi-automatic firearms that were defined as assault weapons as well as certain ammunition magazines that were defined as “large capacity”.
The 10-year ban was passed by the US Congress on September 13, 1994, following a close 52–48 vote in the US Senate, and was signed into law by US President Bill Clinton on the same day. The ban applied only to weapons manufactured after the date of the ban’s enactment. It expired on September 13, 2004, in accordance with its sunset provision.
Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act
Legislative history
Introduced in the House as H.R. 3355 by Jack Brooks (D-TX) on October 26, 1993
PBS FRONTLINE > Social Issues > Raising Adam Lanza
February 19, 2013, 9:35 pm ET
Nancy Lanza: In Her Own Words
Email : Jul 22 – “Greetings”
From: Nancy Lanza
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 16:33:26, -0500
To: Marvin LaFontaine
Subject: Greetings
“The soccer pros left on Sunday…They played with the kids…enjoyed the Nintendo 64 and constructed Lego sets to amuse Adam.”
The Lego website domain : lego.com
WHOIS for domain lego.com
Domain: lego.com
Registered On: 1995-08-22
From US Gun Control : Bil;l Clinton’s and Joe Biden’s Federal Assault Weapons Ban : HR3355 Jack Brooks Introduced on Ocotber 26, 1993 to
The Nancy / Adam Lanza narrative : Lego domain http://www.lego.com created on August 22, 1995 is :
INClusive =
666 days
If this is the ‘revelation of the method’ we’ve heard tell about, it’s a pretty obscure reveal.
What’s that Dylan song in which he says, ….nothing was revealed”?
Frankie Lee and Judas Priest…
Ballad of Frankie Lee and Judas Priest.
Willy, have you heard this? It’s Levon Helm doing Simple Twist of Fate, another great story song from Bob. I remember you mentioned the song before. I love this New Orleans style Levon puts on it.
Wonderful version. I loved all the Band members, but Helm always stood out….great style. Who’s left Robbie and Garth , no?
I think that’s it. Yikes!
I just want Dylan to last.
My fave:
Just hope he comes to Orlando again in November….see ya there, eh?
I wish I could go to Florida.
I’m in California, though.
I was afraid of that.
My luck…I find a Dylan fan and you’re across da country!.
I know, right?
I remember a time when it was safe to hitchhike across the country. Don’t think I’d try it now.
You beat me to it.
“The Ballad Of Frankie Lee And Judas Priest” It’s the neighbor who walked alone:
With his guilt so well concealed
And muttered underneath his breath
“Nothing is revealed”
He got Frankie killed.
Btw, sure you have a copy of the Last Waltz!
Yeah, of course. I was at the Last Waltz.
Good Lawd…how fortunate….and there I was on the other coast working for Mother Bell. I always found it interesting they were concerned being on the road for what?…sixteen years….and there’s RZ going on 57 years…….
But, what a concert…by far the best concert movie ever.
I have always wondered how many hours it really was.
Sixteen years, funny. Everyone was feeling so jaded by then. You wanna tell ‘em, pace yourselves! It’s gonna be a long haul!
That concert went on for HOURS. It was at the much-beloved Winterland and we always got out there between one and two in the morning, and the concert started early; so like maybe 5 hours?
You know Bill Graham served some of us formal Thanksgiving dinner, right? Yeah, on long tables with chandeliers and dancers waltzing all around. Then, the show. He never let on who the guests were gonna be. I figured Dylan, and I wasn’t surprised by anyone really, except Van Morrison. I nearly died when he came out. He’s the best. Still the best, if you get a chance to see him live.
It was dumbfounding later to hear about all the conflict backstage. Out in the audience, it was like floating in a sea of goodwill.
Amazing. You were a part of history.
Last time I saw Van Morrison was when he opened for Dylan at Madison Square…around the late 90’s…..Ran into Defoe in the head.
Nancy Lanza’s Lego / Nintendo email : Nintendo 64 US release and the 2nd Amendment.
See also :
Nancy Lanza emails : Adam Lanza’s Lego and Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf.
Nancy Lanza UK soccer players email : Holocaust narrative : Anne Frank
Nancy Lanza’s Lego / Nintendo email and Jewish terrorist Irgun / Lehi founder Yaakov Eliav.
Nancy Lanza’s Lego / Nintendo email and World Jewish Congress – WJC President, Edgar Bronfman Sr.
Adam Lanza and the 2nd Amendment
The analyses of these narratives shows in abundance that the scripts are constructed using key dates associated with the alleged narrative events.
See also :
These events & dates include :
• birth & death dates
• company incorporation dates
• entity creation / formation dates
• political event dates
• website domain creation dates
• etc
The Sandy Hook, Nancy Lanza narrative …
PBS FRONTLINE > Social Issues > Raising Adam Lanza
February 19, 2013, 9:35 pm ET
Nancy Lanza: In Her Own Words
Email : Jul 22 – “Greetings”
From: Nancy Lanza
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 16:33:26, -0500
To: Marvin LaFontaine
Subject: Greetings
“The soccer pros left on Sunday…They played with the kids…enjoyed the Nintendo 64 and constructed Lego sets to amuse Adam.”
Nintendo 64
Release date : NA – North America : September 29, 1996 (Official)
The Bill of Rights : 2nd Amendment – The Right to Bear Arms :
The first 10 Amendments to the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, including the 2nd Amendment – the Right to Bear Arms, were adopted on 15 December 1791
The 2nd Amendment – the Right to Bear Arms :
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
From the Bill of Rights : The 2nd Amendment Adopted on December 15, 1791
to the reported Nancy Lanza email re: Nintendo 64 US Official Release on September 29, 1996 is :
= 666 + 666 + 666 months
+ 666 + 666 + 666 weeks
What a wasted life.
You obviously have skills, Mark Gobell. It’s a shame you don’t do something useful with them.
Wow…at the same time…THAT is weird!
We’re working in concert!
I’ve never seen any of this stuff solve or bring more clarity to a thing.
Another distraction….
Imagine persisting in these same calculations for YEARS, and never looking for significance. Sad.
I’ve seen dogs chase their tails and accomplish more.
What an amazing piece of work to prove absolutely nothing…at least nothing you are willing to share with anyone else.
Nancy Lanza’s Lego / Nintendo email and World Jewish Congress – WJC President, Edgar Bronfman Sr.
See also :
Nancy Lanza emails : Adam Lanza’s Lego and Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf.
Nancy Lanza UK soccer players email : Holocaust narrative : Anne Frank
Nancy Lanza’s Lego / Nintendo email and Jewish terrorist Irgun / Lehi founder Yaakov Eliav.
Edgar Bronfman Sr.
Edgar Miles Bronfman ( June 20, 1929 – December 21, 2013 ) was a Canadian-American businessman and philanthropist. He worked for his family distilled beverage firm, Seagram, eventually becoming president, treasurer and CEO. As President of the World Jewish Congress, Bronfman is especially remembered for initiating diplomacy with the Soviet Union, which resulted in legitimizing the Hebrew language in Russia, and contributed to Soviet Jews being legally able to practice their own religion, as well as emigrate to Israel.
From World Jewish Congress – WJC President, Edgar Bronfman Sr born on June 20, 1929
to the reported Nancy Lanza email re: Lego / Nintendo / Soccer players on July 22, 1999 is :
INClusive =
= 666 months, 666 weeks, 666 days
666 is also the approximate number of times James Fetzer has avoided answering questions about his claimed military service. He has become very, very nervous about the topic since his claims were debunked.
Exaggeration and lies.
What was your grade at shill school?….F minus?
Pay the man!
FOIA, or pay up, Michael Lewis!
Nancy Lanza’s Lego / Nintendo email and Jewish terrorist Irgun / Lehi founder Yaakov Eliav.
Correction : The reported Nancy Lanza email was from July 22 not July 15.
From Jewish terrorist Yaakov Eliav born on September 5, 1917
to the reported Nancy Lanza email re: Lego / Nintendo / Soccer players on July 22, 1999 is :
= 666 months, 666 weeks, 4973 days
4973 is the 666 th Prime Number = P666
= 666 months, 666 weeks, P666 days
Correction : The reported Nancy Lanza email was from July 22 not July 15.
From Jewish terrorist Yaakov Eliav born on September 5, 1917
to the reported Nancy Lanza email re: Lego / Nintendo / Soccer players on July 22, 1999 is :
= 666 months, 666 weeks, 4973 days
4973 is the 666 th Prime Number = P666
= 666 months, 666 weeks, P666 days
Whew! Wow, Mark, thanks for the correction.
For a minute there I thought the whole construction was gonna collapse.
Mark, perhaps you could use your obvious organizational skills to help others secure their personal computers.
How about it? You wouldn’t have to give up your date calculations forever lol.
Nancy Lanza’s Lego / Nintendo email and Jewish terrorist Irgun / Lehi founder Yaakov Eliav.
See also :
Nancy Lanza emails : Adam Lanza’s Lego and Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf.
Nancy Lanza UK soccer players email : Holocaust narrative : Anne Frank
Yaakov Eliav
Yaakov (Yashke) Levstein Eliav ( September 5, 1917 – February 25, 1985 ) was an underground fighter who was responsible for the activities of the Irgun ( National Military Organization ) in Jerusalem , one of the founders of Lehi . His nickname for Lehi was Abiel.
PBS FRONTLINE > Social Issues > Raising Adam Lanza
February 19, 2013, 9:35 pm ET
Nancy Lanza: In Her Own Words
Email : Jul 22 – “Greetings”
From: Nancy Lanza
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 16:33:26, -0500
To: Marvin LaFontaine
Subject: Greetings
“The soccer pros left on Sunday…They played with the kids…enjoyed the Nintendo 64 and constructed Lego sets to amuse Adam.”
From Jewish terrorist Yaakov Eliav born on September 5, 1917
to the reported Nancy Lanza email re: Lego / Nintendo / Soccer players on July 15, 1999 is :
= 666 months, 666 weeks, 4973 days
4973 is the 666 th Prime Number = P666
= 666 months, 666 weeks, P666 days
For an explanation of the use of Prime Ordinals – see this post :
Sandy Hook & Las Vegas shootings : events on 29 March 2010 and the 2nd Amendment
For an explanation of the date arithmetic methods : ILUAF, ISUAF, INClusive, NORMAL and INTerval – see the links in this post :
The release of the Sandy Hook death certificates and Bill & Hillary Clinton
Adam Lanza’s Lego and and the NRA – National Rifle Association.
See also :
Nancy Lanza : The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf.
Nancy Lanza UK soccer players email : Holocaust narrative : Anne Frank
The analyses of these narratives shows in abundance that the scripts are constructed using key dates associated with the alleged narrative events.
See also :
These events & dates include :
• birth & death dates
• company incorporation dates
• entity creation / formation dates
• political event dates
• website domain creation dates
• etc
The National Rifle Association NRA : Founded : November 17, 1871
A Brief History of the NRA
After being granted a charter by the state of New York on November 17, 1871, the NRA was founded.
