[Editor’s note: So just how nutty are Marjorie Taylor Greene’s “conspiracy theories” about Sandy Hook, Parkland, 9/11 and the like? They appear to be far closer to the truth than their counterpart mainstream narratives. For examples, check out “How to Spot a False Flag, Part 1”, and “How to Spot a False Flag, Part 2”. And if you have the stomach, “Pizzagate: Real or Fiction? The American Franchise of Pedogate”, where 70% of the American political elite appears to be engaged in pedophilia.]
- QAnon Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene boasted Monday that she would soon be visiting former President Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago
- ‘I’m excited to go visit him soon and continue to give him a call and talk to him frequently,’ the controversial congresswoman told One America News
- Greene, who Democrats are trying to have removed from her committee assignments this week, said Trump ‘supports me 100 per cent’
- House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is expected to have a sit-down with Greene this week after more of her beliefs were exposed
- CNN reported Tuesday that Greene had indicated support for executing Democrats in Facebook posts before being elected to Congress
- She also said Ruth Bader Ginsburg had been replaced by a body double, school shootings were ‘false flag’ operations and lasers started California’s Camp Fire
QAnon Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene boasted Monday that she would soon be visiting former President Donald Trump at his Mar-a-Lago resort.
During an appearance on One America News, Greene said that Trump was ‘doing really well.’
‘I’m excited to go visit him soon and continue to give him a call and talk to him frequently. Great news is, he supports me 100 per cent and I’ve always supported him.’
QAnon Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene said on One America News Monday that she would soon be visiting former President Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago and also said he backs her ‘100 per cent,’ as Democrats push GOP leadership to remove her from committees
Former President Donald Trump is photographed on inauguration day heading to Mar-a-Lago. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene told One America News on Monday that she planned to visit Trump in Florida soon
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene said Monday that she planned to visit former President Donald Trump at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, where he’s, so far, spent his post-presidency
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green (center) previously appeared alongside President Donald Trump (left) at a Dalton, Georgia rally on January 4 on behalf of two Republicans senators who lost their run-off races the next day to Democrats Jon Ossoff and Rev. Raphael Warnock

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer is giving Republicans an ultimatum – to remove Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene from her committee assignments or else Democrats will take action against her
Greene lashed out on Twitter against Hoyer, claiming he should be ‘held accountable’ for backing the war in Iraq
She also said the ‘fake news media’ are targeting her because ‘I am one of you.’
Greene said Saturday she had spoken on the phone with Trump.
‘President Trump is always here for the people, and he’s not going anywhere,’ she continued. ‘So I look forward to, to joining him and what his future plans may be.’
A spokesperson for Trump did not immediately reply to’s request for comment.
Greene previously appeared alongside Trump at a Dalton, Georgia rally for Republican Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue on January 4, one day before the GOP candidates lost their run-off races to Democrats.
Greene publicly touting her alliance with Trump comes as Democrats are pursuing options to move her off committees if House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy doesn’t move forward with reprimanding the Georgia freshman Republican over controversial comments she’s made.
It also comes as Senate minoroty leader Mitch McConnell on Monday denounced the QAnon congresswoman , calling her ‘loony lies’ a ‘cancer for the Republican Party.’
He did specifically named the freshman lawmaker in a three-sentence statement to The Hill, yet referenced several of the bizarre conspiracy theories the far-right Georgia congresswoman has pushed.
‘Somebody who’s suggested that perhaps no airplane hit the Pentagon on 9/11, that horrifying school shootings were pre-staged, and that the Clintons crashed JFK Jr.’s airplane is not living in reality,’ said McConnell.
‘This has nothing to do with the challenges facing American families or the robust debates on substance that can strengthen our party.’
On Tuesday, CNN reported that Greene had liked and posted comments indicating support for executing prominent Democrats, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer’s ultimatum gives Republicans 72 hours to remove Greene from committees or Democrats will bring the issue to the floor.
‘We’re focused on making sure that we can render powerless the poisonous nature of this member,’ Florida Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz told reporters Monday. ‘The House has to be able to take actions to police its own membership,’
It is not clear the exact path Democrats would take to remove Greene, but party leaders have several options – and Wasserman Schultz on Monday introduced a measure for removal.
During a call on Sunday, Democratic leadership also discussed a separate motion that would go through the House Rules Committee.
