Brooke Kato
[Editor’s note: The US was embarrassed by Sputnik (the first satellite in space launched by the USSR) and, to demonstrate US technical and scientific superiority, decided to land a man on the moon by the end of the decade as proof. When it turned out to be physically and technically impossible, we faked it. I have done a lot on moon fakery, where one of my most recent presentations can be viewed here: “The Moon Landing Hoax: How we Know we Didn’t Go”.]
Was the giant leap for mankind really just a giant lie?
Conspiracy theorists think so.
The theory that the Apollo 11 moon landing was a hoax by the US government lives on, despite video and photo evidence of Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong planting the country’s flag in space.
While conspiracy theorists believe it would have been cheaper and easier to fake the landing than to really achieve it, there have been six manned moon landings, which took place from 1969 to 1972.
Despite theories circulating about the first landing being fabricated, the others have not been exempt from disbelievers.
In fact, the same theorists believe they’ve spotted an odd figure in the visor of one of the astronauts in a clip of the 1972 Apollo 17 mission.
The Apollo 17 moon landing isn’t safe from conspiracy theorists, as one claims a strange figure appears in an astronaut’s visor.YouTube/Streetcap1
Leery observers are questioning the reflection of a mysterious figure.YouTube/Streetcap1
The moon landings have been criticized by conspiracy theorists as fabricated, despite those claims being debunked.Getty ImagesMarking the last manned trip to the moon, the astronauts on board — commander Gene Cernan, lunar module pilot Harrison “Jack” Schmitt and command module pilot Ronald Evans — were the final people to touch down.
In a video titled “Reflection in a Visor. Where’s the reflection of the camera taking the photo?” user Streetcap1 claims the shot has evidence of illegitimacy as he narrates his findings in the clip, which was posted in 2017.
The YouTuber claims a reflection in the visor of one of the astronauts shows a “stagehand” — and, allegedly, the person is not wearing a spacesuit, furthering claims of fabrication.
s have been criticized by conspiracy theorists as fabricated, despite those claims being debunked.Getty ImagesMarking the last manned trip to the moon, the astronauts on board — commander Gene Cernan, lunar module pilot Harrison “Jack” Schmitt and command module pilot Ronald Evans — were the final people to touch down.
In a video titled “Reflection in a Visor. Where’s the reflection of the camera taking the photo?” user Streetcap1 claims the shot has evidence of illegitimacy as he narrates his findings in the clip, which was posted in 2017.
The YouTuber claims a reflection in the visor of one of the astronauts shows a “stagehand” — and, allegedly, the person is not wearing a spacesuit, furthering claims of fabrication.
“You can see some sort of, it looks like a man, back in the early ’70s, long hair, wearing some sort of waistcoat-type thing … and a shadow of that figure, presumably,” the narrator claimed, using his mouse to outline the figure as he talks.
“Where’s this guy’s space suit?” he continued later in the clip, which has been viewed more than 2.8 million times.
But not everyone in the comments was convinced of the YouTuber’s supposed discovery.
“The curvature of the astronaut’s visor causes a fish-eye lens effect. Just Google ‘fish eye lens pics’ and you will see how distorted they are. When you look at the shadow you can clearly see the boxy shape of his life support system,” argued one user in the comments.
“To me it clearly looks like another astronaut with the white, bulky spacesuit. you can see that he has both arms slightly stretched forward and the shadow shows the bulkyness of the spacesuit, including the life support on his back,” another commented.
“I’ve always thought it was a hoax since we didn’t go back in modern times,” claimed someone else.
Nonbelievers of the Apollo missions claim the US government fabricated each intergalactic journey in order to beat the rest of the world to the moon and win the “space race.”
The only thing that landed on the moon is people’s imagination.