The Lego website domain : lego.com : Created : August 22, 1995
WHOIS for domain lego.com
Domain: lego.com
Registered On: 1995-08-22
From the National Rifle Association NRA founded on November 17, 1871
to Nancy / Adam Lanza : Lego domain lego.com created on August 22, 1995 is :
= 666 months
+ 666 months
+ 666 weeks
See also :
The Las Vegas Harvest Music Festival shooting on 1 October 2017 and the NRA – The National Rifle Association.
The NRA – National Rifle Association first President, General Ambrose Burnside and Bill Clinton’s 10 year Assault Weapons Ban of 1994
Nancy Lanza UK soccer players email : Holocaust narrative : Anne Frank
See also : Nancy Lanza emails : Adam Lanza’s Lego and Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf.
See also Anne Frank in :
The Noah Pozner narrative : Reported birth date : Holocaust narrative : Anne Frank : Nazi arrest Commander, Julius Dettmann.
The Noah Pozner narrative : favorite song : Gangnam Style : The OSS / CIA and the Holocaust narrative : Anne Frank
Anne Frank
Annelies Marie Frank ( 12 June 1929 – February or March 1945 ), commonly known as Anne Frank, was a German-born Jewish diarist. One of the most discussed Jewish victims of the Holocaust, she gained fame posthumously with the publication of The Diary of a Young Girl ( originally Het Achterhuis in Dutch; English: The Secret Annex ), in which she documents her life in hiding from 1942 to 1944, during the German occupation of the Netherlands in World War II. It is one of the world’s best known books and has been the basis for several plays and films.
The reported Nancy Lanza / Marvin LaFontaine emails, mysteriously, all from 1999 :
The “soccer players” who were mentioned in the reported July 22 email, reportedly playing Lego and Nintendo with Adam Lanza, were first mentioned in a reported email dated July 15 :
PBS FRONTLINE > Social Issues > Raising Adam Lanza
February 19, 2013, 9:35 pm ET
Nancy Lanza: In Her Own Words
Email : Jul 15 : Soccer players
From: Nancy Lanza
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 16:40:35, -0500
To: Marvin LaFontaine
Subject: Hi!
Well!!! Good to hear from you…I checked several days in a row, the week of the 4th… and decided that you must have gone on vacation. I haven’t had a moment to check lately, because I unexpectedly have a couple of professional soccer players living with me.
( One from Ireland, one from England ) and yesterday they came home with two more! (They asked of course!) Things are WILD here…but we are having a blast…that is a whole other story…I will get into it if I have a chance…but first let me respond to your letter…..
From the Holocaust narrative : Anne Frank born on June 12, 1929
to Nancy Lanza email re: Soccer players on July 15, 1999 is :
= 666 months, 666 weeks, 666 days
………..Oh, I’m sorry…fell asleep….did you say something?
Mark Gobell,
The relationship between Anne Frank’s birthday and the date of an email sent by Nancy Lanza would be insignificant even if it was the only email she ever sent.
Adam Lanza’s Lego and Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf.
See also : Nancy Lanza : The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf.
The analyses of these narratives shows in abundance that the scripts are constructed using key dates associated with the alleged narrative events.
See also :
These events & dates include :
• birth & death dates
• company incorporation dates
• entity creation / formation dates
• political event dates
• website domain creation dates
• etc
Nazis : Adolf Hitler : Mein Kampf
Mein Kampf ( German: My Struggle ) is a 1925 autobiographical book by Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler. The work describes the process by which Hitler became antisemitic and outlines his political ideology and future plans for Germany. Volume 1 of Mein Kampf was published in 1925 and Volume 2 in 1926. The book was edited by Hitler’s deputy Rudolf Hess.
Publication date : 18 July 1925
PBS FRONTLINE > Social Issues > Raising Adam Lanza
February 19, 2013, 9:35 pm ET
Nancy Lanza: In Her Own Words
Email : Jul 22 – “Greetings”
From: Nancy Lanza
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 16:33:26, -0500
To: Marvin LaFontaine
Subject: Greetings
“The soccer pros left on Sunday…They played with the kids…enjoyed the Nintendo 64 and constructed Lego sets to amuse Adam.”
The Lego website domain : lego.com
WHOIS for domain lego.com
Domain: lego.com
Registered On: 1995-08-22
From Nazis : Adolf Hitler : Mein Kampf Volume I first published on July 18, 1925
to Nancy / Adam Lanza : Lego domain lego.com created on August 22, 1995 is :
INTerval =
= 666 months, 666 weeks, 666 days
Note : The date calculator cannot show INTerval type date calcs ( whole days between dates ), so the result date is always shown as one day short.
Mark Gobell says, “The analyses of these narratives shows in abundance that the scripts are constructed using key dates associated with the alleged narrative events.”
In this case the publishing date of Mein Kampf and the creation date of a web domain belonging to a company that made a toy Adam Lanza may have played with in 1999, as revealed by PBS, and it all adds up to 666.
What do you do, work backwards from that number searching for any tenuous connection? Because, really, in their significance these connections reveal even less than their flimsy date relation.
It sure seems that’s what he does….which is of no help or logic whatsoever.
Just thought I would comment because I know MG will not.
Thanks, Willy. You’re my bud.
My pleasure.
I just find it so revealing that those same folks that are open to many different theories and revelations are so closed to taking a closer look at the holocaust and the Zionist problem. What other nationality/religion/belief is treated with such caution and fear? And what other nationality/religion/belief is allowed to have a sign/tax on foods that says it’s acceptable? AND…big AND, what other nationality/religion/belief runs our totally bought and paid for CONgress with absolute impunity?
Willy, that’s the problem, perfectly distilled.
When the problem can be suppressed by social shunning and even laws, it becomes imperative to speak up. Other people have lost their jobs and reputations, and families have been hurt, emotionally and financially. Some people have gone to jail. It’s a scourge we have to stand up to, despite this risk.
As for our friends who will accept alternative theories for every event in the world other than the Holocaust and Zionism, we must continue to challenge them. Surely they are the ones most close to epiphany.
Adam Lanza’s Lego and Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf.
See also : Nancy Lanza : The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf.
The analyses of these narratives shows in abundance that the scripts are constructed using key dates associated with the alleged narrative events.
See also :
These events & dates include :
• birth & death dates
• company incorporation dates
• entity creation / formation dates
• political event dates
• website domain creation dates
• etc
Nazis : Adolf Hitler : Mein Kampf
Mein Kampf ( German: My Struggle ) is a 1925 autobiographical book by Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler. The work describes the process by which Hitler became antisemitic and outlines his political ideology and future plans for Germany. Volume 1 of Mein Kampf was published in 1925 and Volume 2 in 1926. The book was edited by Hitler’s deputy Rudolf Hess.
Publication date : 18 July 1925
PBS FRONTLINE > Social Issues > Raising Adam Lanza
February 19, 2013, 9:35 pm ET
Nancy Lanza: In Her Own Words
Email : Jul 22 – “Greetings”
From: Nancy Lanza
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 16:33:26, -0500
To: Marvin LaFontaine
Subject: Greetings
“The soccer pros left on Sunday…They played with the kids…enjoyed the Nintendo 64 and constructed Lego sets to amuse Adam.”
The Lego website domain : lego.com
WHOIS for domain lego.com
Domain: lego.com
Registered On: 1995-08-22
From Nazis : Adolf Hitler : Mein Kampf Volume I first published on July 18, 1925
to Nancy / Adam Lanza : Lego domain lego.com created on August 22, 1995 is :
INTerval =
= 666 months, 666 weeks, 666 days
Note : The date calculator cannot show INTerval type date calcs ( whole days between dates ), so the result date is always shown as one day short.
Nancy Lanza : The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf.
See also :
Adam Lanza : Raising Shlomo Dragon
Nancy Lanza : The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and the Holocaust narrative : The Nazis Final Solution
Nancy Lanza : The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and The Holocaust narrative : Concentration Camp Death Certificates : Nazi RSHA Order No. 42 455 of November 13, 1942
Sandy Hook Promise and Shlomo Dragon’s tattoo …
Nancy Lanza : The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo …
[ Nancy ] Lanza wrote to Bergquist. Be forewarned, she added as a joke, tattoo girl has talked me into a dragon tattoo.
PBS Frontline : Raising Adam Lanza
December 11, 1926
Adolf Hitler published Volume 2 of his autobiographical manifesto Mein Kampf.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo ( original title in Swedish: Män som hatar kvinnor; in English: Men Who Hate Women ) is a psychological thriller novel by Swedish author and journalist Stieg Larsson ( 1954–2004 ), which was published posthumously in 2005 to become an international bestseller. It is the first book of the Millennium series.
Publication details
August 2005, Swedish: Norstedts (ISBN 978-91-1-301408-1), paperback (poss 1st edition)
10 January 2008, UK: MacLehose Press/Quercus Imprint (ISBN 978-1-84724-253-2), hardback (translated as The Girl With the Dragon
Tattoo by Reg Keeland)
16 September 2008, US: Alfred A. Knopf (ISBN 978-0-307-26975-1), hardback
From Nazis : Adolf Hitler : Mein Kampf Volume II first published on December 11, 1926
to Nancy Lanza : The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo book by Stieg Larsson, published on September 16, 2008 is :
INClusive =
= 777 months, 777 weeks, 777 days
September 16, 2008 was also, Nathan Mayer Rothschild’s, 231 st ( 77 + 77 + 77 ) birthday.
Nancy Lanza : The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf.
See also :
Adam Lanza : Raising Shlomo Dragon
Nancy Lanza : The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and the Holocaust narrative : The Nazis Final Solution
Nancy Lanza : The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and The Holocaust narrative : Concentration Camp Death Certificates : Nazi RSHA Order No. 42 455 of November 13, 1942
Sandy Hook Promise and Shlomo Dragon’s tattoo …
Nancy Lanza : The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo …
[ Nancy ] Lanza wrote to Bergquist. Be forewarned, she added as a joke, tattoo girl has talked me into a dragon tattoo.
PBS Frontline : Raising Adam Lanza
December 11, 1926
Adolf Hitler published Volume 2 of his autobiographical manifesto Mein Kampf.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo ( original title in Swedish: Män som hatar kvinnor; in English: Men Who Hate Women ) is a psychological thriller novel by Swedish author and journalist Stieg Larsson ( 1954–2004 ), which was published posthumously in 2005 to become an international bestseller. It is the first book of the Millennium series.
Publication details
August 2005, Swedish: Norstedts (ISBN 978-91-1-301408-1), paperback (poss 1st edition)
10 January 2008, UK: MacLehose Press/Quercus Imprint (ISBN 978-1-84724-253-2), hardback (translated as The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Reg Keeland)
16 September 2008, US: Alfred A. Knopf (ISBN 978-0-307-26975-1), hardback
From Nazis : Adolf Hitler : Mein Kampf Volume II first published on December 11, 1926
to Nancy Lanza : The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo book by Stieg Larsson, published on September 16, 2008 is :
INClusive =
= 777 months, 777 weeks, 777 days
September 16, 2008 was also, Nathan Mayer Rothschild’s, 231 st ( 77 + 77 + 77 ) birthday.