McCarthy and Greene are scheduled to meet for a face-to-face sit-down later this week.
Allies claim he will decide how to move forward with the situation depending on how that conversation goes.
The Republican leader had a similar meeting with then-Rep. Steve King in 2019 after the Iowa lawmaker questioned in an interview with the New York Times why the term white nationalism was so offensive.
During that meeting, King showed little remorse, and shortly afterward, McCarthy removed King from his committees.
McCarthy paid a visit to Mar-a-Lago last week in a public display of support for Trump, who was impeached for a second time last month and will be on trial in front of the Senate next week.
Two of the most severe sanctions Democrats can pursue against Greene would be a formal censure and expelling her completely from the House.
In retaliation against Hoyer, Greene took to Twitter Monday to lashed out at the majority leader for supporting the war in Iraq and claiming he also needs to be ‘held accountable.’
‘Dems, the DC Swamp and the Fake News Media are more angry at me than they are at @StenyHoyer who voted for the Iraq War, which cost our country thousands of lives and trillions of dollars,’ Greene tweeted.
‘When will career politicians be held accountable for the blood of Americans on their hands?’ she continued.
She posted in another tweet Monday that she is facing attacks from Democrats and the media because she is a ‘normal person.’
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (right) is being pressured to remove Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene from Congressional committees. Greene has publicly remained aligned with former President Donald Trump (left), while McCarthy visited Trump last week
Several Democrats, and a growing number of Republicans, are looking for ways to punish Greene after more revelations came out of her pushing QAnon theories and other conspiracies, like calling the Parkland and Sandy Hook school shootings a ‘hoax.’
Greene sits on the House Education and Labor Committee – and, in particular, lawmakers are concerned with this assignment in light of her stance on mass shootings.
Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel, in an interview Friday with The New York Times, said she won’t retaliate against Greene.
She also said in the interview, which was published Monday, that the RNC will ‘stay neutral’ as the 2022 primary campaign ensues.
‘Majorie Taylor Greene is trying to distance herself from those things and there’s going to be an investigation,’ McDaniel said of the freshman Georgia Republican representative.
Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel says the GOP will not retaliate against Greene and will ‘remain neutral’ going into the 2022 primaries
McDaniel said that Rep. Greene is ‘trying to distance herself’ from QAnon conspiracies she pushed in the past

Republican Senator Rob Portman of Ohio (left) said Sunday that his colleagues should ‘stand up’ against Greene, while he and Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson (right) said they trust and respect voters in Georgia’s 14th congressional district to election someone to Congress that represents them
‘I trust the voters,’ she told The New York Times in an interview Friday. ‘I have a lot of faith in the voters to pick who’s best to represent them.’
McDaniel, the cousin of Senator Mitt Romney, said the RNC would step in if ‘there’s more egregious things,’ like ‘if there’s a David Duke situation.’
She also said she trusts McCarthy to ‘handle’ Greene.
‘She has said they’re not from her,’ McDaniel said of the QAnon conspiracies Greene subscribes to, like that the government is run by a left-leaning, devil-worshiping cabal of pedophiles and sex traffickers.
‘There does need to be an investigation, and I trust that Kevin McCarthy will handle that within his own caucus,’ she added.
People familiar with McCarthy’s thinking told the Times that he felt crippled by the circumstances surrounding Greene and has expressed that the only way to deal with her is to tolerate her.
‘If you have a family dispute, don’t go on ‘”Jerry Springer,”‘ McDaniel also recommended. ‘Do it behind closed doors.’
‘It’s my role to call them and explain that if we don’t keep our party united and focused on 2022, we will lose. If we are attacking fellow Republicans and cancel culture within our own party, it is not helpful to winning majorities,’ she told The Times.
McDaniel, however, did condemn the QAnon conspiracies pushed by Greene by calling the comments ‘atrocious.’
She said ‘they need to be condemned,’ adding: ‘They are inaccurate. They are very, very dangerous.’
McDaniel said the RNC would remain neutral in the Republican primaries, including in Greene’s reelection in 2022 – as long as no extreme behavior emerges.
Republicans are split over what to do with Greene – who has quickly become arguably the most controversial figure within the party, possibly tied with Trump.
GOP Sen. Rob Portman demanded his colleagues issue a ‘strong response’ to Greene.
‘I think Republican leaders ought to stand up and say it is totally unacceptable what she has said,’ the Ohio senator told CNN on Sunday morning.
