Christian Zionism: “any Christian support for the national revival movement of the Jewish people realized through the establishment of the modern State of Israel.” – National Council of Churches
Color of Law: an act done under the appearance of legal authorization, when in fact, no such right existed. It applies when a person is acting under real or apparent government authority.
By Jack Mullen
Follow @jackimullen
An Iron Curtain around Free Speech in the United States is being constructed piecemeal as States legislate unconstitutional laws claiming to target “anti-Semitism.” These “laws” define criticism of Israel, Zionism, Jewish influence in America, Jewish domination of the media and other industry, Jewish dual loyalty questions, Judaism, the Talmud and other points of public discussion about Jewry (formerly known as the Jewish Question) or the political agenda of Zionism as a crime, punishable under current racial discrimination law and/or newly created Hate Crime color of law.
Could America become an environment as hostile as ancient Israel, imprisoning or even eventually killing those who criticize the Jews? We are moving rapidly in that direction. ADL’s federal hate crimes bill, recently passed by the US House and Senate, is designed to transform America into a speech crimes tyranny just like ancient Israel under its most oppressive leadership. – Pastor Ted Pike
Anti-Semitism color of law is being authored broadly by Zionists and Christian Zionists, for example in Florida with State Representatives like Randy Fine (Jewish) who says:
“When you have open anti-Semites serving in Congress, it’s important that the state of Florida take a strong stand against this sort of thing.”
Randy Fine, like his Christian Zionist (Southern Baptist) accomplice, Representative James Grant, who laments that Washington has failed to take the lead in creating color of law infringing on the First Amendment to ban ANY criticism of Israel, Zionism, Judaism, or Jewry, is righteously and vigorously sabotaging the Constitution in support of the Zionist agenda to silence critics.
“It is a shame that we have to spend time in the Florida Legislature making this statement, but the reality is we do,” Grant said. “Washington seemingly doesn’t have the spine to make this statement.”
According to an article in the Southern Baptist Press, there is concern about Christian Zionists’ misguided ideology:
NCC [National Council of Churches] broadly defines Christian Zionism as “any Christian support for the national revival movement of the Jewish people realized through the establishment of the modern State of Israel.” The brochure focuses its warning on a more narrow description of “an ideology grounded in beliefs which consider the State of Israel to be divinely ordained and scripturally determined with a central role in ushering in the end of history.” The commentary caricatures the end-times scenario embraced by many evangelicals “where unconverted Jews and unbelievers (including Christians who are considered to be of questionable status) are judged by God’s wrath.”
The NCC assigns the label of “misguided ideology” to the belief that the state of Israel has a divinely ordained role in ushering in the end of history. “The danger of this ideology is that it is a manipulation of Christian scripture and teaching,” said Antonios Kireopoulos, NCC senior program director for interfaith relations. “Unfortunately it has influence in American churches, to the point where many well-meaning Christians are swayed to support particularly destructive directions in U.S. foreign policy with regard to the Middle East.”
Christian Zionism in its narrowest form, according to the NCC brochure, advocates preserving control of historic Palestine, including Gaza and the West Bank, for the Jewish people alone and rejecting any peace settlement based on a two-state solution. Citing scholars who find no roots in traditional teachings for Christian Zionist ideology, the NCC supports the security needs and rights of both Israelis and Palestinians.
Christian Pastor, author, radio host, and former candidate for President of the United States, Chuck Baldwin, cites fabrications in the so-called “Scofield Reference Bible” as a part of the reason why Christian Zionists have been misled into supporting the enemy of America and Christianity.
This flagrant misinterpretation of Scripture (popularized by Scofield) has turned modern Israel into a god in the eyes of many Christians. Oh, they would never admit to committing the sin of idolatry with Israel, but in truth, that is exactly what many of them are doing.