See also : Sandy Hook Promise and Shlomo Dragon’s tattoo …
Sandy Hook Promise and Shlomo Dragon …
Shlomo Dragon was deported from the Mlawa Ghetto in Poland to Auschwitz on December 5, 1942
Shlomo Dragon arrived at Auschwitz overnight on December 6 / December 7, 1942
Shlomo Dragon was tattooed on December 8, 1942
December 8, 1942 was also the day that Holocaust the AJC’s Rabbi Stephen Wise delivered his “Blueprint for Extermination” to Roosevelt
December 5, 1942 to Sandy Hook Promise Incorporated = NORMAL ISUAF
December 6, 1942 to Sandy Hook Promise Incorporated = INClusive ISUAF
December 7, 1942 to Sandy Hook Promise Incorporated = NORMAL ILUAF
December 8, 1942 to Sandy Hook Promise Incorporated = INClusive ILUAF
= 666 months, 666 weeks, 666 days
See also : Sandy Hook Promise and Shlomo Dragon’s tattoo …
Sandy Hook Promise and Shlomo Dragon …
Shlomo Dragon was deported from the Mlawa Ghetto in Poland to Auschwitz on December 5, 1942
Shlomo Dragon arrived at Auschwitz overnight on December 6 / December 7, 1942
Shlomo Dragon was tattooed on December 8, 1942
December 8, 1942 was also the day that Holocaust the AJC’s Rabbi Stephen Wise delivered his “Blueprint for Extermination” to Roosevelt
December 5, 1942 to Sandy Hook Promise Incorporated = NORMAL ISUAF
December 6, 1942 to Sandy Hook Promise Incorporated = INClusive ISUAF
December 7, 1942 to Sandy Hook Promise Incorporated = NORMAL ILUAF
December 8, 1942 to Sandy Hook Promise Incorporated = INClusive ILUAF
= 666 months, 666 weeks, 666 days
Excellent…crystal clear. Many thanks.,
See also :
Adam Lanza : Raising Shlomo Dragon
Nancy Lanza : The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and the Holocaust narrative : The Nazis Final Solution
Nancy Lanza : The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and The Holocaust narrative : Concentration Camp Death Certificates : Nazi RSHA Order No. 42 455 of November 13, 1942
Sandy Hook Promise and Shlomo Dragon’s tattoo …
Nancy Lanza : The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo …
PBS Frontline : Raising Adam Lanza
[ Nancy ] Lanza wrote to Bergquist. Be forewarned, she added as a joke, tattoo girl has talked me into a dragon tattoo.
According to the Auschwitz Holocaust narrative, Szlama aka Shlomo Dragon, received his Auschwitz prisoner tattoo #80359 on December 8, 1942, having been admitted to the camp with his brother Avraham / Abraham, the previous day.
The most comprehensive treatment of the Shlomo Dragon narrative can be found in the revisionist book and PDF :
Debunking the Bunkers of Auschwitz—Black Propaganda versus History
Volume 11: 2nd revised edition ( 2016 ) by Carlo Mattogno
Page 73 / PDF Page 74 :
On December 8, [ 1942 ], Dragon was tattooed with the ID number 80359.
Sandy Hook Promise
The Sandy Hook Promise, not for profit, gun control initiative was setup by some of the reported parents of the reported Sandy Hook victims.
Sandy Hook Promise Foundation Inc., was Incorporated in Connecticut on January 7, 2013
From the Holocaust narrative : Auschwitz SDKO prisoner, Shlomo Dragon tattooed on December 8, 1942
to Sandy Hook Promise Foundation Inc., Incorporated on January 7. 2013 IS :
INClusive =
= 666 months, 666 weeks, 666 days
I knew Nancy Lanza was connected to Richard Glücks, I just knew it!
The obvious holocaust ties to Sandy Hook are so damning.
Quick, Mark Gobel! What can we do with this devastating information?
Nancy Lanza : The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and The Holocaust narrative : Concentration Camp Death Certificates : Nazi RSHA Order No. 42 455 of November 13, 1942
See also : The Holocaust narrative : Concentration Camp Death Certificates : Nazi RSHA Order No. 42 455 of November 13, 1942
12/12/12 : Nancy Lanza : The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo …
PBS Frontline : Raising Adam Lanza
During the week leading up to the shooting rampage, Nancy Lanza spent at least one night away in an upscale New Hampshire hotel, while Adam stayed home alone.
It was Wednesday night, Dec. 12, 2012, 36 hours before Adam’s rampage. She sent a Facebook message from the fancy dining room to Bergquist. In it, Lanza describes how she is dining next to a finely dressed couple — with tattoos poking out of their evening wear.
“A shimmery evening dress looks less formal with daggers and skulls peeking out,” Lanza wrote to Bergquist. “Be forewarned,” she added as a joke, “tattoo girl has talked me into a dragon tattoo.”
From the Holocaust narrative : The Richard Glucks order NO-1543 for Collective Lists for Jewish deaths, preceding RSHA Gestapo Order No. 42 455, of November 13, 1942 to :
Nancy Lanza : The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo on December 12, 2012 is :
INClusive ILUAF =
= 666 months, 666 weeks, 666 days
Blah, blah, blah.
Nancy Lanza : The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and The Holocaust narrative : Concentration Camp Death Certificates : Nazi RSHA Order No. 42 455 of November 13, 1942
See also :
The Holocaust narrative : Concentration Camp Death Certificates : Nazi RSHA Order No. 42 455 of November 13, 1942
12/12/12 : Nancy Lanza : The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo …
PBS Frontline : Raising Adam Lanza
During the week leading up to the shooting rampage, Nancy Lanza spent at least one night away in an upscale New Hampshire hotel, while Adam stayed home alone.
It was Wednesday night, Dec. 12, 2012, 36 hours before Adam’s rampage. She sent a Facebook message from the fancy dining room to Bergquist. In it, Lanza describes how she is dining next to a finely dressed couple — with tattoos poking out of their evening wear.
“A shimmery evening dress looks less formal with daggers and skulls peeking out,” Lanza wrote to Bergquist. “Be forewarned,” she added as a joke, “tattoo girl has talked me into a dragon tattoo.”
From the Holocaust narrative : The Richard Glucks order NO-1543 for Collective Lists for Jewish deaths, preceding RSHA Gestapo Order No. 42 455, of November 13, 1942 to :
Nancy Lanza : The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo on December 12, 2012 is :
INClusive ILUAF =
= 666 months, 666 weeks, 666 days
The question of who Lenny Posner really is, is a fascinating one. He was apparently unwilling to be deposed in the case that HE brought against Wolfgang Halbig when Halbig was going to press him to reveal who he actually is, his identity. That was when the case was dropped – and Halbig one. I’ve done some very cursory research into this and I see that Veronique Posner, supposedly Lenny’s ex? – and previously known as Veronique Posner is now apparently known as Veronique de la Rosa and has lived in several places in CT including Sandy Hook. Reuben Vabner, as Wolfgang indicates above, is listed in connection with her, but I don’t see any Lenny Posner listed. Could Lenny Posner actually be Reuben Vabner? This is just ONE Sandy Hook person, I wonder what scrutiny into others would reveal.
For my part I believe Sandy Hook to be fake off the bat because it supposedly housed several hundred children during this event (school went up to 4th grade) and many adults, of course, and yet I never saw any visual evidence of hundreds of children & teachers being rescued from the school or evacuated, or milling about afterwards, such as at Parkland. This made me intensely suspicious and is consistent with my reading MANY reports of the school’s decrepitude and lack of use for several years before this event. I’ve only see pics of maybe a dozen or so kids being walked around – I certainly don’t see hundreds. WHERE WERE THE REST OF THE KIDS?
There are so many unanswered questions about this event, and it has been used in such a highly politicized manner by administrations many of us simply don’t trust or believe, I think a public investigation with open access to ALL RECORDS, PHOTOGRAPHS, OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS AND REPORTS should be made.
I am not saying NO ONE died at Sandy Hook, though that is my inclination, but that I don’t KNOW what happened and I think it’s time we found out. Kudos to the brilliant and intrepid Prof. Fetzer for going forward with this court case.
Nancy Lanza : The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and the Holocaust narrative : The Nazis Final Solution
The Zionist Final Solution to the Jewish Question :
The Father of Modern Zionism, Thedor Herzl, November 22, 1899 : The Final Solution
In a memo to the Tsar of Russia, Herzl wrote that Zionism is the “final solution of the Jewish question.” [ 4 ]
Source : ihr.org/zionism0409.html
[ 4 ] Memo of Nov. 22, 1899. R. Patai, ed., The Complete Diaries of Theodor Herzl (New York: 1960), Vol. 3, p. 888.
The Holocaust narrative : The Nazi’s Final Solution to the Jewish Question :
The origins of the Holocaust narrative’s, “Nazi’s Final Solution to the Jewish Question” narrative, relies on an order from Hermann Göring / Goering to Reinhard Heydrich.
This order was presented in evidence at Nuremberg as Document No. PS-710 / 710-PS and is available at the Harvard Nuremberg archive :
Description : Orders to Reinhard Heydrich to prepare organizational and financial plans for “bringing about a complete solution to the Jewish question” in occupied territories.
Transcript :
The Reich Marshall of the Berlin, 31 July 1941
Greater German Reich
Commissioner of the Four Year Plan
Chairman of the Ministerial Council
for National Defense
To : The Chief of Security Police and the Security Service; SS-Gruppenfuehrer HEYDRICH
Complementing the task that was assigned to you on 24 January 1939,
which dealt with arriving at – through furtherance of evacuation and emigration
the solution to the Jewish problem, as advantageous as possible, I hereby charge
you with making all necessary preparations in regard to organizational and
financial matters for bringing about a complete solution of the Jewish
question in the German sphere of influence in Europe.
Wherever other government agencies are involved, these are to
cooperate with you.
I charge you furthermore, to send me, before long, an overall plan
concerning the organizational, factual and material measures necessary for the
accomplishment of the desired solution of the Jewish question.
15 October 1945
I, FRED NIEBERGALL, 2nd Lt Inf, 0-1335567, hereby certify that I
and thoroughly conversant with the English and German languages ; and that the
above is a true and correct translation of Document PS-710.
The Nuremberg PS-710 order from Goering to Heydrich of July 31, 1941, referenced a previous task of January 24, 1939. This initial task, assigned to Heydrich, was when Goering wrote to the Interior Minister, Dr Wilhelm Frick, informing him that a Central Emigration Office for Jews was to be created with Heydrich in charge.
It is the creation of this first, Reich Central Emigration Office for Jews, under Heydrich’s control, which begins this thread of the Nazi’s Final Solution to the Jewish Question narrative.
Sources : Yad vashem : Reinhard Heydrich
Page 1 :
On January 24, 1939 Hermann Goering set up the Reich’s Central Office for
Jewish Emigration (Zentralstelle fuer Juedische Auswanderung) and
appointed Heydrich’s aide, Heinrich Mueller, as its head. This meant that the
execution of the Germans’ anti-Jewish policies would now be in the hands of
Heydrich and the SS.
On July 31, 1941 Goering set Heydrich to the task of coming up with the
“Final Solution” to the “Jewish question” of all the Jews in Europe. To
successfully coordinate this, Heydrich needed the cooperation of all the
government’s ministries. Thus, he convened the Wannsee Conference in
Berlin on January 20, 1942, to discuss and further organize the mass
extermination of all European Jewry.