‘I saw a couple videos over the weekend and one had to do with violence as I see it. There is no place for violence in our political dialogue,’ Portman continued. ‘By the way there is no place for violence in our country. I mean, this is something we got to get away from. So yeah. I think people ought to speak out clearly.’
Portman, however, along with Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson, also a Republican, said Sunday that voters in Georgia’s 14th district should be respected and trusted to elect someone to Congress who represents their values.
‘The people of her district elected her and that should mean a lot,’ Hutchinson told ABC Sunday, adding that Greene’s constituents would decide if she should serve another term or not.
‘She’s going to run for reelection and she’ll be accountable for what she said and her actions.’
‘Given her history is she fit to serve?’ ABC host Martha Raddatz pushed Hutchinson.
‘I’m not going to answer that question as to whether she’s fit to serve because she believes in something that everybody else does not accept,’ the Arkansas governor dodged.
‘I don’t think we ought to punish people from a disciplinary standpoint – a Party standpoint – because they believe something a little bit different.’
Before being elected to Congress, Greene expressed some extreme and dangerous views, like supporting the calls for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, among other prominent Democrats, to be executed.
Many lifelong Republicans feel there is no place for this more radical version of Republicanism in the modern-day Party.
Greene appears to be creating a place for herself in the party, however, as she took to Twitter Saturday to defend McCarthy against the conservative anti-Trump political action committee, The Lincoln Project.
The PAC called McCarthy a traitor after pictures emerged last week of him meeting with Trump while in Southern Florida for donor meetings.
‘The Lincoln Project are the REAL traitors! You aren’t Republicans. You are nothing but a bunch of America last losers,’ Greene lashed out in a Twitter tirade.
All of Greene’s controversial words were stated when she was a private citizen.
Maxine Waters spouts ugly riot creating words constantly while she IS in public office and nothing is done to her.
I have to say, her face reflects who she is…evil and ugly!!
Just out…Mike Lindell’s Absolute proof video of ELECTION FRAUD….Truly an amazing effort….
…and as with Marjorie, they will do the best to trash him.
If you have not watched this video, you do not have all the voluminous irrefutable evidence this election was stolen.
For all of us to have stood for this without massive protest of some form is inexcusable….absolutely inexcusable.
As far as I am concerned, we deserve what’s coming.
They took it down as expected, but it’ll show up somewhere….when it does, I’ll post it again.
Did not take long…’s up on BitChute!!
MORE from Marjorie….calling out the beetch for marrying her brother…gotta love this woman!!
From J. Stone….do with it what you will. very strange to say the least….
The military is being prepped for a genocide
People, this is so dangerous it defies description
Before a genocide will work, they have to eliminate anyone who would stand against it. “Extremism” is the term communists assign to those who will not do their bidding to the letter. You can safely bet that once all the “extremists” have been purged, there is nothing that will stop whoever remains from going from door to American door.
Once again, I will state how dangerous this is, this type of thing is done to make good and sure patriots are gone and you can bet that ANYONE who is not worthy of carrying out the genocide will be dishonorably discharged. Look at how the election went. Yes, the military is that corrupt now also. Obama fired all the good generals and Trump did nothing to reverse that.
No matter his political future, Donald J. Trump gave the American people a priceless gift. The issue now is what we will do with this treasure.
It is not something you can hold in your hands, but it is priceless all the same.
Donald J. Trump forced the globalist cabal to take off the mask. He forced them to move too soon to attack their arch enemy – the American people.
They wanted another decade or so to condition Americans, and Western civilization in general, to be more comfortable with control, more comfortable with the mask, more comfortable with selling out your neighbor so you could stay on Facebook. They wanted to mine more data, further divide us with racial hatred, class warfare, and Marxist envy. They wanted to send more caravans of migrants to change our culture, and harm our internal security.
CDMedia is being targeted and obviously too effective! We need your support to put more reporters in the field! Help us here!
They did not count on Donald Trump. Hence they had to destroy him.
“I’m sorry Barack,” Hillary, the anointed one, famously said after surprisingly losing to The Donald. You see, it had all been pre-arranged.
So what can we do to fight back you ask? Aren’t we helpless against this cabal?
The answer is a resounding no! But, we have to act collectively, for that is where our strength lies.
