Jennifer Smith
Former New York Times journalist says the paper deliberately HELD her story condemning Kenosha rioters until after 2020 election: ‘The reality of what brought Kyle Rittenhouse into the streets was one we were meant to ignore’
- Bowles wrote a piece about how the riots destroyed the lives and livelihoods of local business owners, many of whom were not white
- She submitted it to The Times but was told it ‘wouldn’t run until after the election’
- She says journalists in a wider sense were ‘meant to ignore’ the anarchy in Kenosha that was caused by BLM protests descending into chaos
- Biden had called Rittenhouse a ‘white supremacist’ in the months before he was elected
- Trump said the riots were dangerous and Rittenhouse acted in self-defense
- The story eventually ran on November 9 after Biden had been elected
- Bowles recently quit The Times to work with her partner, fellow former Times reporter Bari Weiss
- They both say they became disillusioned with the newspaper’s clear political bias to the left
A former New York Times journalist has claimed the paper deliberately held a story about how Kenosha rioters destroyed local businesses until after the 2020 election.
Nellie Bowles is the partner of Bari Weiss, a fellow disillusioned former New York Times columnist who says she was bullied out of the newspaper because she didn’t align entirely with its views.
Writing for Weiss’s Substack channel Common Sense, Bowles revealed on Friday that after the August 2020 riots, she went to Kenosha to speak to the owners of small local businesses that had been razed between August 23 and August 28, after Jacob Blake‘s shooting.
She found in her reporting that the rioters were indiscriminate in who they targeted, often going after businesses and properties in the poorer parts of town. She focused on the fact that those smaller business owners had a harder time claiming back portions of their money from insurance, and that the riots left them down and out.
She submitted the story but was told ‘The Times wouldn’t be able to run my Kenosha insurance debacle piece until after the 2020 election.’
‘There were a variety of reasons given—space, timing, tweaks here or there. Eventually the election passed. Biden was in the White House. And my Kenosha story ran,’ she wrote.
It ended up not running until November 9, almost a week after the election and nearly four months after the Kenosha riots.

August 24, 2020: Rioters set fire to buildings across Kenosha, destroying over 100 businesses and causing $50million in damage between August 24 and August 28 after Jacob Blake was shot by a white cop

The rioting in Kenosha started on August 23, two days before Rittenhouse fired his AR-15, and ended eventually when thousands of National Guard troops were brought in. The damage was done by rioters and looters who came under the guise of protesting the Jacob Blake shooting

Bowles was told her story – which recounted how the riots had destroyed the lives of local business owners – wouldn’t run until after the election. It ran six days after polls closed
She says the decision fits with the wider theme that the media ignored the anarchy in Kenosha that drove Rittenhouse into the street with his gun.
‘Whatever the reason for holding the piece, covering the suffering after the riots was not a priority. The reality that brought Kyle Rittenhouse into the streets was one we reporters were meant to ignore.
‘The old man who tried to put out a blaze at a Kenosha store. The top editor of the Philadelphia Inquirer in June 2020 amid staff outcry for publishing a piece with the headline, “Buildings Matter, Too.”
‘If you lived in those neighborhoods on fire, you were not supposed to get an extinguisher. The proper response — the only acceptable response — was to see the brick and mortar torn down, to watch the fires burn and to say: thank you,’ she wrote.
Before he was elected, Biden had referred to Rittenhouse on Twitter as a ‘white supremacist’.

Biden tweeted this on September 29, calling Rittenhouse a white supremacist. Rittenhouse’s team previously announced plans to sue Biden for libel
He condemned then President Donald Trump for not condemning the teenager.
Trump, who had offered federal troop assistance to the Governor of Wisconsin but who was turned down, said he viewed Rittenhouse as lucky to be alive and that if he hadn’t shot, he would have been killed by the protesters.

Nellie Bowles quit The Times over its political bias and she now works with Bari Weiss, another disillusioned former Times columnist.
The New York Times did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Friday afternoon about why it held the story and it remains unclear exactly when Bowles submitted it.
Earlier this week, Weiss, in her own column on the Substack page, said the media convicted Rittenhouse on a web of lies that suited its liberal agenda.
She admitted that she, like others, had assumed that Rittenhouse drove across state lines, armed with an AR-15, hell-bent on causing harm to a BLM protester in Kenosha, a town where he had no connections.
The truth – as it was revealed at trial – was that Rittenhouse did not drive across state lines on the day of the shooting with his gun, and that he was in Kenosha because that is where he worked in a gym and where his father’s side of the family lived.
He testified that he went into the streets to offer first aid to people and protect buildings.
On Monday, Joe Scarborough told his audience of 1.6million: ‘He drove across state — had his mother drive him across state lines—he appointed himself a militia member, he goes around and he ends up unloading, what, sixty rounds.’
Ayanna Pressley labeled Rittenhouse a ‘white supremacist’ on August 26, 2020. All that has been proven so far is that he was a Trump supporter, says Weiss.