Book source : Goering: The Rise and Fall of the Notorious Nazi Leader, by Roger Manvell, Heinrich Fraenkel
Page 192
On January 24, 1939, Goering signed a letter to Frick as Minister of the Interior, informing him that a Central Emigration Office for Jews was to be established in his Minsitry with Heydrich in control, adding that Heydrich was empowered to “solve the Jewish question by emigration and evacuation in a way that is most favorable under the conditions prevailing at present.
When he signed that, Goering introduced Heydrich with to the problem of ridding Europe of the Jews, a matter which was soon to be resolved by the “final solution” of genocide. [ 9 ]
Nancy Lanza : The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo …
[ Nancy ] Lanza wrote to Bergquist. Be forewarned, she added as a joke, tattoo girl has talked me into a dragon tattoo.
PBS Frontline : Raising Adam Lanza
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is a novel by Swedish author Stieg Larsson.
Two films of the book have also been made, the first in Swedish in 2009 followed by the English language version in 2011.
Wikipedia : The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (disambiguation)
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is a 2005 crime novel by Swedish author Stieg Larsson.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo may also refer to:
Fictional entities : Lisbeth Salander, to whom the title refers
Film 1 : The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009 film), the Swedish-produced Swedish-language film based on the novel
Film 2 : The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011 film), the U.S.-produced English-language film based on the novel
Music : The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (soundtrack), the original soundtrack of the 2011 film by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009 film), the Swedish-produced Swedish-language film based on the novel
Release date : 27 February 2009
IMDB : The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009)
Release Info
Release Dates
Denmark : 27 February 2009
Sweden : 27 February 2009
From the Holocaust narrative : Goering’s creation of the Central Emigration Office for Jews on January 24, 1939
to Nancy Lanza’s : The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Swedish language film, released on February 27, 2009 is :
INTerval ISUAF =
= 666 months, 666 weeks, 666 days
Note : Note : The date calculator cannot show INTerval type date calcs ( whole days between dates ), so the result date is always shown as one day short.
See also :
Adam Lanza : Raising Shlomo Dragon
The Sandy Hook funerals and Barack Obama’s VP, Joe Biden.
The Holocaust narrative : Nazi : Richard Glucks : Concentration Camp Death Certificates and the Sandy Hook narrative.
The Holocaust narrative : Concentration Camp Death Certificates and the Sandy Hook event.
Nazi RSHA Order No. 42 455 of November 13, 1942 :
The Holocaust narrative : Concentration Camp Death Certificates : Nazi RSHA Order No. 42 455 of November 13, 1942
The reported Sandy Hook events from December 12 through December 16, 2012 :
Your thoughts on all this info you’ve once again posted, Mark Gobell?
Oh, that’s right. You don’t have any.
Toni…As you know, I have addressed this…as you….several times with no satisfaction. I still think it Mr. Fetzer’s place to step in here….AS far as I am concerned, this is just another form of trollage.
Sad, indeed.
Willy, I think Mr. Fetzer may have better trolls to battle. See ‘Bob’ for one.
I don’t know what kind of trollage Mark Gobell represents. He may actually believe that he is imparting valuable information. It’s just that he does nothing else. It’s been years and he never goes beyond his date calculator app to describe its significance at all. He just posts the same info again and again.
Once in awhile he has the gall to hurl an insult at a responder to the effect that they are too stupid to understand his work. LOL
Meanwhile, it’s up to us to do the trolling. I think that’s the most effective thing to do. Just ask him what it means every time he posts his ‘simple date arithmetic.’
Excellent feedback. What will work best for me is to ignore comments that add nothing of value to the conversation and concentrate on those which deserve a reply and do not require deciphering.
Fair enough, Willy.
I think it may be impossible to drag Mark Gobell into a meta-analysis of his own obsession anyway. He may be incapable. He responds neither to a simple query, a sympathetic response, nor the most bald-faced insult.
He’s like the date calculator app itself.
Semper Fi, Mr Fetzer!
This hoax CANNOT ever be allowed to be unveiled since it would implicate the CT government, along with the federal government (executive), in addition to national news outlets.
That would devastate whatever credibility remains of those institutions.
Look for stubborn refusals to provide evidence on this matter, even once participants begin to break their silence.
Well, we had trouble seeing any death certificates from the beginning. The Clerk of Newtown entered into secret discussions with the State Legislature that she not have to release death certificates for children, even though death certificates had been public records in Connecticut (and every other state) for hundreds of years. I like the question. Let me see if I can nail it down. The first we saw one was when “Lenny” sent a copy to Kelley Watt a few years ago.
The project to keep the Sandy Hook crime scene information private.
CT State : HB6424 & SB1149 : An Act Making Technical Changes to the Statutes Concerning Public Records
The project to keep the Sandy Hook crime scene information private, was reportedly started by some of the reported parents of the alleged child victims.
According to the narrative, the Hartford Courant broke the story on May 21, 2013 based on a leaked email from the CT Chief State’s Attorney Kevin Kane’s assistant, Timothy J. Sugrue.
Bill Drafted In Secret Would Block Release Of Some Newtown Massacre Records
The Courant reported that the group had visited the State Capitol to lobby officials on May 31, 2013 and that secret discussions, which were strongly supported by Gov. Dannel P. Malloy, had begun on April 3, 2013
Hartford Courant : Newtown Families Push For Secretly Negotiated Bill To Block Release Of Some Investigative Records
The next day June 1, 2013 they set up a petition on change.org :
Sandy Hook parents seek law to stop release of kids’ graphic photos
In a petition filed June 1 on http://www.change.com and addressing the Connecticut legislature and Gov. Daniel Malloy, parents Nicole and Ian Hockley, Mark and Jackie Barden, and Jimmy Greene and Nelba Marquez-Greene specifically indict filmmaker Michael Moore and the other “hoaxers [ WHO ] want to publish this gruesome information.
Keep Sandy Hook crime scene information private: Urge the CT legislature to pass HB 6424
We are parents and family members who lost children in the terrible tragedy at Sandy Hook elementary school in December 2012. We’re coming together to urge the Connecticut legislature to pass a law that would keep sensitive information, including photos and audio, about this tragic day private and out of the hands of people who’d like to misuse it for political gain.
Supported by: Nicole & Ian Hockley (parents of Dylan), Mark & Jackie Barden (parents of Daniel), Jimmy Greene & Nelba Marquez-Greene (parents of Ana), Jeremy Richman & Jennifer Hensel (parents of Avielle), Erica Lafferty (Dawn Hochsprung’s daughter), Shannon & Brian Engel (Olivia’s parents), Michele & Bob Gay (Josephine’s parents), and Tricia & Dean Pinto (Jack’s parents)
Reasons for signing :
Nicole Hockley·6 years ago
Dylan is my son. I want to preserve his memory as a beautiful boy – not as a gun-riddled corpse. I also do not want his brother Jake to see these photos or listen to the execution of his brother, friends and teachers on 911 tapes.
Lauren O’Neill·6 years ago
My 7 year old cousin Daniel Barden was violently murdered in the Sandy Hook shooting. I am asking you, on behalf of my family, to please keep the sensitive details and photographs of Daniel and the other victims private. Please do not release this information. There are twenty five other families who are experiencing pain just as we are. In addition, an entire… Read more
Joel Bacon·6 years ago
My daughter, Charlotte Bacon, was a victim of the Sandy Hook shooting. Please help to protect the privacy of our loved ones.
Evelyn Bachar·6 years ago
As a teacher in Newtown Ct, we already live with the events of December 14 every day. I don’t want my students, my family, or my friends to have the pictures and sounds of the horrors that occurred at Sandy Hook emblazoned in their minds. There would be no escaping those images. Any online search done now that merely mentions “Newtown”… Read more
etc etc
On June 5, 2013 the Connecticut General Assembly voted to pass ( HB6424 ) SB1149 and Gov Malloy issued this press release :
(HARTFORD, CT) – Governor Dannel P. Malloy tonight made the following statement upon final passage of Senate Bill 1149, An Act Making Technical Changes to the Statutes Concerning Public Records :
“My goal with this legislation was to provide some measure of protection for the families affected by the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School. But the fact is, all families have a right to grieve in private. Those who lose loved ones to violence have a right to protect themselves against further anguish.
“This is a difficult issue, requiring all of us to balance deeply held beliefs and important public policy values. I commend the legislators on coming to an agreement that respects the privacy of grieving families.”
For Immediate Release: June 5, 2013
Twitter: @GovMalloyOffice
Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy
The new law came into effect ( CIF ) on October 1, 2013 :
CT General Assembly
Substitute Bill No. 1149
January Session, 2013
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened:
Section 1. Section 1-206 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2013):
See also : A Response to Sandy Hook: Privacy Trumps Transparency in New Connecticut Bill by Kristin Bergman
This is not about respect for the supposed deceased…….it’s about covering their own lies and deceit. I very seriously doubt those photos even exist. And even if they do exist, would they not be treated as evidence in a crime scene?
But, considering that each state is a corporation in it’s own right and/or a subsidiary of the US, INC., I would speculate they can all make their own rules…common law be damned…..
Jim, I hope you’ll answer this from a long time student and fellow investigator of yours.
My only question is when did the “official” certified death certificate surface? I thought they were still hidden/under seal/illegally withheld….?
Also isn’t it almost definite that pozner will dismiss the suit soon? As he’s done before. I understand that’s not what you want but after he denies all your requests for admissions it seems like thatd be next.
Reply to curious :
“My only question is when did the “official” certified death certificate surface? I thought they were still hidden/under seal/illegally withheld….? ”
See here : 5. The Noah Pozner narrative : favorite song : Gangnam Style and Noah Pozners death certificate.
Noah Pozner Death Certificate Released
Monday, May 12, 2014
Lenny Pozner has released Noah Pozner’s Death Certificate.
image : http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-RogEbbEcWnQ/VXpXEd3sI6I/AAAAAAAAAFw/UrzTMFaRf6c/s400/Noah_Death_cert_redacted.jpg
The death certificates claimed to be for Sandy Hook victim :
Noah Pozner was released on May 12, 2014
Adam Lanza was reportedly certified on January 3, 2013 by Newtown Town Clerk, Debbie Aurelia Halstead and released on June 5, 2014
Others were reportedly released on June 18, 2013
On Friday, May 17, 2013 Newtown Town Clerk, Debbie Aurelia confirmed that the reported victims’ birth and death certificates would not be released :
Newtown officials withhold death certificates
By Dirk Perrefort Published 11:15 pm EDT, Sunday, May 19, 2013
NEWTOWN — More than five months after the Dec. 14 Sandy Hook shootings, the town clerk’s office remains steadfast in its refusal to release death certificates of the victims.
Town Clerk Debbie Aurelia said Friday officials have refused to release the certificates because “we feel it’s an extreme invasion of privacy for these families.”
She added that several family members of victims have asked her not to release the certificates.
Adam Lanza and Nazi Richard Glucks.
