by CJ Hopkins
So, it’s official. On Wednesday, August 24, New Normal Germany’s Bundestag rubber stamped the government’s latest revision to the so-called “Infection Protection Act” (i.e., New Normal Germany’s new Enabling Act), authorizing the continued persecution of “the Unvaccinated” (i.e., New Normal Germany’s new official Untermenschen), the mandatory wearing of medical-looking masks (i.e., the ideological-compliance symbol of the New Normal Reich throughout the world), the banning of protests against the New Normal (i.e., the new official ideology of Germany), and assorted other “emergency measures.”
These “emergency measures” are purportedly designed to protect the German people from a “health threat” that (a) does not exist; (b) the vast majority of other countries in Europe and the rest of the world have finally admitted does not exist; (c) never existed in the first place; and (d) not even the most fanatical Covidian Cultists can still pretend to present a plausible argument for the existence of without sounding like severely cognitively-impaired persons.
For example, Karl Lauterbach (who is still for some reason the official Minister of Health of Germany, despite the fact that he has been lying to the public and fomenting hatred of “the Unvaccinated” like the reanimated corpse of Joseph Goebbels on a daily basis for over two years) explained why Germany is pushing ahead with its plan to coercively “vaccinate” the entire population, over and over. According to Lauterbach, the “vaccines” cause “multiply-vaccinated” persons to develop symptoms of the illness their multiple “vaccinations” were designed to keep them from being infected with more quickly than “the Unvaccinated,” so they stay home, and thus help to “limit the pandemic,” whereas “the Unvaccinated,” being “asymptomatic,” go around heedlessly infecting “the Vaccinated,” which they wouldn’t be doing if they had been “multiply-vaccinated,” as they would be home suffering the flu-like symptoms they were assured the “vaccines” would protect them from suffering but which actually caused them to suffer more quickly.

OK, at this point, I know you’re probably asking, “why haven’t the German people demanded the removal of this obviously deranged clown from office?” Well, unfortunately, the problem isn’t just Karl Lauterbach. It’s also Olaf Scholz, the Chancellor of Germany, Marco Buschmann, the Minister of Justice, and the rest of the government of New Normal Germany, and the vast majority of the German people, who appear to be willing to behave as if the rest of the world did not exist, and click heels and mindlessly follow orders, no matter how completely absurd.
For example, if you’re flying to New Normal Germany from some other country where reality prevails, the moment your plane enters German airspace, you are required to don a medical-looking mask, and not just any old medical-looking mask, but an FFP2 Filtering Face Piece as defined by the EN 149 standard, which has been proven to protect you from the BA.5 Variant of the Omicron Variant of the SARS CoV-2 Variant (i.e., the original Covid-19 Variant) by the “the Golden Syrian Hamster Model,” according to the New Normal German authorities.**
Of course, this Filtering Face Piece mandate does not apply to government officials and their mouthpieces in the German media, an entire planeload of whom just flew from New Normal Germany to New Normal Canada and back in a state of flagrant masklessness.

And that is just one of the numerous examples of the fascistic spirit that has taken hold of the country I willingly emigrated to almost exactly 18 years ago, which I now no longer recognize. Here’s another one, which will turn your stomach. It’s a video clip of a Deutsche Bahn Gestapo Officer (a newly created official position formerly known as “train conductor”) barking orders at a maskless woman, over and over, like in a Spielberg film, then finally physically assaulting the woman …

I think that will suffice in terms of examples of the atmosphere here in New Normal Germany.
Now, believe it or not, I have tried to give the German people the benefit of the doubt (i.e., as a people) during the last two and a half years. Sure, I have occasionally likened their behavior to the behavior of the German people during their unsavory (i.e., Nazi) past, and I have compared the evolution of New Normal Germany to the early days of Nazi Germany on … OK, more than a few occasions, but I have emphasized that this disturbingly fascistic, mindless, order-following behavior has nothing to do with the German character per se, because we’ve seen the identical disturbingly fascistic, mindless, order-following behavior erupt in countries all over the world, but, at this point, if the German people continue to behave in a disturbingly fascistic, mindless, order-following manner while people all throughout the rest of the world go about their daily lives without having to show their “vaccination papers” to some goon to be allowed to enter a café and get a fucking cup of coffee, and otherwise exist in a more or less maskless, post-mass-hysterically-paranoid state … if the Germans are willing to continue to do that (i.e., behave in the aforementioned mindlessly fascistic, authority-worshiping, frightening fashion and make themselves the laughing stock of the world), I’m not going to be so nice anymore. I’m going to call them some derogatory names. I’m going to question their character as a people. I’m going to publicly speculate about exactly what the fuck is wrong with them.