1 – Get off the globalist networks immediately! Stat! That means now! Today! DELETE, DELETE, DELETE (not deactivate) your Facebook, Twitter accounts. There are alternatives — send your family to, to…free speech platforms. Facebook is surveillance, is evil, and is UNDERMINING YOUR FAMILY, your country, your family’s future. They are making money off you…or to say it a different way, you are giving money to them! You can download your Facebook data (pics, etc) before you delete. Also get off Google altogether. I know this may take a while, but there are absolutely alternatives, and it is absolutely critical to deprive these corporations of economic power, growth. (Wall Street loves growth above all).
2 – Get off the corporate media cabal! STOP watching, giving clicks to media that is trying to control you. Simply just stop! There are alternatives. Get out of the habit of just watching the same old thing every night because you have for decades. These people do not have your best interest at heart…they are simply feeding you propaganda for the CCP. Selfishly, bookmark and visit often, sign up for the newsletters. But there are a myriad of other free speech alternatives out there — The Epoch Times, The Gateway Pundit, Zero Hedge, Bannon’s War Room, America’s Voice, OANN….
3 – Stop visiting globalist corporations and giving them money to hurt you! CDM will be putting together an educational list, but in the meantime, you know who most of them already are! Stop buying from places that want to destroy your family! Do your homework!
4 – Build a local group of like-minded patriots! Organize! Link with other groups in other areas! Build communication networks! Our power is in numbers and disseminating information; helping others close to you, building a MAGA community is critical! This will come in handy down the road as the globalists tighten their grip, which they will for sure attempt to do, soon.
5 – Get involved politically in your local jurisdiction! Soros is now gunning to control local law enforcement, sheriffs and the like, to enforce globalist policy. It is critical MAGA get involved in these races, understand who you are voting for. DA races, schoolboard, even dog catcher! We must take back our local communities to stop this scourge. Scott Presler has a great site here to help do this! Get involved at the grass roots!
This is not about just you and I. This is about the future for our children and grandchildren. We don’t want them living in a communist paradise. The above are steps you can take today to be impactful in this fight. CDMedia will be laying out more steps in the near future.
Rand Paul asking Biden’s (the un-president…unelected and unsound) new choice for Secretary of Education what planet he’s from to allow boys (whoops, wrong word…I mean those without a front hole) to compete against girls (damn, did it again….I mean those WITH a front hole). Welcome to bizzaro world.
Marjorie Taylor Greene gets standing ovation from Republicans and calls GOP leader Kevin McCarthy ‘all talk, no action’ for REFUSING to fire her for spouting QAnon claims
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is not taking any action against QAnon touting Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene
Here’s what can happen when you have the GONADS to DO SOMETHING!!!!
If you wish to read the remainder of the Giuliani report, go to this link….good luck….
Part Two: (Giuliani screwed Trump)
…I gave up…just would not post.
Part One
Patrick Byrne, the former CEO of has spent the last six months helping and financing the work of several researchers, technical analysts, lawyers, and others examining and documenting evidence of election fraud since the 2018 election. After the blatant election manipulation of 2020 unfolded, his group quickly went to work gathering and analyzing data showing widespread fraud. Eventually they offered their evidence and help to Sidney Powell, and then to Rudy Giuliani who was in control of Trump’s legal team. They were astounded at the disarray, slow leadership and incredibly bad decisions made by Guiliani and his team. Despite his respect for Guiliani going into these events, Byrne’s notes reveal not just incompetence but likely deliberate sabotage by the man Trump trusted to lead one of the most important legal efforts ever. Byrne’s summary of events is shocking and eye opening. From his unique vantage point he has written what could be the definitive exposé of Giuliani and his staff. It will be shocking to you how blatant their actions were.
I have long made the case that Rudy Giuliani is Deep State. As the mayor of NYC he must have had full knowledge of the Deep State 9/11 operation that loaded explosives into three of the WTC buildings so they could create a new war on terror—and justify a whole host of evils including domestic surveillance, loss of rights, and constant foreign intervention. One of those structures—building 7—was the one in which NYC had spent millions establishing a secure Emergency Management Command Center, which Giuliani personally didn’t use on that day. For reasons related to his foreknowledge that the building was going to be imploded with explosives, he had a makeshift command center established down the street. Firefighters and police were told to evacuate Bldg 7 after the owner of the WTC complex, Larry Silverstein, ordered Bldg 7 “pulled”—the term for initiating controlled demolition. Guiliani refused to warn other police and firefighters in the twin towers to evacuate, making him hated by emergency personnel who knew about his betrayal. The media rewarded him with the title of “America’s Mayor” and Time magazine named him “Man of the Year.” Time only puts globalists and/or people the Deep State wants to promote on its cover as “Person of the Year.” That piece of biased promotion was meant to help Giuliani make a run for the presidency, which failed.