See above : Adam Lanza’s death certificate
See also this post :
The Holocaust narrative : Nazi : Richard Glucks : Concentration Camp Death Certificates and the Sandy Hook narrative.
The Chief Inspector of Nazi Concentration Camps, Richard Glucks, gave the order to report only Jewish deaths, in a collective monthly list. This has resulted in the Holocaust narrative claim that death certificates for Jewish deaths ceased to be issued in early 1943.
Richard Glücks / Glucks / Gluecks
Richard Glücks ( 22 April 1889 – 10 May 1945 ) was a high-ranking German Nazi official in the SS.
The reported birth date for the reported Sandy Hook perp, Adam Lanza is April 22, 1992
Adam Lanza
Born : Adam Peter Lanza
April 22, 1992
Exeter, New Hampshire, U.S.
The reported Sandy Hook perp, Adam Lanza, was reportedly born on Nazi, Richard Glucks’ 103 rd birthday.
See also :
The Sandy Hook funerals and Barack Obama’s VP, Joe Biden.
The Holocaust narrative : Nazi : Richard Glucks : Concentration Camp Death Certificates and the Sandy Hook narrative.
The Holocaust narrative : Concentration Camp Death Certificates and the Sandy Hook event.
Nazi RSHA Order No. 42 455 of November 13, 1942 :
The Holocaust narrative : Concentration Camp Death Certificates : Nazi RSHA Order No. 42 455 of November 13, 1942
The reported Sandy Hook events from December 12 through December 16, 2012 :
Adam Lanza and Nazi Richard Glucks.
Adam Lanza : Raising Shlomo Dragon
[ Nancy ] Lanza wrote to Bergquist. Be forewarned, she added as a joke, tattoo girl has talked me into a dragon tattoo.
PBS Frontline : Raising Adam Lanza
According to the Auschwitz Holocaust narrative, Szlama aka Shlomo Dragon, received his Auschwitz prisoner tattoo #80359 on December 8, 1942, having been admitted to the camp with his brother Avraham / Abraham, the previous day.
Shlomo Dragon, according to his own testimony, served in one of the many Special Squads or Sonderkommando in German.
German, French and Hebrew language Wikipedia pages exist for Shlomo Dragon, but there is no English language Wikipedia page, which is odd, because Shlomo Dragon, was one of the principal witnesses to the claimed origins of the alleged homicidal gas chamber ( AHGC ) narrative for Auschwitz.
German Wikipedia page for Szlama / Shlomo Dragon
Shlomo Dragon, also Szlama Dragon, ( born March 19, 1922 in Żuromin, † October 2001 in Ramat Gan ) was a Polish survivor of the Sonderkommando of the concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau. He was one of the approximately 100 Jewish survivors of this Sonderkommando.
French Wikipedia page for Szlama / Shlomo Dragon
Shlomo Dragon is a writer and survivor of the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland. Alias : Szlama Dragon. Birth : March 19, 1922
Hebrew Wikipedia page for Szlama / Shlomo Dragon
Shlomo Dragan ( March 19, 1922 in Joromin – October 2001 in Ramat Gan ). He participated in the Sonderkommando uprising at Auschwitz-Birkenau. Was among some 100 Sonderkommando members in the camp who managed to survive the Holocaust.
Jewishgen.org has a couple of pages on the Dragon brothers as part of their Holocaust Memorial pages for Zuromin, Poland.
Abraham Dragon : My Birth-Town Zuromin
Shlomo Dragon : An Account
My name is Shlomo Dragon, born on March 19th, 1922, in the town of Zuromin …
The alleged Bunkers of Auschwitz.
The most comprehensive treatment of the Shlomo Dragon narrative can be found in the revisionist book and PDF :
Debunking the Bunkers of Auschwitz—Black Propaganda versus History
Volume 11: 2nd revised edition ( 2016 ) by Carlo Mattogno
Page 9 / PDF Page 10
It is well known that the orthodox historiography on Auschwitz hinges on an order to exterminate the European Jews – supposedly given by Hitler to Himmler and then transmitted to Rudolf Hoess – which took on concrete shape when the Auschwitz extermination camp was built.
According to the interpretation that has now become dogma, this order was carried out in four successive stages:
1. In September 1941, the first experimental homicidal gassing by means of Zyklon B was performed at Auschwitz; this represented the discovery of the instrument of extermination.
2. In early 1942, the homicidal gassing activity was moved to the mortu¬ary of the Auschwitz crematorium (later called Crematorium I ).
3. In the succeeding months two farmhouses located outside the perimeter of the Birkenau camp were transformed into gas chambers ( the so-called Bunkers ) in order to kill Jews and sick inmates.
4. The fourth and final phase started in March 1943, when the extermination activity was transferred to the four Birkenau crematoria, which all had their homicidal gas chambers.
As I have emphasized in a previous work, [ 8 ] the archives of the Auschwitz Central Construction Office, which were preserved in Moscow, allow us to re-establish a complete account of the buildings that were erected in Auschwitz during the first half of 1942.
Yet neither Pressac nor Robert Jan van Pelt, the new orthodox ‘expert’ on Auschwitz, has searched those archives for documentary proof of the homicidal Birkenau ‘Bunkers,’ or, shall we say, none of them has found any evidence of their existence. But common sense dictates that, if those installations actually existed, there would be documentary proof of their existence.
The present study, which relies for the most part on unpublished documents, fills this embarrassing gap in the orthodox historiography and supplies us with a solid answer to the question as to whether the alleged homicidal ‘Bunkers’ of Birkenau were a historical reality.
This question became more pressing in 2002. In that year, Fritjof Meyer, a former senior editor of the German news magazine Der Spiegel (Hamburg), wrote an article in which he advanced the thesis that the alleged mass gassings at Birkenau were conducted essentially in the so-called ‘Bunkers’ rather than in the alleged gas chambers of the crematoria. [ 9 ]
That, in turn, has given rise within the official historiography to an internal dispute, which intensified in November 2003 with the involvement of Franciszek Piper, director of the history department at the Auschwitz Museum. [ 10 ]
According to the Auschwitz Museum, the inmates called these two presumed gassing buildings “little red house” ( in Polish: czerwony domek ) and the “little white house” ( in Polish: biafy domek ).
Because these designations – as I shall show in the Part Two – were invented after the Soviet occupation of Auschwitz, I will not use them in this study and will instead continue to use the established term ‘Bunker,’ but only for reasons of clarity.
Page 73 PDF Page 74
5. The Propaganda Is Consolidated: Postwar Testimonies
5.1. Szlama Dragon’s Testimony
In the preceding chapter, we saw that between 1942 and 1944 the resistance groups spread a hodge-podge of stories on the Birkenau ‘Bunkers’ too strongly divergent and too contradictory to be accepted as history.
Before the legend of the ‘Bunkers’ could be transmogrified into an “established historical fact,” these contradictory texts had to be reworked into a somewhat coherent story. This was done already during the first months after the Soviet occupation of Auschwitz.
The Polish Jew and former Auschwitz inmate Szlama Dragon played a central role in this process.
Due to his detailed statements about events he claims to have experienced, and because he testified so early, he undoubtedly became the most important witness to the Birkenau ‘Bunkers.’
Shlomo Dragon was a prosecution witness in the Krakow trial of the Auschwitz Commandant, Rudolf Hoess.
Shlomo Dragon : “It is my estimate, however, that over four million people were slain in the two bunkers and the four crematoriums.”
APMO, Hoess Trial, Vol 11 testimony of Shlomo Dragon.
The current, orthodox Holocaust narrative avers approximately 1.1 million Auschwitz victims.
As far as the Auschwitz AHGC narrative is concerned, vis it’s alleged origins in the little white and little red houses – the so-called Bunkers of Auschwitz, the testimony of Shlomo Dragon – the reported Sonderkommando witness, is crucially important.
All the more surprising that there is no English language Wikipedia page for Shlomo Dragon. He is not mentioned at all in the current version of the Wikipedia page for the Sonderkommando. His brother, Avraham / Abraham / Abram is, but not Szlama / Shlomo. Most odd.
From the Holocaust – Auschwitz AHGC narrative : Szlama aka Shlomo Dragon born on March 19, 1922
to the reported birth date for Adam Lanza on April 22, 1992 is :
INTerval =
= 666 months, 666 weeks, 666 days
Note : The date calculator cannot show INTerval type date calcs ( whole days between dates ), so the result date is always shown as one day short.
Shlomo Dragons date of birth 1920 or 1922 ?
The problem with the above relationship, is that it is based on an erroneous / false date of birth.
All of the above Wikipedia pages for Shlomo Dragon show his date of birth as March 19, 1922
However, in his deposition, Shlomo Dragon states :
My name is Szlama Dragon, I was born March 19, 1920 in Zeromin, district of Sierpec …
In this PDF, Chronicles of Terror : Dragon Szlama states :
Name and surname : Szlama Dragon
Date and place of birth : 19 March 1920, Zeromin, Sierpc District
The US Holocaust Memorial Museum USHMM Auschwitz record card for Szlama Dragon states
2877. Dragon, Szlama
Birth date: 19 Mar 1920
So, the reported birth date for the entity known as Adam Lanza, produces the usual Kabbalistic signature to an important event in the Holocaust narrative, the birth of one of it’s main, alleged witnesses, Shlomo Dragon.
However, the Adam Lanza relationship is based on a false / fake date of birth for Shlomo Dragon …
Off topic comment, but related.
See also : Adam Lanza : Raising Shlomo Dragon
“Events in the 9/11 War of Terror / Al Qaeda / ISIS / mass shootings and many more narratives, carry the usual Kabbalistic signatures to root events in the Holocaust narrative. Hence, events in the Holocaust narrative are among the principal complaints which form the motivation for these false flag type events.”
Shlomo Dragon and the London Bridge / Borough Market terrorist, Khuram Butt
Since the above relationship from the birth of Shlomo Dragon to the reported birth of Adam Lanza, is based on a false date for Shlomo Dragon, the obvious question that arises is, what does Shlomo Dragon’s real date of birth – March 19, 1920, yield?
Recall the 2017 London Bridge terrorist event.
2017 London Bridge attack
Khuram Shazad Butt ( born 20 April 1990 )
The lead perp in that event was Khuram Butt, who was shot dead by police.
The reported birth date for Khuram Butt is Adolf Hitler’s 101 st birthday, April 20, 1990
From the Holocaust – Auschwitz AHGC narrative : Szlama aka Shlomo Dragon born on March 19, 1920
to the 2017 London Bridge attack perp, Khuram Butt born on April 20, 1990 is :
= 666 months, 666 weeks, 666 days
Mark Gobell,
Do you really think anyone reads your posts, let alone all your previous comments that you link to? I think I am one of the few who have attempted it. I made several responses, which you have pointedly ignored.
One must ask, what do you get out of posting, over and over again, this info which you cannot explain and refuse to discuss?
Toni…MG has an agenda that serves ONLY his selfish needs with no regard to the site, James Fetzer or other posters. In truth, for the respect and credibility of this site, James should handle the problem.