After much study on the subject, I am convinced that Cyrus Ingerson Scofield was an agent of the Rothschilds and that his reference Bible was deliberately used to blind Christians to what the true nature and purpose of the soon-to-be modern State of Israel was. And it worked—BIG TIME. To most Christians today, modern Israel is a “miracle of God”—a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy—and the atheistic, Talmudic, Kabbalistic Jews who control the Zionist state are “God’s Chosen People.”
As a result, America (thanks to seventy years of indoctrination by tens of thousands of pastors, radio and TV preachers, churches and Bible colleges and seminaries) has literally become a doormat (and puppet) for Israel.
No country on earth could attack a U.S. Navy vessel (the USS Liberty) and kill 34 American Sailors and Marines with complete and total impunity. Beyond that, the U.S. government (with the assistance of the mainstream media) deliberately and aggressively covered up this attack and even apologized on behalf of the attacking country. No country on earth could get by with such a thing. No country, that is, except Israel. …
In addition, most of America’s invasions, bombings, military conflicts and wars over the past several decades (including the current ones) have been little more than proxy wars for Israel. Pro-Israel policies and agendas literally dominate America’s politics, news media and entertainment industries—not to mention most churches, of course. And the Donald Trump presidency has only deepened Christians’ infatuation (even obsession) with Israel-driven, Israel-focused prophecy. – Chuck Baldwin Challenges End Times Theology of “zionized” Christians
According to the book by Professor David W. Lutz, “Unjust War Theory: Christian Zionism and the Road to Jerusalem”,
“[Zionist Samuel] Untermeyer used Scofield, a Kansas City lawyer with no formal training in theology, to inject Zionist ideas into American Protestantism.
Anti-Semitism – The Straw Man
Anti-Semitism has no formal meaning – it is a weaponized label with a fluid definition, ever-changing and expanding to meet the requirements of preventing ANY criticism of the crimes of Israel (for example, USS Liberty, 9-11) or pointing out Jewish political domination of American governments(USG, and States) and total Jewish control over information channels such as the mainstream media.
The anti-Semitism label attempts to equate specific criticisms regarding Jewish/Zionist behavior, actions, influence, and goals with broad categories of racial or religious hatreds – a straw man is then created to short circuit further consideration of the original concern or charges.
Harold Rosenthal, a Zionist and a one-time aide to US Senator Jacob Javits, said in an interview about the Zionist agenda in the United States:
Anti-Semitism does not signify opposition to Semitism. There is no such thing. It is an expression we Jews use effectively as a smear word — used to brand as a bigot like you guys — anyone who brings criticism against Jews.
Rosenthal’s amazing interview is here, and, by the way, it was less than 30 days after the interview when the 29-year-old was murdered in Istanbul.
One of the primary goals of identifying someone as “anti-Semitic” is to shut down specific charges about the Jewish/Zionist attempt to change the laws of the United States to prevent people from organizing for purposes of ending Israeli interference in the American political system and taking back control of the United States military, which is now working to Balkanize the Middle East on behalf of Israel. These are specific charges and do not represent hatred of Judaism or Jewish people as a race.
Further, it is important to educate American Christians as to how some people identifying themselves as Christians are being deceived into supporting a political agenda, Zionism, which plans to criminalize Christianity in accordance with the commands of the Jewish religion as expressed in the Torah and Talmud.
From the horrid text of the Old Testament, from the five books of Moses, and especially in the book of Deuteronomy, we can learn that non-Jews are labeled “idolaters” and that all worship outside of the worship of Jehovah is heresy, with the punishment for heresy being “utter destruction.” Orthodox Jewry, Chabad, and the Likud political party have advised anyone who cares to know that the Torah and Talmud are the law of this world, and the eventual goal of Zionism is to bring all peoples of the world under this law – or Noahide Law.
The hateful and vengeful God of the Old Testament is clear as to the treatment of the gentile and how to exterminate gentile gods and places of worship.
