Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., Motion to Recuse Judge Frank Remington Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 757.19(2)(g)

Jim Fetzer, Ph.D. Not to suggest a comedy of errors, but my Motion to Open Judgment Pursuant to Extrinsic Fraud and Fraud upon the Court (17 June 2024) prompted the Circuit Court Judge presiding over my case, The Honorable Frank Remington, to deny the motion without soliciting a response from the Plaintiff and my reply, which was a violation of the Wisconsin Rules of Judicial Procedure. When I protested by filing a Request for Relief from Judgment or Order (20 June 2024), he did it again! This was such a…

Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., FAKE NEWS: “The Truth vs. Alex Jones”

Jim Fetzer, Ph.D. Robert Barnes, the celebrated attorney, said (of his visit to the Alex Jones trial in Austin) that it was unlike any courtroom he had ever seen, with three cameras (one of which was pointed at the jury) and that “it looked like a made-for-TV-movie”! No doubt, Robert Barnes got it right! And the outcome was the film, “The Truth vs. Alex Jones”, which contains very little truth (as I shall explain) and distorts the law regarding freedom of speech by grossly misrepresenting the First Amendment to present a…

Jim Fetzer, The Latest Pathetic (NYT) Sandy Hook Sob Story

Jim Fetzer [Editor’s note: For background, those who are unfamiliar with the evidence related to the Sandy Hook event might want to watch two presentations from my False Flags & Conspiracies Conference 2020, which you can download to your own desktop: Kelley Watt, “Sandy Hook: A Mass Illusion”,  and Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., “What happened at Sandy Hook?”–perhaps better titled, “What Didn’t Happen at Sandy Hook?”, as the following explains.There must be over 100 proofs that suggest that Sandy Hook was staged; here I am going to review only a half-dozen…

Jim Hoft, Kari Lake’s Pseudo-Trial on Maricopa County’s Election Theft

By Jim Hoft [Editor’s note: Having now experienced the manner in which the courts of Wisconsin can fail to uphold the statutes of its own state–where I am back at the WI Court of Appeals (District IV) in an attempt to reverse the taking of my book, NOBODY DIED AT SANDY HOOK (2015; 2nd ed., 2016) and my blog jamesfetzer.org–it’s obvious the Circuit Court in Maricopa manufactured the outcome by putting a time limit on presentations to the Court rather than allow Kari to present her evidence. Compare my latest…

James Fetzer – Show Trial: Alex Jones’ Case wasn’t Decided on its Merits

Henry Makow Prof James Fetzer, above who is facing a $450,000 penalty for his book “Nobody Died at Sandy Hook” says truth is no defense in 2022 Amerika. Alex Jones and his lawyers did not even try to use it which reveals Jones may be in on a charade designed to stifle dissent.   . . . . the school had been closed by 2008; that there were no students there; and that it had been a two-day FEMA drill presented as mass murder to promote gun control), I regarded this as…

Did a Conspiracy Theory Just Collapse? Sandy Hook and Alex Jones

by Daniel Pipes [Editor’s note: Nice piece of propaganda, where even though Alex Jones may have caved and Mike Palecek may have issued an apology, I remain dedicated to the truth about Sandy Hook, where I now have a Petition before the US Supreme Court to reverse the ruling of the Dane County Circuit Court on the ground that the Summary Judgment protocols in Wisconsin violate my rights under the 7th and the 14th Amendments. You can download my Petition from the SCOTUS docket here. And check out some of…

JW Williams, The Sandy Hook Shooting – A Huge Controversy that Lingers

JW Williams [Editor’s note: Apart from a few errata, such as describing me as the “author” rather than as the “editor” of Nobody Died at Sandy Hook: It was a FEMA Drill to Promote Gun Control (2015; 2nd ed., 2016), JW Williams did a good job of summarizing my case, and I am flattered that it appeared on G. Edward Griffin’s Need to Know website. where those who think my effort to carry it to the US Supreme Court–where I am in the process of drafting my Writ of Certiorari…

VT Editors, Fetzer and the Zio-Juggernaut from Sandy Hook

By VT Editors VT: Our good friend Jim Fetzer has been sewn up in court for years now over his book on Sandy Hook.  For anyone but Fetzer, errors, real or imagined, in his book are certainly “absent malice,” a typical affirmative defense in defamation cases like this. What our own investigation showed, an extensive investigation, is that those who staged Sandy Hook, and we don’t know if the kids were real or not…in fact nothing about Sandy Hook can be said at all with any degree of certainty…fed the…

Mary Maxwell, The Real Sandy Hook Tragedy Begins Now: Arrests Called For

by Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB The day of the Sandy Hook school massacre — December 14, 2012 — is not a tragic day, as there were no deaths. There was no shooter. There weren’t six staff members who tried valiantly to save the 20 children. It was an ordinary Friday. The massacre story is fiction. There have been many false flag events in the US and elsewhere. Some are pure fiction, such as the crash of Flight UA93 in Shanksville Pennsylvania on September 11, 2001. No plane fell to…

Brian Wright, Book Review: And Nobody Died in Boston Either (2016)

Brian R. Wright [Editor’s note: It was my great pleasure to feature Brian Wright on “The Raw Deal” today (31 December 2021), where we discussed several of these issues. Check it out here: The Raw Deal (31 December 2021) with Brian Wright: to watch, click here.]   State-sponsored terrorism with Hollywood special effects (9/10) Edited by James Fetzer, PhD, and Mike Paleck Note: The Coffee Coaster is proud to publish this review on April 15, 2016—241 years after the British were ordered to march on Lexington and Concord, Mass., thus…