04 Mar, 2025

Marc Thiessen, Opinion: Canada turns authoritarian to shut down the ‘Freedom Convoy’

Remember the outrage when the Trump administration sent the U.S. Park Police and other law enforcement officers to clear Black Lives Matter protesters from Lafayette Square? Well, some of those who criticized President Donald Trump then are now applauding Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for invoking never-before-used emergency powers to clear “Freedom Convoy” protesters from Ottawa’s Parliament Hill and provincial capitals across the country.

What Trudeau is doing is far worse than a photo op with a Bible. He has not only threatened to arrest the truckers, he has also declared he will take away their licenses — and thus their livelihoods — if they don’t stop protesting. The prime minister is also threatening, without a court order, to suppress the free speech of Canadians by seizing the bank accounts of anyone who donates to the protesters — actions that would be blatantly unconstitutional here in the United States. And he is doing all this using an emergency law that is only supposed to be invoked to deal with threats to “sovereignty, security and territorial integrity” of Canada. I’m sorry, but the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of Canada are not under threat.

What is under threat are the basic freedoms of the Canadian people. It was one thing for the government to end the unlawful blockade of the Ambassador Bridge connecting Detroit and Windsor, Ontario — something Trudeau was able to do without invoking an emergency law. But it is quite another for the prime minister to use those emergency powers to stifle the free-speech rights of peaceful protesters gathered in front of their country’s elected Parliament.

And Trudeau’s words are as worrisome as his actions. Not only has Trudeau threatened a crackdown, he has also claimed the demonstrators hold “unacceptable views.” He accused a Jewish member of parliament — the granddaughter of Holocaust survivors — who questioned his invocation of emergency powers of “standing with people who wave swastikas.” He called Canadians who oppose vaccine mandates a “sect” who “do not believe in science,” are “often misogynists, often racists” and “are taking up space.” And, he said that, as Canada’s leader, he has to decide “do we tolerate these people?”

This is the stuff of authoritarian regimes. In a free society, the government doesn’t get to decide whose views are “unacceptable” or whether it will “tolerate” them. In a democracy, the government does not get to intimidate people who protest policies they consider unjust by threatening to take away their jobs and their ability to feed their families. Those are actions one would expect from totalitarian regimes in China and Russia, not a Western democracy.

If you doubt Trudeau has crossed the line into despotism, ask yourself a simple question: If he were taking the exact same steps to suppress Black Lives Matter protesters, would that be acceptable? If anything, he would be the one labeled a racist and extremist.

Canadians, like all free people, have a fundamental right to protest their government’s policies. During the 2020 protests in Lafayette Square, a fire was set in the basement of nearby St. John’s Church. More than 200 Black Lives Matter protests have descended into violence (including attacks that led to the deaths of police officers and bystanders). There have been no comparable incidents of violence at the Freedom Convoy protests. Most of the protesters are not extremists; they are ordinary Canadians who are engaging in legitimate acts of nonviolent civil disobedience to protest Canada’s draconian covid rules.

And draconian they are. Two years into the coronavirus pandemic, Canada is still one of the most locked-down countries in the world. When the omicron variant arrived, Americans groused about the return of mask mandates. But in Ontario and Quebec, Canada’s two most-populous provinces, the government ordered full lockdowns. Restaurants were closed except for outdoor dining. (Who eats outdoors in Canada in January?) So were gyms, sport facilities, barber shops, museums, galleries and amusement parks. The government limited social gatherings to just five people indoors and 10 people outdoors. Children were yanked from classrooms, workers were required to work remotely, and all “non-urgent” medical procedures were canceled. For Canada, it was like 2020 all over again.

Except it is not 2020. Omicron is less dangerous than earlier coronavirus variants. Canada is one of the most vaccinated countries on Earth — 84 percent of Canadians aged 5 and older have had two doses, and 46 percent have had a booster shot. Many Canadians decided the government had gone too far. They looked at the United States — where more than 70,000 people sat together mostly unmasked at the Super Bowl — and seethed as Canadian NHL teams were forced to play in empty arenas or not play at all. They watched as even blue states such as California and New York announced they were lifting mask mandates, while Ontario’s government declared social gathering limits of 50 people indoors and 100 people outdoors will remain in place until March, with no end in sight for mandatory masking. And then, when Trudeau added a vaccine mandate for truckers crossing the Canadian-U.S. border, for many, that was the last straw.