Ye shall utterly destroy all the places, wherein the nations which ye shall possess served their gods, upon the high mountains, and upon the hills, and under every green tree. 12:2
And when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor show mercy unto them. 7:2
But thus shall ye deal with them; ye shall destroy their altars, and break down their images, and cut down their groves, and burn their graven images with fire. 7:5
And thou shalt consume all the people which the LORD thy God shall deliver thee; thine eye shall have no pity upon them: neither shalt thou serve their gods; for that will be a snare unto thee. 7:16 [author’s emphasis added]
Deuteronomy, the “Second Law” or Mosaic Law is very specific about the fate of those who WILL NOT denounce Christ and who WILL NOT follow the Noahide law provided for heathens, goyim, and gentiles – Utter Destruction.
And he shall deliver their kings into thine hand, and thou shalt destroy their name from under heaven: there shall no man be able to stand before thee, until thou have destroyed them. 7:24
The graven images of their gods shall ye burn with fire: thou shalt not desire the silver or gold that is on them, nor take it unto thee, lest thou be snared therein: for it is an abomination to the LORD thy God. 7:25
The Evolution of the Charge of “Anti Semitism”
The term anti-Semitism was coined in 1879 by the German agitator Wilhelm Marr to designate the anti-Jewish campaigns under way in central Europe at that time. Although the term now has wide currency, it is a misnomer, since it implies a discrimination against all Semites. Arabs and other peoples are also Semites, and yet they are not the targets of anti-Semitism as it is usually understood. The term is especially inappropriate as a label for the anti-Jewish prejudices, statements, or actions of Arabs or other Semites. – Encyclopedia Britannica
Beginning in the late 1800s with the creation of the World Zionist Organization and Jewish (Marxist) “Communist Manifesto,” the term “anti-Semitism” was coined for purposes of silencing critics of the Zionist/Jewish Messianic conspiracy to capture the world, eliminate all other religion, and enslave, or “utterly destroy” the non-Jewish populations. The ultimate goal then being the creation of a One World Government – ruled from Jerusalem – including a world court, world currency, and the end of all Nation states with the exception of Russia. According to the first Prime Minister of Israel, Bolshevik Ben Gurion, formerly of Soviet-controlled Poland:
“The image of the world in 1987 as traced in my imagination: The Cold War will be a thing of the past. Internal pressure of the constantly growing intelligentsia in Russia for more freedom and the pressure of the masses for raising their living standards may lead to a gradual democratization of the Soviet Union…
“…On the other hand, the increasing influence of the workers and farmers, and the rising Political importance of men of science, may transform the United States into a welfare state with a planned economy. Western and Eastern Europe will become a federation of autonomous states having a Socialist and democratic regime.
“With the exception of the U.S.S.R. as a federated Eurasian State, all other continents will become united in a world alliance at whose disposal will be an international police force. All armies will be abolished and there will be no more wars.
“In Jerusalem, the United Nations (a truly United Nations) will build a shrine of the prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the Supreme Court of Mankind, to settle all controversies among the federated continents, as prophesied by Isaiah…”
Christians are anti-Semites
According to Abraham Foxman, the former director of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith and now head of the Center for the ‘Study of Anti-Semitism’ at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York City:
Modern Christianity, Foxman asserts, is thus based on hateful, vengeful lies spread by the New Testament. He says the evangelism practiced by devout Christians is also anti-Semitic. “Although it is supposedly motivated by love for the Jews, this idea [that Jews should be converted] is inherently anti-Semitic in that it implicitly denigrates the value of Jewish belief.”
According to Rabbi Shlomo Avine:
Indeed, Christianity is a goddess disguised in the belief in unity. But working the father and his son together is idolatry. Muslims also consider Christianity as idolatry.
But does not Christianity deserve punishment for everything they did to us? They must be punished. They are our number one enemy throughout history.