This week Cori Bush made the astonishing claim that when she was matching in Ferguson, she and other protesters were ‘shot at’ by white supremacists who hid behind a hill. Ferguson Police Chief has since said he does not know what she is referring to.
The prosecution claimed otherwise and the case is still being deliberated by the jury, who are now in their fourth day of deliberations.
Weiss argued that the media, including MSNBC host Joe Scarborough and CNN host Bakari Sellers, were determined to stick to the narrative that Rittenhouse was a violent, racist vigilante because it suits their agenda.

Bari Weiss (pictured) founded Common Sense after leaving The New York Times.
‘To acknowledge the facts of what happened that night is not political. It is simply to acknowledge reality.
‘It is to say that facts are still facts and that lies are lies. It is to insist that mob justice is not justice.
‘It is to say that media consensus is not the equivalent of due process.
‘And that pretending otherwise for the sake of political expediency is why the National Guard is now standing watch in Kenosha, bracing for violence once again in the anticipation of a verdict that for many, has already been decided,’ she concluded.
Judge Bruce Schroeder said this week before he sent the jury out of the courtroom to start their deliberations that they ought to ignore everyone’s opinions on the case, including that of President Joe Biden.
Short vid with Mark Dice…..Is it not amazing what folks will swallow?
I would love to get some opinions on the following vids…very short…..and will hold off my own until some replies. Thanks.
These videos are unfounded speculation based on no objective reality. There’s a lot of that going around at 153news.
Have we not seen enough false flags to recognize them right off? It usually becomes apparent while the event is still ongoing. If this was a false flag, Kyle Rittenhouse would have been featured the night of the riots. Instead we only saw his sequence of events, culled from hundreds of hours of video, when his defense laid it out in court more than a year later.
Now people take that sequence to make their claims, like Rittenhouse is a crisis actor because ‘look at how his every action is recorded!’
It’s backward analysis.
Toni, thank you for the reply. I just came across this because of this comment system. Things get buried.
Anyway, I absolutely agree. All I asked for was more evidence to the poster, “truthertz” and was attacked.
That kind of reply always says something. Jason does little or no moderation on 153, so that is the result. I have noticed that for quite a while, Fetzer’s vids are no longer put up on 153. I’ve inquired as to why, but never received a reply from Jason.
That’s disconcerting. I thought 153news published everything and that was their point. I guess thumbs (or elbows) are on the scale over there, too. Sad to hear.
Where are these Rittenhouse Hoax opinions coming from? These are the same people that see through all the other false flags. Can they no longer recognize reality when it comes along?
Will, I’ve mentioned this before so maybe you are not interested, but a news aggregator of rss feeds can let you know when new posts are made and can be configured to monitor comments as well. I use Feedly.
Here are the urls I entered into the news aggregator to get this blog and its comments:
In Feedly, just click the plus sign, paste in the urls, and hit ok. When the feed comes up, click follow.
Toni…Thanks for that. I’ll give it a shot. I remember it, but don’t know why I did not follow up.
Here are the two posts on 153 about the trial being a ff.
Whoops…apologies…I did not realize I posted those. Those are the only links I have, but maybe others here who also think it was a ff can supply others.
And while you’re here, have you any feedback on this? It almost sounds like it cannot possibly be real.
THIS IS REAL: Northern California County Enforces Mask Mandate For PRIVATE HOMES Regardless Of Vaccination Status
It doesn’t seem believable, does it? Santa Cruz County has had a reputation for individual non-conformity for a hundred years, and now this.
Everything that has been predicted on this blog is coming true, but Cassandra-like it is ignored by those we entreat. After making my desperate appeal to avoid the injection, my family ALL went behind my back and got it anyway. Now my brother and father are vaccine-injured, but my family refuses to link any problems to the vaccine. My brother developed Ménière’s disease and now has hearing loss and tinnitus, and my father is incapacitated by leg weakness which is indicative of Guillain-Barré. Both the disease and the syndrome are associated with the vax.
I am disconsolate.