Byrne’s contacts with Giuliani came while Sidney Powell was still part of Trump’s legal team shortly after the election fraud took place. Byrne had spent a lot of his own money researching the fraud and brought his information to Powell. At the end of his first briefing to Sidney, she called Giuliani’s office in the same building to arrange for Byrne to brief Rudy on the impressive amount of crucial evidence his team had already compiled showing outright fraud. Here are excerpts in Byrnes own words of what happened. You can read his lengthy but fascinating version of events at his “Deep Capture” investigative website.
…It was a highly-productive first conversation [with Powell], and she ended it telling me that I needed to go to the other side of the office, find Rudy, and immediately tell him everything I had just shared with her.
I should explain what I expected to find. I expected to find a command post staffed by lawyers and quants. The quants would be doing the statistical work, driving answers that would feed lawyers being notified of the research into such oddities as I have walked through above, and would be availing themselves of whatever remedies the law surely applied in appropriate jurisdictions… Thinking that may be a fair bit for one 76 year old to manage, I imagined Rudy might have some strong COO who might be keeping assignments on track.
What I found is this: The place was 20% empty, and another 30% were packing out their desks.
A conference room with a number of lawyers. At least 3 of them were good. These lawyers were the mules of the operation. They were each assigned one or more states. I came to learn that between Rudy’s legal team and the campaign staff there was 0 communication, even though they jointly occupied 2/3 of an office story.
He then describes Giuliani’s main legal honcho, who he calls “The Mediocrity.”
I am not going to reveal the gender or other details about this person (other than to say, imagine a person who is a lawyer and who had once made a career at one of the better-known government agencies). But given how stunningly horrible this person was to work with, how the Mediocrity went out-of-way to be horrible to work with, and because of how destructive this behavior was, I am simply to refer to this person as the ”Mediocrity”.
Byrne then recounts how he was eventually ushered into Giuliani’s office and proceeded to brief him on the details of his research. Giuliani did not make any effort to understand him and became distracted:
I feared overwhelming him, so I tried to simplify. Given that he sat grunting stoically as I spoke, it was difficult to judge what was sinking in. Yet after only 10 minutes I saw Rudy checking his multiple phones for texts, right in front of me as we sat talking. Conversing with one of his assistants, sending someone on a side errand, or receiving a report back. It felt rather strange to be talking to a man who was paying so little attention to me, but the “Commish,” [a former Cop/assistant to the mayor] sitting on the side, motioned for me to continue. After no more than 30 minutes I was ushered out of the office, but told to hang around.
Eventually I was brought back into a smaller room with Mayor Giuliani, and again asked to explain what I think happened… Again within 5-10 minutes he was fidgeting, grunting on occasion, sending people on unrelated side errands, checking his multiple phones for texts and typing some people back…. Meanwhile, I tried to stay on track. Yet there was a moment 15 minutes in when I got a whiff of something in that small office…. Medicine? Booze? Just as I was taking a sniff to decide, someone rushed in with [some] unrelated issue, and I was escorted from the office.
Then he was asked to narrow it down to a single page briefing with only a few bullet points. Here is how that went:
Insulted at “Mediocrity” and the 20-something staffers who were telling me how to write, and giving such asinine advice in the process, I promised I would get them something by the end of the weekend. 48 hours.
He carefully summarizing the significant points of his information into a single page and sent it to Guiliani’s team on Sunday afternoon, but heard nothing back until late at night.
Sunday evening I got a phone call at 11 PM, telling me Mayor Giuliani and his entourage were dining in such-and-such a Georgetown restaurant, and would I mind bringing what I had written over to them. The Mayor asked that I not come back to his table but asked me to simply send into the private dining room the paper I had written.
Later, two people who were in that room told me what happened when my paper arrived.