A partial list of ever-expanding definitions of anti-Semitism
- Criticism of Zionism; “anti Zionism” is now called “anti-Semitism”
- Defenders of white ethnic civilization are now “White Supremacists” who are equated with Nazis and therefore anti-Semitic.
- Criticism of Dual Citizen Jewish politicians is anti-Semitic.
- Any discussion of dual citizenship or Israelis’ loyalty to the United States is anti-Semitic.
- Criticism of the Israeli Government’s treatment of Palestinians is anti-Semitic.
- Claiming that Israel and the Mossad were behind 9-11 is anti-Semitic, regardless of the evidence.
- Claiming that Jews are predominantly behind Gun Control Law is anti-Semitic
- Questioning the Holocaust is anti-Semitic according to the US State Department’s definition of anti-Semitism.
- All criticism of Israel is anti-Semitism.
- Boycotting of Israel or Israeli products.
According to an article in the Institute for Historical Review, the charge of “anti-Semitism” is really about protecting a religious/racial group from criticism:
1. Jewry is an established social and political power in the United States. In concurrence with the democratic principles of our society, it is morally and politically correct to offer criticism of Jewry and its politico-cultural power.
2. The potency of the charge of anti-Semitism — its ability to silence critics of the Jews — derives not from the force of reason, but rather, from the force of an irrational, deeply ingrained, cultural convention specifically, the unthinking association of a sense of evil with criticism of the Jews.
3. The charge of anti-Semitism is a Jewish sword and shield. A Jewish sword, it is an ad hominem attack on any critic of the Jews. By focusing on the critic’s character, it induces people to reject his assertions on Jewish behavior out of hand, without fair examination.
A Jewish shield, the charge serves as a psychological defense mechanism whereby Jewish people can insulate themselves from criticism which is too painful to confront consciously.
In a political and sociological sense, the charge of anti-Semitism is a powerful weapon of the Jewish cultural and political establishment, used in an undemocratic manner to silence its opponents and to enable that establishment to operate with impunity. Thus, the accusation of anti-Semitism is an essential tool of Jewish power and influence.
4. In our society almost every form of social and political power has its share of critics. The government bureaucracy, the so-called military-industrial complex, the CIA, Big Business, the Catholic Church, Christian fundamentalists, the oil companies, Ronald Reagan, the political Left, the political Right: all have their outspoken critics.
Americans are told from their cradles to their graves that their country is the “land of the free,” the “home of free speech,” the nation in which the citizenry is able to question and challenge all forms of social and political influence. Let one invoke this right of free speech and engage in criticism of the power and influence of American Jewry, however, the reigning cultural conventions demand that we label him “anti-Semitic.”
Our democratic philosophy allows for the political and moral legitimacy of criticism of the Jews as a group. If all forms of social and political influence have their tolerated, even respected critics, then let the critic of Jewish influence speak openly. By the canons of our free society, even Jewry should ultimately benefit from an open discussion of the power of Jews in politics, economics, and culture in modern America.
The United States now has an anti-Semitism Czar in the State Department. How does the creation of a Czar to monitor and sanction outbreaks of “anti-Semitism” reconcile with the Constitution’s First Amendment and its “establishment clause”?
The “establishment of religion” clause of the First Amendment means at least this: Neither a state nor the Federal Government can set up a church. Neither can pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion over another […] No tax in any amount, large or small, can be levied to support any religious activities or institutions, whatever they may be called, or whatever form they may adopt to teach or practice religion […] In the words of Jefferson, the clause against establishment of religion by law was intended to erect “a wall of separation between Church and State. – see Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History.
Judaism and Christians
Volumes have been written about this subject, but most Christians never bother to do any research. It was not by accident that the Old Testament was attached to the Christian New Testament and called the “Holy Bible.” The convenient attachment gave the impression to the gullible that these incompatible and contradictory texts belong together as though one were the stem and the other the flower – this could not be further from the truth.
