Joachim Hagopian In total defiance of the Hague’s two top world courts and entire world’s total disgust toward Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s all too obvious genocide in Gaza, on Sunday night May 26th, the Israeli Defense Forces Air Force announced a “precise strike” in Rafah, allegedly taking out two Hamas leaders, conveniently leaving out that dozens of innocent civilians were also cold-bloodedly murdered by US bomb payloads from IDF airstrikes on the so-called Israeli designated Rafah “safe zone.” More Biden sent 2,000-pound bombs detonated little more than 100 meters from…

Ministers ‘war game’ emergency plans to cope with WEEK-LONG blackouts: Whitehall documents warn food and water supplies, transport and communications could be disrupted for seven days in a national power outage amid fears of a winter energy shortage

By JACK WRIGHT FOR MAILONLINE Ministers have ‘war gamed’ emergency plans to cope with week-long blackouts this winter  Documents warn food and water supplies and communications could be disrupted in event of outages Whitehall officials are stress-testing Programme Yarrow – the secret plan to cope with blackouts Plans were drawn up last year before Vladimir Putin launched his barbaric invasion of Ukraine But fears are growing that Russian aggression in the region could spark an energy security crisis    Ministers have ‘war gamed’ emergency plans to cope with week-long blackouts this winter,…

A second American civil war could start soon

Agnia Krengel  The aggravation of a grandiose social conflict is not far off The second civil war in America may begin soon. Researchers from the University of California at Davis, after conducting a survey of 8620 Americans, revealed an increase in their propensity to violence, writes the Daily Mail. More than 50% of those surveyed agreed with the statement that “there will be a civil war in the United States in the next few years.” The poll revealed “growing alienation and distrust of American democratic society and its institutions.” 18% of…

The conspiracy theory that still won’t rest in peace: Think it’s only cranks who believe the Twin Towers attack was a U.S. government plot?

Sue Reid  Twenty years on, the family of one British victim is demanding a fresh inquest in the hope of proving just that [Editor’s note: This new article from The Daily Mail (1 April 2021) keeps 9/11 alive in the mind of the public, where the proof of US complicity turns out to be far greater than the author could conceive. As the founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, I have collaborated with the best experts on this event from around the world–and have added several of my past presentations…

Marjorie Taylor Greene boasts she is going to Mar-a-Lago to meet Trump and says he supports her 100 percent as Democrats push to throw her off committees for her QAnon claims

By KATELYN CARALLE [Editor’s note: So just how nutty are Marjorie Taylor Greene’s “conspiracy theories” about Sandy Hook, Parkland, 9/11 and the like? They appear to be far closer to the truth than their counterpart mainstream narratives. For examples, check out “How to Spot a False Flag, Part 1”, and “How to Spot a False Flag, Part 2”. And if you have the stomach, “Pizzagate: Real or Fiction? The American Franchise of Pedogate”, where 70% of the American political elite appears to be engaged in pedophilia.] QAnon Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene…


By Vivian Lee The “siege” on January 6, 2021, has been called a “coup” (Jamie Raskin, D‒Maryland), a “brutal assault on our Republic” (Dan Newhouse, R‒Washington), a “white nationalist insurrection” (Adam Schiff, D‒California) that caused “death and destruction in the most sacred space in our Republic” (Liz Cheney, R‒Wyoming), an “act of sedition” (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez D‒New York), and “one of the darkest days in American history” (NPR): “Wednesday will go down as one of the darkest days in American history. It was all egged on by a sitting president, who…

Daily Mail, Eric Swalwell refuses to admit wrongdoing over ‘top secret’ friendship with Chinese spy Fang Fang

Eric Swalwell refuses to admit wrongdoing over ‘top secret’ friendship with Chinese spy Fang Fang and demands probe into who leaked story – as he refuses to say if he slept with her (and she’s STILL Facebook friends with his dad and brother) Eric Swalwell said Wednesday he wants a probe into who leaked information regarding his relationship with Chinese honeytrap spy ‘Christine’ Fang Fang He claims the timing of the leak is questionable as it was in 2019 when he was working on impeachment against President Donald Trump’ ‘I…

Lockdowns failed to alter the course of pandemic and are now destroying millions of livelihoods worldwide, JP Morgan study claims

TIM STICKINGS JP Morgan research said infection rates had fallen since lockdowns were eased It suggested the virus ‘has its own dynamics’ which are ‘unrelated’ to lockdowns   Report said they were imposed with little thought of ‘economic devastation’   Coronavirus lockdowns have failed to alter the course of the pandemic but have instead ‘destroyed millions of livelihoods’, a JP Morgan study has claimed. Falling infection rates since lockdowns were lifted suggest that the virus ‘likely has its own dynamics’ which are ‘unrelated to often inconsistent lockdown measures’, a report published by…

Rebecca Carnes, Ryan Lanza, Adam Lanza and the 2007 NHS Freshman Yearbook Oddities

Rebecca Carnes Could Adam Lanza really be a compilation of his brother Ryan Lanza and an unidentified young man featured in the 2007 Newtown High School yearbook? While at Newtown’s Cyrenius Booth Library recently, I located the Newtown High School yearbook from 2006 which features Ryan Lanza as a graduating senior (see below pics). Ryan Lanza is supposed to be about 4 years older than his brother Adam Lanza and Ryan was reported as being 24 years old at time of SH incident. So, a Newtown High School (NHS) graduation…

Dodgy Bobby: Mueller deflected lawmaker questions 198 times during his testimony on the Russia probe

By MARLENE LENTHANG FOR DAILYMAIL.COM Robert Mueller deflected lawmakers’ questions 198 times during his testimony before House lawmakers on Wednesday The former special counsel remained tight-lipped about his two-year investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election Mueller asked lawmakers to repeat their questions 30 times, referred answers to his report 34 times, and said questions were beyond his ‘purview’ 10 times   He said he ‘can’t’ or ‘won’t’ get into the substance of a question a total of 99 times during his testimony Fed up Ohio Republican Rep. Jim Jordan…