Rudy took my paper and read it for perhaps 45 seconds, then put it aside saying, “I’ll get to this later.” The Mediocrity was at the table. The Mediocrity picked up the one pager and, holding it between fingers like it was a turd, announced with a laugh, “Can you believe Byrne worked all weekend and this is all he wrote?” [A single page was their limitation, not his.]
From occasional contacts with several of those solid staffers over the weeks that followed, I learned what …had happened that day just before I arrived. Rudy had declaimed that, “You can never prove election fraud in a courtroom!” and had declared it was not going to be the strategy. The strategy was going to be to challenge things on procedural grounds: “This county in this state had one set of rules, this other county in that same state used a different set of rules, that violates due process and Equal Protection of the 14 Amendment.” … just before I arrived there had been a huge blow-up between Rudy and Sidney in front of everyone, with Rudy ending by shouting at Sidney Powell and sending her away, in front of an office of dozens of people. Declaring that none of this was going to be about election fraud, and putting his lawyers to work on their procedural filings.
GOP chief Kevin McCarthy is on the verge of firing Marjorie Taylor Greene from House committee as she refuses to back down on conspiracy theories and accuses him of bowing to Democrats.
She’s is the fight to reveal the truths about Sandy Hook Hoax and other fake shootings. 99+% still believe Sandy Hook was a real event.
Pic shows president honoring two of the SH fakers.
Trump met with Scarlett and JT Lewis. Trump held a picture of Jesse Lewis.
Perhaps he knows better by now. These staged shootings are an insult to the nation and do tremendous psychological damage. Check out “How to Spot a False Flag”, Part 1 and Part 2, and
I don’t know anything about Marjorie Taylor Greene, but BIden’s alleged election smells worse than an alley behind a fish processing plant. Were are the independent audits of the Blackbox voting machines?
It’s really not a question of evidence, more evidence or even independent audits. The question is what to do with the evidence when we have a justice system and a CONgress that is corrupt and a populace that refuses to act to save itself.
“The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. To be your own man is hard business. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. “Rudyard Kipling (1865–1936)
Absolutely words by which to live. Great find, Doyle! Thank you.
post a new link for the assassination video please Jim
Hey Jim your new video on the assassination attempt has already been memory holed on Before it’s News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Demolition Party is going for broke with new attacks on the 2nd amendment. Big surprise right? How about having to go to a shrink before a gun purchase, having to carry liability insurance and retroactive gun registration? your thoughts?
You mean “NeedToKnow” (1 February 2021) has already been taken down? Here’s a link:
Mr. Fetzer, Please review the following ‘Coincidences.’ In the Language of Gematria, in the Jewish Cypher (, we can make some very interesting connections. The Police Code for Homicide is 187. Notice what we connect … “Lethal COVID-19 Vaccines” = 187 = “Bill Gates Death Plans” = 187 = “Arsenic Poisoning” = 187 = “Pandemic is a Disguise” = 187 … If we reference the 187th Prime Number equal to 1117 … Notice what we connect … “U.S. Economy Collapse” = 1117 = “Prepare for Apocalypse” = 1117 = “Do Not Be Vaccinated” = 1117 = “Bio-Weapon” = 1117 = “Pulmonary Embolism” = 1117 = “Secret C.I.A. Mind Control Operation” = 1117 <<< 187th Prime Number. I don't know about you, but this seems to be convincing evidence that maybe the we don't need Vaccines after All? Knowing that they Code all their Events with Numbers and Symbols. What about the Biggest F.F. of them All .. (9-1-1)? What a coincidence, that In this same Jewish Cypher, we connect the phrase … "False Flag" = 156 , and 911 is the 156th Prime Number. Notice we connect … "Engineer Story" = 911 = "Holographic Reality" = 911 = "Hoax by M.S.M. = 911 = "Freemasonic Symbol" = 911 = "Use Illuminati Cards" = 911 = "Mind Control Operations" = 911 = "Al Qaeda Terrorist Attack" = 911 <<< On Which Day did that Happen? … Have a Great Day!
What’s your point? Do you have any suggestions as to how this will help the current plight of humanity?
Will the Thrill ? … If you want to know what your Enemy’s next move is, then Decode his Communications. Or, maybe we should be just like you and take their word for it?
How many more stories of the “non-violent left” do we need to know they are lying through their ugly adrenachrome stained teeth??
Before it’s all over, they will tar and feather her and her life and her family will be destroyed. This is how commies handle opposition.