By Brother Nathanael Kapner, January 5 2020 ____________________________ ![]() Brother Nathanael: Last Friday, by order of President Trump, the US military killed Iranian General, Quassem Soleimani, by a Reaper drone strike in Baghdad. Also killed was prominent Iraqi Commander of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces, Mahdi Muhandis. What’s your reaction? Joe Cortina: US military officials did not “kill” these Generals, they murdered them. We use the word “kill” only in actual war time scenarios. This strike however was made without Congressional approval or notification, had nothing to do with “security,” and was executed in a civilian scenario. The US military MURDERED these men, NOT “killed” them. Br Nathanael: Trump is saying that Soleimani was responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans, and Pompeo claims that Iranians regard the US military as “liberators” by killing the general. How does this square with Iranian officials hailing Soleimani as a hero? Joe Cortina: If I wasn’t so pissed off I’d be throwing up. Trump is too stupid, or willfully ignorant to know that Soleimani was at the forefront of the US led coalition to eradicate ISIS from Northern Iraq in March 2015. Soleimani also, as a commander of the Iranian Quds Force, was part of the American-led coalition under US General Tommy Franks fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan in the October 2001 Battle of Herat. Moreover, Soleimani worked to protect As for the flunkie at State, Pompeo put up a clip of a few Iraqis celebrating the death of Soleimani while parroting Trump’s own lies that Iranians “hated and feared him.” However, Pompass didn’t show the millions mourning Soleimani in Iran, Iraq, and Syria, including the minorities in Sunni states such as Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. That’s not “hate and fear,” that’s “honor and respect.” Most Americans never heard of Soleimani—a soft-spoken man of high refinement—until his murder last week. Now they’re clamoring as if Trump had slain the devil himself. ![]() Br Nathanael: Will there be outright war? Joe Cortina: It could lead to that, since that’s what the Jews want, but first we’ll see a realignment in the region that bodes ill for America entrenched in the area on behalf of IsraHell. For with Trump conducting this undeclared act of war on the Iraqi and Iranian people by murdering their top commanders it serves as a catalyst for a unified anti-American front. Both countries have every right to fight back due to their sovereignty being violated. It will be our soldiers, not Israel’s, who will take the hit. Br Nathanael: So if not outright war, with Iran and Iraq threatening retaliation, what will it be? Joe Cortina: First look for various militias, once disjointed, along with the Iraqi government, uniting with Iran. They will solidify, particularly if Trump designates Iraqi state-allied militias, comparable to our National Guard, as “terrorists” — especially those militias with seats in the Iraqi parliament who’ve long been vocal about kicking the US the hell out. This in turn will tighten up the anti-Zionist bloc, the Axis of Resistance—made up of Iran, Syria, and Lebanon—and made even stronger with Iraq, as I predict, joining it. The Jewish Lobby that rules America simply won’t stand for it. Look for a false flag or two. Missile strikes on a US naval carrier, or bombs lobbed on US bases or even on the US embassy in Baghdad carried out by IsraHell but blamed on Iran. And then all hell breaks loose, with ‘counter-attacks’ by The Terror State Of Amerika, and body bags of our young Gentile boys dressed up as soldiers ‘fighting for democracy’ coming home in droves. Br Nathanael: You don’t sound too optimistic. Joe Cortina: It’s ‘endless war‘ by design, brought to you by IsraHell and its pawn in the White House, and by the infestation of treasonous Jewish agents throughout America, along with countless Gentile shills who make a living out of sending our boys into harm’s way. The entire Middle East hates Israel’s fighting force: the US Military, and that kind of hatred—justifiable and univocal—stirs any opponent. Our Christian boys are fighting and dying for IsraHell, for Jewish Supremacy worldwide, for Jewry that doesn’t give a damn for anyone but their own. Even allies, once used, like Soleimani, they toss in the trash. Wake up Americans! Remove the shackles that Jewry has bound you with hand and foot! Indeed, that will make America a sovereign country once again. |
JOE CORTINA IS AN EX GREEN BERET, a former airborne special operations officer and US Army Training Center commander.Cortina’s experiences as an intelligence investigator and anti-
Combining active duty with subsequent roles in military intelligence, Joe Cortina speaks authoritatively to those who long for a termination to America’s endless wars abroad.
It is difficult to think of polite adjectives to describe the sorry low life draft dodger from New York who, along with cowards in our military, ambushed a top citizen and General of Iran. The ambush is the single most cowardly act anyone can do to another human being. These sorry members of our corrupt government induced this top General of Iran to come to their controlled area under false pretenses and then murdered him. How low is that? Trump did this in our good names. Everyone must tell him in no uncertain terms he does NOT represent us or our values. He is a low life expletive deleted scoundrel of the lowest animals from the cesspool of America New York where he learned all this gross inhuman misconduct. In fact he is an insult to most animals. Do us all a favor lower than animal Trump and RESIGN today. You and your friends in Israel are destroying what is left of this country. Israel did 9/11/01 too! Watch former Marine Ken O’Keefe at LAX in 2016.
I’m throwing this out there for some feedback. Is it at all feasible that Trump was purposefully given mis-information re Soleimani from the impeachment crowd? Although many, including myself, think Trump has gone off the deep end, could it be possible he was set-up by someone he trusted implicitly (someone in very deep cover) and made what may be viewed in the future as one of the worst mistakes ever made by a sitting president.
I may be looking for a rationale where there is none.
Yes. A source I trust has told me that Pompeo was the conduit for Israeli fabricated evidence to implicate Soleimani in anti-American actions, which he was not in fact planning. Look at the featured image of the story, where he was assisting us in Afghanistan, for example. I believe Bibi beguiled Trump with scenarios that would have him thereby positioning himself for a triumphal reelection just as did Obama in taking out Osama–except that the raid in Pakistan was fake and Osama had died a decade earlier! Soleimani, alas, did not deserve this fate. I now believe Trump has earned a real impeachment and has virtually vitiated his prospects for 2020. All this changed overnight! In my “Top Ten Stories of 2019”, I predicted a Trump landslide, which he has forfeited.
When one looks at all he did for Israel, his role may be over… it may well be time for his impeachment, assassination or even resignation.
He sure detoured way the hell off from those ‘campaign promises’.
Joe Cortina is absolutely correct. You will never hear this on MSM.
Wake up America!