I hope and pray I don’t have to do that. We’ve got about a month before the new “restrictions” take effect. Which is plenty of time for the German people to rise up and put an end to all this. I’ve been assured by my German friends that the German people will not do this, but what can I say? I’m a hopeless optimist.
In any event, I’ll keep you posted … unless, of course, I get arrested the for “delegitimizing the democractic state” or “relativizing the Holocaust,” or whatever.
In the meantime, enjoy the end of Summer, and don’t worry too much about what’s happening here in New Normal Germany, or in New Normal Canada, or New Normal Washington DC, or wherever. It all over now, mostly, isn’t it, the whole New Normal nightmare, right? They would never, ever, do it again … not wherever you live, right?
CJ Hopkins
August 26, 2022
Photos: Downfall (the film); Twitter
Wow….get a load of this article…especially the letters between Hopkins and Amazon at the end. I think Jim will especially enjoy this bit of BS. Personally, I should not buy another damn thing from them as a protest of this and what they did to Dr. Fetzer…We should all boycott the bastardz.
So, the Amazon Content Review Team’s pretext for banning the book is clearly a lie, and not even a convincing lie. But then Amazon doesn’t have to lie convincingly.
When you are an unaccountable supranational corporation founded and executive-chaired by Jeff Bezos, the second-richest person in the world, and a component of the US Intelligence Community, the “rule of law” does not apply to you. You do not have to justify your actions to any court of law or regulatory body, much less to some mid-list author whose income and reputation you are maliciously damaging.
That un-moderated preview did not say “attachment”, so here it is again:
A little personal computer update. For two weeks, all my right wing sites have been going down up to ten times a day for at least 5 minutes….sometimes longer. I just spoke to the Windstream tech and he said the lines are clear. So that means there could be a bug in the comp (I don’t see how) or the sites are being externally censored. I have a new comp coming, so I’ll know for sure in a couple of weeks. Meanwhile, I took at least 80 screen shots to document what was happening. Here’s what it looks like.
Here’s the 2nd video from Dr. Poornima Wagh from August 7th…..this woman is a bastion of truth when it comes to virus fraud. What an inspiration.
Yet again, from Jim’s Bitchute…..Indian-American virologist/immunologist Poornima Wagh exposing the scam of the ‘vid. I’ve seen her before and there’s no holding back. Please watch the entire video, but to get to what she calls the “meat”, go to 35 minutes.
…….”virology is a fraudulent field”.
As most of us on this blog know……the entire planet has been a victim of an enormous hoax…..the likes of which has never been tried before. THOSE RESPONSIBLE MUST BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE OR THEY WILL JUST DO IT AGAIN.
Here’s Hopkins in an interview with Catherine Austin Fitts…very revealing….
Is anyone else on this blog experiencing Internet outages several…..sometimes up to 8 times a day………..? My experience is that only the alternate sites go down for anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes…..sites like this blog, Whatfinger, Zerohedge and Jim Stone. But what is even more interesting is that (now in Posers…….er, I mean Pozner’s possession) DOES NOT GO DOWN. Go figger, eh?
This man predicted what we now face in the USA. Link attached.
One would expect with the German’s history they would be quite cautious. But with todays degree of propaganda (also known as outright lies), history and common sense seem to take second and third place to fear and conditioning. Mix in a potion of guilt and there we have Germany’s bending the knee. Although, We the People here in the US are not far behind. We’re sitting here as victims of the most fraudulent election in our history, an out of control and rogue FBI, an incoherent puppet named Brandon, a media totally under control of small hats, the bogus Jan 6th “trial”, critical race theory, 11 and 12 year old hysterectomies, 100’s of pronouns and a total dissolution of common sense, common law and common decency. From where I sit, Germany has nothing on us……..the supposedly freest people on earth. Wow, speak of delusion.
I was at a local music concert in Vail last night, not one person seen in a mass and there was 3,000 people there. As back to normal as we get. Everybody was having a great time. About half way through their set, the drummer collapsed in convulsions or seizure. Don’t know there’s a difference. The concert ended right there as an ambulance showed up a few minutes later.
The band’s leader owns a club that required vaccine certification to enter as soon as the vaxx was available. It’s pretty safe to say everyone in his band took the shot. Hard to say if this was related to the vaxx.