Marc Thiessen, Columnist

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10 thoughts on “Marc Thiessen, Opinion: Canada turns authoritarian to shut down the ‘Freedom Convoy’”

  1. Why am I smelling a long, long cold war? We’ve got the guns, but will we pull triggers? Governments in the US are going to need some sort of false flag before they try to take all the marbles. It’s time that all free people here need to realize that Joe Biden will destroy this country unless we totally stand in his way. His “speeches” are asinine. Anybody who thinks the Covid hoax was about health are victims of their own stupidity. Bit by bit, our government and culture are being destroyed. Yes, we’ve got the guns and I haven’t fired one since my old M16 days. We need to get in some thorough rifle practice and adjust our attitudes to a warrior mentality. I think push will come to shove before long. Covid will be endemic and that means we get our faces rubbed in shiite periodically.
    Ghandi-esque calm? It’s either them or us. If we think peace is the ticket, I think we are in for some hard knocks. Blood on both walls is inevitable.

    1. Bahmi, blood may be inevitable and those who fear it can just stay home. BUT, we have yet to try strikes or convoys. and if they bring in mercenaries to stop those, blood will flow regardless. If blood is what it takes, so be it. TOO many have died for freedom to let it stop us now.

  2. Jim, I am begging you to find some way to get rid of these pop-ups. I subscribed. I get the notices I do not want or need. The pop-ups still come up and freeze my screen. It’s more than annoying.

    Anyway, adding to my comment at 7:30 PM last night. Since our a-hole-in-chief has decided to refresh or continue the bs emergency status because he’s crapping in his pants, a comment made on ZH to the article that follows is what I believe is the best path around all this madness. it involves NOTHING OTHER THAN DOING NOTHING….AND THEY CAN ABSOLUTELY HAVE NO ANSWER TO IT. How can they stop us from doing nothing? It worked for Gandhi. It’ll work for us. they are not expecting it.

    “Occupying whole cities is going to get truckers and their supporters beaten, and some may be killed by heroes in blue. It’s not working out so well in Canada, but surely a better solution is to boycott the cities entirely. Particularly the left wing cities, where most people don’t appreciate truckers, and support repressive governments to the extent that without those cities, those governments would quickly fall. Stay home, and stage a general strike. Everyone develop long-haul Covid, so the government’s own rules dictate that you can’t work.”


    1. I have (repeatedly) asked that something be done about them. Check this out, which I find extremely suspicious:

      From a corrspondent: 
      UN Jet in North Bay. 

      Boots on the ground. This clearly shows Trucescu does not have the support of the Canadian Forces. We live for the day they rise up. 
      The party:

      The whole sordid event from Dan Dicks Press For Truth:

      On closer examination the uniforms are most likely Surete du Quebec. The shoulder patches are camouflage. That doesn’t prelude UN or private contractors having outfitted at the same store. Foreign mercenaries would stick out like a sore thumb to RCMP or Ontario police. QPF would be the best disguise. If they could be photographed leaving on the jet, that would ice the cake.

      1. Thanks, Jim…..great stuff. Sure as hell looks like they had to bring in outside “mercenaries” to engage the peaceful Canadians. I hope someone gets a good shot of them getting on that jet….like thieves in the night. But I think we already have enough proof. Other than the one at the end, there is another example I’ll post later if I can find it.
        Trudeau is under some drug or trance, much like his counterpart, Brandon. There is absolutely NO humanity to be seen in his face….and only dementia in Brandon’s.

        I don’t think it’s wise for us to do the same in DC SINCE DC is not a part of the USA…it’s a foreign entity. We would better congregate in Philadelphia or anyplace other than DC.
        But, that’s a story for another comment later.

        Here’s another example that shows these Canadian cops are not real OR are just using fear minus authority to quell the masses. More than revealing:


      2. Stone just put this out and I have to say I agree….although I would participate in a convoy, I still think some form of strike would be more effective and less open to infiltration and being used against us…..

        I have a strong gut feeling that the DC convoy is a bad idea
        I am not making a prediction here, but WHAT IF a story is fronted where a beyond max semi with 200,000 pounds of explosives is used as a front for a small nuclear weapon? One that would level whatever they wanted level? How much does a MOAB weigh? They could put five of those in the weight of what a semi could actually be loaded to (not the legal limits, I mean what the truck could actually handle if you did not care about wrecking it).

