[Editor’s note: Elizabeth Williamson has mastered the art of special pleading by selecting the evidence that agrees with a predetermined conclusion and eliminating the rest. You will not find her addressing the (staged) photos in the parking lot, for example, which prove that they rearranged the kids to get “a better shot”, the FBI Consolidated Crime Report for 2012, which shows no murders or non-negligent manslaughters in Newtown (of which Sandy Hook is a part), or the FEMA Manual for a “mass casualty exercise involving children”, which you can download as a PDF here. Nor does she acknowledge my Petition before the United States Supreme Court, which displays the lengths to which they will resort to conceal the truth about Sandy Hook. Under “Fake News” in encyclopedias, you will find a photo of Elizabeth Williamson.]
The families of 10 victims have waited years to hold the Infowars conspiracist and the political environment that enabled him to account.

Hilary Swift for The New York Times
Credit…AUSTIN, Texas — The far-right conspiracy broadcaster Alex Jones spread lies for years about the Sandy Hook school shooting, saying it was staged by the government and that the families of the victims were complicit in the hoax. Juries will now decide in three separate trials how much Mr. Jones must pay for the suffering he caused.
The first trial begins on Tuesday in Austin, where Mr. Jones and his Infowars website are based. Neil Heslin and Scarlett Lewis, the parents of Jesse Lewis, 6, who died at Sandy Hook, will testify to the torment they suffered after Mr. Jones implied on his show in 2017 that Mr. Heslin’s televised recollection of cradling Jesse’s body shortly after the shooting was false. The family has since endured years of accusations and threats.
[Editor’s note: While you won’t hear it from Elizabeth Williamson, Neil Heslin claims that he held his dying son in his arms, while Dr. Wayne Carver, Medical Examiner for the State of Connecticut, stated during his press conference that the parents were not allowed to see their children, much less hold them in their arms while they died. Here’s a passage of my Petition about Heslin, which Alex Jones challenged:
So which was it? Either Wayne Carver was lying about the parents not being able to see their kids or Neil Heslin has been lying about holding Jesse in his arms as he died. They cannot both be true; but bear in mind that they could both be false, which appears to be the case. Alex Jones cannot be guilty of defamation by denying that Neil Heslin held his dying son in his arms as long as that is true–and even Warne Carver supports the conclusion that Alex had it right.]
Lenny Pozner and Veronique De La Rosa, the parents of Noah Pozner, the youngest Sandy Hook victim, are scheduled to testify at a second trial in September in Austin. That same month, the families of eight other Sandy Hook victims will testify at the third trial, in Connecticut.
The trials come after the families of the 10 victims won defamation lawsuits against Mr. Jones last year, when judges ruled him liable by default for repeatedly failing to provide court-ordered documents and testimony. Those rulings set the stage for the upcoming trials, in which juries will award monetary damages to the families as a result of their victories.
Mr. Jones’s lawyers fear the awards could be potentially ruinous to his Austin-based Infowars empire, where he reaps revenues of more than $50 million a year peddling diet supplements, conspiracy videos and books, body armor and doomsday prepper gear on his broadcasts.
The Sandy Hook families have a broader goal beyond damages for Mr. Jones: They want the trials to alert Americans to the mounting damage done to vulnerable people and civic life by viral political lies, whether bogus theories denying mass shootings or false claims of a “stolen” 2020 election that brought violence to the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
Mr. Jones is allied with former President Donald J. Trump, who appeared on Infowars during the 2016 campaign. Mr. Jones also has ties to extremist groups involved in the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol and is under scrutiny for his role in planning events preceding it.

Adriana Zehbrauskas for The New York Times
Credit…“It’s very hard to fathom or relate to the danger of these online conspiracies and conspiracists, and the trial I think will definitely set a picture in people’s minds of how dangerous it is,” Mr. Heslin said in an interview. “I very much look forward to justice being served. It’s something that Jones started, and I’m going to finish it.”
Mr. Jones and his Texas lawyer, Federico Reynal, did not respond to requests for comment. On his show, Mr. Jones has been pleading with his fans to buy his products and contribute to his legal defense. “I’m not a quitter and I can’t give up,” he said on his show Sunday. “I am working seven days a week to fight these bastards.”
Mr. Jones has spent years falsely claiming on his radio and online Infowars show that the December 2012 mass shooting that killed 20 first graders and six educators at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., was staged by the federal government as a pretext for confiscating Americans’ firearms.
Conspiracy theorists have accosted the families in public, defaced and stolen memorials to their loved ones and threatened their lives. They have tormented the parents on social media, demanding they exhume their children’s bodies and “prove” they were murdered. Mr. Pozner and Ms. De La Rosa have moved a dozen times after conspiracy theorists posted their home addresses and other personal information.