More junk of no consequence
See also :
Adam Lanza : Raising Shlomo Dragon
Sandy Hook and the 2nd Amendment
The Lenny Pozner law suit vs Jim Fetzer : James Madison introduced Constitutional Amendments
Sandy Hook & Las Vegas shootings : events on 29 March 2010 and the 2nd Amendment
2018 Valentines Day Massacre at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Parkland, FLA : Nikolas Cruz and the US Constitution
Adam Lanza’s death certificate
Ryan Lanza and the American Nazi Party founder, George Lincoln Rockwell.
Adam Lanza and the 2nd Amendment
The first 10 Amendments to the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, including the 2nd Amendment – the Right to Bear Arms, were adopted on 15 December 1791
The 2nd Amendment – the Right to Bear Arms :
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
From the 2nd Amendment adopted on December 15, 1791
to the reported birth date for Adam Lanza on April 22, 1992 is :
INTerval ISUAF =
= 666 + 666 months
+ 666 + 666 + 666 + 666 + 666 + 666 + 666 weeks >
666 666 666
666 666 666
666 666 666
( 666 x3 x3 )
Note : The date calculator cannot show INTerval type date calcs ( whole days between dates ), so the result date is always shown as one day short.
Utter crap!
Once again, I ask you to explain your post.
Sandy Hook is a myth, it\’s why questions are ridiculed and shamed. Factual events welcome question, discussion, doubt, clarity. Myth/religious tenets must ridicule, shame, and restrict question. Did the Virgin Mary die? Or, did she ascend into heaven? Did Jesus walk on water?
This case will be dismissed on the basis of Posner being a public figure so that the substantive issues and the discovery of the Sandy Hook myth will not come up in Court. It\’s a shame that option is provided the Court by the defense Answer.
I\’ve always wondered why the DNA tests, now used for car theft, etc. are not used for proof or disproof of these many many faked deaths? Sandy Hook, Vegas. etc. etc.
We don\’t get to see Jesus standing on the surface of the lake because he\’d sink!
Pozner is a public figure. OK, what if Pozner does not exist and some other name applies to him? Is he allowed to call himself, say, Pozner-Vabner? The State of Connecticut has allowed a huge amount of information to be redacted and has skated by a huge amount of this information, yet the lawyers of this state have nothing to say??? Why are lawyers not willing to take on this case, would they be blackballed if they went after Pozner, say? I may be wrong on this supposition,but I cannot remember the rank and file speaking out against these state sponsored shenanigans. Why?
Mr. Fetzer,
Respectfully, I was watching a video on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxiHkyfPJn8 about you. I clicked on the encyclopedia Britannica link there and on the side on the site, saw a clearer picture of the picture you have where you show boy #1 in the front f the line.
In the clearer picture (assuming someone didn\’t Photoshop it to change it), boy #1 in the black sweatshirt clearly has writing on his sweatshirt that starts with \’SOUTH\’. Under it is a small image, . then under that the beginning of another word, which I cannot make out. The whole thing, that we can see, ends just under his arm pits. Plus he has a part in his hair and his hair to brushed to the right and up a bit (though the up part might have been by the wind)
In the second picture, though not as clear, you see the full front of boy #1\’s sweatshirt. It does not look as if it has any words on it, but instead had a big image of something white with its arms spread out like maybe an astronaut or the Pillsbury dough boy, or Casper the friendly ghost (trying to think of what a little by might have on his chest). This image, even on the left side, which was all we could see in the first picture, goes down almost to where his navel would be. And his hair does not appear to have a part in it. And boy #2 looks as if he has on black pants in one picture and blue in the other, though it would just be the way the light hit it.
What do you think? I have no other comment opinion on the rest of it. I kinda wonder if it might have been a false flagg. . .but I don\’t agree with this picture angle.
Mr Fetzer, I have asked this of you twice and you still not have given an answer. Do you have a clear, up close, unedited photo of the room 10 window undamaged? The examples you give in your book are either cropped from another photo or with the window 50 yards in the background and at an angle.
Dr. Fetzer – I sent several photos to your University contact e-mail that show-off some of the drill staging. Your answer to the law suit is breathtaking. In my humble opinion, the potential impact of this case, if presented to a good judge and any jury in the land, will be more earth shaking than any other manufactured event in history. I have no doubt Eric Holden will be watching this closely. Shits gettin real. \”Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid.\” I hope that is true, and when the time comes, you will have a power team – Eowin, Halbig, Tracy and more. I thought Atty Kay Wilson was spectacular in Connecticut FOIA court. Pro se is good – attorney better.
What are you talking about? Every single claim of Fetzer’s edited book has been proven false. Google crisisactorguild or sandyhookanalysis and start reading the other side. I used to believe Fetzer’s claims as well. Until I read the other side.
This assertion is absurd on its face. The book has thirteen (13) contributors, including six (6) current or retired Ph.D. professors. What are the odds that we–who have no axe to grind–would be mistaken about (1) the school having been closed since 2008, (2) there being no kids there, (3) that it was a 2-day FEMA drill (where we even have the manual as Appendix A) and (4) that it was done to promote gun control. Just look at the featured image at the top of the blog. No one who understands staging and fakery would be taken in. But there are lots of shills out there who don’t want you to believe the evidence of your own eyes. “Guest” provides a sterling illustration.
guest has been a guest at obummers bathhouse for too long
Jim, you have shown tremendous courage (along with Wolfgang and others) by exposing this fraud. The very idea you allow “characters” like Bob to post here goes to your integrity…certainly not “his”.
I pray this goes to court and if so, if handled well, it has the potential to bring down this thing we laughingly call a government. As strange and impossible as that sounds I truly believe it’s feasible.
The noose is tightening. Grab your Gay Bob Doll
Nobody Died At Sandy Hook – It was a FEMA Drill to Promote Gun Control (Moon Rock Books)
Virtually every social media accounts Lenny claims is threatening and harassing him actually belong to Lenny and his volunteers. Lenny is manufacturing his own evidence to use in court and to solicit donations from sympathetic parties. We have infiltrated his group and have turned over the evidence to prove it.
Please report Lenny and his charity to the IRS and other scam watch groups. Stalking, harassing and making false copyright claims is against Federal Law. It is likely that the only beneficiary of Lenny’s charity is Lenny himself.
First of all, we should keep in mind that the court that accepted this case filing and the law firm for the Plaintiff may know that they are promoting an unidentified false entity into the legal system. That makes them accomplices to this illegality.
It is a shame for the defendants to even have to respond to this miscarriage of justice.
“Virtually every social media accounts Lenny claims is threatening and harassing him actually belong to Lenny and his volunteers.”
That rings very true to me.
“We have infiltrated his group and have turned over the evidence to prove it.”
It would be nice if individuals could report Lenny games to this group of “We” and told exact steps to formally report to IRS.
“It is likely that the only beneficiary of Lenny’s charity is Lenny himself.”
I believe Lenny’s Shadow Government (don’t like the term “deep state”) sponsors would like to have it APPEAR that Lenny is an individual scamster just looking to make money for himself. That is great cover story in case someone gets closer to getting legal action against him and, if Lenny is a real person, he would be then dropped like a hot potato by his sponsors and left to fend for himself.
The entire GO FUND ME and like entities are increasingly shown to be money laundering operations and a mechanism to pay off certain individuals who participate in the Shadow Government’s deception games.
Any donations that accrue to “Lenny” are just “gravy” and a sideline benefit to the real game.
The IRS website offers instructions for filing a complaint about a nonprofit by either:
submitting your concerns in writing by email (eoclass@irs.gov) or by regular mail (IRS EO Classification, Mail Code 4910, 1100 Commerce Street, Dallas, TX 75242)
or by completing Form 13909, https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f13909.pdf the Tax-Exempt Organization Complaint (Referral) Form.
In most states, nonprofit regulation is the responsibility of the Attorney General or the Secretary of State.
Office of the Attorney General
State of Florida
The Capitol PL-01
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1050
(866) 966-7226
I don’t think the “shadow government” would trust Putative Pozner to run his own defense, hire lawyers, etc. There is way too much at stake. Remember, the sum totality of perps cannot afford to lose this case and it would uncover many more complicits. If one of the other chaos actors suddenly was called to court, likewise he/she would need legal help that might have an “in” with the “right” people. The top perps need all the insulation they can get and individuals like Poz would not be allowed to choose his own representation.
The great thing for you about having your old blog shut down is that all your nonsense that was debunked on there in the comment section is long gone so you can post your rubbish once again and unsuspecting readers won’t know that it has been debunked over and over again! Once again: Those are NOT the same students in that picture that you claim they are. They don’t even have the same haircut/face shape! Egad!
This counts as stupid on so many grounds! Let me count the ways. What is the probability that, if this had been a real shooting, someone would have called parents to come to the scene? What is the probability that, if this had been a real shooting and parents had been called to the scene, that they would stand around watching while a photographer took several photographs? What is the probability that, if this had been a real shooting and parents had been called to the scene, that they would not snatch their children at the earliest opportunity and “get the hell out of Dodge”? The attempts to explain away the massive proof that this was a FEMA drill presented as mass murder continue unabated to this day–as this post displays!
Parents would not just grab the kids, because it was safer for a cop to bring them out. The kids were also witnesses, so they needed to be questioned.
You expose yourself as a shill with every post! The more absurdities you post, the more obvious it becomes.
Oy Vey! Lenny Pozner sued the school and tried to blame the deaths of those children on the murdered teachers and principal. Fortunately the judge saw through Pozner\’s scheme and threw him and his attorney out of court. Bankrupt and butt hurt he\’s been trying to sue anyone and everyone to recover those shekels. Lenny likes to manufacture lawsuits.
He who is greedy for unjust gain brings trouble on his household.
How do you know Putative Pozner is flat busted? How do you know he has hired his own counsel when it’s likely the head perps and high rollers in the crime are likely behind hiring legal eagles? Who hired the secret vendor for Porta Potties? Who made the deal with the demolition company to have their employees sign lifelong secrecy agreements? Putative Pozner? Balderdash, I think not!
Lennie does not manufacture lawsuits. His deep state paid lawyers do.
Bahmi, My sense of that case is that it was a theatrical production to add more validity to the SH FEMA exercise.
I am pleased to see this article and see that a case has actually been brought. I am glad Dr. Fetzer is calling this bluff.
“PLAINTIFF: Since the death certificate that Leonard Pozner gave to Kelley Watt does not differ “in any material respect” from the death certificate certified by the State of Connecticut, it must be authentic and therefore cannot be a fake, a forgery or a fabrication, as the Defendant claims; and, as a consequence, he has defamed the Plaintiff;”
This claim of the Plaintiff sounds very odd.
I am under the distinct understanding that “Leonard Pozner” has substantial, basically unlimited, financial backing for this
maneuver and that the money flow to the plaintiff’s attorneys is ultimately from the perpetrators of this evil and false event.
This is a chessboard move by our powerful Shadow Government.
Was unclear WHAT DATE the “defamation” is claimed to have taken place.
We pray that Jim is able to make his case in court, although it is likely that Pozner will drop this lawsuit just as he did Halbig’s. These are designed to cost the defendants time and money, but if Pozner drops a second time, he should be sued for filing frivolous lawsuits.