The Torah beginning somewhere between Exodus and Numbers became a book of extreme hate, violence, bloodshed, sacrifice, containing the code for a never-ending war against all who are not committed to the tribe of Judah and especially against Christians, aka, people finding their direction in the New Testament.
How can the same God, by commandment to Moses, have enjoined men to love their neighbours and “utterly to destroy” their neighbours? What relationship can there be between the universal, loving God of the Christian revelation and the cursing deity of Deuteronomy?
Blueprint for Christian Zionists
It’s also no coincidence that Zionist operatives infiltrated and created a modified version of the King James Version of the New Testament – a “bible” that would be used to convince a large percentage of Christians that serving Israel and the agents of Judaism was commanded by Christ. Evangelical churches, Southern Baptists, Pentecostal, and many other churches now use the modified or “enhanced” King James Bible called the Scofield Reference Bible – created by Cyrus Scofield in the final years of the 19th century.
By tying the Old Testament in with the New Testament, and, for a large portion of America, modifying the message of the New Testament, the perfect environment was created for deceiving and disarming Christians against the threats explained explicitly in the Old Testament and the warnings that were defeated in the modified New Testament.
The People of the Earth are idolaters, and it has been written about them: Let them be wiped off the face of the earth. Destroy the memory of the Amalekites. Zohar I,25a
The creation of the Soviet Union in 1922 (following the Bolshevik Revolution) was the first large-scale experiment with Jewish Talmudic law applied as a political system to a nation State. It was the first time that gentiles were subjected to the political system of Talmud, called Communism, which resulted in intense suffering and misery.
During the ‘Red Terror’ of the Soviet Union, Christian churches were destroyed as a mission of the State, wherein close to 50,000 Christian churches were razed and millions of Christians were put to death. Conversely there was no general practice of destroying Jewish synagogues.
You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the “Russian Revolution.” It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be understated. Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the global media itself is in the hands of the perpetrators.
Christian Zionists are unwittingly working in service of Christianity’s destruction.
anti-Semitism law can be and likely will be used to name Christians as anti-Semitics. Further, in the Soviet Union, circa 1922, the crime of being an anti-Semite was punishable by death. Currently, there is law in the works in the United States to criminalize even boycotting Israel’s goods; boycotting is a fundamental right of free speech. These laws taken as a whole are sufficient to expect the possible condemnation of a person for even thinking about Israel or Judaism in any way considered negative, including the deliberate personal choice not to support Israeli products.
Anti-semitism is of advantage to the exploiters as a lightning conductor that deflects the blows aimed by the working people at capitalism. Anti-semitism is dangerous for the working people as being a false path that leads them off the right road and lands them in the jungle. Hence Communists, as consistent internationalists, cannot but be irreconcilable, sworn enemies of anti-semitism. In the U.S.S.R. anti-semitism is punishable with the utmost severity of the law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Under U.S.S.R. law active anti-semites are liable to the death penalty”
– Mass Murderer Joseph Stalin circa 1922 [author’s emphasis added]
The Talmudic Orthodox Jews controlling the Terrorist State of Israel are leading the world to slaughter, and even the loyal and trusting Jews in Israel and elsewhere, who are counting on being protected by Israel and its government will be sacrificed, if necessary, to “Destroy” the World as we currently know it – reducing world population dramatically and launching their religious dystopia – the nightmarish New World Order.
..we Jews, the destroyers, will remain the destroyer forever… nothing that the Gentiles will do will meet our needs and demands. – Maurice Samuel from his book, “You Gentiles”
Further References:
The Zionist-Created Scofield “Bible” – The Millennium Report
How the Zionists and Israel were involved in 9-11
How the Catholic Church was infiltrated and taken over by Zionist.
From Douglass Reed, The Controversy of Zion:
They began with the one just God of all men, whose voice had been briefly heard from the burning bush (in the oral tradition) and in the course of five books of their written Law turned him into the racial, bargaining Jehovah who promised territory, treasure, blood and power over others in return for a ritual of sacrifice, to be performed at a precise place in a specified land.