Richard Perry/The New York Times
In 2017, Mr. Heslin appeared on an NBC broadcast featuring Mr. Jones, hosted by Megyn Kelly, who had recently joined the network from Fox News. “I lost my son. I buried my son. I held my son with a bullet hole through his head,” Mr. Heslin told Ms. Kelly.
Afterward, Mr. Jones and Owen Shroyer, an Infowars sidekick, disputed Mr. Heslin’s account, implying he was lying in service to a government hoax aimed at gun control.
“It’s my right to say it. I can question big P.R. events like Sandy Hook, where there are major anomalies,” Mr. Jones said on his show. “They’re using Sandy Hook, and they’re using the victims and their families as a way to get rid of free speech in America. That’s the plan.”
Mr. Jones and a revolving cast of lawyers spent four years working to delay a courtroom reckoning for his Sandy Hook falsehoods. He and key staffers have failed to appear for depositions, stonewalled on providing court-ordered financial records and submitted what lawyers for the families say are falsified documents. Repeatedly rebuked by the courts, Mr. Jones responded by attacking the proceedings and the families’ lawyers on his show, calling at one point for one of their heads “on a pike.”
Citing Mr. Jones’s contempt for the judicial process, late last year judges in Texas and Connecticut ruled him liable by default in all the Sandy Hook cases, granting the families a sweeping victory. The trial juries will decide on how much to award the families in compensatory and punitive damages, after lawyers for the families provide them a detailed look at Mr. Jones’s business model, finances and net worth.
Last week a Texas appellate court rejected Mr. Jones’s request to delay payment of $1 million in sanctions resulting from his failure to show up for a deposition in the Connecticut case earlier this year. While Mr. Jones’s lawyers told Connecticut Superior Court Judge Barbara N. Bellis in a hearing that Mr. Jones was sick, he was broadcasting live from his studio, in an industrial park on Alvin Devane Boulevard here. Mr. Reynal, Mr. Jones’s lawyer, argued that the sanctions should wait until juries render their judgments, which Mr. Jones will almost certainly appeal. The court ordered Mr. Jones to pay the $1 million immediately.
It is not clear whether Mr. Jones will be called to testify in Texas, and if he does, whether he will appear in person or via video link. But his efforts to protect his livelihood have continued. Mr. Jones has reached out to the Justice Department, looking to share what he knows about the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot in exchange for immunity from prosecution. An immunity deal has not materialized, and seems unlikely, two people familiar with Mr. Jones’s offer said at the time.
While dodging the families seeking his testimony, Mr. Jones collaborated on a pay-per-view film about himself that will air during the trial in Texas. He has written a book scheduled for release two weeks before the September trials begin.
In an online interview on Saturday with the journalist Glenn Greenwald, Mr. Jones said Infowars is “90 percent accurate and 10 percent wrong.”
“I did this from a pure place,” he said, adding, “I did not lie to people on purpose.”
Elizabeth Williamson is a feature writer in the Washington bureau. She has worked for the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post, and is the author of “Sandy Hook: An American Tragedy and the Battle for Truth.” @NYTLiz
A win for Jones. I did not see the entire exchange, but he got this in and in the clip, the judge (at least in this clip)had no objection.
“….you mean like Jeffrey Epstein did with the Clintons?”
I’ll admit my error now. I thought that Wisconsin was a state where there was justice. Not a chance. Wisconsin Judges are just as crooked at the worse of them anywhere nationwide. As one pundit says “if you want police or government help when you discover criminal activity, there is NO place you can go….they’re ALL corrupt.”
Sorry if that sounds negative but its merely reality. If things are going to get back to ” a shining city on a hill”, its going to take a very long time”.
Well, Jim….at least the defense attorney did not call YOU mentally ill….but he did put that label on Halbig (at around 32 minutes)…..unbelievable….how sad.
The closing statement from the defense in the AJ trial…Aug 3rd…….very interesting….
(of course, even the defense accepts the reality of SH…the show continues)
Well, even though this is Texas and not Wisconsin, the judge found a way to supersede the jury and find Jones guilty even though Texas law differs from Wisconsin. The following vid is the best I’ve found from Jim’s Bitchute. In regard to the above, listen at about 42:50, but watch the entire vid…it’s amazing. Robert Barnes is a sensation. THEY DO NOT WANT THE FACTS OF SH TO GO BEFORE A JURY BECAUSE THEY KNOW THE TRUTH WILL COME OUT. They will do anything and everything to avoid that scenario.
Trial is live now if interested:
Alex on the stand. This is worth putting up…just started watching myself…..
Jones admits it’s a show trial. The question remains…”Is he in on it?”
Opening statement for the defense on 7/26 …Jim….check it out at 27:00…you, Tracy, Steve Piecenik and Halbig are mentioned in quite a derogatory manner….from the defense…isn’t that precious. Quoting: “The no one died at Sandy Hook LIE….” . Alex Jones is quite simply covering his own ass and not interested in the truth. His defense attorney more or less blames it on those above who started the lie.
Amazing. I’m going on record stating this is a show trial and that Jones is in on it. I have nothing other than my gut to back that up.
No. I laid out the case for Alex’ complicity in a show with David Scorpion and Giuseppe Vafanculo on Saturday, which we are having trouble uploading. But it should be up by tomorrow afternoon. I’ll add a link here. You are spot on! It’s a show trial and he’s in on it. I explain how we know during the show.
Thanks, Jim…watching now….hey, even a wild Will Two finds an acorn now and then. It just didn’t seem like a real courtroom.
Jim, since you, Rense and ZH are mentioned here, go to about 6:50 past all of this woman’s “credentials” and listen for a bit…see what you think.
The woman in that vid is a paid witness for the defense. She admitted on the stand she hates Alex Jones and that she believes all Republicans are white supremacists. How would any juror with a few brain cells look at her testimony as valid. I just don’t get it.
Sorry…paid witness for the PLAINTIFF.
The following is a total surprise to me. I was not aware Columbine was one of the first, if not THE first, fake school shooting…irrefutable evidence. Is Halbig aware of this?
Not to dismiss the overwhelming evidence in Jim’s book, but of everything presented, that photo of Carver in the parking lot prior to the shooting along with the State Police vehicle could not possibly be refuted in a REAL court of law with a jury present. That second window is intact. There is absolutely no doubt. That alone supports SH as a false flag hands down. There can be NO refutation in the real world.
Glad I listened to your BitChute show and got your new “H added” website. Any news from Gina Rinehart, by the looks of it. She has so much money, it wouldn’t hurt her too much (relatively) to help you. Anyhow good work to get the website up again. Bill.
So there will be two trials in which parents testify for the plaintiff. Will there be witnesses for the defense? If not, it’s an outrageous miscarriage of justice. How is that even possible?