I hope Jim will present the Dec 13 2012 time-stamp (one day prior to the incident) of the Newtown Bee’s photo of the children leaving Sandy Hook Elementary, which is a smoking gun that it was staged. I also hope that he will present the other smoking guns–various documents for food deliveries and requests to governmental agencies in the 2011-2012 school year (the year before the Sandy Hook incident) that listed the address of Sandy Hook Elementary School as 375 Fan Hill Road in Monroe CT–the address of the supposedly abandoned Chalk Hill Middle School. This proves, along with satellite images, that Sandy Hook students had been there for at least since August of 2011 and were nowhere near the old Sandy Hook Elementary on Dec 14 2012.
All Jim needs to do is have the judge order that eLIEzr appear in court. He will drop the case just like he did Wolfgangs. eLIEzer has so may current lawsuits. He is suing Ji, Alex Jones for defamation. Which is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Alex and Jim are entitled to Freedom of Speech something defamation, slander or libel doesn’t fall under. eLIEzer is claiming that Alex’s claims of Sandy Hook being a hoax is getting people to harass and stalk him with death threats. He is full of shit. o one has made death threats or even harassed him except that one lady Lucy Richards who served her 5 months in jail. There has been no proof of any other claims. How about eLIEzer owns up to the 30 plus domains registered to Len Pozner that are in peoples real names, have their addresses, phone numbers, employment, family members names and number on them. eLIEzer had one of his flunkies named Doug Maguire hack a woman’s icloud and posted a picture of her 3 year old naked in the tub. He also obtained a copy of her license which was photographed on her icloud as well and he posted it to his domain in her name and to a video hosting site. He can dish it out but can’t take it back. His delusional mind thinks he is going to be awarded $1,000,000 from his Alex Jones lawsuite. All the cases will be thrown out of court
When Wolfgang tweeted those invoices, he unknowingly debunked himself:
On the right it clears shows a modified date of 1/02/13. Meaning they changed the database to reflect the new address for the school.
It also says:
Once the database was changed, the school address would read Chalk Hill, not Sandy Hook
Since you mentioned satellite images, here is one from 3/29/12 of Sandy Hook. Does not look abandoned does it? Can even see kids at the playground:
If Wolf made a mistake, it’s not for lack of trying. His dedication and sincerity are transparent. You are not in his league.
It was npot a mistake, he is still going on about Chalk Hill. So he has just ignored that modified date. In his motion to dismiss, he sated thgere is no public record of Monroe discussing plane for the Chalk hill school. but that is also false.
He also tweeted this:
Food deliveries to 12 Dickinson Dr. 9/06/12
Bob said :
He also tweeted this:
Food deliveries to 12 Dickinson Dr. 9/06/12
But, the screens do not show food deliveries, nor food invoices, whatsoever.
My reply to Bob on his ( and Wologang Halbig’s ) misunderstanding of the screen images, on the Sandy Hook thread :
Here is a 2017 picture of several of the Sandy Hook boys, very much alive and well. This is a rather exclusive little club of formerly dead kids. I posted this picture on FB and it got me a 3 day suspension as being in violation of their “community
standards”. FB does not like kids that are alive….. would they rather have them all dead[?].
BTW the headline photo in Jim’s post is totally staged. The parents of the kids are standing and watching. Remember there was supposed to the a crazed killer in the school. Wouldn’t the kids be running for their terrified parents?
Given the hour of the ”attack”, I did a study of this photo to calculate the length of the shadows of the people. It appears that this photo was taken a month or so before the event day and at around 11 AM or 11:30 AM.
The \”evacuation\” photo was taken October 8 2012 according to the meta data on the photos, Some of the children\’s photo\’s went back as far as 2008. This was carefully planned for years but poorly executed. It was a hot mess the minute it aired on TV and the photo\’s started appearing online. We had no evacuation, a school not in operations. The Lanza\’s neighbor and a random FBI agent running around in the woods. A 112lbs 6\’0 man who allegedly had asperger\’s or Autism depending on who you talk to, and sensory disorder (he allegedly could not touch anything metal like doorknobs and he has a major sensitivity to sun light where he had to place black trash bags on his bedroom windows, yet could play the light flashing loud game Dance Dance Revolution for hours on end at the mall) carrying an arsenal or weapons weighing half his weight climb shoot 26 people with a 99% accuracy rate. Trained Snipers don\’t have that perfect accuracy. Then Lanza allegedly shot himself in the head but the bullet wound entered the rear of his head. There were no kids being evacuated from he school. Just people walking in circles at the fire house. Then a bus driver just randomly left 4 0r 6 (depends on which Gene Rosen Interview you watch) kids at Gene Rosen\’s residence. Gene didn\’t know if he was coming back from getting bagels, waiting for his grand kids, his wife or was just watching his creepy cat. Why a bus driver would drop kids off at some random strangers home is beyond me. Gene was spotted on camera at the fire house when he allegedly had the children from Victoria Soto\’s class in his home. Was he with the kids or wandering the fire house like seen on LIVE TV. Lets not forget the PLEASE CHECK IN FEMA sign caught on camera, or the color coded lanyards that the parents were all wearing around their neck (This is Drill procedure) Lets not forget that Sandy Hook is a high class neighborhood. All the parents had nice careers yet everyone was dressed in jeans, sneakers sweats and sweatshirts. Not indicative of a family member leaving work to head down to the school in a rush emergency . Add in the cases of water bottles, dozens of pizzas ordered and the Port A Potty\’s all lined up on Dickerson Dr.Everyone was so calm, walking slowly around Dickerson Dr for the camera\’s or circling in and out of the firehouse. No frantic parents wondering if their child is safe. If this happened at my daugher\’s school I would be a hot mess, frantically trying to find out any info I can. I would be crying hysterically not showing no emotion or smiling. now that I have been rambling let me end with the gun used to shot Nancy Lanza and the children in Victoria Soto\’s class did not have Adams DNA or fingerprints on it. How does one shoot a gun and your DNA is nowhere to be found. His finger prints where no where to be found, not on the barrel, not on the trigger, no finger prints on the bullets he touch to load the gun. And one last thing. I can get into the crazy acting of Medical Examiner Wayne Carver but we all so his display of crazy antics. He kept stating the long gun was used to shoot the children, yet the log gun was found in the trunk of Nancy Lanza\’s vehicle. We see on live TV the officer opening the trunk and picking the long rifle up and placing it back down. Since Adam allegedly killed himself in the classroom or hallway depending on who you interview, he couldn\’t possibly put the gun back in the vehicle.The Long rifle or gun as Wayne Carver calls it was never used in the alleged shooting. Mr. Carver went on to describe the triage tent as a \”Magnificent Thing\” and then he laughed uncontrollably and started wavering his head up and down and back and forth like a lunatic. When questioned about idetifying the bodies Wayne Carver stated that the parents were not allowed to see the children to identify them. Instead he was going to take photos. He went on to state that photos are easier on the families and that he has a very good photographer who can do amazing things. What amazing things would be done to a photo? Wayne Carver then stated (Off hand because i don\’t remember exactly) But he stated something to the effect that the town of Newtown better hope this all doesn\’t come crashing down on their heads. Was he telling us something? Sandy Hook was an elaborate hoax that was planned for years in advance but was executed so badly. Robbie Parker Laughing and smiling before he gets into character for his interview. Just one day after his daughter was allegedly slaughtered. Who would be smiling, laughing and joking? Photo here of him smiling before his press confrence https://blackeyenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Robbie-Parker-Smiling.png Lets not forget that Barrack Obama is photographed holding Emilie the day after the shooting. She is wearing the same dress and same shoes. I don\’t believe that they put the outfit on younger child Madeline and it fit to a tee. Here is the photo https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b5/Barack_Obama_with_relatives_of_Emilie_Parker.jpg Also lets ot forget that there are no photos of the Parker Family with Emilie in it. Allison Parker photoshopped Emilie into every photo that was released to the public On to the Pozners- Michael Vabner walks away from his mom when she is seen on TV being told about Noah. He doesn\’t hug her, kiss her, comfort her in anyway, He walks away as soon as the officer began to speak to her. eLIEzer was wandering around like a bumbling idiot with a dumb look on his face. He too wasn\’t crying, showed no sadness, just walked away from his wife and walked round the area in circles. I want to mention too that Noah died twice, once allegedly in Sandy Hook and a second time in Peshwar Pakistan, Not only did he die twice he was shown on a banner with the other kids who were killed, then again his photo was held up by a woman and they even gave him a new name which was Huzaifa Huxaifa Photo here : https://www.imgrumweb.com/post/BVGxOlBAMCF DMCA Filling whack Job eLIEzer didn\’t even go after the BBC who posted the photos to have them removed? Why? He does it to anyone who mentions his kids name or shows his photo for a millisecond. He never bothered to have the photos removed. He did have girl by the name of Tiffany Moser (she once was a sandy hook hoaxers and was all into the research until she needed eLIEers help so she flipped and became a disHONR Fraud) Tiffany contacted a man on facebook who had a dedication video created for those who died in Peshwar. She interrogated this man who had no idea where the photo came from or who the person was. SHe demanded he take the video down. He wasn\’t threatened by her and kept the video up. One last thing to say. eLIEzer who claims he has had to move several times because he is being harrassed and getting death threats has over 30 domain names registered o him under en Pozner. Many are peoples personal names or Youtube channel names. He posts the peoples phone numbers, address, workplace, family member names, anything he an dig up. He even had someone hack another person\’s icloud and had one of his flunkies post a picture of the woman\’s 3 year old daughter naked in the tub and a picture of her license. ELIEzer is one big hypocrite. He can\’t handle the heat but can dish it out and think he is invincible. The FBI is aware of his domains that he has obtained and they re currently investigating them. Karma is a Bitch and Sandy Hook was a big fat HOAX
You have no idea how this works do you? see here: http://www.crisisactorsguild.com/2019/01/12/wolfgang-halbigs-complicated-relationship-with-exif-data/
Why are you so fixated six years later on the lanyards? Go to any workplace in the US and you’ll see employees wearing ID badges. Office buildings, schools, hospitals, churches all use them. Those people came there from work, so it would make sense for them to have the ID badges with them.
In an active shooting, there is no surge of EMT’s, Halbig has a cop(only for less than two years)should know this. The scene has to be secured before any medical personnel are allowed in. Once it was safe enough, one of the cops escorted in three medics. that’s how it works tin those situations.
At Columbine, the Red Cross brought water for the first responders. So having food/water being brought in for them at Sandy Hook is not odd. Same for the porta potties, where were they all supposed to go to the bathroom? It’s just your speculation that the images showing the sign, food, water, porta potties are from before the 14th. The only evidence you show is that there were leaves still on trees in December. Any internet search will show you articles about leaves staying on trees well into December, it is very common.
Your speculation will not stand up in court. The besst you can do is show blurry photos of room 10 that you think show it undamaged. That’s all you have to say the school was staged the night before. you will need a clear, up close, unedited photo of the undamaged room 10. Something that you do not have, nor will ever have.
Why do you still show that Noah Pozner transition when it’s clear that his and Michael Vabner’s ears do not match?