        Look at the history of the government the American truckers will be going up against. In 1993 that government tried to topple the world trade center. That government ACTUALLY TRIED TO DO THAT. It’s fully documented. Idiots can believe the official 911 story but what the FBI did in 93 is the irrefutable real deal. That government ABSOLUTELY WOULD set off a small nuke and say it was one of the trucks. THAT government absolutely would pack a semi with an overload of explosives and set it off. If the radiation signature bothered them, they absolutely would pack 2 million pounds of explosives in the white house or Congress building and set them off, hopefully to level everything for miles. This is NOT CANADA Americans are dealing with. Americans have a seasoned psychopath that hates their guts to deal with.

        Trudeau’s a petty amateur who is not good at trampling people’s rights without being hated. Trudeau is so crappy at it that there is not even a 10 percent minority that does not think he’s wrong. The media can lie all it wants but 92 percent of Canadians sided with the truckers and despise Trudeau now. The American government is the seasoned pro, they could blow the sh*t out of DC and most likely about 40 percent of the population would believe it was the truckers. Depending on the quality of the lie, perhaps more.

        No one knows what a semi would do if packed with high explosives, stuff only the government would have. There has never been a conventional blast that big outside of mining operations and pre-nuclear blast testing. All the media would have to say is “it was equal to five moabs” and the government could pull a Hiroshima. Would the U.S. government do it? F***************************************** YES.

        Even if the government does not milk this opportunity that way, it’s stupid to protest this way. No protest has accomplished anything recently, because from the conservative side of things all the protests have been peaceful. The government on the other hand won’t hesitate to burn it to the ground. HELL YES they’d nuke DC. HELL YES they’d mound a couple million pounds of explosives in the white house and set them off. WHY would it have to be a Semi???

        If I was a trucker I would not go. It won’t be effective and it just gives a completely criminal government a wonderful opportunity to do a frame up. At this point it’s just better to fall back on the fear millions of guns puts into tyrants. A fear only justified if those guns might actually be used.

  3. Thugs vs. Hugs. I’m wondering how many of the police were imported United Nations thugs, as is apparently the case for much of the police force in Australia. With those masks on, who can tell? But this is an important subject to study, in that it might encourage more police to defect from the goon squad and more Canadians to wake up. God bless you, Canadian patriots! You are a shining light of heroism, courage, and compassion to ignite the whole world into resistance against the tyrants who would destroy us all!

  4. Well, here’s the latest from our POS demented perverted doddering Brandon…..following the script like all the other communists. What are we going to do? I guess we’ll just watch this country go down the toilet like we have since this doppelganger monster stole the presidency. Gawd help us all. Canada was the testing ground a helluva lot closer than Australia. Bye Bye Miss American Pie……..FJB! FJB! FJB!


    Van Morrison …. Western Man….


    Van Morrison Lyrics
    “Western Man”

    Western Man has no plan
    ‘Cause he became COMPLACENT
    Stopped believing in himself
    Let others steal his rewards
    While he was dreaming

    While he was dreaming
    Others were scheming
    Now Western Man is adrift, and under attack
    What happened in between?

    Now there’s no other bite of the cherry
    Start on a new path to freedom
    New path to freedom

    The horse has bolted from the stables
    Lunatics have taken over the farm
    Plan to start meetings in the forest

    Going back to the way it was
    Now just seems near impossible
    Western Man has no plan
    They stole it while, while he was dreaming

    Now there’s no other bite, bite of the cherry
    Unless he’s prepared to fight
    Start on a new path to freedom
    Horse has bolted from the stables
    Lunatics have taken over the farm

    Caretakers have taken over the main building
    The governors have gone over the wall
    Plan to start meetings in the forest
    Not going back, not going back to the way it was

    Western Man has no plan
    Since he became complacent
    Stopped believing in himself
    And let others steal his rewards
    While he was dreaming

    While he was dreaming
    While he was dreaming
    While he was dreaming
    While he was dreaming
    While he was dreaming
    While he was dreaming
    Others were scheming

    Scheming while he was dreaming
    Others were scheming
    While he was dreaming
    Others were scheming
    While he was dreaming


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