We’ll never know since apparently autopsies are now verboten, eh? And even if he was given an autopsy, it would likely be blamed on that new thing called “sudden adult death syndrome or whatever the hell they use as the current term.
Tried to post a couple of time…..usually try more, but I am coming down with Carpal….no joke
An interesting post from Jim Stone, who is now living somewhere outside his home (at least that’s his story) since his wife threw him out after a psychotic episode as a result of her thyroid removal. “Sound so fake, it must be real”. He’s also searching for gold nuggets in Mexico to supplement his income. Anyway, here’s the post that may be helpful to those of you (99% of the population, I would imagine) who carry devices.
This is why I did not post yesterday, I had to get to a safer area.
How the bug works:
You go to a store. Buy your stuff. The attendant at the counter has a cell phone set to continuously scan for nearby devices. If a new device has been detected for the first time, the phone dings and the option appears to bug the device on the spot, even if the phone number is not known. Then, since you know the location of whoever you bugged from that point on, you can send people to rob/kidnap/murder and I just found out yesterday this is how the cartels get it done. This happened to me and it wrecked posting for Friday.
All of my devices can have the batteries taken out so I was able to lay low but it took an entire day to get “out of there” safely, I left long before sunrise and this is my first post afterward. The devices are still obviously bugged but since they would have no interest in me other than to rob me, if I am out of their zone there’s no problem.
I was stupid with how I got bugged. I won’t make the same mistake again, (count on it), I went into a small local store out in the boonies and bought a cheap shirt and a snack. I got into a conversation with the girl and told her I was out there with a metal detector looking for nuggets. (There is going to have to be a way to pay for this site when everything gets shut down,) and I am for a short time trying this because nuggets are EVERYWHERE in Mexico, it’s not like the United States where 900,000 people have been over the gold sites, with a detector you have a real chance of making a living – Anyway, once she saw the detector that was it, she nailed my sh*t and my internet started running like crap, right there, in the store, during using the translator, live. I know how my devices act. I knew what happened right after she toyed with her phone for a bit.
I knew these bugs existed, but thought that only “privileged people” had access to them. That’s not the case at all, as it turns out, if you pay enough for the bug you get the whole shebang and can do NSA level stuff where you just get close enough to someone to identify their devices and you can be bugged on the spot, even if they never knew you. This goes back to operation talpiot, minix, “the operating system under the operating system” – THAT. Your cell phone can NEVER be turned off unless it is one the battery can be taken out of, how can it possibly be turned off when if you go to charge it, a cute nicely formed motion video graphic of a charging battery shows up? “Off” is fiction, and the bugging software exploits that.
The normal bug that’s relatively cheap requires knowing the phone number and it gets placed with a call that does not talk. All you have to do is pick up the phone. Even the cheap bug that requires the phone number can jump into every other device you have, the expensive bug turns your phone into one that can jump into any device that approaches.
SO HEADS UP: Bill Gates walks around in plain clothes for a reason. If you are in a shady area and you pull up in your Escalade dressed to the hilt, your devices can be nailed and this is one way “random and mysterious” robberies and carjackings can be accomplished.
The only defense agains this type of thing is to own devices with removable batteries, and those are getting few and far between. But are still somewhat readily available if you don’t need one that can have 30 facebook pages open while streaming on zoom and uploading to TikTok, or your phone is not a fashion statement.
Jim, that’s next level paranoia my friend. Just because you’re paranoid, doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you! HA HA. That’s some crazy shit about the bugging. I have threatened to ditch the cell phone many times. Just one more reason, eh? Just wanted to weigh in on the carpal…. Perhaps you already know that it’s often mis-diagnosed. Not saying it’s not what afflicts you, just saying that surgery is something to avoid whenever possible. I have avoided the knife for decades with fantastic message therapy treatments. Between all the overuse of construction and guitar playing, I have suffered severe carpal tunnel symptoms that destroys restful sleep. Pain so excruciating you want to amputate below the elbows. What I have discovered is it’s the entire chain of muscles, tendons, ligaments going from hands to wrists to elbow to shoulders and beyond. I get immediate relief with these treatments that lasts for quite a while. What takes real discipline is learning and doing the special stretches religiously once you get tuned up. If you have never tried it, give it a shot. You might find it works well enough to avoid the tunnel surgery.
Dave…I appreciate the input. I have no intention of succumbing to surgery. Doctors are not a part of my life. I had the same experience with my left hand last year and eventually, it healed. I now use a wrist support intermittently and do all sorts of exercises. It’s getting better. From what I have read, surgery rarely helps the problem and tends to create more than it fixes.