I’m SO sorry to hear that about your family. So many are victims of that box and peer pressure. I have little contact with my family, so I have no idea if they took it, but since most are in the medical field, I imagine the worst. Last I spoke with my grandson (a fireman) , he was resisting the jab for himself and the mask and jab his son. At least he listened. It all just leaves me reeling when I think of anyone allowing an injection minus any idea of the composition. I just don’t get it. I also have another cyber friend whose mother has Alzheimer’s. His sister insists the mother get the jab. He’s totally against it. The sister has now taken two jabs. She developed some kind of immune deficiency syndrome but still insists it’s not from the jab and will go for the booster.
Btw, I joined Feedly. They sent me an email of confirmation. I followed your instructions, but never saw any “OK” button. I have yet to receive any notifications if that’s what is supposed to happen. I let them know and am waiting for a reply.
I guess it’s a bit strange to say, but I love the word “disconsolate”. …have not seen it used in ages.
I feel the same way,
Thanks for that, Will. It’s really disappointing to be isolated within your own family; at least they all have each other.
Feedly won’t email you notifications, I don’t think. The posts and comments are collected in the page you set up at Feedly.
Go to the Feedly page and log in with whatever email and password you signed up with and it will take you to your front page where you start adding in the sites you want to follow.
Click the plus sign on the left of the page and in the search window that comes up, paste in the url. Hit Enter (which is what I meant by Ok), and then hit the Follow button. The sites you choose will show up on the right in a directory.
Here’s a link to Feedly’s explainer article (which is really dense with stuff you don’t need) but scroll down and just look at their graphics. It will show you how to add urls for sites. Feedly calls sites ‘Sources”.
Here’s the comment url again: Feedly will give you the site but you have to specifically ask for comments using this format.
You should end up with something like this:
Toni, thanks so much for taking the time for that explanation. It takes patients with anyone as low tech as myself.
I’ll copy and paste that into an email and go from there.
What this hoax/plandemic has done psychologically to each of us and to the consciousness of humanity, creating a divide between family and friends, in my mind, is enough in and of itself to bring all those responsible to the gallows NOW….let alone the death and maiming. WE have to bring this to an end immediately. And I have no idea how other than to act on an individual basis. Since I only have one email address for any member of my family, I sent them a digital copy of Dr. Cowan’s recent book (Breaking the Spell…5 bucks) under a new account I set up on Mailfence just for that purpose. One thing I have noticed that seems to be written in stone….there’s no middle ground or opening for conversation with those who have chosen the jab. It’s my belief that FEAR is the only thing capable of closing minds to that degree.
KENOSHA, WI—In a stunning reversal, Kyle Rittenhouse awoke this morning to discover that he had been found guilty after all.
Prosecutors explained that during the night, they had found dozens of mail-in jury votes declaring the defendant guilty on all counts. Apparently, boxes of these mail-in votes arrived in a truck at the courthouse around 3:00 am.
Attorneys for Mr. Rittenhouse were dumbfounded as to how such a thing could have happened, raising questions as to the validity of mail-in jury voting. They stated: “We’ve never heard of this. This isn’t part of the legal system. Where did these votes even come from?”
“How DARE you question the sanctity of our criminal justice system!” cried the prosecuting attorneys. “There is no justice until EVERY vote is counted!”
Prosecutors then explained that it was a new COVID measure they had just instituted. “But given how well it’s worked out,” they said, “we’re planning on making it permanent.”
How sad is it to realize that is almost believable.
Please take a look at this 30 second vid and let me know what you think:
I think that’s just a video artifact. I noticed during the trial that the pool feed video from the courtroom often showed loss. I don’t think it’s anything more sinister than that.
“They Control the Media”…Van the Man….
Yep…THEY control and own it all (AND, that includes some of the Internet thanks to YT and Goggle.). As long as that is so, the masses will follow the lies. As much as I am highly disappointed in Trump’s vax stand, he had it right about the media. As far as I know, he’s the only politician to ever call them out to their faces at just about every briefing in which he was involved.
Unfortunately, the majority of Americans depend upon the MSM for their news and information. It’s changing, but will it change enough and in time to avoid the loss of this republic? Who knows. It had better or we are lost. As an aside, let us all hope Kyle Rittenhouse sues the major TV media into oblivion for their obviously bias coverage of his action that night in Kenosha. But that will take a while.