Thus they founded the permanent counter-movement to all universal religions and identified the name Judah with the doctrine of self-segregation from mankind, racial hatred, murder in the name of religion, and revenge.
The perversion thus accomplished may be traced in the Old Testament, where Moses first appears as the bearer of the moral commandments and good neighbour, and ends as a racial mass-murderer, the moral commandments having been converted into their opposites between Exodus and Numbers.
In the course of this same transmutation the God who begins by commanding the people not to kill or to covet their neighbours’ goods or wives, finishes by ordering a tribal massacre of a neighbouring people, only the virgins to be saved alive!
Thus the achievement of the itinerant priests who mastered the tribe of Judah, so long ago, was to turn one small, captive people away from the rising idea of a God of all men, to reinstate a bloodthirsty tribal deity and racial law, and to send the followers of this creed on their way through the centuries with a destructive mission.
The creed, or revelation of God as thus presented, was based on a version of history, every event of which had to conform with, and to confirm the teaching.
This version of history went back to the Creation, the exact moment of which was known; as the priests also claimed to possess the future, this was a complete story and theory of the universe from start to finish.
The end was to be the triumphant consummation in Jerusalem, when world dominion was to be established on the ruins of the heathen and their kingdoms.
An interesting interview with an Orthodox (sort of) Jew from Know More News:
Best I can tell, it’s pretty much over for American sovereignty. Is this the REAL reason Trump was elected? Looks like treason to me.
I think it’s time for Trump to go through the Bris ceremony if he has not already.
Have to keep that Zionist victim hood going….
Makes me wonder if the victims of the Liberty have a similar program.
…or maybe all the Germans who were starved after WWII….
Isn’t this just lovely…thank you Donald Zionist Trump:
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And some darn good comments on the article to which that pic is attached…of course, some are trash, but that’s Zero Hedge…
The best trick they ever pulled was convincing the World… Israel is an aggrieved victim of Palestinian aggression under siege when it’s quite the opposite of that. That their suffering and genocide grants them special victimhood class. You don’t see Russia and China constantly reminding the world of their genocide. Today I tried to wake up a Whitewater Guide I know about weaponized weather verses his religion – climate change. I hit him with the 160 patents on weather modification and he was unmoved. I told him it’s weather warfare not climate change. And that the natural rain cycle had collapsed a long time ago and that large scale water evaporation was necessary to make it rain. His reaction what would someone have to gain? So simple minded it almost hurts to talk to people so asleep. I hit him with weather derivatives, traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. That weather disasters could be bet on like any casino game. He said I getting overly complicated. Climate Change is all we need to know. Wow, why do I even try?
You try because there is no alternative. To know and not try is worse than not knowing. It’s immoral. That would put as in the same category as our oppressors. Although my numbers are arbitrary, I would suggest if we get one in a hundred to think outside their conditioning, we have made some form of progress.
Trump’s Jew team:
Haggee is holding up the Mystic Rabbi Mason hand signal on both hands…
I guess he figures no one would notice his unnatural finger positions.
Apparently it is Kabbala.
wonder who he is signaling 🙂
Memo to Dr. Fetzer:
RE: Jason Goodman / Raw Deal June 5th
You might be giving Goodman too much credit by suspecting him of being a shill.
My opinion after observing him with other guests is that he just doesn’t know anything. I think his ridiculous altercation with you was borne out of ignorance. But maybe it’s an act.
In any event, it’s obvious that he’s a Jew first and whatever else second (of course) , so you might be right.
Ralph…I must have missed that one….is it archived…do you have a link?