One small step for man kind or one big lie…
We got there on our very first try
No one wonders why,
We never went back, didn’t try
Wake up America, Wake Up
Tricky Dick dropped a dime…
he called Neil right on time.
he said well done lads…
here’s your merit badge
a golden ring of square and compass
This is just a section of my song. It’s my version of subliminal truth spreading instead of confronting people head on. The last time I went head on with it, was my uncle. I had not seen him in 40 years plus. He was once the warden of the Maryland State Penitentiary, a College Professor and a Korean War Vet. Right after I said the moon landings were faked I regretted it just by the tortured look on his face. It’s funny, my Dad’s Dad knew the Moon Landings were faked at the time it happened and said so. My father made fun of him for it. I had no reason to question the moon missions, but I was 8 when the Apollo 11 happened. It was the only time I heard it questioned until maybe 2007… right after 911 being an inside job was gaining traction on the Net. The way I see it, 911 is the watershed — crossing the Rubicon — moment. If you can’t cross that river, you are unlikely to doubt Sandy Hoax and it’s clones, George Bush is good Christian, Bill Clinton is a good ‘ole boy, JFK, the Kung Flu jive and the whole kit and caboodle
Millions of people know and accept the moon missions were faked. After coming to terms with the Moon Missions being a colossal lie, the instant reaction is to examine the Space Shuttle “Program”… just think about using that word. Just like Television. Then think about how most if not all you know about the space program comes from TV. Mine goes deeper having known two NASA engineers, one on Apollo and the other Life Support on the Space Shuttle. One is still alive, though I have lost touch with him. With the NDA he had to sign, I think it’s pretty pointless trying to get any confirmations of the scam. I simply don’t need them to see the obvious flaws in logic.
Once you dig into the Space Shuttle, it falls apart quickly as just another huge deception. The first thing you should notice is having the balls to call the shuttle a glider when it lands. If it looks nothing like any glider you’ve ever seen, it’s not a glider. And when it does land, why the fuck wouldn’t they land it where it took off? Wouldn’t that be a fuck load better idea than mounted atop a 747 and risking crashing the thing just taking off? or landing it?
My gut tells me the Shuttle they load atop a 747 is a stage prop that weighs a small fraction of the one that lands. I bet no one thought of that one. We could rip the Space Station to shreds in a few minutes just watching the high light reel of the antics of the crew. Just start with their artificially happy shit eating grins. Then watch the numerous chroma key drop outs. Line that up with the 17,000 mph speed it supposedly travels. They went too far with the fantasy when they took the car to the moon, that set the bar just a little too far, so they played golf and made par and stuck the change in a jar, the change from a trillion dollar swindle… astro… astro-not.
Dave, speaking of the Rubicon….first book I read re 9/11 was Crossing the Rubicon…The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil….Michael Ruppert. I just found it to make sure I still had it and noticed the forward was written by Catherine Austin Fitts. There’s still info in that book I have seen nowhere else.
Dave: The sad fact is that over 95+% of America believes that Sandy Hook was a real mass murder. The same goes for Boston Marathon Hoax and dozens more. The US keeps crossing the Rubicon over and over and over. Its one swindle after another with no end in sight. ALL of the talk radio and news shows still report on these frauds as if real. I hear it every week, including this week!
One of most telling frauds of the Apollo Moon landing is this. Their films show crew members entering the lander vehicle after walking around on the moon and they are covered with moon dust. This is an impossibility. Why? Because no moon dirt is allowed to be inside the lander cabin. There must be a ”clean room” where the crew can change into clean clothes before they enter the main compartment of the lander. The movies got this correct.
File: inside the 2001 movie moon lander’s ”clean room”.
I read a couple years ago that NASA is desperate to get the crew on the moon into their walk-around space suits when they’re outside the lander….just imagine that feat.
So they exit the lander door and then slip into their space suits. They walk around the moon, then doff their dirty space suits outside, climb the ladder and enter the lander.
Good luck doing that.!!!! Or some other similar scenario.
This new style of writing is a great way to document the truth.