Jim Fetzer
[Editor’s note: The WI Supreme Court has reversed itself and accepted my petition for review:
which is a most welcome development. Pozner now has 14 days to respond.]

[Editor’s note: The WI Supreme Court has reversed itself and accepted my petition for review:
which is a most welcome development. Pozner now has 14 days to respond.]
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Rebecca Carnes now believes children did die at Sandy Hook.
I have no idea what could have come over her. Compare some interviews I did with Rebecca in the past:
The Real Deal (14 July 2020) with Rebecca Carnes: https://www.bitchute.com/video/DCWMZR7HzDRt/
The Fetz Presents (30 July 2020) Newtown Mom Speaks Out: https://www.bitchute.com/video/owfvzvauFszd/
Jim can’t get a fair shake in the terre de têtes de fromage. Shocking right? Meanwhile in Canada, Ontario Cops are writing tickets for shaking hands!!!!!!!!!!!!…. almost a Ripley’s Believe it or Not. But here it is… this formerly idyllic place has become a dystopic twilight zone. Perhaps I will never again after seeing this unreal piece of policing. Imagine going home to your main squeeze and offspring after writing tickets for pressing the flesh and explaining how you sold your soul to Satan. https://www.bitchute.com/video/GmxjmPQu1LWZ/
Well Jim, the corruption knows no bounds. Just look at Amy Coney Island Barrett… I bet Trump never saw that betrayal coming. Something about Amy’s illegal adoption of a Haitian child might have factored into that treason. I wonder how many Judges have experienced the following scenario. They wake up in the woods with the following three ingredients… a child, a gun and a video camera. Fill in the blanks if you dare. Once you start hearing stories like Paul Bernassie’s from Ted Gunderson’s research on missing children, it makes a most frightening horror story. The original milk carton kid was Johnny Gosh who was abducted from his paper route before dawn by two men that were accurately described by several fellow paper boys.
Paul’s story is blood curdling. He and another boy were forced to rape Johnny is front of some men, one held a .357 magnum. The setting was thought to be Bohemian Grove, big surprise there, huh? During this despicable horror on a child, Johnny’s brain’s were blown out at point blank range. The event was filmed. Can you imagine anyone preset not doing exactly what they are told for the rest of their sorry ass life?
During Johnny’s Mother’s quest to find her son, she discovered the Police Chief of Omaha had listed the abduction as a runaway… Ted thought the Chief was up to his eyeballs in Johnny’s abduction. To think this horror show runs through and controls the entire world is mind boggling. Most people just can’t or won’t believe it’s true
Most welcome development: The WI Supreme Court has reversed itself:
Beautiful !!!!!!, Full steam ahead – Time for full offense with these Frauds. This Sandy Hook BS has gone on long enough.
I see Wolfgang has been dropped from his lawsuit in CT, I wonder if having over 100 invoices for Food and Milk deliveries to Chaulk Hill had something to do with it. These Fakes are afraid of him, and He said the charges against him were dropped from his arrest in FL.
How can I donate some money to you?
Excellent! Thanks for the offer. Here are a couple of ways. For more,
go to falseflagconspiracies2020.com and you will discover others. Jim
Just Sent $100
Thank you, Peter. That was very kind of you.
Jim, All power and God’s Speed for a successful appeal. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I think one of the greatest things Trump could have done for you, the nation and even the world would have been to give James Fetzer the Medal of Freedom Award. This would have exposed millions to your decades of amazing work exposing falsehoods and revealing truths. When they overturn your conviction and you come out the other side of this judicial tyranny I sincerely hope you can somehow have ‘Nobody Died At Sandy Hook’ published again. I have the book and when I show it to people they are mind blown and it is much much better than the PDF. If there are a few lines that the judge objects to why not delete those lines and publish again? It would be a service to our nation exposing the deep state and they ongoing false flag operations to enslave mankind.
Jack, What a terrific endorsement! I find these words greatly heartening! You certainly have an excellent suggestion, too. Here’s the WI Supreme Court:https://jameshfetzer.org/wp-content/uploads/WI-Supreme-Court-7-members.jpg
You’re earning your title, “The most dangerous mind in America”, Jim!
May all of us, and you, win soon.
Posting here is extremely dangerous as the present illegitimate puppet dictatorship not only promotes, “The Big Lie”, but is a product of “The Big Lie.” The 2020 US presidential has shown that the entire court system, particularly at the highest levels, is completely derelict. With precision guided phantom ballots and voters, the Neo-Stalinists have gained power through their “Big Lie.” Obviously anyone who documents the truth is not tolerated by a government that operates on the strength of their myths and actual barbed wire.
Why did you wait so long to appeal to the the WI SC?
Cannot appeal directly to WISC. Have to go to the Court of Appeals first and only after they rule can you petition the SC. So we got here by the most direct route.