The ZIONISTS want it all!!…it’s totally disgusting and unacceptable regarding what they are now trying to do in Poland….a must watch:
Live now….excellent from Know More News:
I don’t give a damn about what lipstick you put on this Zionist assault via Facecrap, YouTube , Google et al…., it’s a DIRECT assault on free speech. If I can criticize the US, INC., I can certainly speak out against the oppressive ideas behind Zionism and that dastardly Talmudic garbage. IF NOT, ANY executive, CONgressional ,sinatorial or judicial support of these Israeli/Zionist/ADL/AIPAC edicts are TREASONOUS!!
Finally got a chance to watch that 4th video….the one in regard to what happen to Catholicism in 1958. Highly recommend watching it…especially if you were raised a Catholic as myself. Interestingly enough, I left the church in 1959, right after my Confirmation. Now I know why.
Jews do not rule the world anymore than We the People (Americans) rule the world.
Zionists do. And since Zionists rule the US, INC. CONgress it follows they rule this world because presently the US, INC. is the Rome of today.
The Zionist at the moment sure as hell rule Trump. That is an undeniable given.
No one, as many times as I have inquired, has an answer as to how they have accomplished this. Blackmail? Kabbalism (sounds like cannibalism…could be there is a correlation. eh?) Banking?
And no one seems to know how to address it, much less stop it. Trump is not even trying. Could be his son-in-law heard too much at the family gatherings.
As much as I detest that power, one has to give them credit for their genius.
A very large part of the reason that Zionists [mostly Jews] control the USA -Congress, etc. is…… historic GUILT.
On another note….many Jews in the USA hate the concept and location of Israel. They feel it was very dumb for the UN to place ”Israel” smack dab in a location that is totally surrounded by it’s mortal enemies.
I do not have any figures, but statistically, it would be very unlikely that Zionists are mostly Jews. There are just not that many to outnumber the number of Christians and other who consider themselves Zionists. I also believe Zionists are Talmud followers, which makes it debatable if they are real Jews and followers of the Torah.
I would recommend Schlmo Sand “Invention of the Jewish People.
As far as mortal enemies go, I quote from that book:
The local population in Palestine is racially more closely related to the Jews than any other people, even among the Semitic ones. It is quite probable that the fellahin in Palestine are direct descendants of the Jewish and Canaanite rural population, with a slight admixture of Arab blood…….All the tourist and travelers confirm that, except for the Arabic language, it is impossible to distinguish between a Sephardic porter and an Arab laborer or fellah…Hence, the racial difference between the diaspora Jews and the Palestinian fellahin is no more marked than between Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews
Israel did 911. Here is a video about it.
Sabrosky has much to say regarding Zionism with which I have no disagreement.There is no doubt Zionist’s run our CONgress and thereby, the world… ways that are almost unimaginable and invisible to the folks on the street with much invisible even to those aware of their infiltration.
I disagree with his ideas of the towers being demolished through controlled demolition. It IS possible controlled demolition was used in building seven.
According to Khalezov, the number of charges (at least for the two twin towers) would be prohibitive and too subject to the smallest error causing the entire process to fail. In addition, whatever material supposedly used could not POSSIBLY have turned steel to dust.
The buildings were nuked. Of this I have no doubt. The size, type and placement of the devices remains in dispute.Khalezov says they were placed underneath when the buildings were constructed (the theory with which I concur) and were multi-kiloton devices. Others claim they were mini or suitcase nukes placed at some times prior to the event. Take your choice and do the research. Personally, having read 911-thology at least twice, I’ll stick with Khalezov.
The towers were nuked using mini nukes in the basements ….they were not placed there during construction. These were most likely placed there several days before 911. The nukes were from Israel and made with surplus USA fission nuclear material. They came into the US in diplomatic cargo which was not checked by customs. [imo]
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Been through this before, Don…we both have our opinions and are unlikely to change.
This nuclear fission bomb pack is 28″ tall and weighs about 30 pounds. It can easily take out a building such as the WTC. Its yield equivalent to somewhere between 10 and 20 tons of TNT.
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Just remember Israel was started with ethnic cleansing.