They are one and the same person. It’s embarrassing when you post rubbish like this, but I know it’s the best you can do. There is nothing “blurry” about the photos of the windows of Classroom #10. Anyone who takes this guy seriously needs to go back and review, “Sandy Hook Updated: Tracy loses, Wolfgang wins. The Deep State Strikes Back!” linked above. It’s all there clear as a bell and in spades. The building was in deplorable condition inside and out and was not even compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act, which means that it could not have been legally operating as a public school on 14 December 2012.
Not blurry? The room 10 photo in your book was cropped from one of the other photos. it\’s a parking lot photo of a vehicle, with the classroom window out of focus in the background. It was cropped from one of the photos of the Toyota Sienna van, either the Farr exterior photos or the Meehan parking lot photos in the report. In both photos the window in the background, out of focus. So once it\’s cropped, it\’s going to look blurry.
Post photos on your blog of Michael Vabner and Noah Pozner and let your readers judge if their ears match.
For proof that “Bob” is a fraud, download NOBODY DIED AT SANDY HOOK (2015) for free as a pdf by putting its title in your browser. One benefit of the download is that, unlike the original 1st edition, which was only black-and-white, the images are all in color. Compare the key image on page 148, where you can see the SWAT vehicle already present and the string of four windows just above its roof, where you can compare them with page 149, where they are obviously shot up, and on page 154, where they are clearly intact. The latter image corresponds to their condition in the key photo on page 148, which means that “Bob” appears to be shilling for the Deep State.
Like I said before, the photo on pg 154 is cropped, You can see the right tail light of the Sienna van in the photo.
This is the original, page 139 of the Farr nighttime exterior photos in the report:
You even put that photo in the book, showing how difficult it would be to see the window damage. Cropping the photo as you did only makes it harder to see..
On your old blog you were corrected many times and finally admitted you were wrong, but again here you repeat the same mistake. it’s not a SWAT vehicle, it’s the State Police Major Crime Squad, basically it’s the forensics vehicle. Not SWAT
Here is a Major Crime Squad truck at a home after a homicide:
At a hit & run investigation:
You think SWAT goes to hit & run accidents?
The Room 10 window is far off in the background and at an angle in the photo, impossible to see the damage from that distance and angle.
Like I said, can you produce a clear, up close, unedited photo of the undamaged Room 10 window?
This is whacky. OK, let it be the State Police Major Crime Squad. It was taken BEFORE the alleged offense occurred. I have point out to you before that you can see the difference between the DAMAGED and the UNDAMAGED windows in Exhibits 42 vs. 30 of Ch. 8 of NOBODY DIED AT SANDY HOOK (2015), which anyone can download for free as a pdf by entering its title and verify for themselves.
Pro Se. Very good.
The last thing you need is a lawyer!
I respectfully disagree about the legal strategy – as I understand it, the crux of the claim centers around the professor’s admitted statements regarding the fraudulent nature of the death certificate – since the truth or falsity of those statements is an affirmative defense, why not just focus on the facts related to the easily proven falsity of the document? Moreover, if the Professor’s claim is true, and the Pozner character has called upon the State of Wisconsin to award him damages under false pretenses, such actions constitute what is sometimes referred to as “extrinsic fraud” or “fraud upon the court”. A nice case illustrative of this doctrine in the context of an ongoing matter is Aoude v. Mobil Oil Corp., 892 F.2d 1115 (1st Cir. 1989). In Wisconsin, a case kinda close is Jones v. Courtyard Apartments, LLP, 326 Wis. 2d 266, 787 N.W.2d 60. You could move to have the case dismissed because it is based on evidence known by the plaintiff to be manufactured. At the least, you could start with immediate discovery requests. Yes, I see the professor reserved his rights to counterclaim, but it sounds like advice from friendly counsel who is cautious, timid and un-clever. On the other hand, here is a nice case for an abuse of process counterclaim: Keller v. Patterson, 343 Wis. 2d 569, 580, 819 N.W.2d 841, 846 (“One who uses a legal process, whether criminal or civil, against another to accomplish a purpose for which it is not designed is liable to the other for the pecuniary loss caused thereby.”).
If Pozner is a fictitious name, the mere signing of an affidavit for court, is a felony forgery, prosecutable by law.
The Sandy Hook fraud is one of the most horrific events in US history since 1776. It is shameful beyond belief.
Of course, if the court process shows that Jim’s position is the rock of Gibraltar, and IF Pozner shows at all, this will necessarily implicate many, many people who were part of this ruse. If the government and various intelligence agencies were able to hide travesties like the JFK assassination, the killings of Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy, rest assured they can stonewall this case. Hayshakers were not behind Sandy Hook, this most likely came from on-high in the hierarchy of the Deep State. There are unanswered questions to SH, like the silence of the populace in Newtown, this is a major mystery. One can only hope that the judicial process is fair and impartial.Then again, is the Supreme Court fair and impartial? Are judges chosen on the basis of their impartiality? Not! The farce starts at the top and works its way down the chain.It culminates in the fact judges are chosen for their political leanings, not their impartiality.
We can only hope this is a fair court and a fair judge.How many people truly believe this case will be adjudicated totally impartially?
Well said, Bahmi; thank you. I praise Jim for this powerful opportunity to “play this game at court” that points to a Founders’ gift that “We the People” as jury will be the ones to determine the facts. Will the “court” be slanted or fixed? That’s a challenge Jim’s legal advisors will help address, with their “best game” to do the best possible given whatever circumstances unfold.
As always, we stand for comprehensive and objective facts to demonstrate what happened. This is an extraordinary opening where our opponents have chosen a venue for factual discovery and public documentation. We’ll play this game, this is what we want, what we’ve “trained” for, and what will win for humanity.
Thank you, Jim, for leading in this unexpected breakthrough 🙂
Let the trial begin. Hopefully under an honest judge. And honest jury.
All they need is for the judge to remand eLIEzer to appear in court and the case will be dropped like he did with the case against Wolfgang Halbig. eLIEzer did not want to show his face. He thought his attorney was going to handle the whole proceedings and he was WRONG
In all cases like the ”’deaths”’ at Sandy Hook, there would be automatic Wrongful Death lawsuits.
But there were none.
I think we all know why.!!! During any Wrongful Death Trial there is …..DISCOVERY…that is the answer.
How much money was solicited in donations from this event?
It must be many millions of dollars. If what you say is true and
no one died wouldn’t they all be guilty of committing major fraud?
I see them locking people up for lying on GOFUNDME to
steal a few hundred dollars and yet these people got millions
of dollars.
It seems to me some serious jail time and restitution would be in
order for them, including the then sitting president who swore
an oath to uphold and defend the constitution not try to subvert
it based on a fabricated story.
Hopefully, you can question them under oath and find out. Not that
I believe they would ever show up. I bet the suit will be dropped.
Above all, Putative Pozner does NOT want his submissions looked at too carefully and comprehensively. Unless things could be \”managed\” by the judiciary, no way Pozner shows. Of course, Pozner may not exist. I just can\’t see where the plaintiff would want to show his face in public. Then again, let\’s not forget how James Tracy\’s case was \”handled\”. Talk about a raw deal, a bogus deal! Ah, yes. Good ol\’ Broward County guarantees everybody a square deal.
In this case, the plaintiff could ask for a health related delay in proceedings. Could be months, let\’s not forget many people have involvement in this case. One thing for certain, the Deep State can\’t afford to lose this case so they\’ll do whatever they can to tilt the scales.
What would happen in case of massive fraud? Nothing. These people are obviously protected by agencies like the State of Conn. and the Feds.
Thank you Jim for standing up. I hope you get a fair trial. What I mean is, I hope the fix is not in.
The answer posted above sounds more like your radio show than the clear, concise and coherent thoughts you usually articulate. Also, why the prayer for dismissal, no counterclaim?
spoonful: Jim’s response is powerful, with game-changing consequences for public verdict after factual documentation. You need to read again: “The defendant Fetzer reserves for himself and his co-defendants the options to counterclaim for abuse of process and/or to seek relief under Section 802.05 and/or under Section 895.044 of Wisconsin Statutes.”
Prayer is wise, as leading activists are targeted by our opponents. Learn the history that includes targeting of JFK, MLK, RFK, and hundreds of others. You should contribute your prayers, if that’s something you conclude helpful.
Why was MLK targetted, in your opinion, Carl Herman, given all the information made available to you?
Including, I think, the most plausible and well-documented and congruent with over-arching social developments case you ever were presented with: https://radiofetzer.blogspot.com/2011/01/car-hermann.html
I write as fellist in that thread.
In context that Jim goes to court with the breakthrough possibility to reveal comprehensive facts as powerful as the King family did in their civil trial finding the US government guilty with overwhelming evidence, the King family and Martin Pepper (that trial’s attorney, and Martin’s friend) came to the conclusion that the motive to kill Martin was his plan to occupy D.C. during the summer of ’68 until the Vietnam War was ended, with those funds redirected to end poverty in the US. Documentation: https://carlbherman.blogspot.com/2018/04/corbett-report-51-minute-video-on-mlk.html
I appreciate your well-thought analyses, fellist/Nick.
Back to Jim’s opening with Sandy Hook: as Truth moves more broadly into the hearts and minds of the US public, our .01% opponents will be forced into more desperate moves that seem more and more dangerous to them losing narrative control. If we stand that Life is fair (karma, loving God, whatever), then all we have to do is keep moving forward for Truth. This is all we have in our own hands and voices to choose, and we will do our best 🙂
all of the Sandy Hookers deserve….”public contempt, disgrace, ridicule and attack”
Agree. These hoaxtards are taking things to ridiculous heights. Defamation? That is just Libel or slander. Stating that Sandy Hook was a hoax for gun control and that maybe some people were actors is not defamation. It is freedom of speech. Alex Jones is being sued for the same thing, eLIEzer Pozner is claiming that his voice on the matter is causing people to threaten and harass him and some of the other family members. He is seeking $1,000,000 in damages since he claims he has to constantly move is residence. All Alex Jones has to do is have the judge remand that eLIEzer appear in court and he will drop the ase like he did towards Wolfgang Halbig LoL. I feel bad for Alex Jones he is losing his Apple account, Facebook, Twitter and Spotify. Paypal also suspended his account which he has had since 2000 where he sells nutritional supplements, fluoride free toothpaste and Infowars-branded items. eLIEzer’s lawsuit should have no effect on any of those things. The censorship is ridiculous. I hope Youtube loses many channels that were bringing them in income. You can’t speak about Sandy Hook, Parkland, Las Vegas, Virginia Reporter Shooting (Andy Parker is in cahoots with eLIEzer) Orlando Pulse Shooting, San Bernadino and many more. Speech is no longer free online. They want all your info but you can’t speak your mind. It literally is not hurting anyone. Only one person threatened eLIEzer over the phone and that was Lucy Richards. She served her 5 months in jail as punishment to pleading guilty. (Do yu know Keith Johnson made a video when that first happened blaming me for the phone calls. I sound nothing like the old lady. I have the thickest NY accent ever and eLIEzer has no effect on me. He is a big cry baby.
Jim Fetzer is accusing Lenny Pozner for faking his son’s death certificate which is defamation. That’s the whole reason why Lenny Pozner is suing him!